The straight man in the entertainment circle

Chapter 159 The dispute over celebrity privileges

Every year, Yanjing University wins the top prizes from almost all provinces and cities across the country, and the number of special recruitment places is very limited, so the conditions are naturally very demanding.

Among the specially recruited students announced this year, there are sports students who have broken national records in various events, art students who have won foreign awards, students who have won several patents, and a world champion in Go. In short, just looking at honors, these Qunte's enrollment is much better than the top picks from various provinces and cities.

However, among this group of special admissions students, Lin Li seemed to have nothing to be proud of.

Fang Wenjian recruited Lin Li specifically because of Lin Li's talent.

But talent is invisible and intangible. You say you have it, and others say you have it. It's not like those certificates and patents that are clearly visible in front of you.

Lin Li's writing of a full score essay has never been included in the special recruitment of Yanda, and there is not even a point deduction. Other ordinary colleges and universities may have a certain degree of point deduction, but Yanda does not have it, at least there is no explicit regulation, and there is no point deduction. There is no precedent.

This makes others think that Yan University specially recruited Lin Li just because Lin Li won the championship of "The Voice".

The champion of "The Voice" is something worthy of showing off in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the admissions conditions, the champion of this entertainment program is not worth mentioning at all. Even for the rigorous and upright academic style of Yenching University, This kind of draft champion is good if it is not a deduction.

And as Zhu Kai said, if the winners of the talent show can qualify for special recruitment, it will not have a good impact on society. We cannot mislead those students into thinking about joining the talent show all day long.

Zhu Kai and others suddenly took the moral high ground.

This matter is getting bigger and bigger. The matter is no longer about Lin Li, but about the special recruitment standards of higher education institutions across the country, and about the future of the motherland.

More and more netizens are participating.

Unlike when Tang Jun was punished and everyone clapped and applauded, this time Lin Li missed the mark by 13 points and was specially called. Netizens had very different opinions.

"I don't think there's anything wrong with the special recruits. They have 0 points in history, but they still have 13 points in the test."

"That's not right. If I only take the test for the subject I'm best at, and then say that other subjects have the same score, can I also go to YSU?"

"Didn't you read Tang Jun's Weibo? It's impossible for him to take the paper that Lin Li did well in the exam. If you look at Lin Li's 50-point history paper, he also got 30 points when he was poor."

"The important point now is that Lin Li's exam score is 0. If you say so, then if others are late and fail to pass the exam, they will be counted as 0 points. Do they also have to add their usual exam scores? It's so unfair."

"Stop talking, Yan University just wants to see that he is famous, so what's wrong with Lin Li's special recruitment?"

"Forget it, this world is inherently unfair. Being famous means you have privileges."

"What kind of place is Yanda? Even if all the universities in the country are ruined, I won't accept it if Yanda is not good!"

"Lin Li scored perfect in his composition and wrote so many good songs. With his unparalleled talent, he has no problem with his special move!"

"Don't say that Yan University specially recruited Lin Li because Lin Li won the championship of "The Voice". When Professor Fang Wenjian made the announcement, Lin Li had not won the championship yet!"

"Although he is the only one in Jiangnan Province who has perfect scores in composition, there are not even a hundred people in other provinces and cities across the country who have perfect scores in composition. Why don't others recruit them specially? Are there so many special recruits? Is this fair?"

"Yes, education distribution is unfair and this is dangerous!"

"I can guarantee that if Lin Li is asked to write again, he may not be able to write full marks. He is just lucky. Many people are dissatisfied with being specially recruited like this."

"Actually, many students whose essays are just one or two points short have the ability to write full marks. Lin Li can be specially recruited. Why can't they be specially recruited?"

"There is only a 5-point difference between me and Yan University. My grades are usually better than Lin Li's. Why don't you recruit me? Just because Lin Li is famous? Celebrities have privileges?"

"I'm really convinced by you guys. Why Lin Li is famous is because of his talent. Why Yanjing specially recruited Lin Li is also because of Lin Li's talent. You people keep talking about celebrities having privileges. Why don't you see what you can do?" Do you want to compete with Lin Li in talent?"

"Lin Li is so talented, why are his grades so bad?"

"The purpose of special recruitment is to make up for the shortcomings of examination-oriented education, so that those who are truly talented will not be able to go to college. Otherwise, those champions and patented inventions will not get as good results if they focus on training and invention. Is it important?"

"The specially recruited people you mentioned are what they deserve. They can bring glory to the country and contribute to society in the future. What can Lin Li do?"

"Haha, I don't believe it yet. Just wait, I think Lin Li can bring glory to the country in the future!"

"Hey, Lin Li's fans are so scary, they almost lost their brains."


The online quarrel became more and more intense and reached a very high level. Soon, the article about Lin Li being specially recruited and being questioned was on the hot search list.

The debate over whether celebrities should have special privileges continued, and soon a vote was posted on Weibo on whether Yanda should recruit Lin Li specially.

At the end of the day, more than 300,000 people participated in the vote, with 43% of those who thought it should be specially recruited and 57% who thought it shouldn’t be.

When the matter reached this point, the Admissions Office of Yenching University finally couldn't sit still and issued a statement.

Recently, the special recruitment of Lin Li by Yanda University has attracted the attention of the majority of netizens. Here, the Admissions Office of Yanda University solemnly declares: the decision to recruit Lin Li is strictly in accordance with the "Yuda Special Recruitment Guidelines" and relevant national laws and regulations. There is no such thing as celebrity privilege.

The purpose of teaching at Yanda has always been to meritorious service. It was Lin Li's talent that allowed us to open the door for him. We also hope that the majority of netizens will treat this matter rationally and not conclude that special recruitment is a celebrity privilege because of Lin Li's fame and ignore him. of talent.

Yan Da's statement received unanimous praise from the Imperial Guards, and also made some people become a little more rational.

But at this moment, someone started to tear Lin Li up again on Weibo.

This time, it was Zhang Cheng!

Zhang Cheng ripped Lin Li on Weibo, saying that Lin Li had been bullying him on campus and liked to cheat in exams. He was in the same exam room as Lin Li and Lin Li might have plagiarized his answers.

This time, the public opinion that had gradually subsided began to surge again.

"It's okay, Lin Li copied your work. You yourself didn't do well in the exam like Lin Li. How dare you say that?"

"Lin Li copied your mother, didn't he? He also copied your perfect score from you?"

"Lin Li scored higher than you in every subject, how did you get your confidence?"

Although Zhang Cheng's statement is untenable, it provides a direction for those in the dark forest.

People in Black Linli attacked Lin Li one after another and questioned Lin Li's achievements.

The incident lasted for two days. Many media wanted to interview Lin Li, but they were all rejected. This made people even more suspicious that Lin Li had a guilty conscience.

For a time, Lin Li's results were falsified, and some of Tianyun's players and fans raised the possibility of Lin Li's final vote count being falsified.

Lin Li has been paying attention to the development of this matter. He knows that no matter what he says at this time, someone will always try their best to discredit him, and fraud has become the most commonly used word among black fans.

So Lin Li remained silent, but when these people saw that Lin Li was silent, they thought he was guilty and thought that their evidence was conclusive.

Lin Li sneered. It seemed that it was time to give these people a big mouth.

Lin Li picked up his cell phone and forwarded the statement from the Admissions Office of Yenching University and posted a Weibo post:

Thanks to the Admissions Office of Yanda, and also to Professor Fang Wenjian for his favor. We are honored to receive the notice from Yanda. Our whole family is honored. Yanda has always been sacred in my heart. I don’t want to let Yanda be disgraced by my joining. People criticize.

Some people hate the rich, some hate the special recruits. In short, they will impose their own dissatisfaction on others, making it appear that they are not incompetent but just unfortunate.

Don’t you doubt my grades?

Okay, we can have a live exam, and the questions will be decided by Tang Jun and Zhang Cheng. If my performance cannot convince everyone, I am willing to withdraw from Yanda!

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