A black car drove slowly and stopped in front of the No. 3 Lieutenant Colonel in Suzhou. Everyone knew that Lin Li was here!

The car door opened, and Lin Li, dressed in casual clothes and with a faint smile on his face, got out of the car.

The fans at the campus gate screamed collectively, deafeningly.

Everyone on campus looked outside the campus.

Not only did Lin Li come, but also Wu Ruobing, her daughter, and Lin Li's parents got out of the car.

Lin Li and Wu Ruobing, escorted by their parents, greeted the fans in the crowd and walked to the classroom door.

Countless fans were cheering for Lin Li along the way, and Lin Li also expressed his gratitude one by one.

[Wow, Lin Li showed up, so excited! 】

【It seems that you are really not afraid! 】

[I like Lin Li’s character, he’s not afraid of getting into trouble. Even if he doesn’t do well in the exam, I’ll still be a fan of you! 】

[Yes, it doesn’t matter if you don’t do well in the exam, we listen to his songs anyway. 】

[Why, haven’t you even taken the exam yet, are some Lin Li fans starting to find a way out for Lin Li? 】

[Just wait and see, the show is about to begin! 】


Lin Li walked to the classroom calmly, and then he realized that all the students in his class had also arrived and gathered around outside the classroom.

Wang Lei was the first to shout: "Come on Lin Li!"

Then a large group of classmates shouted: "Come on Lin Li!"

In front of the former head teacher and study committee member Zhang Cheng, everyone shouted the words "Come on Lin Li, come on", which already made their attitude clear. Some reporters also took pictures of the students.

"Lin Li, we classmates are here to support you."

"Yes, they are all here to support you."

"come on!"

Lin Li's classmates expressed their opinions in front of the camera.

Tang Jun and Zhang Cheng looked very ugly when they heard their cheers. They glanced at them and became even more angry.

However, the classmates have all graduated, and there is no need for them to pretend that they don't like Tang Jun and Zhang Cheng.

Principal Hu Jianping invited Lin Li into the classroom. This incident was the most watched event in the history of Sucheng No. 3 Middle School. As the principal, he naturally had to take charge of the overall situation personally.

Four commissioners from the Admissions Office of Yan University and the Provincial Department of Education sat in a row of chairs at the back of the classroom. Because it had been announced earlier today that the exams would be history and composition, and teachers from the Chinese language group and history group of Sucheng No. 3 Middle School also They came one after another.

A group of people were sitting upright and ready.

The atmosphere was somewhat chilly.

Everyone outside the classroom couldn't help but become nervous.

"That's right. As the principal of the school, let me say a few words."

Hu Jianping cleared his throat, paused for a while, and then continued, "Mr. Tang Jun used to teach in our school. Later, due to the accusations from classmate Lin Li, our investigation found that Mr. Tang Jun was indeed not suitable to be a teacher, so All his positions were revoked and his classroom certificate was also revoked. I have communicated with Mr. Tang Jun and he has no objections to this."

After Hu Jianping finished speaking, he looked at Lin Li: "However, there are now quite a lot of doubts about Lin Li's college entrance examination scores on the Internet. In order to ensure fairness and justice, we are here today as a hearing. I think it is enough for you to have a master-disciple meeting..."

Hu Jianping knew it was unlikely, but in this scenario, he still had to make some efforts to see if the two parties could reach a reconciliation.

Tang Jun interrupted him and said: "Impossible, I'm like this now, why should I be afraid of him? Let him take the exam again with me. If he can pass the exam, I will shut up. If he fails, I have reason to suspect him of cheating. !”

Zhang Cheng added: "I doubt it too!"

"If you talk like that, we can sue you for defamation!"

Song Wenjie couldn't stand listening anymore and spoke loudly.

Tang Jun sneered and said: "Tsk tsk, he is indeed a big star, now he is always getting a lawyer's letter? Is there any other means besides this?"

Lin Li smiled and said: "Of course I have other tricks, such as... singing you another song."

Seeing that the atmosphere was tense, everyone was a little afraid of conflict, but Lin Li suddenly said such a sentence, which made everyone outside the window burst into laughter.

Back then, Tang Jun was an outstanding provincial teacher, and was sung to heaven by Lin Li's song amidst all kinds of flowers and applause.

Some people want money for singing, but Lin Li wants his life for singing!

Tang Jun remembered the painful past, his face turned cold, and he said loudly: "Lin Li, don't be complacent. I'll give you the test questions later. If you can answer them correctly, I won't speak again!"

For those who are not afraid of wearing shoes if they are barefoot, Tang Jun has already taken the risk.

Lin Li asked: "What if I answer correctly?"

Tang Jun was stunned and said, "What do you want?"

"I said that if my performance doesn't convince everyone, I'm willing to withdraw from Yan University. You should also say that if I can answer the questions you asked perfectly, you will be punished!"

Tang Jun and Zhang Cheng looked at each other, hesitantly.

"Don't you think you're free?" Seeing that they didn't answer, Lin Li said, "Why should I bet with you? There's no benefit in winning, but it's miserable in losing."

Tang Jun hesitated for a while and said, "If you win...I...I'll apologize to you!"

In Tang Jun's mind, Lin Li would not win.

Everyone looked at Lin Li to see his answer.

"Kneel down and apologize, otherwise there will be no discussion!" Lin Li said.

After hearing what Lin Li said, Tang Jun suddenly felt unsure.

This Lin Li is becoming increasingly incomprehensible.

Why is he suddenly so confident?

Tang Jun was a little panicked when he heard the conditions stated by Lin Li. He knelt down and apologized in public. This was more uncomfortable than death, but he figured it out immediately.

Lin Li deliberately put more psychological pressure on them to make them give up!

Thinking of this, Tang Jun became happy. Lin Li was just bluffing. The reason why he said this was because he actually had no confidence at all!

Lin Li was afraid of losing, so he deliberately increased the penalty for their failure in the hope that they would not dare to gamble. In that case, Lin Li would be able to escape.

How could I let him succeed!

The punishment for failure is certainly terrible, but the problem is that you will not lose!

"Haha, okay, I promise you! If you can answer all my questions perfectly, I will kneel down and apologize to you!"

The questions Tang Jun prepared for Lin Li today were all analyzed by him. They were all the historical chapters that Lin Li had learned the worst in school. Even if Lin Li crammed in these days, it was impossible for him to answer them all, and Tang Jun couldn't answer them all. Jun also prepared a backup plan. He didn't believe that Lin Li could answer all his questions.

When Tang Jun answered, he also emphasized the words "perfect" and "everything". This was double insurance. It was impossible for Lin Li to answer all the questions, let alone answer them perfectly.

The word "perfect" has been said a lot, and even if his explanation was not comprehensive enough, Tang Jun would have reason to say that his answer was not perfect enough, thus denying his answer.

With this double guarantee, Tang Jun dared to agree to the bet of kneeling down and apologizing.

After Tang Jun answered, he said to Zhang Cheng: "It's okay, he's bluffing, you might be fooled."

Zhang Cheng reacted as soon as he heard this, raised his head and said, "Bet, Lin Li, if you can perfectly write the essay I gave you today, I will kneel down and apologize to you!"

Zhang Cheng came here to give Lin Li essay questions. He still hadn't figured out what questions to give. How could Lin Li write a perfect essay?

The word perfect is inherently subjective. It is impossible to perfectly fit the theme and the content of the composition itself is perfect!

Lin Li heard their agreement and said with a smile: "A gentleman's words!"

Tang Jun and Zhang Cheng said in unison: "It's hard to chase a horse!"

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