The crisis must be resolved immediately.

They must ask outsiders for help.

Only people from the outside world can save them.

But Wei Xin is not stupid. Who from the outside world can solve Gu Huo?

If she tells her parents, it will only cause two more casualties.

Wei Xin knows very well how powerful Gu Huo is.

So Wei Xin is obviously tangled!

Who should she ask for help?

It seems that no one can save her?

Wei Xin is desperate!

But the next moment, she suddenly thought of someone.

There is infinite light in her heart!

It seems that she has been saved. There is a glimmer of hope.

Ye Yi!

The owner of Villa No. 1.

Even Young Master Long has to be respectful to him.

Young Master Long is the eldest son of a super wealthy family!

The head of the four wealthy families, but they all have to be respectful to Ye Yi.

Ye Yi may be a big man with all the power.

This is her understanding.

Only Ye Yi can save her.

When she thought of Ye Yi, she made up her mind instantly and asked Ye Yi for help.

But she didn't have a particularly good relationship with Ye Yi. She was not a girlfriend either.

She was still a little tangled in her heart.

How could she not be tangled?

If she asked Ye Yi for help, would Ye Yi be disgusted?

Would he think she was clinging to power?

She was extremely conflicted!

But there was no other way now.

The only way was to ask Ye Yi for help.

She immediately sent the information of the club she was in, and then the private room, asking Ye Yi for help. She said that she was held hostage by the son of the underground leader!

But just after sending it.

Gu Huo over there became impatient.

Especially when he thought of Wei Xin's slender figure.

He couldn't hide it anymore!

Forget it, just possess her directly, he didn't want to wait a moment!

So he was going to do it hard right away.

Arrange for someone to take Wei Bin away.

Wei Bin knew that this beast was going to do something bad.

He roared and resisted.

He wanted to save his sister.

But it was useless.

He was immediately beaten half to death and taken away. Then Gu Huo walked towards the toilet with a wicked smile. He started kicking the door directly.

He was going to kick the door, and then immediately possess Wei Xin fiercely.

There were also several men following Gu Huo.

They also had wicked smiles on their faces.

After Gu Shao has tasted it, they can also taste it.

Of course, with an evil smile on his face! Gu Huo was kicking the door outside.

Wei Xin was even more desperate. She tried her best to hold the door open.

But what strength could a girl have?

Seeing that the door was about to be kicked open.

Wei Xin was of course even more desperate.

Desperate to the extreme.

It was over. Would

Ye Yi still make it?

Even if he made it?

Was Ye Yi Gu Huo's opponent?

She was extremely desperate.

When she was extremely desperate, she could no longer raise the thought of resisting.

She thought that she might not be able to escape from the clutches of the devil tonight.

She was completely desperate... and was scared like a walking corpse.

Ye Yi was playing Landlord. Wei Xin suddenly received Wei Xin's call for help.

Ye Yi was directly scared. He sat up immediately.

He had nothing to do with Wei Xin? But it seemed that he had a relationship!

Not a girlfriend? But she seemed to be his girlfriend.

But it had to be said.

Wei Xin was very important in Ye Yi's heart.

Really important!

Ye Yi was of course worried.

At the same time, he was murderous.

All of them must die.

If anyone dares to touch Wei Xin's hair, he will throw him into the sea to feed the sharks!

Ye Yi was filled with murderous intent!

Just when he was filled with murderous intent, the system voice sounded instantly!

"Ding Dong, the system released the latest task. Save Wei Xin and you will be rewarded with an ancient martial arts master - the peak realm of the initial stage of the inner family!"

The system voice sounded!

Usually Ye Yi was very excited when he received a task.

But this time he was just anxious.

He didn't even bother to read the task any more.

Ye Yi was extremely anxious.

He wanted to kill the other party.

But although Ye Yi was too lazy to read it any more, he was still curious.

What is a master of ancient martial arts?

What is the peak realm of the initial stage of the inner family?

Why is the system suddenly different?

Why is the reward not money? What does

Ye Yi want this for? It's of great use!

Of course, only tangible benefits are useful.

Ye Yi still likes houses, money and assets.

These are useful. What

's the use of having a master of ancient martial arts?

Is he a warrior?

Can he fight a little?

What's the use of being able to fight in this society?

Ye Yi ignored it!

But ignoring it is ignoring it. He still has to save people.

Ye Yi doesn't care about this now.

Even if there is no system task, he still has to save Wei Xin and kill the other party.

But Ye Yi also knows that blindly worrying is useless, so he called Fulin directly.

Fulin is the underground leader of Yangcheng.

The real Underground leader.

If Ye Yi wants to save people in the club, he must know where the club is, right?

Only Fulin knows this!

As the underground boss, Fulin must know where the club is.

He must know.

And Ye Yi can't deal with the opponent even if he goes there alone with bare hands.

Fulin still needs to take action.

So Ye Yi calls Fulin directly.

Fulin is definitely the best choice!

Fulin is enjoying himself at his mistress's house at the moment.

As a big brother, he knows how to enjoy himself.

It's getting intense at the moment.

But when he saw Ye Yi's call, Fulin was so excited.

He didn't even care about the beauty and abandoned her directly!

There are always a lot of women.

But Ye Shao has only one.

It's the first time in history that Ye Shao took the initiative to call him.

He is still very clear about how to give Ye Shao a good impression.

What is happiness compared to Ye Shao? Fulin still knows what is more important.

So Ye Yi's call is important in an instant!

How can he care about the beauty in his arms?

"Brother Ye, if you have anything to say, just tell me!"

Fulin spoke immediately.

He immediately realized that Ye Yi had something to ask him.

Fulin was also a smart man.

Why would he ask him out so late at night? To talk about love?

Don't make fun of Young Master Ye, he is very busy!

Ye Yi felt relieved when he heard Fulin's words.

With Fulin's words, it shouldn't be difficult to handle it.

""Brother Fulin, do you know the Dihao Club? Whose place is it? Who is protecting it?"

Ye Yi was anxious for a moment.

He asked quickly.

This matter was very urgent.

But Fulin was dumbfounded by the question.

Because this Dihao Club was opened by him!

It was also his place.

As the real leader, Fulin had assets of over 10 billion, so naturally he had many industries. He also had several bars and clubs.

And this Dihao Club was one of his clubs.

Of course, although Fulin was a gangster, the club was well-behaved.

No one dared to mess around in his club.

After getting rich, Fulin had already slowly cleaned up his name.

Unlike It was still a gray business as before.

Fulin was panicked when Ye Yi asked him this question!

Could it be that one of his blind subordinates offended Ye Yi again?

After what happened with Gao Fu, he was so panicked.

At the same time, he made up his mind.

If any of his subordinates offended Ye Yi, he would kill him! He would definitely kill him!

After what happened with Gao Fu, he especially hated this kind of idiot.

You said you wanted to die, so forget it.

Why do you want to implicate me?

This is Master Ye. Even

Master Long had to pretend to be his grandson in front of him.

What about me!

"Ye Shao, that is my place, you can tell me what you need."

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