Finally, Liu Gui had to agree.

So Ye Yi transferred money directly to Liu Gui. The meal cost about 300,000 yuan, and Liu Gui and Zhang Kun spent 150,000 yuan each.

But Ye Yi directly transferred 3 million to Liu Gui!

Now Ye Yi has 1.5 billion in his card, so much money that he has no place to spend it.

If he was not afraid of scaring Liu Gui, he would have wanted to transfer 30 million directly.

But after receiving 3 million, Liu Gui was stunned for a moment.


I only spent 150,000 yuan, but you gave me 3 million, which is 20 times the money.

Boss, did you input an extra zero because your hands are shaking?

He was stunned.

How could he not be stunned?

Although Liu Gui's family is rich, they only give him 300,000 yuan in pocket money a month.

Ye Yi just transferred 3 million yuan casually.

How rich must Ye Yi's family be to be able to take out 3 million yuan at will?

He couldn't imagine it at all.

But soon Liu Gui was overjoyed and hugged Ye Yi intimately. He didn't care that he was a grown man at all.

He asked Ye Yi enthusiastically

"Do you like men? I think I can replace Mina."

""Get lost."

Ye Yi replied to Liu Gui speechlessly.

Liu Gui did not feel embarrassed, but he was more certain that Ye Yi was definitely a big shot.

Ye Yi quickly sent Liu Gui back to Shuangya University.

Shuangya University is one of the top ten universities in the country and the best in Tianhai Province.

The school naturally needs no introduction.

It is rich in cultural heritage, magnificent and domineering.

At this time, there were hundreds or thousands of students at the gate of Shuangya University. As Ye Yi's 80 million poison arrived, all the students were shocked.

Many classmates recognized that this was an 80 million top luxury car.

The boys looked at the luxury car with admiration.

The female classmates' eyes lit up, and they wished they could jump on the passenger seat and become Ye Yi's girlfriend.

Ye Yi was handsome, and he was even more handsome when he drove an 80 million luxury car with one hand!

So of course the female classmates' eyes lit up.

"Isn't that Ye Yi? How come he drives a luxury car worth 80 million? I never heard that he has so much money."

Soon a student recognized Ye Yi and said immediately.

After all, Ye Yi is a junior, and many people in the school know him. In addition, he is tall, handsome, and the most popular person in the class. He is also a close friend of Liu Gui, a rich second-generation.

So it is not surprising that someone knows Ye Yi.

As this student spoke, the students next to him immediately looked at him with a smile on their faces.

"I'm going to tell you, don't you? It's all over the school now."

"It is said that Ye Yi is a hidden super rich second generation, just to test his girlfriend Mina pretending to be an ordinary person"

"As a result, on the last day of the test, Mina went with Zhang Kun. Now the one called Mina is about to collapse."

"Now the whole school is talking about this matter. It is said that he didn't make it to the last day after six years."

The classmate spoke immediately.

What he said was indeed the truth. Now this matter has spread throughout the school.

Many students know about it.

It happened that he also knew it, so he said it out.

The student understood it as soon as he heard it.

After understanding it, he admired Ye Yi very much.

How could he not admire him?

Pretending to be poor for six years just to test his ex-girlfriend?

Of course, he thought that Mina was an idiot, otherwise how could she miss such a super rich second generation on the last day.

Ye Yi naturally didn't know that he had become a celebrity in the school now.

After sending Liu Gui back, Ye Yi drove away with the poison.

As he drove away, Ye Yi remembered that Villa No. 1 still had to be transferred.

Now it has only been bought.

The transfer has not yet been done.

So Ye Yi Decided to transfer the ownership of Villa No. 1 first.

Ye Yi had also heard of Long's Real Estate Company, the largest and most powerful real estate company in Yangcheng.

It is said to be a large enterprise. It is an enterprise with great influence in the entire Tianhai Province!

And Yangcheng Guoshuyuan is a villa area that Long's Real Estate spent ten years to build. It is said to be the most powerful villa area in the whole Yangcheng.

Villa No. 1 is the most powerful villa in the entire Yangcheng villa park.

The price is 3 billion, which shows how powerful it is.

Ye Yi quickly drove to Long's Real Estate Company, but was speechless when he arrived.

The system only said that it had been bought.

Let him go to transfer the ownership.

But it didn't say who to contact specifically. What should he say when he came here?

He didn't know anyone.

How could he tell the people in the real estate company?

But since he was already here, and based on his trust in the system, Ye Yi could only bite the bullet and go in to take a look.

Long's Real Estate Company is indeed the largest real estate company in the city.

It is so luxurious.

Ye Yi quickly walked to the sales hall.

As expected, there were people coming and going here, and there were many beautiful salespeople.

Long's Real Estate Company does not sell ordinary properties, but the top-notch properties.

Houses in first-tier cities are expensive to begin with.

Long's Real Estate is the most aristocratic of the rich.

You can imagine.

So even an ordinary salesperson inside is so beautiful, and her temperament is top-notch.

As soon as you enter here, you can feel the top-notch status of this company.

As Ye Yi entered here, many salespeople saw Ye Yi. But she ignored Ye Yi.

Ye Yi looked very ordinary in her dress and she was still a student.

How could she afford such a high-end luxury house?

You have to know that this is Long's Real Estate Company. The cheapest luxury house sold here costs 50 million yuan, and villas generally cost more than 100 or 200 million yuan.

Only a few people in the whole of Guangzhou can afford it.

How could a student like this afford it?

Seeing that the salesperson ignored him, Ye Yi was not embarrassed and could only walk around Long's Real Estate.

And at this moment, a beautiful saleswoman came out.

This beautiful saleswoman was called Ziyun. She was a new salesperson, so she was not as snobbish as the old salesperson.

When she saw a young man, she thought he looked good.

So she came over to greet Ye Yi.

"Hello, sir. Do you need to buy a house? My name is Ziyun, the salesperson here. I can introduce you."

Ziyun introduced to Ye Yi very politely.

Ye Yi also saw Ziyun and had a good first impression of this salesperson.

The others were very snobbish, but this salesperson was pretty good.

Ye Yi quickly looked at the salesperson and said directly that he was here to transfer the ownership of Villa No. 1.

Ye Yi also knew that it was embarrassing to say this, but there was no way, the system did not say how to transfer ownership.

"Hello, I am here to transfer the ownership of Villa No. 1. I have already bought Villa No. 1 and now I am here to complete the transfer procedures."

Ye Yi looked at Ziyun and said.

But as soon as he said this, before Ziyun could speak, the people around him all looked at Ye Yi with ridicule.

They all surrounded him.

How could he not ridicule?

That is Villa No. 1, famous throughout Guangzhou, no one can afford it, and it is worth 3 billion.

But now a young man has such a wild idea that he shamelessly says he has already bought it.

He is still a student.

So is he still dreaming?

Everyone looked at Ye Yi with sarcasm.

It seems that they want to see how shameless this young man is.

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