After a busy day, Hua Li's affairs were sorted out, and Lin Li and An Xiaoxi were able to save people to the end.

I will hand in the manuscript to the publishing house tomorrow and sign the contract. They will definitely publish it as soon as possible while the hot search is still happening. I think it will be out within a week.

The media who wanted to interview Lin Li waited at the school gate for a whole day and were very disappointed not to meet Lin Li.

The numerous hot searches slowly dropped from the hot searches in the evening, and a volcano erupting in the Americas topped the hot searches.

When Lin Li returned home, Song Wenjie said in a show-off manner: "Son, do you know how many calls your mother and I received today?"

When Lin Li saw his mother asking this, he had no choice but to cooperate: "How much?"

"104 phone calls, plus 15 text messages!"

Song Wenjie was as busy as she was today for the first time, and she seemed to be asking for credit.

"Then you're great."

Lin Li imitated Song Wenjie's words of praise for him when he was a child and said that he felt that the way his mother took credit was very similar to when he was a child when he was doing the correct test.

Song Wenjie didn't pay attention and said, "Son, what you did last night was so beautiful. Mom is proud of you!"

Lin Li was about to say something stupid when Song Wenjie suddenly thought of something: "By the way, is the girl you were with yesterday your girlfriend?"

Lin Li replied helplessly: "Did you say it at noon? No!"

"Oh, if yes, don't hide it from mom." Song Wenjie said.

"Know it!"

Lin Li finished washing, returned to the room, and exhaled from the system again. He still had more than 18 million reputations last night. Today has passed, and hot searches about him saving people and poems he wrote have aroused heated discussions. , in one day, the reputation increased by more than 11 million.

Now Lin Li has 30 million reputation.

Lin Li thought for a while and drew another 50 prizes.

In the lottery...

Unfortunately, no items were drawn this time!

In the lottery...


After 50 draws, Lin Li obtained, [Perception] 1, [Endurance] 1.

After drawing the prize, Lin Li picked up his phone and scanned the webpage for a while. He was too busy with Hua Li during the day and didn't even look at the top trending search. Now he has some free time to see what netizens have to say.

"Lin Li was at loggerheads with Lou Haojie and others from the poetry circle two days ago, and today he made such big news, it's unbelievable!"

"The key is that Lin Li has written so many poems these days, and each one is better than the last!"

"Is Lin Li quitting the singing world and going to the poetry world?"

"No, I want to listen to Lin Li's song."

"Yeah, it's been a long time since I heard Lin Li's new song."

"Didn't "The Original Dream" come out last time?"

"How long has it been? It's been almost ten days. In the past, Lin Li could release three songs in ten days."

"Haha, do you want to exhaust Lin Li to death?"

"Did you notice that in the live video, Lin Li hit someone!"

"Yeah, Lin Li's attacks are so ruthless and scary."

"Those two should be beaten. They seem to be shouting to those who commit suicide to jump!"

"If I saw this, I would fight him!"

"I don't care what you say, I just want to ask who is the woman with Lin Li!"

"It is said that she is Lin Li's girlfriend."

"You only have a girlfriend a few days after entering college?"

"I can't help it, Lin Li is talented and handsome..."

"Haha, it's such a coincidence that when someone committed suicide, he appeared immediately and successfully saved her. It seems like a hype."

"Yes, what a coincidence. The level of hype is so great that it was on three or four hot searches at once!"

"You guys are so rude to others, and even if they try to save others, you will be criticized by you. I think you deserve a beating!"


Most netizens still support Lin Li, praising his songs and poems, and praising him for doing good things in saving people. However, some people suspect that Lin Li is hyping up, saying that he is hyping up for his new album.

Lin Li didn't want to pay attention to these people at all.

After looking again, Lin Li also found that his suspected relationship had also received countless attention.

An Xiaoxi's information at Yanda, her photos and Weibo were exposed.

Lin Li then found out about An Xiaoxi's Weibo and ran to read it.

It turns out that An Xiaoxi has been following Lin Li for a long time. The latest Weibo post was posted at night. It seems that she just discovered that her information has been exposed on the Internet.

An Xiaoxi briefly talked about what happened between the two last night on Weibo, and then explained that the two are just ordinary friends and hoped that everyone would stop spreading rumors.

Lin Li paid attention to her and gave her a like, but didn't comment.

The next day, after Lin Li finished breakfast, just before going out, he suddenly turned back, took a mask and put it on.

The weather is getting colder these days. Lin Li has put on long sleeves and a mask and walked on the street. Finally, no one recognized him.

When they arrived at school, many people recognized Lin Li, but when they saw that Lin Li was wearing a mask, they knew he didn't want to be disturbed, and no one came up to talk to him.

After two classes, Ma Wen came over and said, "Boss, have you read my campus forum posts?"

Lin Li remembered that Ma Wen had written an article "Confessions of a Royal Forester" on the forum before.


"You must have seen it before." Ma Wen said.

"It's been a week." Lin Li said.

Ma Wen smiled and said, "Look at it now."

Lin Li heard what she said and went to the campus network to read it.

The post Ma Wen originally wrote was roughly to express her love for Lin Li and also reflect on Yanda's "discrimination" against entertainment stars.

The post said that for YSU students, idols can be people from all walks of life, but they cannot be celebrities. Why can't celebrities?

At that time, there were many people who supported Ma Wen, but most of them said that the school spirit of Yan University has been accumulated for a hundred years and cannot be changed in a short time. Moreover, as the highest university in the country and the leader of all universities, if there is star chasing on campus, then One set is really not that good.

Lin Li felt that what people on both sides said made sense. From a personal point of view, liking a certain star was a matter of personal freedom. It was unfair for students to be looked down upon in college because of their pursuit of stars.

But from a national perspective, universities are full of future pillars of the country, and the worship of stars really shouldn’t be promoted, at least not at Yanda.

But this time Lin Li opened Ma Wen's previous post and found that the direction of the wind seemed to have changed a bit.

"I read this post again and found that what the poster said is very good. In fact, there is nothing wrong with liking celebrities. The key is what kind of celebrities you like. So far, I think the poster has a good taste."

"Lin Li saved someone last night. Just for this reason, if you chase him, I won't have any contempt for you."

"I didn't quite understand the behavior of chasing stars before, but this time I seem to understand that some people do have unique charm that others don't have."

"I think the school spirit of Yanda has been tolerant since ancient times. Just like whoever you like."

"Lin Li's poems are good, his character is also good, and seeing how the Imperial Guards love and care for Lin Li, I suddenly feel that it is a happy thing to have such a person in my heart."

"Hey, poster, I sent you a private message, I want to join the Royal Forest Army!"


What surprised Lin Li the most was that An Xiaoxi replied to the post last night: Support the poster, there is no shame in chasing stars. Here, I also want to tell everyone loudly that I am also a member of the Royal Forest Army!

Someone immediately replied to An Xiaoxi: You are really... what kind of imperial guard you are, you should be coveting the throne of the queen!

The subsequent comments were completely skewed, making fun of the scandal between An Xiaoxi and Lin Li.

Seeing Lin Li finish reading, Ma Wen said proudly: "Boss Lin, I have created a Yanda Imperial Guard Army Group here. There were originally 28 people, but now there are 52 people."

"Thank you." Lin Li said.

"Where are we now? My goal is that by the time we graduate, this group will be at least full!"

Lin Li asked: "How many people will be at full capacity?"

"2,000 people!"

Lin Li smiled and said, "Just don't delay your studies."

"I'm smart!" Ma Wen said proudly.

Lin Li suddenly remembered how he met Ma Wen on his first day at Yan University and smiled awkwardly.

"By the way, Boss Lin, I think you still don't know, but now you are ranked first in the campus rankings!"

Lin Li was stunned and said, "Isn't An Xiaoxi number one?"

"That was before yesterday. Today you are ranked first. Look at her 14,000 votes, and you already have 15,000 votes."

Ma Wen said as she opened the post on the Campus Ranking List. She paid close attention to the posts about Lin Li in all the campus forums. She felt a bit like Lin Li's spokesperson at Yanda.

Lin Li saw that it was true. When he first entered Yan University, he only had 6,000 votes. Unexpectedly, in just half a month, he wrote a song, wrote a few poems, saved a person, and immediately ranked first. .

It seems that almost one-third of the people in the school voted for him. This popularity is rising a bit fast.

In the afternoon, An Xiaoxi picked up Hua Li and came to school, and Cao Jian also came with the contract.

The two parties were about to sign a contract when suddenly Bai Yiming arrived.

After Bai Yiming came in, he picked up the contract and looked at it carefully.

Cao Jian smiled and said: "Don't worry, there is no problem with our contract."

An Xiaoxi said: "We've seen it, there's no problem."

Bai Yiming didn't answer. He read it carefully, then returned the contract to both parties, and said to An Xiaoxi: "You are not studying law. Sometimes one word in this kind of contract is different, and the meaning is different. I read it No problem, sign it.”

Lin Li found that Bai Yiming didn't talk much on weekdays, but he did have a sense of justice.

Hua Li went to the Civil Affairs Bureau in the morning to complete the divorce. Now she has signed the contract, and she has been happy for a while.

"I...I'll treat you to dinner! Thank you!" Hua Li showed a rare smile.

Lin Li and the others wanted to celebrate Hua Li's new life, so they couldn't refuse her request, but they couldn't bear to let her spend money.

"I know there is a very good's a little far, but the price is very cost-effective." An Xiaoxi said.

Lin Li saw An Xiaoxi winking at him and said hurriedly: "Yes, let's go there."

Seeing what they said, Hua Li naturally agreed.

The four of them took a taxi. When An Xiaoxi and the driver said the words "Anji Hotel", Lin Li and Bai Yiming looked at each other.

"Anji Restaurant" is one of the most famous restaurants in Kyoto, one that even Lin Li had heard of before coming to Kyoto.

It’s a century-old store, and its stores are all in courtyards. The prices are definitely not cheap!

Lin Li knew that An Xiaoxi was not a random person. Listening to the name of the restaurant and An Xiaoxi's surname, Lin Li probably just came out. An Xiaoxi took them to her family's restaurant.

Hua Li obviously didn't understand this. She looked out the car window happily, feeling that everything was very strange.

About twenty minutes later, the three of them got out of the car. An Xiaoxi took the three of them to walk in the alley for a while and arrived at the entrance of the "Anji Hotel".

This is the quaintest and most expensive area in the capital. The people who live here are either rich or wealthy, let alone the people who open their shops here.

There were not many people in the hotel, but there were quite a few waiters. An Xiaoxi took them to the private room, and Lin Li discovered that this courtyard was actually a five-door courtyard with a garden.

Naturally, Bai Yiming also knew the inside story, and the two looked at An Xiaoxi with admiration.

An Xiaoxi smiled sheepishly and started to order several dishes.

"Senior, I'm familiar with you. You can take care of everything." Lin Li was very cooperative.

The menu was not even served, just because Hua Li was afraid that she would see the price.

After hearing this, Hua Li also said: "Order, you order, I'll treat you."

An Xiaoxi ordered a table of food, which tasted really good. Lin Li felt that it was the best meal he had ever eaten in his life.

After the four of them finished eating, Hua Li went to check out, and the front desk said, "A total of 340 yuan."

Hua Li didn't have any doubts, so she took out the crumpled money in her pocket and paid.

Hua Li felt that this was the best and most expensive meal she had eaten in so many years, but it was worth it!

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