All kinds of dirty tricks were used.

They all wanted to swallow up the other to strengthen themselves.

But the four wealthy families had a very good relationship.

They always stood together.

And Long Fei was also a close friend of them.

So he agreed.

He asked Ye Yi right away.

Long Fei was afraid that Ye Yi would be unhappy.

So of course he had to ask.

When Ye Yi heard it, he thought it was something else.

It turned out to be this kind of thing.

Just introduce a few more young masters of wealthy families to him, and they were all young masters and young ladies of the four wealthy families in Yangcheng.

Of course Ye Yi was happy.

He needed connections the most now.

As long as he had connections, Ye Yi would be happy. If he could make more friends with young masters, Ye Yi would be happy. He was also willing.

Why would Ye Yi disagree? It's not a bad thing.

"No problem, then I will meet them tomorrow, I also want to make more friends."

Ye Yi agreed readily.

When Long Fei heard this, he was overjoyed.

How could he not be overjoyed?

He thought Ye Yi would refuse, but he didn't expect Ye Yi to agree so quickly.

Of course he was overjoyed.

After being overjoyed, he didn't say much.

So he hung up the phone readily.

It was agreed that the move-in ceremony would be held tomorrow morning.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Yi went to play Landlord happily again.

How to relieve worries? Only get rich! Getting rich quickly has satisfied him, but it still doesn't relieve his worries, so there is only Landlord.

Well, Landlord is really good.

Soon it was the next day.

Ye Yi got up very early in the morning.

After breakfast, the girl from Long's Real Estate contacted Ye Yi again.

She said that the entrance to Yangcheng Guoshuyuan was ready.

Just let Ye Yi go.

The so-called move-in ceremony is actually a spectacular performance at the entrance, with singing and dancing.

Then everywhere Hanging red lanterns, letting the whole villa park know that Villa No. 1 has been bought.

A move-in ceremony was held.

In fact, it was not a very high-end thing.

It was purely an activity given by the real estate developer.

But Ye Yi thought it was too low-end, so he asked to cut the scale again and again.

Hundreds of young models were cut down to only a dozen.

Anyway, Ye Yi was not going there for the sake of being a country bumpkin, he just wanted to get to know more other owners of the villa park.

Make more connections.

The entrance to Yangcheng Guoshuyuan was not far away, that is, the main entrance of the villa park.

Ye Yi could actually walk there, but it would take 20 to 30 minutes.

Ye Yi simply drove the 8 million Rolls-Royce away.

This Rolls-Royce was low-key and not ostentatious.

It was also Ye Yi's favorite car.

Soon Ye Yi arrived at the entrance of Yangcheng Guoshuyuan, and at this time there were big red lanterns everywhere.

Firecrackers were also being set off.

Many owners had gathered around.

Everyone knew that today was the move-in ceremony for Villa No. 1, and they all wanted to see the legendary owner of Villa No. 1.

So all the beautiful ladies in the entire Guoshu Garden came.

Half of the owners of Guoshu Garden also came.

Everyone was curious about the legendary super rich boy.

This was the man who bought Villa No. 1 for 3 billion!

Not only were there many owners surrounding the scene, but there were also more than a dozen young models.

Each young model was more beautiful than the other, and even among the young models, they were the best.

Very eye-catching.

Many of them were even better looking than celebrities.

It was obvious that the Long family had put a lot of thought into completing this move-in ceremony. They specially picked the best young models to come.

As Ye Yi arrived at the scene.

Although he was only driving an eight million Rolls-Royce, it was very ordinary in Guoshu Garden.

But this is exactly what shows that low I can afford it. How can it be available? Substantishment , they all knew that the owners of the No. 1 villa were more rich. After all

, he could n't see such a big and young. After all , the villa garden suddenly came. Of course , they wanted to hold Ye Yi 's thigh. There were three people around Long Fei. One woman and two men. The woman was about 20 years old, and the man was in his 20s. They were obviously the young masters and young ladies of the four wealthy families that Long Fei mentioned.

"Brother Ye, let me introduce you. This is Qi Xin, the daughter of the Qi family. The Qi family is the second of the four wealthy families."

Qi Xin is about 20 years old.

As Long Fei introduced her, she playfully stuck out her tongue at Ye Yi.

She looked quite quirky.

She gave Ye Yi the feeling of a little witch.

In fact, Ye Yi was not wrong. Qi Xin was really a little witch.

At least Long Shao and the others were very afraid of Qi Xin.

She was also a witch with a far-reaching reputation in the circle of wealthy families. Men trembled and cried out for a headache when they heard about it.

But the Qi family has a deep background and is the second of the four wealthy families.

No one dares to offend them. Isn't it infuriating?

Of course, although Qi Xin is playful, she looks very beautiful. She has more than 9 points without makeup.

Among the girls Ye Yi has seen, only Zhao Lu and Wei Xin can compare.

It can be seen that appearance can beat

"This is Wu Kun, the young master of the Wu family, the third of the four great families."

"This is Du Wei, the young master of the Du family, and the fourth of the four great families."

Long Fei immediately introduced the two young men next to Ye Yi.

After Long Fei finished the introduction,

Qi Xin, Wu Kun, and Du Wei were also naturally looking at Ye Yi.

They found that Ye Yi was indeed very low-key!

They were even more certain that Ye Yi was unfathomable.

They had all heard that Ye Yi not only bought Villa No. 1, but also bought Hongtai Group.

How could such a rich man only drive a Rolls-Royce?

This is deliberately low-key!

They felt that Ye Yi was unfathomable, and were even more certain that he was definitely a young master of aristocratic family.

The more background a person has, the more low-key he is these days.

If Ye Yi was ostentatious, they would look down on Ye Yi.

And they were sure that the three of them would make up their minds to make friends with Ye Yi in the future.

Especially Qi Xin.

Looking at Ye Yi, she only felt that he was so handsome. She didn't know why, but she suddenly had a good impression of him.

It was the first time she faced a boy and felt moved!

But soon Qi Xin forced herself to ignore that feeling

"Hello, hello, Master Ye."

Qi Xin was the first to greet Ye Yi, and spoke in a quirky way.

Ye Yi had a headache, it was really a witch

"Hello Mr. Ye"

"Hello, Mr. Ye."

Wu Kun and Du Wei were already used to the lawlessness of the little witch, so they were just embarrassed for a moment.

Ye Yi certainly didn't care.

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