The straight man in the entertainment circle

Chapter 259 Please give me the salary of the program team’s question maker

The recording of the first episode of "Chinese Studies Conference" has begun.

The ten contestants took their positions. There was a large computer screen in front of each of them. There was a button on the right hand side, which was obviously a answering machine. The contestants all stood up and looked ready to fight.

Liang Shengdao: "First of all, we are conducting the idiom session. Idioms are the crystallization of China's five thousand years of cultural development and a shining pearl in Chinese studies. Most idioms have four characters, but there are also three, five or even more characters. , today, let us appreciate the charm of Chinese idioms!"

Qiu Tian said: "There are many ways to play in the idiom category, such as guessing against me, idiom solitaire, idiom explanation, idiom splicing, etc. In this period, we will start with the idiom explanation. Each question is worth 10 points, and we will give an idiom. , the contestants need to answer questions and must clearly explain the meaning of the idiom, including the original meaning and the extended meaning. If the basic meaning is only stated but not comprehensive, only 5 points will be scored, and no points will be scored for wrong answers."

Liang Sheng continued: "There will be bonus points in this round. Each idiom will have its origin. If you tell the origin of the idiom, an additional 10 points will be added. If the answerer does not know how to answer, other contestants will continue to answer."

Qiu Tian said: "Just a reminder, you can only answer after the host says please answer three words, otherwise you will lose the qualification to answer this question. Is it clear?"

The contestants have long known about the rules of the program. The two hosts are telling the audience that the rules are very detailed and really test their strength.

Everyone said: "It's clear."

Qiu Tian turned slightly, faced camera No. 1, and said, "Please listen to the first question."

There was a pause.

"Please tell me the idiom explanation of the four characters "lonely and lonely", please answer."

This question is not difficult. After listening to the host's voice, the ten contestants quickly pressed the answering machine.

"Wu Hao grabbed it, you tell me."

Wu Haodao: "Loneliness describes the appearance of loneliness. The source should be Li Mi's "Chen Qing Biao"."

Liang Sheng said: "Are you sure?"


"We'll let Bachelor Yu Jie comment on this question," Liang Sheng said.

Yu Jie is the only female among the three judges and sits in the middle, so she is allowed to start the review first.

Yu Jie smiled and said: "I think this question shouldn't be difficult for the contestants on the stage. They all know the meaning of this idiom. However, there is a difference between knowing and explaining clearly. The idiom "lonely" It comes from Li Mi's "Chen Qing Biao". It says like this: There are no close relatives outside, and there is no five-foot-long child inside who answers the door. They are all alone, and they are dependent on each other. It is clear from this perspective that this idiom is not only The meaning of describing loneliness also means being helpless, so both loneliness and helplessness must be reflected in this question. Wu Hao only mentioned this meaning of loneliness, which can only count for half of the score."

Everyone originally thought that what Wu Hao said was completely correct, but they didn't expect that they still deducted five points for not answering. It seems that the requirements of this program are still very strict.

After all, this program is a program to popularize knowledge, so it naturally requires the information delivered to be accurate and comprehensive. Everyone thinks it’s pretty good.

Liang Sheng said: "Okay, according to the rules, Wu Hao answered half of the questions correctly, but he told the source. This question earned 15 points."

The number 15 was displayed on Wu Hao's integrator.

Qiu Tian said: "The first question is a small test. Everyone should brace themselves. Questions that you think are very simple may not be that simple. Some idioms have multi-layered meanings, so everyone should be careful."

The players nodded and cheered up.

Qiu Tian said: "Okay, next question, please listen."

"Please write down the four words "cooperate and stubborn" and give the relevant explanation. Only those who write the correct idiom are eligible to answer. Otherwise, it will be considered as a failure and you will lose the qualification for the next round of answering. Please answer quickly.

The contestants of this question couldn't help but recall in their minds how to write the character "瀣" in Hangzhou before they started to answer.

This time Zhang Xingyue got it.

"Zhang Xingyue, please write down the four words collusion and collusion first, and then answer."

Zhang Xingyue used a stylus to write these four words on his answer screen, and then said: "Collaboration, originally a metaphor for people with similar odors joining together, it was a complimentary word, but later it was a metaphor for people with similar odors colluding together, and it became a derogatory term .”

Liang Sheng asked: "Do you know the source?"

Zhang Xingyue thought for a while and shook his head.

Liang Sheng said: "The origin of this idiom is indeed a bit difficult. Other contestants, please answer!"

As a result, the other contestants didn't answer, obviously they didn't know.

Liang Sheng was a little surprised and said, "I didn't expect this question to be so difficult. Does anyone in the audience know about it?"

Two people in the audience raised their hands.

There were more than two hundred people in the audience, most of whom were students and Chinese studies enthusiasts. It was not surprising that one or two knew about it.

Liang Sheng was about to name one of them when he suddenly saw Lin Li sitting in the audience watching the game.

Lin Li did not raise his hand, but he pressed the armrest of the chair with one hand and leaned slightly with a leisurely expression.

"Lin Li, do you know?" Liang Sheng became curious and asked.

Lin Li was stunned. He didn't expect him to call him. Now Lin Li's memory has been strengthened since childhood. Many people will not remember the knowledge points they saw a long time ago, but it doesn't matter how long it takes for Lin Li. , no matter how hurriedly he looked, he would have some impressions. In addition, after arriving at Yan University, Lin Li went to the library to read when he had nothing to do. His knowledge reserve had already surpassed that of ordinary people. He really knew the origin of this collusion idiom.

There was a microphone next to Lin Li. He picked up the microphone and stood up and said, "If I remember correctly, the source of this idiom should be Qian Yi's "New Book of the South"."

The three judges looked at Lin Li in surprise, and the audience began to applaud regardless of whether he was right or not.

"Right? Teacher Zhang Deming?" Liang Sheng asked.

Zhang Deming nodded and said, "That's right."

The audience applauded louder now.

"Okay, do you know now?" Qiu Tian asked the players.

The players nodded one after another and looked at Lin Li with admiration.

Qiu Tian said: "Let's move on to the third question."

“Please give me the explanation of the idiom of walking alone, please answer.”

This time, a player named Li Bangwen grabbed it.

But the moment Li Bangwen turned on the lights, some laughter suddenly burst out from the audience.

When the third question came out, everyone in the audience began to realize that these idiom questions were the lyrics of "Uncommon Words" that Lin Li sang just now!

Li Bangwen grabbed the right to answer the question and found that everyone was laughing. He was a little confused and looked at the host, thinking that he had grabbed the wrong question.

"Li Bangwen, it's okay, just answer it." Qiu Tian saw his uneasiness and said.

Li Bangwen thought for a while and said: "Zhenzhenxing alone means walking alone and without support. The origin... is unclear."

There are tens of thousands of Chinese idioms, and only some common idioms are known to have their origins. It is normal for no one to know the origins of some slightly more obscure idioms, so it is also based on this consideration that there will be bonus points for telling the origin.

Liang Sheng said: "Other contestants can answer, please answer."

As a result, all the contestants frowned and did not dare to answer, because if they answered wrongly, they would not be eligible to answer in the next round. They would only answer if they were at least a little sure.

Suddenly, Zhang Xingyue grabbed it.

Liang Sheng said: "Zhang Xingyue robbed it, you tell me."

Zhang Xingyue thought for a while and said, "Let me guess one. Is it the Book of Songs?"

Liang Sheng asked: "Are you not sure?"

Zhang Xingyue said: "I'm not sure, but I remember there seems to be this idiom."

"You won't be able to answer the question in the next round if you answer it wrong, did you know?"

"I know, but if ten people rob it, the probability is only 1 in 10. The source of my guess, I think the probability is higher than 1 in 10."

There was a round of applause.

"Very good, your strategy is right." Liang Sheng said, "But the answer is wrong."

Liang Sheng looked at the audience and said, "Does anyone know the origin of the idiom walking alone?"

Three people in the audience raised their hands. Liang Sheng looked at Lin Li, and Lin Li also looked at Liang Sheng, sensing that Liang Sheng was going to call him again.

Whether it was out of his own curiosity or for the effect of the program, at this time, Liang Sheng naturally wanted to ask Lin Li first.

"Come on, Lin Li, tell me."

Lin Li gave a bitter laugh, picked up the microphone and stood up and said: "In the Book of Songs, there is "Zhenzhen Walking Alone". There are no other people. This should not be the source of "Zhenzhen Walking Alone". If I remember correctly, the source of "Zhenzhen Walking Alone" should be Zhang Zao. "Essays on Commemoration of Cheng Yichuan".

Just like before, when everyone heard such a biased article, they already agreed that it was right and applauded one after another.

Liang Sheng glanced at Lin Li appreciatively. He was originally unsure about Lin Li's chances of winning compared with these experts in Chinese studies. But now it seems that Lin Li's level is indeed higher than the players here.

Thinking of this, Liang Sheng hoped that Lin Li could come to compete.

But now that the recording of the program is still going on, this idea flashed through Liang Sheng's mind, but he didn't stop talking. He said to Ye Zhiyong: "Lin Li, please sit down. Bachelor Ye Zhiyong, please comment on this question." Bar."

Ye Zhiyong said: "This question was grabbed by Li Bangwen. Let me first explain Li Bangwen's explanation. Walking alone means walking alone. There is no meaning of being helpless. Did you read it before? The idiom "solitary" only talks about being lonely but not about being helpless, so it gets half the points, so in this question you also talk about walking helplessly? But the idiom does not mean helpless, so what is your explanation? , is not accurate enough and can only count for half of the score.”

Everyone sighed after hearing this. The judges were really strict. Neither too much nor too little was good. However, this kind of program with popular knowledge really needed to be treated with rigor. Everyone applauded one after another.

Ye Zhiyong waited for a while and continued: "As for the origin of this idiom, Lin Li has already said it very accurately, so I won't say it anymore, but it is also good that Zhang Xingyue can tell about the Book of Songs."

The audience exclaimed when the judges said that Lin Li was correct. Even though Lin Li wrote the lyrics, who would even check the origin of these idioms when writing the lyrics? He obviously knew it already.

At Lin Li's level, if he were to answer questions, wouldn't he be the person with the highest score on the court?

Qiu Tian said: "Then Li Bangwen scored 5 points this time. Let's take a look at the next three questions. Wu Hao scored 15 points, Zhang Xingyue 10 points, Li Bangwen 5 points, and the other players did not score for the time being..."

There was a voice in the audience: "Lin Li 20 points!"

Lin Li gave two reasons for his answer. According to the score on the field, it was indeed 20 points.

Liang Sheng smiled and said, "Yes, Lin Li has 20 points."

Everyone laughed.

"Okay, please listen to the next question. Please write the four words "Enlightenment" and do..."

Qiu Tian read the title halfway through, and the audience burst into laughter.

Qiu Tian stopped and looked at the audience: "What are you laughing at?"

Liang Sheng said: "It seems everyone knows."

When Qiu Tian read the third question, some viewers noticed the clue and laughed. By the fourth question, more people discovered the pattern of this idiom question.

This question is really based on an idiom from Lin Li's "Uncommon Words"!

Liang Sheng asked: "Everyone knows, right?"

"Yes!" Individual players and some spectators said in unison.

There were also some people who were not clear about it. They were confused by this and started asking questions to the left and right. After hearing the explanation, they would also smile.

Qiu Tian smiled and said: "It seems that everyone should know it now. Yes, the first idiom segment of our first issue uses the title of the song "Uncommon Words" that Lin Li just sang."

Liang Sheng asked Lin Li, "Lin Li, do you have anything to say?"

When Lin Li saw that the program team had used the song he had just sung as the topic, he was a little bit dumbfounded and said, "Please give me the salary of the person who wrote the question."

Everyone laughed.

Lin Li added: "When I was studying, the people I hated most, apart from the head teacher, were the people who wrote the questions and those who wrote some articles to give the people who asked the questions as materials. I didn't expect that I would become such a person today. I'm very sorry. Everyone."

Everyone on and off the stage was amused by Lin Li's words.

"Haha, I didn't expect Lin Li to be so funny."

"The variety show feels good."

"Yeah, it's not as fierce as it looks on TV."

"He's quite handsome too."


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