The straight man in the entertainment circle

Chapter 196 There is no one who can fight!

Lin Li's song "A Blossoming Tree" quickly spread on the Internet, especially the last sentence, which almost instantly became the new signature of countless literary and artistic youths.

Lou Haojie and others are relatively well-known in the poetry world, and many netizens regard them as authorities.

Therefore, when Lou Junjie and others commented on the Internet that Lin Li's poems were garbage and shit, many netizens began to become suspicious.

They doubt their own aesthetics and their own taste, but few people doubt Lou Junjie and the others.

However, this time, after Lin Li posted their poem on Weibo, he made some corrections and innovations, making the whole poem full of poetry.

There is no harm without comparison. Originally, everyone thought that Lou Junjie's masterpiece was good, but as soon as Lin Li's poem was written, anyone with some appreciation level could see that Lin Li's poem was much better than Lou Junjie's.

Especially the last sentence has become a favorite among young people.

Therefore, after Lin Li posted this on Weibo, netizens began to wake up and realized that Lou Junjie and others were nothing more than this.

Their level is not as good as Lin Li's, so their definition of whether Lin Li's poetry is good or bad naturally begins to be questioned by everyone.

"Lin Li doesn't say anything, but he uses his practical actions to show everyone that the poem should be just like what he wrote!"

"I was almost deceived by the identities of Lou Junjie and his group. I thought they were very capable."

"Haha, what you wrote is worse than shit, and you still mislead others and give wrong information to the next generation. These people are so hateful!"

"With these people in control of the Poetry Couplet, can Chinese people still fall in love with modern poetry?"


Everyone is targeting Lou Junjie and the others.

Lou Junjie and others were also a little confused in the group.

Lou Haojie: What should we do now?

Jian Buyu: Write a poem to fight back!

Fengzi: The best way is to learn from Lin Li and hang one of his poems, and then we can slightly change the poem to make it better. Only in this way can we prove that our level is higher than his!

Feng Feiye: Uh...who's coming?

After this question, there was silence, and a group of people went to search for Lin Li's poems.

Lin Li had a few ancient poems that they were not good at, so naturally they didn't dare to start.

"See or Not See" is so good that I can't put it down...

"Stunning Beauty", integrated into one body, unable to move...

"Life" is just one word, what should I change? Any further changes would be superfluous...

"A Blossoming Tree", this song compares to Lou Junjie's famous works. They thought that they couldn't change it for the better. Even if they could change it for the better, wouldn't it be a bigger loss to Lou Junjie's face? There is no need to consider this one...

After an awkward silence in the group.

Heitu: I looked at some of Lin Li's poems circulating on the Internet...I don't have much inspiration...Old Lou, come on!

Lou Haojie: Well, for me to come here seems a bit too ungrateful, so I say it’s better for Brother Fengzi to come.

Fengzi: I...I don't have much inspiration either...

Jian Buyu: Our time is too short. This guy Lin Li must have been prepared long ago.

Fengzi: Yes.

Lou Haojie: Nowadays, online criticism is very unfavorable to us, and has even begun to implicate our Poetry Association. We have to come forward. Changing poems is not possible, so we must have some voice, otherwise netizens will think that we are no longer good. I say it is inappropriate, like It's like sophistry. Can any of you come forward and say something?

After another period of silence, Jian Buyu, who had the best relationship with Lou Junjie, said nothing.

Jian Buyu: Let me do it!

Lou Junjie: Okay Brother Jian, it’s up to you.

Style: Brother Sword is mighty!


After Jian Buyu thought about it for a long time, he posted on Weibo.

A poem does not mean anything. When everyone is inspired, it is very simple to improve on the basis of predecessors. Because you stand on the shoulders of giants, please believe in our fairness and level. It is the soul of Chinese poetry, some people are just arrogant clowns.

Jian Buyu thought that there was nothing wrong with his remarks, but after posting this Weibo, the comments exploded soon after.

"I think you have lost your mind and still have a poetic soul!"

"Lin Li will soon let you understand what a true lost soul is, haha!"

"I'm still arguing that other people's improved poems are worse than yours, and some of their most wonderful sentences are original and not improved upon Lou Junjie's poems. Don't put yourself in a flattering light, it's just not as good as it is! "

"You still think you are the authority? No one believes it anymore!"

"Your level of appreciation is not as good as mine."

"You still have the nerve to say that you are a giant?"


Jian Buyu saw all the ridicule posted on Weibo, and felt angry in his heart. He was about to post on Weibo to argue again, when suddenly someone in the group spoke.

Fengzi: Look, Lin Li posted on Weibo again!

Jian Buyu went to Lin Li's Weibo and looked at it, but his heart trembled.

Lin Li didn't say anything on Weibo this time. Just like last time, it was still a poem.

This poem is Jian Buyu's masterpiece.

"Life is Hard"

life is hard

Deception is its usual method

Please don't be sad, don't despair

Get used to it and be calm

everything will pass

Everything will become a memory

A better tomorrow will come!

Lin Li remained silent again and hung up Jian Buyu's representative poem, which made Jian Buyu a little panicked.

Is Lin Li going to take action on his poems again?

Fans and netizens on Lin Li's Weibo were very excited when they saw this Weibo post.

"Yeah, Jian Buyu just jumped out, is the boss going to attack him?"

"I'm so excited, hurry up, hurry up!"

"This seems to be Jian Buyu's masterpiece, right?"

"Yes, it is his masterpiece. Because of the inspirational spirit in the poem, many people recited it!"

"Can this poem Lin Li improve it better?"

"It's difficult. The poem itself is very good. If you change it again, it might be superfluous."

"I wouldn't be optimistic about anyone else, but I can't tell if Lin Li comes to change it."

"Let's see the results. When will Lin Li send out the results?"

"I'm so impatient. It's more uncomfortable than watching a suspense drama and waiting for the case to be revealed at the end."

"Don't worry, everyone. Give Lin Li some time. I believe he won't let everyone down."


After Lin Li posted Jian Buyu's poem on Weibo, there was no movement, which made Jian Buyu feel uncomfortable.

It feels like you know someone is going to hit you, but you don't know when that person will hit you or how. This kind of scary moment is really painful.

And netizens are all looking forward to it.

After Lin Li finished posting on Weibo, he went to class as usual.

After class was over, countless people started begging Lin Li to update Weibo.

"Please update, boss."

“I’m so anxious, why haven’t I updated it yet?”

"Everyone, don't be anxious. Think about it, you are already in such a hurry. Jian Buyu's group must not be even more anxious."

"Haha, it does feel much better when I think about it this way."

"Yes, just leave them alone for a while!"

"Don't be too happy too early. Maybe it's because Lin Li can't write a better poem, so there's been no movement!"

"Yes, it would be difficult to change this already good poem into something better in such a short period of time."

"Everyone must understand that Lin Li's improvement does not mean that he should improve a little bit. If he improves a little better, he cannot convince the public. He must change a lot better so that everyone can see it at a glance. This is very difficult."

"Yes, let's give Lin Li some time."


Jian Buyu and the others felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy. They kept refreshing Lin Li's Weibo, hoping to see what kind of changes he would make to Jian Buyu's poems.

If the change is good, it will be over. If the change is not good, they can seize the opportunity to counterattack.

Therefore, Lin Li's changes this time are quite important to them.

However, Lin Li didn't respond all afternoon, which made them unable to sit still.

Jian Buyu: Why hasn't Lin Li made any move yet?

Lou Haojie: Could it be impossible?

Fengzi: It's possible, Lao Jian's poem is not that easy to change!

Heitu: I said, can’t we give this kid time?

Feng Feiye: Yes, we can't let him think about it slowly. If we force him, he will definitely not be able to change it because of the rush. In this case, we can fight back.

Lou Haojie: You're right, Brother Jian, you have to take the initiative and can't wait passively.

Xixun: We can’t wait any longer. The more time we have, the more likely this guy will change for the better. If we push him hard, he might be anxious and reveal that he’s not that good. Then we’ll have something to say.


When Jian Buyu saw everyone in the group saying this, he felt it made sense.

Waiting now is giving Lin Li time to prepare. It will be very beneficial to him to force him so that he can't come up with the revised poem.

Moreover, Jian Buyu really didn't want to wait any longer, it was too difficult.

So Jian Buyu thought for a while and then posted a Weibo message.

Lin Li, why are you challenging me by posting my poems? As far as your level is concerned, forget it. If you have the ability, show it off and don’t be a fagot!

However, less than a minute after Jian Buyu’s Weibo was posted, Lin Li’s Weibo was updated!

Lin Li's Weibo is still full of nonsense.

There is only one altered poem.

"if life has cheated you"

if life has cheated you,

Don't be sad, don't be impatient!

Calmness is needed in melancholy days:

Believe it, happy days will come!

My heart is always looking forward to the future;

Now I am always depressed.

Everything is fleeting and everything will pass;

And what has passed will become a kind nostalgia.

The themes and narrative methods expressed in this poem and Jian Buyu are the same.

But it is obvious that Lin Li's poem is more than one level higher than Jian Buyu's poem!

The Royal Forest Army and netizens were all excited when they saw Lin Li posting this poem.

"Hahaha, it's done, it's done!"

"I was not disappointed! What a great poem!"

"If life deceives you, don't be sad, don't be sad, because Lin Li will always bring you surprises and give them to Jian Buyu, haha."

"Haha, just now Jian Buyu was asking Lin Li for an update on Weibo. Does his face hurt?!"

"Public execution."

"It's not just execution, it's simply whipping a corpse!"

"Lin Li's level is really great. Those people said that Lin Li's poems are not good. Look how he was compared to Lin Li."

"I originally thought Jian Buyu's poem was good, but after reading Lin Li's poem...well, Jian Buyu's poem is indeed worse than shit!"


Not long after, two poems revised by Lin Li also became hot searches.

More people began to notice the debates between several poets such as Lin Li and Lou Haojie through hot searches.

When everyone saw that Lin Li had improved the famous poems of Lou Junjie and Jian Buyu, they all supported Lin Li.

"I just found out that Lin Li had another fight with the Shilian people. Fortunately, I didn't miss it. It was so exciting!"

"Haha, it's hard to miss Lin Li's things. As soon as there's some trouble, it becomes a hot search!"

"The two poems have been revised very well!"

“I thought the original work was good, but now it seems like it’s really average!”

"Lou Haojie and the others must be trembling in front of Lin Li's scalpel!"

“Haha, it’s so picturesque!”

"How long is Lin Li's head? It's so amazing!"


At this moment, when he saw Lin Li's changed poem, Jian Buyu's face turned pale, and his eyes were bloodshot. He really wanted to slap himself, why did he have to wade into this muddy water!

This Lin Li is really poisonous!

Everyone in the group also became silent.

Lin Li's two altered poems compared the masterpieces of Lou Junjie and Jian Buyu to scum. Others cherished their little fame and did not dare to jump out again.

If this happens again and Lin Li changes their famous poem, the poem they are proud of will probably become a laughing stock.

Their foothold in the poetry world is based on their works. If their best works are surpassed by a young man, they will not be able to hold their heads high in the future.

So for a while, Lou Haojie's allies were all silent.

The dignity of the Poetry League and its image in the minds of netizens were completely destroyed by them.

However, countless royal guards and good-hearted netizens still hope that they will jump out, because in this case, Lin Li can continue to slap him in the face and continue to write good poems.

"How many are left, all of them mute?"

"Hurry up and post on Weibo to criticize Lin Li, I want to read Lin Li's poems!"

"Fengzi? Feng Feiye? Heitu? Why are you silent!"

"No, no one can beat me!"

"Lin Li was so cruel. He beat them so hard that they didn't dare to stand up."

"I now believe what they said. They are indeed the soul of Chinese poetry, because they inspired Lin Li to create such good poems. It would be impossible without them!"

"Haha, I got perfect marks for reading comprehension upstairs."


Lou Junjie and a group of others finally couldn't stand the crazy ridicule from netizens and the Royal Guards. That night, they closed Weibo comments one by one.

I can't afford to offend him and I can't do it, so I can only hide.

Everyone couldn't comment on their Weibo, so they had to transfer it to Lin Li's Weibo.

"Congratulations to the boss for successfully wiping out the opponent!"

"Haha, two poems scared them away!"

"It's a pity that I can't see the boss's new poems anymore."

"Don't worry, the days will be long."

"Although I'm not a member of the Royal Forest Army, I'm following you on Weibo. If anything happens in the future, I'll come and watch!"

"Haha, me too."


Obviously, Lin Li had completely won this battle.

But Lin Li was actually not very happy, but felt a little disappointed.

Although these poems of mine are all very good, if they were placed in the 1980s and 1990s, they would not be considered the best.

But now that I take it out, these poems feel a bit invincible.

This is actually not something to be happy about. As a young man who loves literature, Lin Li is still more disappointed to see the poetry world so lonely.

It seems that we really have to revitalize it ourselves.

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