The straight man in the entertainment circle

Chapter 130 Disbanding the Fan Group (4/6)

Chapter 130 Disbanding the Fan Group (46)

Wu Ruobing had clearly begged his fans to let Lin Li go last night, but they did not stop attacking Lin Li, and even intensified their attacks.

Wu Ruobing was angry. If someone scolded her, she might have swallowed her anger, but Wu Ruobing couldn't accept or forgive Lin Li for attacking like this!

At noon, Wu Ruobing posted on Weibo.

If you love me, please love everything about me, including the people I love. If you don't love me, please don't hurt me.

Obviously, Wu Ruobing is telling her fans that if they are willing to follow her, please accept Lin Li. If they are not willing to follow her, please stop attacking Lin Li.

As a result, after Wu Ruobing posted this Weibo post, her fans became even more excited.

Because Wu Ruobing's fans felt that Wu Ruobing, as their idol, was so humble in front of Lin Li. He was not protected by Lin Li, but instead said good things for Lin Li.

As for Lin Li, except for posting a specious Weibo, he never responded directly to this matter. He didn't even feel that he had done anything wrong!

"Ruobing, what are you doing? Everyone is doing this for your own good."

"Everyone is complaining about you."

"Ruobing, at this time, you should stand on the same front as us!"

"We must draw a clear line with Lin Li!"

"Ruobing, what you say will chill the hearts of our fans!"

"We, Bingtang, will never forgive Lin Li!"

"We, Bingtang, will never forgive Lin Li!"

"We, Bingtang, will never forgive Lin Li!"

Wu Ruobing's Weibo account was quickly flooded by fans, who threatened Wu Ruobing to sever ties with Lin Li.

Not long after, Wu Ruobing closed the Weibo comments in despair.

However, Wu Ruobing's move to close Weibo comments could not make Wu Ruobing's fans compromise. They began to collectively swipe the screen in the fan group, asking Wu Ruobing to delete the Weibo post just now and draw a clear line with Lin Li.

We must unite with the fans.

Of course, many rational fans in the group began to defend Wu Ruobing, and the two sides started endless quarrels in the fan group.

"Lin Li is a scumbag, why don't you want us to attack him?"

"Lin Li treated you like this and you still protected him. It hurts our hearts so much."

"Don't make things difficult for Ruo Bing, for her, Lin Li is her most important friend!"

"Haha, you treat people as friends, but they don't take you seriously at all. It's okay not to have this kind of friend!"

"I stopped Lin Li in the toilet that day and begged him to give way to Ruobing, but he was indifferent and didn't seem to take Ruobing seriously at all. Is it necessary to protect such a person? "

"You've really done enough. You are forcing Ruobing like this. Do you have the nerve to say that you are Ruobing's fans?"

"It means deep love and deep responsibility!"

"If you ask me, Ruobing is just too kind."

"I think Lin Li is right. He didn't give in to Ruo Bing, but respected Ruo Bing. You guys are so rude!"

"As a fan, I feel ashamed if Ruobing is so hot-tempered and cold-hearted!"

"If you feel embarrassed, go away, no one will keep you!"

"Why should I leave? If you want to leave, it's up to you to leave. If you continue to indulge like this, Ruobing will be in even worse shape in the future!"

The group continued to quarrel all day long, with more and more fans getting involved, and no one could convince anyone.

Wu Ruobing's fans began to split within themselves.

In the evening, another fierce quarrel broke out in the group. One side supported Wu Ruobing's ideas and continued to support Lin, while the other side asked Wu Ruobing to cut off the relationship with Lin Li and stop defending Lin Li.

The group was arguing until midnight. Wu Ruobing had already blocked the message, but her curiosity made her couldn't help but take a sneak peek.

The more I look at it, the angrier I get, and the more I look at it, the more I feel cold.

It turns out that most fans just want to live the way they want and don't care about her feelings and thoughts.

On the day after the game, Wu Ruobing's mother and daughter and Lin Li's mother and son went to dinner together, but there was almost no communication.

No one knew what to say. It seemed that the relationship had completely changed overnight.

Seeing the chilling messages in the group, Wu Ruobing, unbearable, resolutely disbanded all her fan groups late at night.


The next day, the news that Wu Ruobing had disbanded his fan group quickly became a hot topic.

In terms of supporters, Lin Li has the most people in "The Voice", and of course, he is also the one who criticizes the most.

But in terms of popularity among the people, Wu Ruobing is the highest.

After all, the audience of "The Voice" is still young people, and Yiren Yogurt's advertisements are overwhelming, not only known to young and old, but the audience is much larger than the audience of "The Voice".

Therefore, Wu Ruobing's disbandment of the fan group quickly attracted everyone's attention, and they began to explore the reasons.

After everyone understood the ins and outs of the matter, they also began to express their positions.

Some Weibo influencers and media people with official background naturally said that Lin Li did the right thing, but the majority of netizens were different.

Reason is reason, but emotion returns emotion.

The most important thing is that Wu Ruobing is no worse than Wang Zirui. If he is really weak, there is nothing much to say.

But it happened that Wu Ruobing defeated Wang Zirui in the third round due to her strength.

Under this situation, many netizens felt that Lin Li's approach was too ruthless and would not be flexible.

However, there are also many web pages that support Lin Li's approach. A competition is a competition, and it is an unforgivable crime to use tricks to fool the audience.

As the incident unfolded, Lin Li's song "Unrepentant" quickly became a hot search topic.

"sounds so good!"

"Lin Li really sang the unrepentant feeling in the song, which is great!"

"I guess Lin Li also struggled, but in the end he chose to persevere and not give in to Wu Ruobing on purpose."

"Hey, after listening to this song, I suddenly felt that Lin Li was right..."

"I'm not as perfect as you think. I admit that sometimes I can't tell the truth from the false. These lyrics must be Lin Li's heartfelt voice, otherwise I wouldn't be able to write such lyrics that touch people's hearts."

"I always thought Lin Li was a man of steel, but after listening to this song, I suddenly felt that he was just a seventeen-year-old boy."

"Even if it's painful, even if it's tears, it's my sadness. I'm in tears."

"Fans of Wu Ruobing, please listen to this song. Can't you hear Lin Li's struggle? Can't you hear that he cares about Wu Ruobing's stay?"

"They have long been carried away by their emotions and cannot tell the truth."

"This song is very inspiring. When I think of the time when I was desperate to start a business, I really feel stubborn and have no regrets..."

"When I think about the girl I pursued, I am really persistent and have no regrets."

After the song "Unrepented" was carefully savored by others, coupled with Lin Li's Weibo saying "Life is like a journey against the odds, I am also a traveler", everyone seemed to have discovered Lin Li's inner emotions, but he was like this A tough little man who never said it out loud.

Although many of Wu Ruobing's fans still scolded Lin Li, more fans gradually came to their senses.

Fans who originally supported Wu Ruobing went to Lin Li's Weibo and asked Lin Li to send a message to Wu Ruobing, because Wu Ruobing's Weibo had closed comments.

"Lin Da, we have eliminated the bad apples and rebuilt the fan base. Please give Ruobing a message. We support all her decisions and protect everything she cherishes. We are more united. Please come back. We I will always wait for her!"

Lin Li went to Mango Channel for rehearsal early in the morning. During lunch, he checked his mobile phone and saw the hot search and this message. Only then did he learn that Wu Ruobing had disbanded the fan group in the early morning.

Lin Li left the radio station without thinking and went to find Wu Ruobing.

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