The straight man in the entertainment circle

Chapter 261 The fear of being dominated by Lin Li

This recording took five hours. After it was over, all the contestants were taken to the hotel and had dinner together. Lin Li's dinner was delivered to the room by someone from the hotel.

Lin Li saw that he had a lot of food and it was very rich. When he participated in "The Voice" before, it was not so good.

I think back then, I was still a player, but now I am a star, and the treatment is different.

After eating, Lin Li packed up his things and rushed to the airport to return to Kyoto.

At ten o'clock on Sunday evening, the first episode of "Chinese Studies Conference" was broadcast.

This kind of cultural program is different from TV station variety shows. Variety shows, especially popular variety shows, often have a lot of post-production, and are usually recorded at least half a month in advance. This kind of cultural program usually has subtitles in the post-production period. Editing the waiting time in the middle is basically enough, so the cycle is very short.

Mango Channel has the most powerful post-production team besides CCTV. Cultural programs can be produced within one day after recording, and can be broadcast after subsequent submission for review.

After the first episode of "Chinese Studies Conference" was broadcast, Lin Li's "Uncommon Words" and his wonderful performance in the first two rounds aroused heated discussions. On the contrary, Zhang Xingyue, the champion of the first episode, did not get much discussion.

No way, Lin Li is a star, this song was even used as a test question in the first round, and the origin of the idiom that the contestants in the first two rounds couldn't answer was also revealed by Lin Li, so he is destined to be the focus of everyone's attention.

Moreover, in the broadcast program, Lin Li's "Uncommon Words" had lyrics and subtitles, so the audience in front of the TV felt more at ease than the audience in the live recording.

"This program is great, I learned a lot."

"Lin Li's song is very suitable for this program. There are many idioms in it that I have seen for the first time."

"Haha, my child's teacher said that this week's Chinese language practice will teach him the rare words in the song Lin Li!"

"The same teacher, our children's teachers also ask the children like this."

"Lin Li's song has not only become the material for the program's questions, but has also become an extracurricular exercise assigned by many teachers."

"There are a lot of teachers who watch this show. Not only do Lin Li's songs become the material for them to explain to the children, but many of the topics in the show are also taken into class by the teachers to explain."

"Our school teacher also asked us to go back and watch this program and write our thoughts after reading it."

"I just have a feeling that Lin Li is too strong, and those players pale in comparison to Lin Li!"

"Lin Li is so bad. Why did you write this song when you have nothing to do? It's harmful to people!"

"I don't like Lin Li anymore, so take off your fandom!"

"Lin Li said on the show that he hated being the question maker, but he didn't expect that this completely aroused public outrage among the children!"

"Hahaha, primary school students are beginning to experience the fear of being dominated by Lin Li."


Lin Li just gave Liang Sheng a favor by singing a promotional song for the show. He didn't expect that his song would become a material for many teachers to popularize rare words to their students.

Because in the first two rounds of the show, Lin Li gave the answers when none of the ten contestants knew the answers. This left a deep impression on everyone. Although Lin Li did not answer in the subsequent rounds, everyone still I think he was the strongest one on the day of the show.

"If Lin Li participates, he will definitely be the overall champion!"

"Looking at the first two rounds, Lin Li's strength is obviously much higher than that of the players on the stage."

"Also from Yan University, Zhang Heng's strength is much lower."

"Comparing Zhang Heng and Lin Li, you are really making things difficult for Zhang Heng. Zhang Heng is not bad. He came in second and did not disgrace Yan Da."

"Zhang Xingyue is also very good. There is no problem in being ranked first."

"Are you stupid? Can't you see the effect of this show? Stars like Lin Li must have gone through the process before participating in the show. They must have been arranged to create topics for the show!"

"I think so. This is Lin Li's song. The program crew must have said hello. Otherwise, it would be too difficult to just tell the origin of the idiom. The contestants on the stage are not bad, and there are not many idioms that can tell the origin. , Lin Li saw that it had been arranged in advance."

"Lin Li wrote the lyrics himself. Knowing the origin of the idioms in the lyrics doesn't prove anything, right?"

"Do you think normal people would write down the origin of every idiom when writing lyrics? Lin Li must be really talented."

"It must have been agreed upon by the program team. The traces are too heavy."

"Based on what I know about Lin Li, he probably wouldn't do such a thing."

"There are many people in the entertainment industry who want to create their own persona as a top student, but there are really not many as high-profile as Lin Li."

"I don't think it's high-profile, it's just mindless. It's too fake. It makes him seem to know everything."

"To be honest, go watch the video of Lin Li's live exam. Those were questions asked by his mortal enemy. They were answered on the spot. It's even scarier. If you can't do something yourself, don't think that others can't do it either, at least don't think that Lin Li can't do it. "

"I said you all have watched too many conspiracy theories. What's the shady story of a cultural program? Lin Li is strong!"


After the show aired, half of the people on the Internet praised Lin Li for being awesome, and the other half couldn't believe it. They suspected that it was arranged in advance by the program team. Lin Li knew it would be like this without watching it, so he didn't care much.

As the champion of this first episode, Zhang Xingyue is naturally more concerned about everyone's reaction after the first episode is broadcast than anyone else.

As a result, almost no one was talking about him in all the discussions. Except for Lin Li, he was just Lin Li. Like other players, he had no sense of existence.

Because of this competition, Zhang Xingyue even opened Weibo excitedly, imagining that after the show was broadcast, a lot of people would come to his Weibo to praise him.

Moreover, to his disappointment, he sent a Weibo message immediately after the show ended, but no one took notice.

At the end of the day, there were only a hundred comments, half of which were asking the program team if there was any inside information, and the other half were not praising him, but discussing the program, and there were many complimentary comments among them.

One of them is like this.

"Lin Li really gave face to the contestants on the stage. He stopped talking after two rounds. Later, Lin Li stopped talking about many questions that the contestants didn't know. Otherwise, it would be embarrassing to find that even the contestants didn't know how to do it, but Lin Li knew it. .”

Zhang Xingyue finally couldn't help it. During the recording of the program, he had some doubts. He felt that Lin Li knew too much. It was probably arranged by the program team long ago, or at least it was given to Lin Li through questions.

He won the first place this time, but was snatched away from the limelight by Lin Li. Naturally, he was unwilling to accept it.

He didn't feel that he was inferior to Lin Li, but that he was forcibly obscured by Lin Li's dirty tricks in private.

Zhang Xingyue also saw that many netizens had the same feeling as him. They also felt that the program was arranged. Seeing the support from those netizens' comments, Zhang Xingyue also immediately recognized this fact.

So when some people said on his Weibo that Lin Li was the best in the first issue of the "Chinese Studies Conference", Zhang Xingyue couldn't help it and replied to those people: "Why do you think that none of them got into Yan'an?" Would a person who spends his whole day hanging out in the entertainment industry be better than someone like me, the liberal arts champion in the province, who studies diligently every day? Are fan filters so scary?"

Zhang Xingyue did not dare to talk about the problems of the program team, so he naturally pointed the finger at Lin Li himself. Although he also knew some legends about Lin Li and knew that he was not an ordinary person, he was the provincial champion and was a very proud person at heart. He did not feel that Lin Li was at all What's there to say about those things? At least they were worse than Lin Li.

Zhang Xingyue's words were seen by many and sparked controversy.

Longlong Longlong: "That's good. I feel the same way. It's okay for this guy Lin Li to work with the show team to create a negative character. These people are still blind and say how capable he is. It's really disgusting."

Gong Zhiwen: "Let's get to know Lin Li first. Are you worthy of competing with Lin Li?"

aaA Liang: "I think Lin Li is really better than you. Your tone is destined to fail."

Fishing in the toilet: "Let's talk after winning the championship. Do you think you are great after winning first place in one period?"

Tiantian likes to cut people off: "I think what Zhang Xingyue said makes sense. After all, I won the first place in this issue through real hard work. Lin Li's performance, who knows if it was prepared in advance?"

Liu Yun: "No one who knows Lin Li would say such a thing. The ignorant are indeed fearless!"

Mao Zi: "The blogger said it well, some fans should stop embarrassing themselves like this!"

Bai Han丶: " @There are many straight men, Lin Li, someone is criticizing you, haha."

Princess M: "Haha, it was fun to watch."

Swordsman - Feitian: "You are stupid because of reading. If you read more news and hot searches, you should know how scary Lin Li is."


Zhang Xingyue's Weibo finally started to gain some popularity, but it was still controversial.

Zhang Xingyue also posted a Weibo post with emotion. The general content was about the stories of several talented people in history who were jealous and murdered. Obviously, he compared himself to those great talents whose bad talents never met, and compared Lin Li to those treacherous little people. people.

After Zhang Xingyue posted this on Weibo, he was naturally ridiculed by some netizens, who felt that he was narcissistic and lacked self-awareness.

But there are also some people who support Zhang Xingyue's statement and feel that Lin Li used dirty tricks to steal all the scenes from the contestants.

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