The straight man in the entertainment circle

Chapter 141 How can we be from Penghao (please subscribe 4/5)

Chapter 141 How can we be from Penghao (please subscribe 45)

The final word!

In the last round, Lin Li counterattacked and reached the top spot with more than 3.5 million off-site votes. When Wang Zirui heard this result, he was completely stunned.

Li Mengfei was slightly stunned, smiled bitterly, and then applauded.

The guards at the scene screamed like crazy, and then someone got up and started singing: "Superstar, superstar, we love you, life can't go on without you!"

This song has almost become the exclusive song of the Royal Forest Army.

Although based on the experience of the past two games, fans of the players do like to feint at the beginning, hide their strength, and wait for the explosion at the last moment, but the Royal Forest Army is too cruel!

And he is too calm. You know, the players have fans all over the country, so it is very difficult to act in a unified way.

In the first three rounds, Linli's votes have always been at the bottom. Generally speaking, if there are still fans who haven't voted, they will definitely not be able to sit still.

But this time the Royal Guards were so terrifying, they were indifferent and didn't take action together until the last moment!

It’s really just a matter of silence, it’s a blockbuster!

【More than 3.5 million votes! Oh my god, it's scary! 】

[It’s so scary, it got 600,000 more votes than Wen Xin last year! 】

[Even if everyone’s living standard improves, it won’t be so fierce! 】

[Hahaha, the Royal Forest Army is so awesome! 】

[It’s scary. I only knew that Lin Li was very popular before. This is the first time I’ve seen the horror of Lin Li’s fans! 】

[I thought what happened last week would cause Lin Li’s popularity to plummet, but I didn’t expect that Lin Li is still so awesome! 】

[No grass grows wherever the Royal Forest Army goes! 】

[Save some face for the other two contestants! Hahaha! 】

[The person who just said Lin Li was at the bottom, come out! 】

[It must be fake, what the hell! 】

Ayu screamed at the scene for a while, and then she looked at the barrage with peace of mind. When she saw someone saying something like fake, she turned around and banned it.

Then Ayu said to the live broadcast camera: "Lin Li is number one, he is number one, if you don't accept it, just hold it in!"

[Wow haha, Ayu is so domineering! 】

[Ayu must have been holding it in all night! 】

[Ayu is so cute, I love it! 】

Ayu's live broadcast room was full of gifts to congratulate Lin Li for winning, and his popularity immediately reached hundreds of millions, which was more than seven times higher than the second place!

Ribbons were flying on the stage, and the spray machines on both sides of the stage were spraying wildly. The camera rotated back and forth around the three contestants, and the entire stage was filled with excitement.

Lin Li's battle was so exciting. Except for a slight flaw in the first round, his performance later was impeccable, and each song became more popular than the last.

First place, well deserved!

The TV camera was now shown to Lin Li's parents, who were looking at Lin Li proudly with tears in their eyes.

"Lin Li, what do you have to say at this moment?"

As the final champion, Lin Li must have the final say.

The scene fell silent to listen to Lin Li's final speech.

Lin Li was obviously surprised. He smiled and said, "I didn't expect it to be like this in the end..."

Xu Zhe smiled and said: "You are the champion now, why do you say it as if you are sad?"

Liang Sheng also smiled and said, "Tell me something happy."

Lin Li thought for a while and said, "Thank you to my parents for giving birth to me."

Liang Sheng smiled helplessly: "It is indeed a very happy thing."

There was a lot of laughter.

Liang Sheng looked at Xu Zhe sympathetically: "Teacher Xu, I know how you got here these two months."

The implication is that Lin Li is really difficult to interview.

Xu Zhe smiled and said, "The competition will end tonight. I recommend Lin Li to attend your show."

After hearing this, Liang Sheng stimulated his idea and said, "Don't talk about it, you can really consider it."

The two veteran hosts amused the audience in minutes.

"Okay, Lin Li, let's say a few more words."

Lin Li's two winning words are definitely not feasible.

Lin Li also found that what he just said aroused everyone's laughter, and he didn't know what to say.

"Well... I can't say anything exciting. I think everyone has heard enough singing tonight..."

Countless people at the scene shouted "I didn't hear enough"!

Lin Li: “…………”

Everyone looked at Lin Li very embarrassed and laughed again.

Lin Li sighed and said, "Since everyone hasn't heard enough of my singing, then I will..."

Lin Li gasped deliberately, and the audience and the guards below all screamed excitedly.

But Xu Zhe and Liang Sheng were a little uneasy. The competition is over. If you agree to sing another song, the rest of the process will be delayed!

"Then let me read another poem!"

Lin Li smiled evilly after seeing the audience screaming.

The scene was filled with laughter again. They were laughing at each other just now, but they didn't expect to be fooled by Lin Li right away!

Xu Zhe and Liang Sheng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Read it quickly." Liang Sheng asked with interest.

Lin Lida said: "Just two sentences."

After Lin Li finished speaking, he gathered enough momentum, raised his arms and read loudly: "The foolish woman in Kuaiji bought the minister lightly, and I left my home and went west to the Qin Dynasty. I laughed up to the sky and went out. How can I be a Penghao people?"

In this time and space, Zhu Maichen's allusions still exist. Although they are not well-known to every household, people who know some historical allusions still know them.

But this poem does not have that.

After Lin Li finished reading, the scene was filled with joy!

In fact, no one quite understood the meaning of this poem, but it was because Lin Li recited it so vigorously that he felt like he was not to be messed with!

Liang Sheng was stunned when he heard this poem.

There were many people in the main judges' table and the media judges' table who had some cultural heritage. After hearing Lin Li read this poem, many people stood up and gave Lin Li a thumbs up!

Although Xu Zhe is the host, he is also a university teacher, so he naturally has a cultural background. After hearing what Lin Li said, he smiled and said: "Lin Li, you are really a poet who was delayed by singing!"

The scene burst into laughter.

Liang Sheng said very seriously: "This poem is so crazy, but... this poem is suitable for you, Lin Li. Sorry, I was a little excited after listening to this poem. I am also willful for once. Lin Li, just with this poem Poetry, you should be the champion!”

As the oldest host and mainstay of Mango Channel, Liang Sheng was rarely so excited tonight. In a singing competition, he even said that he would win the championship if he wrote a poem. He was obviously excited.

But at the scene, Liang Sheng was the person who could best appreciate the power of this poem. Lin Li's poem could be said to be the best poem he had heard in these years. His excitement was naturally justified.

In everyone's mind, Liang Sheng's attributes as a cultural person sometimes even surpass his attributes as a host. Hearing Liang Sheng's comments, the audience and the Royal Guards naturally screamed again and again.

Lin Li's words of thanks were finished.

Then it’s time for the awards.

Lin Li stood in the center of the stage, and stage director Wang Pengcheng came to present the trophy in person.

In the past, Wang Pengcheng didn't pay attention to Lin Li. When they were in the top ten, due to the conflict between Lin Li and Tian Yun, he advocated giving up Lin Li, but later he regretted it because he had seen how powerful Lin Li was.

Later, when Lin Li returned to the competition, Wang Pengcheng began to pay attention to Lin Li. Not to mention, he quite liked Lin Li. He could also sing a few lines of Lin Li's songs.

"Congratulations, Lin Li."

After Wang Pengcheng presented the trophy to Lin Li, he took a photo with him. He had done this in the previous two seasons, but this time, Wang Pengcheng actually felt a little bit excited.

All the stage lights and eyes were focused on Lin Li.

Lin Li held up the crystal trophy, reflecting the colorful lights, and then the stage under Lin Li's feet slowly rose.

It rose nearly three meters.

At this moment, everyone was looking up to Lin Li...

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