"No problem!"

Gu Huo was completely frightened when he heard this!

He regretted it.

He hated it. Not only would he die, but he would also implicate his entire family.

If he were given another choice, he would not dare to provoke the Wei siblings anyway.

They were simply people he could not afford to offend.

Unfortunately, cause and effect are cyclical.

There is no second chance in the world.

Everyone has to bear the final outcome from the beginning.

This is also destined by God.

God is still fair.

Gu Huo and his party were quickly carried out by Tiger Lord.

As for why they were carried out.


Ye Yi ignored Gu Huo and his party. He was curious about the reward.

What was the reward this time?

Ye Yi was of course curious.

The reward only mentioned ancient martial arts masters.

What is an ancient martial arts master?

Ye Yi didn't know either.

It was inevitable that he was a little curious.

Soon the system voice came as expected!

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for completing the system task!"

"The system rewards the host with the initial peak realm of the inner master, ding dong the realm has been reached!"

"The host is currently a master of ancient martial arts, and a master of internal martial arts at the initial stage of the peak!"

The system voice rang out.

As the system voice rang out.

The next moment Ye Yi was stunned.

He felt that his whole body suddenly became hot!

Ye Yi was shocked.

How could he not know that this was his body changing.

I'm afraid he really got a reward.

He couldn't help but be surprised and happy!

Curious about what kind of reward this is.

Wei Bin was stunned at this moment!


Who is this person his sister knows?

Even Fulin follows him like a dog.

That's Fulin.

And just one sentence made Gu Huo's family destroyed.

He was completely shocked.

After being shocked, he was overjoyed.

How could he not be overjoyed?

It seems that his sister has a good relationship with the other party, and it is very likely that he is his brother-in-law.

But his brother-in-law is such a big shot.

Of course he is overjoyed!

The Wei family has a backer.

No one will dare to bully the Wei family easily in the future.

Wei Bin was overjoyed.

Ye Yi ignored Wei Bin.

Ye Yi asked Fulin to quickly arrange a private room for him.

Ye Yi felt that his body was breaking through. He felt very uncomfortable.

He needed a room to deal with it.

Fulin thought that Ye Yi was going to do that with Wei Xin?

So anxious?

He couldn't help it.

He immediately arranged it for Ye Yi.

Wei Xin's pretty face turned red.

Could it be that Ye Yi was going to do that with her here?

Although she loved Ye Yi deeply.

But this place was not appropriate.

Her brother was still outside.

How could she feel embarrassed.

But if Ye Yi really wanted it, she felt that she could not refuse.

Because she felt deeply that she loved Ye Yi. She was willing to give Ye Yi anything.

When both of them were thinking about it, the room was quickly opened.

Ye Yi asked Fulin and Wei Xin to come in.

Wei Xin realized that she was overthinking.

Ye Yi didn't mean that.

Fulin also understood.

It must not be that matter if three people came in.

Hi Overthinking!

But why did Ye Shao do that?

Ye Yi ignored their wild thoughts.

Ye Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief when he arrived at the room.

Because he felt his whole body was hot.

And what was even more terrifying.

Black dirt kept coming out of the pores!

Ye Yi was shocked.

He thought the human body was very clean.

Who would have thought that there was so much dirt.

After cleaning his clothes immediately, he jumped into the bathtub to take a shower!

The dirt kept coming out.

Finally, after it all came out, Ye Yi cleaned it up!

But after cleaning it up.

Ye Yi felt that his body was very light!

After clearing the dirt, there was an indescribable sense of clarity.

The body had an indescribable feeling of clarity!

After having this feeling, Ye Yi understood.

It turned out that someone was helping him clean the dirt just now.

It turns out that there are so many benefits after the dirt is cleaned.

Ye After he was happy, Ye Yi felt that he was not only lighter and agile in his mind.

Only Fulin can get in touch with his face.

Fulin is a person cultivated by the four giants.

Ye Yi was killed by Ye Yi , who had been barefooted before he responded!

This rock is a decoration in the VIP room.

Although it is a decoration, it is the hardest rock that Fulin specially asked people to bring in.

Such a hard rock was directly smashed by Ye Yi!

Ye Yi was overjoyed.

His slap could easily smash a car!

What if it hit an ordinary person? In addition, he was so fast!

Ye Yi understood that he now had the ability to fight one against a thousand, or even ten thousand!

Instead of the so-called one against a hundred!

He is now a master in martial arts novels.

At worst, he is a master of the generation like Huang Feihong, Huo Yuanjia, and Hong Xiguan.

If it is an ordinary person.

Even if he holds primitive weapons such as swords, spears, etc.

, ten thousand people are not Ye Yi's opponent.

Ye Yi understands that he is now really a master of the generation.

And not fake!

After understanding, Ye Yi was overjoyed.

He was not satisfied with the reward before.

He felt that he had lost out.

But after truly understanding what he had gained,

Ye Yi was overjoyed.

How could he not be overjoyed?

What is the use of money in life? Life is the most important.

And to save your life, you must have strong strength.

There is no doubt that Ye Yi is now strong.

No one can hurt Ye Yi.

This is priceless.

Give Ye Yi one trillion, Ye Yi will not change it!

Money is always available.

But things like realm can save lives!

After understanding, Ye Yi not only stopped being upset.

Instead, he felt that it was particularly cost-effective.

Ye Yi didn't like the realm of ancient martial arts masters before.

But after understanding how powerful it is.

Not only did he not dislike it. He also wished for more of this kind of reward.

Improve his realm more.

The stronger the better!

The reason is simple. If you really have strong strength.

Then no one can threaten Ye Yi.

For example, the reason why Ye Yi wanted to cultivate power before was nothing more than worrying that he would become fat meat and have no ability to protect himself.

But now he has this martial arts.

Who dares to bite him casually?

This is the magic of strength.

If you dare to provoke me, I can slap you and make you regret it!

After becoming a real martial arts master, Ye Yi felt a little safer.

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