After Hua Li's poetry collection sold out, in addition to the poem posted on Lin Li's Weibo, Hua Li's other poems also began to circulate online.

Everyone was shocked by the sadness and lingering in Hua Li's poems. Although some poems still have some minor problems, overall the flaws are not concealed. As a person who has not graduated from high school, Hua Li can be regarded as extremely talented in writing poetry. .

Hua Li's poems have a strong spiritual impact, which cannot be replaced by others.

Coupled with Hua Li's condition of cerebral palsy, she became extremely special. For a time, her edge even surpassed that of Lin Li, and she became a figure that the media rushed to report on.

Since Saturday, reporters have been coming to Hua Li’s house for interviews.

In the following days, media reports also poured in.

News from the Internet: People with cerebral palsy have poetic talents that are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Penguin News: "The Soul of Poetry", Huali transforms! Huali Shi, look at it with cold eyes!

Justice Network: Thank you Lin Li for saving the best Hua Li in the world!

Mobile Lin Li and Hua Li may be the saviors of today’s depressed poetry world!

Wave News: "Cerebral Palsy Poet" Hua Li is born!

Saw the news: As soon as Hua Li’s collection of poems came out, she became old and miserable!


Everyone was excited about Hua Li's appearance, and talked about the legendary story that happened to her. However, things seem to be reversed, and the overwhelming media reports made some people think that Hua Li's popularity was too coincidental.

It feels like an orchestrated hype.

So as soon as the three days of novelty were over, many people on the Internet began to resent the media flattery. In addition, Lin Ligang offended the fans of the other seven contestants in the "I am a Creator" program. Now they all came to step on them. .

They don't care whether Hua Li has poetic talent or not, as long as they think so, they will keep it under wraps.

Lao Wai also just published a collection of poems, but the sales volume was very low. On the contrary, Hua Li's collection of poems was extremely popular. This made Lao Wai feel unhappy, and even Lao Wai became a stepping stone for Hua Li. Countless people were saying that Hua Li appeared Let the old crooked become the old miserable.

The resentment in Lao Wai's heart could not be eliminated. After seeing someone saying that this matter was a joint hype by Lin Li and Hua Li, he quickly forwarded it and began to question that this matter was a hype by Lin Li and Hua Li.

This matter slowly began to change.

"I'm so annoyed by this Hua Li, the hype is so fierce!"

"Build your virtues and speak your mind. I have cerebral palsy and can write such a level of poetry. Isn't it worthy of being reported?"

"Cerebral palsy? I think she is mentally retarded. I wish people all over the country knew her!"

"This is obviously the most successful hype case this year. Lin Li and Hua Li put on a good show, and they were exposed as cheating!"

"I really learned something. The team behind Lin Li is really scary, using human life as a selling point!"

"The team behind Lin Li is amazing. You can tell by just looking at the trending searches. This guy is really tough behind the scenes."

"Oh my god, are you telling the truth? No?"

"Why not? Look at how many hot searches Lin Li and this guy with cerebral palsy have been on in the past ten days. The media reports are all about her. It's so annoying!"

"You are going too far. People have names. What is this cerebral palsy? Do you know how to respect people?"

"Hahaha, Lin Li fans have the nerve to ask us to respect others. When has Lin Li ever respected others?"

"Yeah, in "I Am a Creator", Lin Like doesn't respect people at all!"

"Do you understand that for a musician, the greatest respect is Lin Li's down-to-earth opinions, not flattery?"


The rumors spread more and more widely, and became more and more likely. Countless people were thinking that Lin Li and Hua Li planned this suicide incident, and then it spread on the Internet. Lin Li won the title of a hero who saved people. Hua Li took advantage of the trend and published a collection of famous poems. It was mutually beneficial and everyone was happy.

The Royal Forest Army went around and had fierce arguments with those who spread rumors. The two sides fought fiercely and the war gradually spread.

Originally, it was an incident where some Lin Li anti-fans and fans of several other contestants of "I Am a Creator" criticized Lin Li. Later, some fans of Tianyun contestants also joined in, and the battlefield further expanded.

The Imperial Guards initially looked like they were being attacked from all sides, but not long after, some of them couldn't stand the other party's insulting words for the disabled, and began to fall in love with the Imperial Guards, and the two sides began to argue and scold fiercely.

On Wednesday, Lin Li and An Xiaoxi had lunch and made an appointment to go see Hua Li. When Lin Li and An Xiaoxi walked to Hua Li's house wearing masks, they found a reporter interviewing Hua Li.

Lin Li had a good ear and heard the reporter ask Hua Li outside the door: "Hello, Ms. Hua Li, many people on the Internet are saying that this matter was a hype planned by you and Lin Li. Is that true?"

Hua Li didn't expect such a thing, and said quickly: "No, that's not the case, we are not...hyping."

"Then why is it such a coincidence that just after he rescued you, you published a collection of poems?"

The reporter asked, what does it mean to press forward step by step?

Hua Li was obviously confused by the question. Although she was not stupid, she lacked communication and response experience. When the reporter asked this question, she was dumbfounded and didn't know how to explain it for a long time.

Lin Li came in at this time. He glanced at the reporter and said, "Are you going to leave on your own, or should I drive you away?"

The reporter was stunned when he saw Lin Li coming in. He was a little nervous, knowing that Lin Li was not easy to mess with, and the Lin Li in front of him was obviously angry.

"I...I'll come again next time."

The reporter packed up his things and ran away in a panic.

Seeing the reporter's cowardly look, An Xiaoxi wanted to laugh, but seeing Hua Li's depressed look, she couldn't laugh at all.

Originally, Hua Li was divorced, her poetry collection was published, and it was selling well, and everything was moving in a good direction. However, the malice of the world finally came to her again.

Hua Li obviously couldn't accept it. She raised her head and said to Lin Li, "We are not...hype!"

Lin Li originally wanted to tell her not to take what these people said to heart, but Hua Li was obviously very concerned about it, and what he said would not have any effect on her.

"Yes, Auntie, we are not making any hype, as we have already said, you are not afraid of the shadows slanting if you are upright, right?"

An Xiaoxi is obviously better at comforting people than Lin Li.

After hearing this, Hua Li felt a little better, but she still asked nervously: "Lin Li, have I caused you... another... trouble?"

Lin Li felt uncomfortable when he thought that she was still thinking about him, and said, "It's okay, I'm used to it, don't take it to heart."

Hua Li felt very guilty. Good things had happened one after another these days, and she had become a lot more cheerful. She was not as dull and depressed as before. But after she learned about this incident, Hua Li became dull again this afternoon. stand up.

When Lin Li and An Xiaoxi were about to leave, another media reporter came.

An Xiaoxi went out to stop him: "We don't accept interviews!"

Lin Li was afraid that these reporters would ask questions about whether they were promoting things, so he told Hua Li: "Auntie, I think you have said everything that needs to be said, and you should not accept any of these interviews in the future. "

Hua Li nodded obediently and said, "Well, it's up to you."

Hua Li was now obedient to Lin Li and An Xiaoxi's words, but at this moment Lin Li felt that Hua Li felt more guilty in her promise, fearing that she was so obedient because she felt that she had been harmed.

When Lin Li returned home, Wang Tuo sent a message asking Lin Li what song to sing when he went to record "I Am the Creator" tomorrow.

At this time, the online guards and the anti-fans were still quarreling. The rumors that Hua Li and Lin Li were jointly promoting were getting louder and louder. Lin Li thought of the media asking Hua Li about Hua Li today at Hua Li's house. Hua Li's kind of Lin Li's overwhelmed and unexpected expression seemed to be back to the way it was when Lin Li first saw her.

Lin Li is a person with a strong heart, and is used to the slander and slander of those who criticize her on the Internet. But Hua Li can't do it. She is a person who has just come down from death. She is budding hope for the world, but these netizens , in order to blacken himself, he made rash assertions without evidence and implicated Hua Li in it. It was really vicious.

There are also those media who follow the wind and have no ability to distinguish. Asking Hua Li with such a question is simply a mental torture for Hua Li!

This time I want to sing, so I have to scold them!

Lin Li found a song in his mind, wrote the score and passed it to Wang Tuo and the others...

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