After Gao Xian's thank you was posted on Weibo, netizens became excited.

Especially the comments on Lin Li's Weibo that asked Lin Li to apologize to Gao Xian were extremely exciting.

"Haha, these people asked Lin Li to apologize to Gao Xian, but what they waited for was Gao Xian thanking Lin Li!"

"I really didn't expect that Lin Li is so easy to get along with in private, and he also gives Gao Xian advice?"

"Yeah, I saw that the two of them were a bit at odds with each other on the show. I didn't expect that they would communicate in private."

"Our boss is very good in private. You will know if you get to know him better."

"The most ridiculous thing is that Heizi, he really tried his best to make Gao Xian's new song surpass that of Lin Li, but in the end, this song was still suggested by Lin Li, hahaha, I laughed to death."

"I guess they must have changed their minds immediately and said Gao Xian's song was rubbish."

"Haha, they said they wanted to see Lin Li's expressions. Now I really want to see their expressions."

"It's such a joyous thing."


On the three major music websites, in the comments of Gao Xian's "My Good Brother" song, many members of the Royal Forest Army came to ridicule the previous sunspots.

"You say Lin Li owes Gao Xian an apology, but in fact you owe Lin Li an apology!"

"I admire these people who have always been black and white. They are beaten in the face every time until their noses are bruised and swollen, and they continue to be black. They are really brave!"

"The world is so unpredictable. Reading their messages now, it feels like I'm watching a joke."

"Hahaha, these people have been responsible for my laughter for a month."


Some people actually went to Lin Li's Weibo to apologize to Lin Li.

This group of people are not Lin Li's anti-fans. They just watched the "I Am a Creator" program and felt that Gao Xian was a little pitiful, so they scolded Lin Li before. Now that they know that Lin Li helped Gao Xian, they all came to apologize sincerely.

There were also some few Gao Xian fans who expressed their gratitude to Lin Li on Lin Li's Weibo.

The night after posting on Weibo, Gao Xian sent a message to Lin Li, saying that he had been invited to appear on a new show, and once again expressed his gratitude to Lin Li.

Lin Li was naturally polite and expressed his blessing to him.

Lin Li didn't have time to laugh at those people who criticized him on the Internet, because he couldn't laugh at them.

Later in the evening, Cao Jian from Kyoto Publishing House spoke to a group of several people: " @Hua Li, at one o'clock tomorrow afternoon, I will take you to the CCTV building to record the "Dialogue" program."

Hua Li: "Oh, okay."

An Xiaoxi asked: "When will the 50,000-volume poetry collection printed by Aunt Hua be available on the market?"

Cao Jian said: "There are only two days left."

An Xiaoxi said: "Well, I will go to the TV station with my aunt."

Bai Yiming: "And me."

Only then did Lin Li realize that Hua Li had agreed to participate in a CCTV program in order to print 20,000 more copies of her poetry collection, which would be recorded tomorrow.

Lin Lidao: "I have to record a program tomorrow, so I can't go."

Lin Li was a little worried when he thought about the previous situation when reporters questioned Hua Li, but the other party was CCTV, so it wasn't a big deal if he thought about it.

An Xiaoxi said: "It's okay, you can go ahead. Auntie, we are here."

Lin Li was relieved that An Xiaoxi was doing things, and Lin Li felt a little more at ease.

The next day, after Lin Li had breakfast, he and Song Wenjie continued to the Youku headquarters building to record the third episode of "I am a Creator".

Lin Li met He Mo on the way. The two exchanged simple greetings. He Mo smiled and said, "I'll wait for you in the safe area."

"Okay." Lin Li answered naturally.

This time, Lin Li entered the room in the elimination area. As He Mo said before, the space here was very small, there was not even a stool, and the singers refused to sit on the floor for the sake of image, so when a show was recorded, the whole process was He was standing. Gao Xian had been standing for several hours last time. No wonder he felt like he was being looked down upon.

Lin Li chose the elimination area on his own initiative, so he didn't feel disappointed at all. Seeing that there were no seats, he smiled, then leaned against the wall and waited for the show to proceed.

After waiting for about 20 minutes, Producer A's voice sounded.

"Welcome to the recording site of the third episode of "I am a Creator". I am Producer A."

"Today we welcome our first challenge singer, Sun Yunhan."

Sun Yunhan, a singer who has no memory of Lin Li, and who has no memory with his memory, is really embarrassed to say that he is a star.

Producer A’s voice continues:

"Because Lin Li took the initiative to choose the elimination zone, Sun Yunhan directly entered the danger zone. There are currently four singers in the danger zone, namely Zeng Ye, Sausage, Yi Wei and the new challenger Sun Yunhan."

"Please Lin Li choose your opponent for this challenge among the four."

Lin Li said: "Zeng Ye."

What Lin Li said in the room was naturally unknown to other rooms, so Producer A needed to announce:

"Lin Li chose Zeng Ye as his opponent this time."

Everyone knew about Lin Li's choice, so it was not surprising. Then the singer from the danger zone chose the singer from the safe zone to challenge.

Naturally, Lin Li couldn't hear the choices of the singers in other rooms, but after they made their choice, Producer A would make an announcement.

Sun Yunhan chose He Mo, Sausage chose Su Wanlong, and Yi Wei faced Bai Jingyu.

According to the rules, Lin Li was a player in the elimination zone, and he and Zeng were also the last group to appear.

The first person to appear was Yi Wei.

Yi Wei eliminated Gao Xian last time and narrowly won. He also said in the post-match interview of the last episode that he felt very lucky.

This time he faced Bai Jingyu, and he felt even less confident.

Yi Wei sang a folk-style song called "Late Autumn", which was very suitable for the current season. Yi Wei also sang in an old-fashioned way, with a rare maturity for his age, but it was hard to say who he liked.

Then, Bai Jingyu went on stage to sing. This time he also changed. He wrote a Chinese-style song called "Snowflakes Send Love". The piano in the prelude seemed to fly through the lightly dancing snowflakes, accompanying them. The Xiao flute timbres overlap each other, and the description of the music in the arrangement almost merges with the vast land. The strong Chinese-style songs paired with his unique clear timbre are really amazing.

Bai Jingyu's songs in the three periods are all of good quality. Although there is no hit song like Lin Li's "Sailor", his songs have a variety of styles, and his excellent control ability is also displayed here.

After Bai Jingyu finished singing, there was a burst of screams from the audience. Obviously, in terms of popularity, Bai Jingyu is much higher than Yi Wei.

After the two sang, it was the contestants' turn to make predictions. Except for Bai Jingyu, who was embarrassed, everyone else predicted that Bai Jingyu would win.

The program staff in the elimination area room asked Lin Li: "Lin Li, please predict the difference in votes between the two parties."

Lin Li smiled and said: "The program only predicts winning and losing, but it doesn't ask for predicting the number of votes, right?"

The people on the program team smiled and said nothing. It was true that other contestants were not asked to predict the number of votes in the program. However, Lin Li’s prediction in the last episode of the program was too accurate and brought a lot of topics to the show, so naturally the people on the program team could not let it go this time. he.

"There is no requirement, but we think you must have a prediction in mind and want to hear it." The person from the program team touted.

Lin Li saw through their thoughts and said, "Is this what Director Tao Yufeng wants you to ask?"

Several staff just laughed: "Your prediction is so accurate, we want to know too."

"You believe everything I say?"

"Of course." The person from the program team said without hesitation.

"I said Bai Jingyu will get a hundred more votes, do you believe it?" Lin Li asked.

The people in the program team were stunned. After three episodes of the program, the highest difference in votes was only fifty or sixty votes, with a total of 199 people. A difference of one hundred votes would be too much.

One costs 150, and the other only has 49 votes?

Although everyone thought that Bai Jingyu would definitely win, the difference of 100 votes was too much. The people in the program team looked at each other and didn't know whether to believe it or not.

"Do you think Bai Jingyu's songs are good? That's why you predict the votes like this?" someone from the program team asked.

Lin Li glanced at them and said, "Did your Director Tao tell you anything? There are a lot of extra questions today..."

The people on the program team all laughed awkwardly. This Lin Li could see through things without telling them. How would they answer this question?

Seeing their embarrassment, Lin Li understood and said, "I'm not saying that because I think Bai Jingyu's songs are much better than Yi Wei's. Personally, their songs are almost the same, but I'm predicting the scene now." It’s not about the number of votes from the audience, I think.”

The people on the program team were even more puzzled: "Don't you base your predictions on your own feelings?"

"Follow my feelings, I may be wrong countless times." Lin Li said.

Only then did everyone understand that Lin Li's prediction was no longer a simple guess, but a judgment made by completely breaking out of his own feelings and analyzing the preferences of the public judges on site.

"But everyone may be able to abandon their own feelings, but no one can predict it as accurately as you. Is there any secret to it?"

Lin Li knew that these people had been instructed by the director and were completing their tasks. Although he did feel that they had too many questions, he still responded cooperatively: "Don't you have two TV screens? One is the live public review. Yes, one is for the stage.”

Lin Li said, pointing to the TV showing the stage screen and said, "You don't need to watch this, just listen."

After speaking, he pointed to the TV showing the public review screen: "Look carefully, and you can get an approximate result of the final vote count."

Several people in the program team were all staring at the TV screen of the public review, with blank expressions on their faces.

After the singer took the stage, the light in the public judging area was very dark. Although it could be seen clearly on the TV screen, it was too difficult to tell who they were going to vote for.

How did Lin Li figure it out? Is it just being mysterious?

Although they didn't quite believe it, they didn't dare to question it.

Lin Li's divine predictions in the first two periods have already given him a certain amount of authority, and he can explain it however he wants.

After a while, the results came out. Bai Jingyu won and remained undefeated.

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