At this time, Hong Niu was not arrogant at all. He just wanted to survive.

Or he would be satisfied if he didn't die so miserably.

After hearing what the young masters said, the people around him were even more shocked.

How could they not be shocked?

This is the eldest master and daughter of Yangcheng.

What a powerful status, the four wealthy families.

As a result, the eldest and daughter of the four wealthy families said that they were not as good as Ye Yi.

And they were so respectful to Ye Yi.

I'm afraid Ye Yi is at least the eldest son of aristocratic family!

They were even more shocked.

At the same time, they envied Zhao Fu's family even more.

After all, they have embraced the thighs of aristocratic families, how could they not be envious?

Of course, each one was more envious than the other!

Fulin also spoke at this time. He was very sensible to be able to mix with the big boss of Yangcheng.

He knew that he had to let the master show first. After the masters had performed, he also showed his face in front of Ye Yi appropriately.

In this way, the young master can remember him as a person. Only then can he cling to the thighs!

So Fulin spoke.

"Please speak up, Master Ye. As long as Master Ye says a word, any solution will be fine."

"I will do it without leaving any trace"

"Of course, I believe that everyone present is smart, and no one would say anything nonsense, right?"

Folin looked at the people around him.

Everyone around him waved their hands very smartly.

"Don't worry, we didn't see anything."

"Yes, I am born nearsighted."

"I am even more miserable. Hard of hearing, what were you talking about just now?"

Everyone around was playing dumb.

Don't think that they are big shots in the eyes of others.

But they are nothing in front of Fulin.

So they are more tactful than each other.

After hearing Fulin's words, Hongniu was frightened and paralyzed.

But he had no right to resist. He could only look at Ye Yi with pleading eyes.

He hoped that the young man would spare his life.

Ye Yi has never been a merciful person.

It happened that this kind of bully was dealt with, and it could be rid of harm for the people. Otherwise, let it harm people?

If there were no four wealthy families today, wouldn't Ye Yi be miserable?

Moreover, these two people actually wanted to swallow up the Zhao family by force.

The Zhao family is Ye Yi's bottom line.

Do you think Ye Yi will let them go?

"Not only do I want them to disappear from the face of the earth, I also want their families to be destroyed."

"Of course, if you have anything you can't do, you can tell me. I will support you in doing so in every way."

Ye Yi looked at Fulin and spoke domineeringly.

This is the true face of Ye Yi.

He has a decent side.

He also has a vicious side.

Those who offend me will not only die.

Hearing this,

Zhao Lu was immediately moved.

Her eyes were full of Ye Yi.

She felt full of security.

At this moment, Ye Yi was her male god, a complete male god.

She knew that Ye Yi did this for her.

So of course she was moved.

Long Fei and the other three young masters were also shocked.

This brother was vicious enough.

But they liked him.

Being both upright and vigorous, this is the style of the young masters of the aristocratic family!

Fulin immediately bowed his head respectfully. It

's just a small thing, what's the difficulty?

Hongniu was originally in the gray area. There are too many reasons to find a handle to bankrupt and destroy the family. He immediately replied concisely.

"It's a small matter, very simple."

Hongniu's eyes rolled back and he fainted.

Soon Fulin's men took Hongniu and Hongtai out.

Everyone in the room was pretending to be stupid.

As if they didn't see anything.

But Fulin still didn't count, but looked at the more than 100 men of Hongniu in the field.

"You all go to the hotel and kneel down. If anyone dares to escape, I will make him not see the sun tomorrow."

"This is what happens when you offend Master Ye."

"After this banquet is over, you can get out only after Master Ye nods."

Fulin spoke domineeringly.

Hongniu had fallen, and his subordinates were scattered.

Who dared to refute Fulin's words?

They all went to kneel down at the door of the hotel on the first floor.

More than a hundred people immediately caused a huge sensation.

So tabloid reporters came out to dig.

Only then did they know that a small leader had offended the owner of Villa No. 1.

So it was razed to the ground!

After getting the news topic, the tabloid reporters published it immediately.

So it immediately caused a huge sensation in Guangzhou.

Countless people turned their eyes to Villa No. 1 again.

Looked at the legendary owner.

Wanted to see the legendary owner.

After doing all these things, Ye Yi looked up to this Fulin. He was very good at doing things and Ye Yi liked him very much.

It just so happened that Ye Yi didn't want to owe anyone a favor.

So he immediately looked at Fulin and spoke.

"You did a great job, so I owe you a favor. I can help you once in the future."

Ye Yi smiled.

Fulin was very excited.

Didn't he come here just to hug the thigh?

Of course he was excited!

This was Ye Shao's promise.

Didn't you see that his four masters were all respectful?

"Thank you, Master Ye. Fulin will never forget your kindness."

Fulin was overjoyed.

After being overjoyed, he looked at Ye Yi and said respectfully.

Ye Yi himself did not like to show off.

He was approachable. He was immediately unhappy. He grabbed Fulin's hand and said,"

I'm so happy. I...

"Hey, what you said is too unfamiliar, what is Ye Shao, Ye Shao, when we meet, we are all friends or brothers"

"If you don't mind, call me Brother Ye from now on."

Ye Yi smiled.

He didn't distinguish between superiors and inferiors.

Hearing this, Fulin was even more excited. He was also more moved.

Young Master Ye, with his status, not only did not look down on him, but also treated him as a brother! Of course he was very moved. He was so moved at once.

Of course he didn't dare not give Ye Yi face, and soon called Ye Yi Brother Ye.

Although he was forty years old, more than ten years older than Ye Yi, he didn't dare to call him Brother Ye.

Instead, he called him Brother Ye.

In his opinion, being Young Master Ye's brother was a matter of honor, not a shame.

Ye Yi smiled.

Then he introduced Zhao Fu's family to Long Fei and his party.

"Haha brothers, let me introduce you, this is Zhao Fu, my uncle, and this is Zhong Nan, my aunt"

"This is Zhao Lu, my girlfriend, and Uncle Zhao Fu may be my father-in-law in the future."

After hearing Ye Yi's introduction, the people around him envied Zhao Fu even more!

They were even jealous.

In their opinion, Zhao Fu had no virtue to have a future son-in-law like Ye Shao!

Their daughters were also very beautiful.

Some were even comparable to Zhao Lu.

But no future son-in-law had ever been one percent as good as Ye Yi.

How could they not be jealous?

Of course they were extremely jealous.

After hearing this, Qi Xin was immediately jealous. She felt indescribably uncomfortable.

She didn't know why.

She had always regarded Wei Xin as a competitor before, but she never thought that a woman would appear.

This person is her biggest competitor.

After hearing Ye Yi's introduction,

Zhao Fu immediately held his chest high and was excited.

This is too proud!

Of course, besides being proud,

Zhao Fu was not arrogant.

He quickly shook hands with several young masters one by one, not to mention these young masters.

He couldn't even afford to offend Fulin.

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