But the next moment, Zhang Kun was embarrassed.

Long Shao walked over as if he hadn't seen him.

The next moment, he saw Ye Yi on the sofa, and Long Fei hurried over respectfully. He even walked in front of Ye Yi in a humble and polite manner.

He respectfully called Ye Yi"Ye Yi".

""Brother Ye! Why didn't you tell me you were here so I could entertain you?"

Long Fei's words were very polite.

But his voice was very loud, spreading throughout the hall and everyone's ears.

Suddenly, everyone was dumbfounded! It was a complete sensation.

Zhang Kun was dumbfounded. This was Young Master Long. He knew very well how amazing Young Master Long was.

The eldest son of the Long family, the first of the four great families in Yangcheng, and one of the most powerful young masters in the whole of Yangcheng.

But this young master actually turned a blind eye to him and went directly to see Ye Yi. He was so respectful.

Facing Ye Yi was like facing some big shot. How could this be possible!

He didn't believe it.

But he had to believe it. Soon he was shocked in his heart.

How could he not be shocked?

Young Master Long was so polite and respectful to Ye Yi.���What kind of identity would Yi De have.

Thinking of Zhang Kun, he was no longer shocked, but terrified.

Young Master Long was such a respectful person, but he actually offended him.

At this moment, he regretted it very much. What was he going to do? How could he offend Ye Yi!

After regretting it, Zhang Kun was embarrassed and completely slapped in the face.

Just now he mocked Ye Yi.

But now Young Master Long had to kowtow to Ye Yi.

Of course he was slapped in the face.

Mina was dumbfounded.

She had heard Zhang Kun mention how powerful Young Master Long was many times, and it seemed that he was still the head of the four wealthy families.

Just now, Zhang Kun had boasted many times about how powerful the Long family was and how expensive the Long Club was!

Didn't you see that Zhang Kun was always polite to Young Master Long?

But Young Master Long didn't even look at him.

But now such a powerful Young Master Long was actually respectful to Ye Yi.

He also called him Brother Ye.

Mina was not a fool.

Thinking of Ye Yi's super luxury car again.

Of course, it was completely confirmed that Ye Yi was really a rich second generation, and a super rich second generation.

Not pretending!

It's true!

After being completely sure, Mina regretted it even more. She almost fainted with regret.

Even Young Master Long was so polite to Ye Yi, what kind of background did Ye Yi have?

She could have been Ye Yi's wife.

But she missed it completely.

The classmates were also completely shocked.

They had heard Zhang Kun brag many times before and knew how powerful Young Master Long was. They had just heard Zhang Kun brag many times before!

But such a powerful Young Master Long was so polite to Ye Yi.

They were like brothers!

The classmates were not stupid and immediately confirmed that Ye Yi was a real rich second generation.

And a super rich second generation.

After confirming it, the classmates were of course shocked.

This... Even Young Master Long was so polite to Ye Yi, he must be a super rich second generation.

I'm afraid he's even more powerful than the Long family.

They actually had a super rich second generation classmate, so of course they were shocked!

After being shocked, all the classmates were slapped in the face.

Their faces were full of shame. They just thought Ye Yi was a liar and had ridiculed him a lot.

But now Ye Yi is so amazing.

Of course they are ashamed.

Liu Gui was also watching this scene, and was shocked beyond words.

Liu Gui had also seen Long Fei, and knew how powerful Long Fei was.

The young master of the Long family, the young master of the Long family with real assets of hundreds of billions.

If he stomped his feet, the whole Yangcheng would be shaken.

As a result, the young master of the Long family was so polite to Ye Yi.

He called Ye Yi Brother Ye.

Of course, he was completely shocked.

After being shocked, Liu Gui was not stupid, and he immediately confirmed that Ye Yi was definitely a super rich second generation.

Absolutely sure!

Of course, after being sure, Liu Gui just felt very happy!

Especially when he saw Zhang Kun's face, he felt even more happy.

This was simply the refreshing feeling after being slapped in the face!

It was so cool.

Liu Gui just felt that it was especially worthwhile to come here tonight.

Ye Yi smiled.

He was still guessing during the day whether the Long Club belonged to Long Fei.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yi was completely sure.

But after a smile.

Of course, Ye Yi was very grateful to Long Fei, a good brother.

It came at the right time.

This slap in the face was awesome.

Ye Yi immediately smiled at Long Fei

"Brother Long, you are here too. What a coincidence."

Ye Yi smiled and quickly stood up.

He is just like that. If others are polite to him,

Ye Yi will be even more polite.

Long Fei has always been very nice to him, so Ye Yi naturally gave him face.

Long Fei smiled and explained to Ye Yi that this was their family's property.

Ye Yi was more certain when he heard it.

As Ye Yi and Long Fei chatted, a group of people finally came back to their senses from the shock.

But the look in their eyes when they looked at Ye Yi was completely different.

The girls admired him one after another, and each one wanted to be Ye Yi's girlfriend directly.

The male classmates also Is extremely admiring, wishing to be the Ye Yi in the field.

As for Mina, there is only regret in her eyes!

Zhang Kun's old face was extremely red.

Zhang Kun was completely scared.

At this time, how could he still have the mind to compete with Ye Yi?

He was only afraid.

This is a person that Long Shao respects, and one sentence can make him disappear into ashes.

Zhang Kun is just arrogant, but he is not a fool.

So he knows how much he weighs.

From this moment on, Zhang Kun didn't dare to provoke Ye Yi at all. He didn't have the mind to compare with Ye Yi.

It's still important to save his life.

Isn't it better for him to be alive?

"Are you guys having a party? Why are you using this kind of private room? Brother Ye is here and we can't use such an ordinary private room."

"I quickly told someone to waive your bill and then move you to the Imperial Room."

Long Fei is also a smart man.

He knew at a glance that Ye Yi and the others were having a party.

So he immediately said that he would change the private room to Ye Yi and the others.

He would also give them a free bill.

When he heard that this private room was so bad, Long Fei immediately wanted to change them to the Emperor Private Room.

And it was free.

Zhang Kun was shocked at first. The Emperor Private Room cost at least tens of millions a night!

How could he not be shocked?

And it was free?

But he soon felt ashamed!

He borrowed so much money to get an ordinary private room.

As a result, Long Shao directly disliked it for being too bad.

He wanted to change Ye Yi to the best private room for free.

This is the gap.

After feeling the gap, Zhang Kun was so embarrassed that he almost crawled into the ground!

Especially since he had just mocked Ye Yi so much. He felt even more embarrassed.

Ye Yi could of course see that Long Fei was giving him face.

He quickly waved his hand to refuse.

Isn't it just five or six million? It's nothing for Ye Yi to give it casually.

Or it's also easy for Long Fei to give it a free bill.

But Ye Yi doesn't want a free bill.

He will continue to step on Zhang Kun and step on Zhang Kun back!

Only in this way will it be worth coming here tonight.

Ye Yi smiled quickly.

He immediately looked at Zhang Kun

"Haha, you don't need to get a free meal now, because we have the most powerful Mr. Zhang Kun who has billions of assets here."

""Why did Zhang Kun settle the bill so quickly?"

Ye Yi said calmly.

But when Zhang Kun heard it, he felt it was even more ironic than irony.

His old face turned green.

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