On Monday night, live videos of the original "Conversation" program began to leak on the Internet. These are versions that have not been officially broadcast.

In the video, Lou Junjie began to ask questions.

"Excuse me, Ms. Hua Li, do you know what the image and structure of poetry are?"

Hua Li was stunned for a moment, then shook her head blankly.

"You don't know this, how could you write those poems?" Lou Junjie smiled.

Hua Li was obviously confused by the question and didn't know how to answer. She looked at An Xiaoxi and Bai Yiming in the audience for help.

At this time, An Xiaoxi and Bai Yiming stood up to protest, and the people from the program team began to dissuade them. An Xiaoxi then asked Huali to leave the show. Not long after, security came in and took An Xiaoxi and Bai Yiming away.

After a while of commotion, the program continued, with Lou Junjie still asking questions.

"Ms. Hua Li, your friend doesn't seem to allow us to question such questions. Are you feeling guilty?"

Hua Li shook her head and said anxiously: "No."

"Okay, can you please memorize your song "The Spring of a Tare"?"

Hua Li was obviously a little scared. She looked at the people in the audience and tried to remember: "Take medicine on time, go to bed on time...live hard..."

"No!" Lou Haojie interrupted loudly.

Hua Li originally had a bad memory. The night she wrote this poem, she already had the idea of ​​committing suicide. Her mind was so confused that she couldn't remember it very clearly. Being interrupted by Lou Haojie in this way scared her completely.

"You haven't written this poem for a long time, why can't you remember it?" Lou Haojie asked.

"I...I was very confused at the time..." Hua Li said embarrassedly on the stage.

"Well, you can memorize "Stone Mill" and you'll be able to remember it."

Hua Li thought hard and said, "I...I can't remember..."

Lou Junjie smiled proudly and said: "I am also a poet. I can recite the poems I wrote myself. Why can't you? Did someone teach you to write it behind your back, or even someone else did it for you? What did you write?"

Hua Li said anxiously: "No...no one...it was all written by me..."

"I heard that you wanted to commit suicide that night, and a celebrity named Lin Li saved you. But why is it such a coincidence? As soon as you were saved, you published a collection of poems. Isn't it too coincidental? Now you can write it yourself I don’t know how to memorize poems, and I don’t know the theoretical knowledge about writing poems. This makes me wonder if your poem is ghostwritten, and you guys are working together to hype it up. Do you have anything to explain about this?"

After Lou Junjie asked the question, he asked Hua Li to explain. It sounded like a normal question and asked him to clarify. But Hua Li couldn't defend herself against such a question. He knew very well.

Sure enough, Hua Li was at a loss when faced with Lou Junjie's series of pressing questions. She didn't know how to explain it at all, so she kept saying: "No... no..."

The video basically ends here, Lin Li will appear later, and Lou Junjie will naturally not release this part.

Overnight, this video began to go viral. Lin Li's trouble on the TV station and his detention were both on the hot search. Netizens have been discussing the reasons. Now with this video, everyone will understand.

However, after watching this video, netizens' attitudes became very polarized.

"After watching this video, I think Lin Li fought well, but Lou Junjie deserves a beating!"

"Lin Li hit him too lightly, this Lou Junjie should be beaten to death!"

"Although it is indeed inappropriate for Lou Haojie to question a disabled person like this, there is indeed something fishy about this matter."

"Looking at the video, Hua Li can't even recite her own poems, which is really suspicious."

"Fuck you, recite the composition you wrote when you were a child and read it!"

"I just wrote the poem, but I can't recite it. Why can't I doubt it?"

“Disabled people can’t be suspicious, right?”

"Hua Li was planning to commit suicide that night after she finished writing the poem. Do you have any sense of humanity anymore?"

"You only care about your own doubts. Have you ever thought that Hua Li is the one who wants to commit suicide? What is the difference between Lou Junjie forcing her and forcing her to die? This is simply murder!"

"Yes, a group of onlookers, still cheering, are no different from accomplices!"

"If it is true that Lou Haojie suspects that Lin Li is using disabled people to create hype, we will never forgive him!"

"I heard that Lin Li beat someone before. My first impression was that Lin Li was too lawless. But after watching this video, I felt that Lin Li was daring and bold, while Lou Junjie's behavior was not so glorious."


Lou Haojie thought that when this video was released, the Internet would overwhelmingly question Lin Li and Hua Li's hype. Unexpectedly, there were still many voices supporting Lin Li, which made him furious.

Lin Li only saw the video leaked online the next day. After watching it, he clenched his fists.

At the beginning, he just questioned Lou Junjie, and he probably knew the contents. If he had seen all this with his own eyes, I am afraid that Lou Junjie would have lost more than just one tooth.

But this is not the time for Lin Li to be angry. What he is worried about now is that Hua Li will see this video. Bai Yiming and the others had contacted the program team about these contents, but they were not included in the video broadcast on the "Dialogue" program. Yes, but it still leaked out on the Internet.

Forget about the video, what worries Lin Li is the doubts and attacks from netizens who believe in Lou Junjie. It would be unimaginable for Hua Li to see these contents.

Although she said she was not afraid of shadows when she was upright, Hua Li's mentality at this time was completely unable to withstand another blow.

Under the arrangement of the publishing house, Hua Li opened Weibo not long ago and now has more than 200,000 Weibo fans.

She herself also goes online frequently, and I'm afraid she will know about this kind of thing soon.

Lin Li went to Hua Li's Weibo to take a look, and the comments there were indeed not very good.

"Cerebral palsy can write poetry, it makes me laugh."

"Aunt Hua Li, I support you, come on!"

"I think Hua Li, you should prove that you wrote your poems yourself, otherwise I always feel like I'm buying fakes when I read these poems."

"That's funny. Can you prove that what you wrote is what you wrote?"

"Yes, I can say that you memorized everything you wrote on the spot in advance."

"Like Lin Li, write the proposition on the spot! Write it on the spot!"

"You think everyone is Lin Li."

"I think it might be Lin Li who ghost-wrote it and joined forces to promote it!"

"Fuck your sister, does Lin Li still need to hype up?"

"You guys really don't know what the entertainment industry is like. Some people will do anything just for the sake of popularity and topic! What's the point of joining forces with disabled people to hype!"


In the comments on Hua Li’s Weibo, although there are still many people encouraging Hua Li, there are also many people who question whether Hua Li’s poems were written by herself. Some people even clamored for Hua Li to apologize to Lou Haojie. , the tone was very bad.

The more Lin Li watched, the more annoyed he became, but he was still more worried that Hua Li would see it and was about to call An Xiaoxi, hoping to hide it from Hua Li until the Internet crisis passed.

As a result, An Xiaoxi's call came.

"Lin Li, no, Aunt Hua is missing!"

As soon as she answered the phone, An Xiaoxi said eagerly, and she knew that she had known the content on the Internet early and went to visit Hua Li's house.

Lin Li was shocked after hearing this, thinking that the worst had happened.

In the past two days, Lin Li and An Xiaoxi went to Hua Li's house to visit her and chat with her. Hua Li has slowly returned to normal. However, this video circulating on the Internet has made countless netizens question Hua Li and even laugh at her. cerebral palsy.

Lin Li would naturally not care about the rumors on the Internet, but Hua Li has had a much lower self-esteem than others because of cerebral palsy since she was a child, and her mental endurance is no better than that of ordinary people. Such doubts and ridicules are undoubtedly fatal to her .

"Wait for me in front of Auntie's house!"

After Lin Li finished speaking to An Xiaoxi, he hung up the phone and arrived at Hua Li's door as quickly as possible.

An Xiaoxi and Bai Yiming were both there. Seeing Lin Li coming, An Xiaoxi stepped forward and said anxiously: "Aunt Hua can't be contacted on the phone, what should I do?"

Lin Li asked Bai Yiming: "Will the police be accepted?"

"Generally speaking, it takes 48 hours. After all, Aunt Huali is an adult and her consciousness is normal." Bai Yiming said.

"Do you know where Aunt Hua likes to go?" Lin Li asked.

Bai Yiming shook his head, and An Xiaoxi said: "As for the library of Yanda, by the lake, I asked my classmates to look at it, but they all said it didn't exist."

Lin Li was also a little panicked. This time, the bad premonition was worse than when he first saw Hua Li's poem. Lin Li knew that his premonition was accurate now, so he was even more anxious.

"Call the police!"

Lin Li picked up the phone, contacted Jin Simin and told her about the incident.

Jin Simin is now the director, and this area is under her jurisdiction. Although Hua Li, an adult who has not been around for half a day, does not need to use her own resources and can wait, but she understands the seriousness of this matter. , after hearing what Lin Li said: "I'll find someone to take down the surveillance camera and take a look. I'll notify you as soon as there is any news."

"okay, thank you."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Li followed An Xiaoxi and Bai Yiming to contact and search. He even went to the shopping mall on Wenxi Avenue where he went last time. He even went to the overpass to look at it, but he didn't find it. On the contrary, Lin Li was recognized. .

An Xiaoxi asked Lin Li to go home first. They mobilized his classmates to look for him, but Lin Li didn't agree. This time he had a bad feeling.

At noon, Hua Li sent a message: Lin Li, Xiao Xi, Yi Ming, thank you very much. I'm fine. I'm just going for a walk. I'll take a good look at the world and go back after seeing it clearly.

Lin Li received the text message and when he went back to it, the phone was turned off again.

An Xiaoxi became even more anxious after reading the text message. She hurriedly called her classmates in the student union and mobilized her classmates from Yanda to look for him.

Not long after, a group of students from the Yan University Student Union, as well as Ma Wen and more than 20 imperial guards arrived. Everyone divided into two teams and started searching around the residences of Yan University and Hua Li.

However, at the end of the day, no one from Hua Li was found.

On the contrary, the video of Lou Haojie questioning Hua Li spread more and more online throughout the day. They didn't know that Hua Li was missing, and there were more and more malicious comments on Hua Li's Weibo.

"After watching this video, I really feel that there is something wrong with Hua Li and she looks guilty!"

"Hua Li can't answer Lou Junjie's question at all, it's undoubtedly a hype!"

"It doesn't matter if a person is ugly, why would he come out to embarrass himself!"

“Aren’t people with cerebral palsy mentally retarded?”

"I think Lin Li is the mastermind behind this, and he should be banned!"

"You guys have had enough, can you be a little kind?"

"Hua Li's poems and Lin Li's poems are obviously not in the same style. It's said that Lin Li is the ghostwriter, but you can't figure it out!"

"These people are just sitting on the fence and don't have any thinking of their own."

"I think it's okay for Lou Haojie to question. How could someone with cerebral palsy like Hua Li write that kind of poem?"

"You can't speak clearly, but you still write poetry?"

"People have no problem with their thinking, so why can't they write poems? Unclear speech is just a problem with the muscles of the mouth. Shouldn't this be something worthy of sympathy? How come it's almost become the original sin in your country!"


After Lin Li saw these comments, he had a bad feeling. If Hua Li saw these contents, the consequences would be disastrous.

Hua Li left them messages, and there might be a glimmer of the possibility that they might actually go out for a walk and come back, but if these messages were seen by Hua Li, I really don't know what Hua Li would do.

Everyone had been busy for a day and couldn't find Hua Li. They were really hungry, so the group went to a convenience supermarket to buy some food.

While eating, Jin Simin contacted Lin Li.

"Lin Li, we checked the surveillance and saw that Hua Li appeared near Xiaoqing River two hours ago."

Lin Li felt a little relieved when he heard that it at least meant that Hua Li was fine two hours ago.

"Do you know where you are now?" Lin Li asked.

"Still investigating...Give us some time and I'll let you know if there's any news."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Li stopped eating and followed the others to the vicinity of Xiaoqing River.

Just after arriving near Xiaoqing River, Hua Li sent a text message: "Lin Li, Xiao Xi and Yi Ming, I have finished watching this world. It turns out that this world is not as good as you said, but it is not as bad as I thought." , because at least I still have you, you are a beam of light in this dark world, thank you for shining into my life, but what I want is not just light, the coldness of this world has made me unable to adapt, I'm sorry, Bye now."

Lin Li'an Xiaoxi and Bai Yiming both received this text message. They were frightened and called back quickly. This time there was a sound, but no one answered.

Lin Li hurriedly sent a text message: "Aunt Hua Li, where are you? We are all looking for you. Do you still remember the two poems I read to you? Love life and believe in the future. We will face this dark world with you. , the world will get better!"

An Xiaoxi and Bai Yiming also sent encouraging text messages, but Hua Lina still didn't respond.

Lin Li called Jin Simin and asked her to help check the location of Hua Li's mobile phone. Jin Simin also helped. More than ten minutes later, Jin Simin called and said: "The mobile phone location shows that it is Anheqiao."

Lin Li and others didn't have time to think too much and hurried to Anhe Bridge.

As we were walking, a classmate suddenly shouted: "Look, everyone, Hua Li posted on Weibo!"

When everyone heard that Hua Li had posted on Weibo, they quickly turned on their phones and started reading.

Huali Weibo is a poem.

I am a mimosa growing on the windy sand ridge

Meet you unexpectedly

light touch

I closed the leaves

That's my rejection and anger

But it turned out to be your novel joy

But ah

you will never know

The last time I opened my leaves

Already used up all the courage

After reading this, Lin Li's head buzzed, and he knew something was wrong, so he shouted: "Look for it quickly! Look into the river!"

The students of Yan University naturally understood this poem. Hua Li was already desperate for life, but Lin Li's sincerity moved her, allowing her to release all her courage, open her leaves and face life again, and with Lou Netizens represented by people like Haojie once again made her lose her illusions about the world. Then it is obvious what she will do next!

Everyone started looking for Anheqiao Street.

Jin Simin called.

"Lin Li, where are you now?"

"On Anheqiao Street." Lin Li said.

"Um...there's something I want to tell you..." Jin Simin hesitated.

Lin Li knew it was about Hua Li and said, "You tell me, I'm mentally prepared."

"We just received an alarm. We saw someone jumping into the river at the junction of Anheqiao and Qinghe. We have sent people there, but we just don't know..."

"I know, I'll be there right away."

Before he had time to say more, Lin Li pulled An Xiaoxi and asked: "The junction of Anhe Bridge and Qinghe, hurry up!"

Lin Li was not very familiar with the geographical location here. When An Xiaoxi heard this, he pulled Lin Li and ran towards the south.

Everyone saw that there was news and followed the two of them.

The group ran for a few minutes and arrived at the junction of Anhe Bridge and Qinghe River.

I saw a lot of people gathered on the river bank. There was a salvage boat on the river. There were lights on the boat, which illuminated the river brightly.

"Look at that!"

When everyone looked around, they saw that the salvage boat seemed to have salvaged something. Several people on the boat took action, and soon a person was pulled out from the river!

Lin Li was more than a hundred meters away from them, but he had the best eyesight and could recognize the clothes the man was wearing at a glance. He saw Hua Li wearing them!

An Xiaoxi suddenly grabbed Lin Li's arm tightly, feeling a little tense all over.

All the students fell silent, stunned by the scene in front of them.

After the salvage boat fished out the person, it slowly docked.

The police have arrived and set up a cordon, and there are also some spectators outside.

Lin Li ran over quickly. He knew first aid knowledge and hoped it could be put to use. Among the police officers who came was Xiao Zhang. He was a little surprised to see Lin Li, but he still let him in.

Lin Li took a closer look and saw that it was indeed Hua Li!

Lin Li's chest seemed to have been hit hard by something, and he couldn't breathe smoothly. He squatted down with difficulty, touched Hua Li, and found that her body was already cold.

Lin Li let out a long sigh and punched the grass on the shore. The grass was already soft, but Lin Li's anger became much stronger. Suddenly, he punched a hole in the ground.

Xiao Zhang also recognized Hua Li and was shocked when he saw that the person fished out was Hua Li and didn't know what to say.

After confirming that Hua Li had no signs of life, the salvage personnel carried Hua Li's body away after a while, while Lin Li sat on the grass with a stern expression.

Lin Li felt that the most meaningful thing he had done in his life was to save Hua Li.

However, tonight, Lin Li felt that something in his life had died along with Hua Li.

(PS: Lin Li will have a counterattack in the future. You will see it in two days. Don’t worry, I still believe that good and evil will be rewarded.)

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