The group of people Lin Li and An Xiaoxi saw before were actually watching Hua Li downstairs.

After running closer, An Xiaoxi was also startled when she saw Hua Li crumbling on the overpass.

At this moment, countless onlookers under the overpass took out their mobile phones to take pictures and started talking about it.

"You should jump off the building, this is it."

"I don't think so."

"I can't tell. This guy looks like he has a mental problem."

"Tsk, tsk, I don't know whose family members it is, it will definitely be sad to know."

"Hey, looking at her like this, maybe her family is still happy after her death."

"Stay far away, don't jump down and hit us."

"Call the police!"

"Someone must have called the police, just watch."


Hua Li sat on the overpass with a dull expression, looking as usual. Such a height did not seem to frighten her, but made her feel comfortable.

There was nothing she could grasp around her at the moment. If her center of gravity was slightly unstable, she might fall directly!

At this moment, people surrounded the overpass. Lin Li squeezed under the overpass, looked at the precarious Hua Li and shouted: "Hua Li, don't be impulsive!"

Hua Li seemed to have some reaction. She looked down and didn't know if she recognized Lin Li, but she smiled.

This smile is very calm, looking down on everything.

Lin Li's heart trembled when he saw it. He knew that such an expression was often the most dangerous.

If there is pain or reluctance in his expression, there is a possibility of being persuaded.

But Hua Li, who is so calm, usually can't be saved.

"don't want!"

Lin Li shouted. His voice had evolved, and his voice had excellent penetration and volume. Even on the rooftop more than ten meters high, his shout could still be heard clearly.

"You can live well, you still have a long life ahead of you!"

Lin Li shouted. Only then did Lin Li realize why he felt so uncomfortable after reading Hua Li's poem. It was because it was Hua Li's desperate poem!

An Xiaoxi also shouted: "Don't give up on life. If you have any difficulties, tell us and we will help you. Don't be impulsive!"

An Xiaoxi shouted hard, but it was obviously not as loud as Lin Li's voice.

When people around them heard the two of them shouting, they all looked over.

"Are these two people this person's family?"

"It's not like that. Look at the person who jumped off the building, she looks so weird. She couldn't give birth to children with such a mark."

"Perhaps it's because of some shock that changed her. I can't tell if she was good-looking before."

"Hey, that man looks familiar to me."

"look familiar?"

"Damn it, this guy can't be Lin Li!"

"Lin Li? Who is Lin Li?"

"Don't you know him? The winner of "The Voice"!"

"I didn't watch that show. Is this person famous?"

"Damn, it's really Linli, I'll go! You can even see stars jumping off buildings!"

"Hurry up and take a photo!"


Lin Li was still shouting to Hua Li at this moment: "Don't you like going to Yanda to take classes? We will apply for you, and you will be our classmate from now on!"

Lin Li's words made Hua Li pull out of her sluggish state a little.

Hua Li looked at Lin Li and then at An Xiaoxi.

"I recognize you..."

Hua Li suddenly said, her voice was very soft, no one else heard it, but Lin Li heard it, and his hearing attribute was enhanced at the moment.

"Yes, we are all from Yanda University. If you like to come to attend classes, we will be classmates from now on. You can come whenever you want and leave whenever you want. We will give you a student ID card when the time comes. No need to register when entering or exiting the school!" Lin Li shouted.

An Xiaoxi anxiously called the police, and then called the school.

"Your poems are very good, really. I think you can be a poet!" Lin Li continued. People around him regarded Lin Li's words as words of comfort or encouragement for those who committed suicide, but what Lin Li said at this moment was sincere. talk.

After hearing what Lin Li said sincerely, Hua Li smiled and said, "Thank you... I'm so bad..."

"Not bad, not bad at all. You are much better than those bullshit poets!" Lin Li shouted.

There were at least 3400 people watching, and no one could hear what Hua Li said. They all thought it was a little strange that Lin Li was talking alone, and that he was talking back and forth.

"Hey, are you still dancing? If not, I'm going home!"

Suddenly some onlookers shouted, they were insensitive people, they just wanted to see some exciting things and scenes, but after waiting for a while, they heard Lin Li shouting, but Hua Li didn't react at all.

"Yeah, if you want to jump, hurry up!"

Countless people were taking pictures of Hua Li with their mobile phones, waiting for her to jump off.

When Lin Li heard someone shouting around him, he suddenly became furious.

His hearing was much better than that of ordinary people, and the two people who said this happened to be not far from Lin Li. After hearing this, Lin Li rushed over and gave each of them a big mouth!

"Shut up!" Lin Li pointed at them and shouted.

Lin Li's strength was surprisingly strong, and he slapped the two people so hard that they fell to the ground.

"Wow, Lin Li hit someone!"

"It's such a heavy blow!"

"You deserve it, those two people deserve to be beaten!"

"Yeah, how can you shout something like that? What good will it do you if someone jumps off the building?"

"If someone really jumps, you are a murderer!"

"Lin Li fought well!"

"This is a star, right? I have to pay attention when I get back."

"Me too, it's the first time I've seen someone beat someone so handsomely!"


An Xiaoxi was shocked when she saw Lin Li suddenly running into a rage, but then she thought about it and felt that Lin Li had done a great job. If she was the only one here, she would definitely not be able to control the situation.

Those two people coaxing together will arouse everyone's emotions. When the time comes, no one will be able to save Hua Li.

Lin Li is really a bodhisattva with thunderous means and a heart!

After telling the two people to shut up, Lin Li continued to stare at Hua Li on the overpass, fearing that she would be affected.

Sure enough, Hua Li seemed to hear the commotion below, her expression returned to coldness, and the world seemed to have nothing to do with her.

At this time, Hua Li had leaned forward, opened her hands, and looked like she was about to jump off!

An Xiaoxi said "Ah", leaned against Lin Li, grabbed his arm hard, and couldn't help but tremble all over.

The onlookers all opened their mouths and widened their eyes, feeling as if their heartbeats stopped for a second.

At the critical moment, Lin Li shouted to Hua Li: "Let me read you a poem!"

Hua Li suddenly stopped and looked at Lin Li blankly.

The onlookers were a little confused after hearing this, and some simply laughed.

Brother, if someone wants to jump off a building, why are you reading a poem?

At such a moment, he still thinks about reciting poems to write poems, what a pedantic scholar he is!

Hua Li looked down at Lin Li from a distance and made no further moves. She just murmured: Then let me listen to a poem before I die...

Lin Li heard this and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

An Xiaoxi was also panting, and her palms were sweating.

Lin Li wanted to recite the poem, and this was his only chance. If Huali didn't change her mind after reciting the poem, no one would be able to save her.

Unknowingly, An Xiaoxi had grasped Lin Li's arm tightly, and her fingers were deeply embedded in Lin Li's flesh.

Lin Li didn't care about the pain at the moment. He took a deep breath and read loudly towards the overpass with a slightly aged and firm voice:

Maybe my thin body is like a clinging kudzu vine,

Unable to control the future of one's own destiny,

Then please listen to my voice in the miserable wind and rain,

Still whispering repeatedly: love life.

After hearing this, the onlookers realized that this poem was to persuade people to love life, which was quite appropriate.

When An Xiaoxi heard this, her heart trembled.

This poem, which fits this situation so well, was obviously just thought of by Lin Li. The images of "clinging kudzu" and "bleak wind and bitter rain" actually made her extremely distressed.

I think Hua Li will feel more involved after hearing it!

Sure enough, after Lin Li read this sentence, An Xiaoxi noticed that Hua Li's expression seemed to have changed slightly, but she was far away and couldn't see clearly.

Lin Li continued to read loudly:

Maybe after a fierce struggle in life,

I died calmer than the lake.

Then please go to the cemetery to look for my inscription,

It is still engraved with: Love life.

None of the onlookers understood poetry, but when they heard Lin Li reciting such a poem desperately and firmly, they could still feel the fiery emotion of survival in the poem!

An Xiaoxi, who understands poetry, and Hua Li on the rooftop, were even more moved by the power of the poem after hearing Lin Li's poem!

I made up my mind: use pain as a weight,

I have the confidence to use my life as a Libra.

I want to tell the value of a person's life,

I want future generations to follow my example: love life.

When An Xiaoxi heard this, she looked at Hua Li on the overpass. This poem was so well written that it had completely aroused people's desire for survival even before it was finished.

Ants are greedy for life, let alone humans!

If you are not afraid of death, why don’t you dare to love this life that you only have once!

Hua Li was sitting on the overpass with tears in her eyes.

Indeed, I cherish what belongs to me very much

That winding wild path,

It is through this winding path,

I just realized how hard life is.

I walked with bare feet like a wandering child,

Deeply aware of the hard edges of the rocks along the way,

Plus the clumps of thorns blocking the road

Every step I take leaves a trail of blood.

I walked with my back bare like a beggar,

I know well the hunger and cold in the winter wind and snow,

As hot as the poisonous sun in summer,

This makes me cherish every trace of warmth a hundred times.

But I have the personality to challenge the old forces.

Although I have experienced setbacks, I will never give up.

I can live tenaciously until now,

That’s it: Believe in the future and love life!

Lin Li finished reciting, but everyone felt that Lin Li's voice echoed in the sky, impacting everyone's eardrums and hearts.

This poem is inherently powerful, and coupled with Lin Li's sonorous and emotional voice, people who hear this poem can't help but feel in awe of life.

No matter how hard life is and how bumpy our destiny is, we must overcome difficulties, endure humiliation, perseverance, and never turn back. We must believe in ourselves, love life, and realize our own value.

This is the power of this poem!

Hua Li was on the overpass, shedding tears at this moment!

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