The next morning, Ye Yi slept until eight or nine before getting up.

It was good that he didn't have to go to school!

At this time, Zhou Ling hadn't slept all night in the hotel!

Although Ye Yi left.

But she didn't sleep all night.

How could she sleep?

She thought Ye Yi was going to be her boyfriend.

But Ye Yi left suddenly.

So of course she couldn't sleep.

Did Ye Yi dislike her?

Did he not want her anymore?

She had all kinds of thoughts all night!

After thinking all night.

She couldn't help it anymore.

So she called Ye Yi directly.

She was completely in love with Ye Yi now.

So she couldn't help thinking about Ye Yi.

Ye Yi was at No. 1 Real Estate at this time, and suddenly received a call from Zhou Ling.

Ye Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Ye Yi actually didn't know how to face Zhou Ling.

To say that he and Zhou Ling were strangers.

But after what happened last night, although they didn't take the last step.

But it seemed to be more than ordinary friends!

To say she was a girlfriend, that was even more so!

So it was friendship offside, but not yet lovers?

Ye Yi hated this kind of relationship.

He didn't want such an awkward relationship to happen.

But there was nothing he could do.

Zhou Ling called me, so I just answered the phone.

"Ye Yi, do you really hate me?"

As soon as the call was connected,

Zhou Ling was on the other end. She began to question Ye Yi.

She couldn't sleep all night.

So she wanted an answer.

At the same time, she was extremely worried, afraid that Ye Yi would really answer that he hated her.

Ye Yi heard this and immediately didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"What are you thinking? Don't think too much. It's definitely not like that."

Ye Yi answered straightforwardly.

"So you are really not capable?"

Zhou Ling was worried.

This situation is even worse than the last one!

Ye Yi almost coughed in anger when he heard it.

What are you thinking about?

So of course Ye Yi was almost coughing in anger.

What does this girl think about every day?

"You think too much. My buddy really got into trouble last night. I went to check it out, and then went back to my newly bought house to sleep."

"By the way, the accommodation here is very good. Do you want to come and take a look? I just moved in last night."

Ye Yi felt that it was necessary to let Zhou Ling come and take a look.

Otherwise, this woman would definitely not believe it and might even have wild thoughts. Of course Zhou Ling was willing!

She was eager to get along with Ye Yi.

Anyway, she didn't have classes in the morning.

So of course she was willing to go and see Ye Yi.

So Ye Yi told Zhou Ling about the community and the floor.

Then Zhou Ling went downstairs and reported Ye Yi's name.

She successfully got in.

When she saw Property No. 1,

Zhou Ling was stunned.

This... What a beautiful house?

Is this Ye Yi's? This was the first time she had ever seen such a beautiful house.

This was amazing.

How rich must one be to afford such an expensive house!

But soon Zhou Ling felt that she was talking nonsense.

Would a super rich man like Ye Yi be short of money?

He could just transfer 20 million to herself!

"How much does this house cost? It's so beautiful."

"Is this yours, Ye Yi? Don't you have Villa No. 1? Why do you buy such a nice house?"

Zhou Ling exclaimed instantly.

Everyone in the school knew that Ye Yi had Villa No. 1.

So Zhou Ling naturally knew it too.

So she immediately asked Ye Yi,"You already have such a nice house.

Why did you buy such a nice house?

Isn't it just that you have money but nowhere to spend it?"

"Ten billion yuan, I just bought it."

Ye Yi did not hide it from Zhou Ling.

He answered Zhou Ling immediately.

Zhou Ling was scared when she heard it.

But Ye Yi thought of something when he looked at Zhou Ling.

Ye Yi usually has no time to live in Jiangjing Real Estate.

He usually lives in Villa No. 1.

But the house cannot be left unoccupied.

If no one lives in it, it will be like a haunted house, without any vitality.

So Ye Yi made up his mind, why not let Zhou Ling live in it and help her look after the house.

This can also solve Zhou Ling's accommodation problem.

There is no need to buy a house!

And even Zhou Ling's mother can be brought here to live, and then she can slowly heal her illness, right?

Of course, Ye Yi made up his mind instantly.

Just do it.

This idea is really good.

After making up his mind, Ye Yi of course directly invited Zhou Ling.

"Zhou Ling, you also know that I live in Villa No. 1 and rarely stay in this river view villa."

"But you also know that a house without people living in it will look empty, like a haunted house."

"So would you like to move here? Then you can help me look for a house."

"You can even bring your mother here to recuperate, and she can receive better treatment in big cities."

"This way you don’t have to pick another place or buy a house."

Ye Yi made up his mind and invited Zhou Ling directly.

Zhou Ling was shocked just now.

How could she not be shocked?

Ye Yi actually spent 1 billion to buy a house.

This is too rich.

But it must be said that this is indeed worth 1 billion.

After being shocked, she was frightened.

Ye Yi actually asked her to move in?

Help her look for a house?

Of course, after being stunned.

Zhou Ling was instantly overjoyed.

How could she not be happy?

She now wishes she could be closer to Ye Yi.

If she could live with Ye Yi.

Of course, she would be very willing and very happy!

After the joy.

Zhou Ling agreed.

Of course, Zhou Ling's mother Zhou Ling would not bring it here, after all, her mother is a patient.

It might dirty Ye Yi's mansion.

Zhou Ling can just rent a house for her mother.

Ye Yi doesn't care about those, but she can't take advantage of Ye Yi. She must think about Ye Yi.

Zhou Ling is also a girl with self-esteem.

Anyway, renting a very good house doesn't cost much a month.

Now Zhou Ling has 20 million.

She can easily take care of her mother

"Hello Ye Yi, I will move in and help you look after the house."

"But my mother doesn't need it. I can rent a house nearby for my mother and take good care of her." Zhou

Ling agreed immediately.

Ye Yi knew���Zhou Ling's worries.

Actually, Ye Yi really didn't mind bringing Zhou Ling's mother over.

But Zhou Ling was also a strong-willed girl.

Ye Yi simply didn't argue here.

If he rented a place nearby, he could also take good care of her mother.

Ye Yi didn't say much.

Anyway, renting a house didn't cost much. Zhou Ling agreed to move in.

Ye Yi gave Zhou Ling a key.

He had several keys.

So it wouldn't be a problem to give Zhou Ling a bunch.

After giving Zhou Ling the key, Zhou Ling could come and go freely. She could live here in the future.

Zhou Ling said that she would move in from the dormitory this afternoon.

Ye Yi didn't care, of course.

Zhou Ling could make the arrangements.

So Ye Yi left.

After Ye Yi left, he remembered the system prompt.

The system said that it was just transferring the group to Ye Yi, and Ye Yi was just becoming the chairman.

But Ye Yi still needed to take over.

This was Ye Yi's new super large group.

A group worth 20 billion.

There was no room for carelessness.

Especially after having experienced an unreliable general manager like Gu Dong, Ye Yi was even more worried about handing the responsibility over to his subordinates.

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