The straight man in the entertainment circle

Chapter 176 You are a man, prove it to me!

Feng Chao felt unhappy because he had just had a disagreement with Ni Yuan about Lin Li.

"What are you doing standing still! Keep going!"

As soon as Ni Yuan left, Feng Chao forgot what he had just promised her and ordered them to continue where they were.

Lin Li walked for a while and found that the insoles of his shoes were coming out more and more.

Feng Chao had been training in the military for many years and had long known that they would put sanitary napkins in their shoes. At this time, he saw the white insoles under Lin Li's feet running out and said loudly:

"Lin Li, your sanitary napkin fell out!"

This sound was like a loud bell, and almost all the students in several rows nearby heard it.

Yan Ziranzhi is no better than Su City No. 3 Middle School. There are very few fans of Lin Li, but most people know Lin Li. When they heard Feng Chao's voice, even during the serious military training, everyone still couldn't hold back their laughter. out.

When Lin Li and sanitary napkins come together, it's really hard not to laugh.

Lin Li also felt a little embarrassed. He stopped training, took off his shoes, and stuffed the sanitary napkin back in.

"Only girls wear these kind of insoles. Why do you, a boy, wear these insoles?" Feng Chao vented his resentment on Lin Li, "You are so squeamish, why are you doing military training?"

Everyone was laughing just now, but they were so frightened by Feng Chao's scolding that they didn't dare to speak.

Lin Li didn't speak either.

"Let me tell you, military training is for you to become a man, a real man! If you think you are a little star, you wish you had someone to give you food and drink every day. It's best not to train at all, right?"

These words were obviously directed at Lin Li.

Fu Tao muttered: "Those people did it voluntarily, and Lin Li didn't let them do it."

"What are you mumbling about!" Feng Chao said loudly.

"The report, I said, was made voluntarily by those people!" Fu Tao was not deterred.

Feng Chao was stunned and shouted: "What's wrong with you? Shut up!"

Lin Li knew that Feng Chao was looking out for him. He put insoles on his shoes, gave fruits and water, and was begged for a break. These were all things that happened to Lin Li, and they were also the reasons that made Feng Chao very unhappy.

In Feng Chao's consciousness, only soldiers deserve the admiration and love of everyone. However, in today's society, the blood shed by soldiers may not be seen, but the tears shed by celebrities can attract the attention of countless people.

Feng Chao despises this kind of star who has made no contribution but is loved by people.

This is why, when he realized that Lin Li was a little star, he targeted Lin Li so much.


Lin Li was also a little annoyed when he heard Feng Chao's repeated dissatisfaction with him. I'm afraid you don't know how I became famous.

"I'm a man!" Lin Li choked.

After hearing this, Feng Chao was not angry but happy, and said: "Okay, you are a man, come on, prove it to me."

No one reacted at once, including Lin Li, who thought Feng Chao had asked Lin Li to take off his pants.

"Do a hundred push-ups!" Feng Chao said.

Lin Li breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately felt worried. He was afraid that he would not be able to complete these one hundred push-ups.

According to Lin Li's past experience, he would only be able to do 50 reps, and it would have to be unlimited.

After 50, it will be harder to do another push-up than the previous 20, let alone 100 push-ups.

But now that I say I can't do it, and it seems like I can't do it, doesn't that mean I'm not a man?

"Instructor, I am a man, everyone knows it, why do I need to prove it?" Lin Li asked.

"Because, I don't think you look like it!" Feng Chao said.

"Then why do I have to prove to you that I'm a man?"

Feng Chao: "..."

Feng Chao thought for a long time and asked, "Are you afraid?"

"If you don't let me take off my pants in public, I won't be afraid." Lin Li said.

The others roared with laughter.

"Let me tell you, instructor, don't let Lin Li do push-ups. Why don't you two compete? Lin Li does one, you do two, and see who is more manly!" Fu Tao suggested from the side.

Feng Chao glanced at Lin Li and said, "Okay, I'll compete with you. You do one and I do three! If you can beat me, I won't stop you from doing anything you want!"

Lin Li suddenly became interested, thinking that he had a system, and he hadn't used the matching this week. He should be able to do a hundred push-ups, but if it didn't work, he would use the system to match.

Others in the platoon had also been complaining about Feng Chao for a long time and looked at Lin Li expectantly.

"Okay!" Lin Li readily agreed.

"bring it on!"

The instructor directly put his hands on the ground.

Lin Li also twisted his neck, stretched his arms a few times, and put his hands on the ground.

The competition between Lin Li and Feng Chao attracted the attention of other military trainees who were resting around them. Unfortunately, they were not allowed to bring their mobile phones, otherwise they would have taken pictures. The nearby students who were still training also took a look, and they were absentmindedly training.

Fu Tao, a sports student, immediately stood up and became the referee.

"Okay... ready..."


Lin Li and Feng Chao quickly started doing push-ups.




Lin Li added 6 points of strength to his system attributes. He had never intuitively judged how powerful these 6 points were, but now it seemed that the effect was very obvious.

This strength was added to the strength of all the muscles in his body. Now Lin Li felt that his body was like that of a five or six-year-old child, with no weight at all.

In the past, Lin Li would always do 50, but now he no longer knows his upper limit.



Lin Li and Feng Chao both had standard push-up postures and were very fast. Feng Chao said that if Lin Li did one push-up, he would have to do three of them, so if Lin Li's speed was fast, he would have to do three times as fast!

For Feng Chao, doing push-ups is not difficult. He has done more than 300 push-ups in one go at most.

The key is to take one breath without stopping in between.

For ordinary people, doing a hundred push-ups in one breath is already very extreme, and even sports students may not be able to do it.

This is why Feng Chao dared to say that he had the courage to do three times what Lin Li did.

But what Feng Chao didn't expect was that Lin Li's speed was too fast. As soon as Lin Li's speed increased, Feng Chao would follow suit, and it would be three times faster. This immediately made Feng Chao unable to adapt.

After reaching 20, Feng Chao's speed slowed down. Lin Li did one, and he did two, and the speed slowed down.



Forty seconds later, Feng Chao's speed dropped again, matching Lin Li's push-up speed.

However, the push-ups done at three times the speed at first consumed Feng Chao's energy too much. After fifty push-ups, Feng Chao began to gasp.

Just like a person who can run a thousand meters at a constant speed and can finish it in 3 minutes, if he runs the first 100 meters at a 100-meter sprint speed, he will definitely not be able to run within 200 meters.

Feng Chao is in this situation now. He didn't warm up and did it too fast at the beginning. At this time, the muscles of his hands and feet were completely sore.


Eighty minutes later, the two slowed down again and began to hear Lin Li's breathing.

"One hundred and three……"


The speed of the two is getting slower and slower, but they still basically maintain the frequency of ordinary people doing push-ups.

After one hundred and ten, the two of them could see that they were struggling, as if they were holding a stone on their backs, and their movements were not up to the standard before.

One hundred and twenty, the two of them haven't decided the winner yet, but each other is breathing heavily, and beads of sweat have begun to form on their foreheads.

The instructor looked at Lin Li in disbelief. How could this guy hold up better than him? He was really mistaken.

"one hundred thirty……"

Both of them have become extremely slow. It takes six or seven seconds to do one thing, but they are still gritting their teeth and persisting!

"You kid...if you can't do it, just...accept...defeat. I won't laugh at you!" Feng Chao was so tired that he even spoke his native dialect.

Lin Li didn't speak, but continued to do it while biting his gums. At this moment, he himself was also curious about the extent of his strength.

"one hundred fifty……"

Feng Chao held back his energy and followed suit. He found in despair that he had done it too quickly at first, and now he was doomed. He couldn't even make two hundred, let alone triple Lin Li's number!

While Feng Chao was thinking about it, Lin Lina did it silently for another seven or eight times.

Feng Chao's dark face also showed some suppressed red blood, his eyes were wide open, his hands were shaking and he did it again!

As Feng Chao's speed slowed down, the number of push-ups he did at the beginning was slowly matched by Lin Li's. Both of them have now done 180!

The two continued to do two more, and Feng Chao finally couldn't hold on anymore and fell to the ground unwillingly.

Lin Li did two more before getting up.

Feng Chao looked at Fu Tao and said, "Today I..."

Take a breath.

"I was... not performing well today..."

Feng Chao initially asked Lin Li to do one, but he did three. As a result, not to mention three times as many times as Lin Li, he didn't even reach the same number of times. Feng Chao was very embarrassed.

Lin Li was also very shocked by his performance today. He did nearly 200 push-ups. He had never dared to think about it before, but now he did it without even using the system's help.

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