The straight man in the entertainment circle

Chapter 268 You are too humble!

Lin Li's push surprised everyone. Most of the other nine contestants had only spelled two or three idioms. The most were only four or five, and the few were only two.

But Lin Li actually pressed the finish button!

Lin Li, who was originally assumed to be in last place this time, actually answered the question first? !

"what's the situation?!"

"Is Lin Li finished?!"

"No, he just picked them all up. How could it be completed?"

"Have you given up on yourself?"

"Haha, the other contestants are all stupid."

"Lin Li probably did it on purpose, so that he could disrupt the rhythm of other players. If he breaks the rules, no points will be counted, and the results of other players will not be good, so he will lose some face."

"Why do I think it's not that simple?!"


The host, judges and contestants on the stage were also stunned. What was Lin Li doing?

"Other players please continue playing." Liang Sheng reminded.

Only then did the contestants react and continued to fight. After a few seconds, Huang Mengting took the lead and pressed the answering machine.

After another ten seconds or so, the contestants finished their fight one after another.

The final results came out. Lin Li took 18 seconds and 75 seconds, Huang Mengting took 26 seconds and 32 seconds, and the rest were in the 30s and 40s. The slowest one was 51 seconds.

The idiom tile game was also played in an idiom program on CCTV. The fastest record in that program was 18 seconds 8, with an average of one idiom in three seconds. This is already very fast. Most people also play at a speed of more than 20 seconds to 30 seconds. .

After all, Huang Mengting and others were affected by Lin Li's accident this time, and the overall speed was several seconds slower, but the completion speed didn't seem too bad.

But it’s incredible that Lin Li completed it in such a short time!

The only thought in everyone's mind was that Lin Li just picked up the cube and pressed the buzzer to indicate that he had given up.

"Okay, now that all the contestants have finished, let's take a look at everyone's completion status. If there are errors, they will be counted as failed answers and no points will be scored. Players who answered the questions correctly will add points in order."

"Since Lin Li took the shortest time, let's take a look at Lin Li's completion first."

As Liang Sheng presided, a cameraman carried a camera to Lin Li's answering desk and took pictures of the idiom blocks he put together.

On the large screen at the scene, 24 idiom boxes placed on Lin Li's answering table immediately appeared.

The blocks are arranged neatly in a 4X6 format.

Hard to describe in one word


committing suicide

safe and sound

Starting from scratch

Spring is warm and flowers are blooming

Everyone was dumbfounded. The six idioms were neatly arranged and not messy at all.

The idioms on Lin Li’s answering desk are all correct!

How can this be? !

Everyone looked at the big screen and was obviously dumbfounded.

Although these idioms are common, in the idiom block splicing game, the simpler the idioms are, the more difficult it is to play, because there are many simple word idioms. For example, if you see the word "一" on the square, no one knows what it should be. What is the idiom.

Among these idioms, there are "yi", "yan" and "bu". It is easy for people to think of the idiom "a word does not agree", but if you look around, you can't find "match", which will waste a lot of time.

There are also many idioms such as overestimating one's abilities, falling in love at first sight, etc., which will interfere in the mind. On the contrary, very rare idioms will be recognized at once.

For example, when a contestant sees a rare word like "瀣", without even thinking about it, it must be the idiom "cooperate".

So these idioms seem simple, but they actually take more time than those that look difficult.

However, even so, Lin Li's time consumption was still so fast!

This was the result of an accident at the scene. 24 cubes fell to the ground and were picked up one by one. This was much more time-consuming than turning over the idiom cubes at the answering station.

Everyone thought that Lin Li had given up on himself and given up the round after picking up the Chinese character squares on the ground and pressing the clicker. Unexpectedly, he actually laid out the idioms while picking up the squares and placing them!

He also broke the fastest record set by other show contestants!

What kind of operation is this!

"Wucao, Lin Li is so awesome this time!"

"I was shocked!"

"I never thought it would turn around like this!"

"Ahaha, Lin Li is so handsome, I want to be his fan!"

"The ratings for this episode are going to explode!"


The audience at the scene talked a lot, and then applauded warmly.

At the end of this round, no one can question anything. There are many square words scattered on the ground. You have to confirm which idiom it is on the way to pick it up. With this kind of brain power, even the "Strongest Brain King" next door can't find which one. Do players have such ability?

Lin Li was so fast, and with this kind of hand speed, he was always faster than others in answering questions in the first two rounds, so everyone thought it was reasonable.

Liang Sheng looked at Lin Li's answering desk and then at the big screen before saying, "Everyone read it right, Lin Li came first in this round, and if I remember correctly, this result is also the fastest in the country." ”

Qiu Tian praised: "It's really breathtaking, so wonderful!"

Judge Ye Zhiyong also said: "Lin Li, I don't think you need to compete. You can come to our judges' table."

Yu Jie said: "Anyway, I think I can't beat you on stage. It's not that I don't know, but I'm just not as fast as you."

Zhang Deming smiled and said: "I will also say something that I was embarrassed to say before. My niece is in high school this year and knew that I would be a judge. This time she insisted on asking Lin Li for an autograph. I scolded her at the time, but I suddenly felt that this I have to ask Lin Li for an autograph, but I don’t know Lin Li. Is it inconvenient for you?"

Everyone laughed.

Lin Li said: "Okay."

Liang Sheng said: "Okay, let's take a look at the situation of other players."

According to the rules, Lin Li, who placed first in the first round, received an additional 100 points, and Huang Mengting, who placed second, received an additional 90 points. The other players added their points in turn based on their results.

After this round, everyone discovered one thing, that is, Lin Li had already booked the winner of this round in advance.

Lin Li now has 290 points. In the next two rounds, the maximum score is 200 points. Even if Huang Mengting gets first place in all, she will only be tied with Lin Li.

According to the rules of the show, if the final scores are tied, the two contestants must judge the rankings in each round to determine the winner.

Lin Li defeated Meng Ting in the first three rounds. Even if the two had the same final score, Lin Li would win 3 to 2.

This rule was set as early as the first issue, so everyone is naturally aware of it.

And if Lin Li wins tonight, they have nothing to say.

In the first two rounds, they still had doubts. They felt that the program team had opened the door for Lin Li to rush to answer questions, so that Lin Li could always get the questions. However, the questions were given by Zhang Xingyue on the spot, so even if he got the questions, he had to answer them.

Lin Li's skill is that he not only grabbed it, but also answered it correctly. There was one question that even the question maker like Zhang Xingyue got wrong, and he was right. What else can everyone say?

Moreover, Lin Li's performance in the third round was so strong that they had nothing to say. In the round just now, even if it was planned in advance, they could not finish it faster than normal players.

And Lin Li did it.

Seeing that the contestants were all dejected, Liang Sheng said: "Although everyone knows who the contestant is tonight, in order to ensure the integrity of the program, we still have to complete the program. I think compared with players like Lin Li, There is no shame in losing, but it is an experience worth remembering. Since the result cannot be changed, I hope everyone can put down their worries about winning and enjoy today's game."

After hearing what Liang Sheng said, the players all figured it out. The atmosphere suddenly became much more relaxed, and even Huang Mengting relaxed her little brows.

Qiu Tian breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Thank you everyone for your cooperation, and please Zhang Xingyue to continue to pose questions."

In the next two rounds, the rest is the poetry stage and the Chinese character stage.

Zhang Xingyue said: "Now let's move on to the Chinese character section. My question in this section is dictation."

"Okay, please start."

"For the first question, please write down the name of the abandoned armored soldier."

"For the second question, please write down the harm caused by the gun."

"For the third question, please write down the meaning of "no surprise".


Lin Li didn't get a perfect score this round, but he got 9 correct answers, while the others only got 8 at most.

"The following is the poetry section. I chose the Feihua Ling method. Please say a poem with the word "flower"."

When Lin Li heard this, he laughed. What a coincidence. The first class he attended at Yan University was to play a game with his classmates. The game he played was Fei Hua Ling, and it happened to have poems with flowers.

That time, Lin Li saw Fang Yurong's power for the first time and was deeply impressed.

That day, all the first-year students in the Chinese Department of Yan'an University read out poems that Lin Li could still remember. In other words, the whole class was helping him.

Lin Li's current memory can already remember more poems than others. In addition, his classmates, especially Fang Yurong, recited a lot of unusual poems that day, which made Lin Li have more poems with flowers in his mind than others. many.

After a few rounds, most of the verses in "A Thousand Poems" were recited, and then the players began to be stretched thin, and a few would always be wiped out in one round.

When Lin Li read out the poem that Fang Yurong had read that day, there were only three people in the room.

Lin Li, Huang Mengting and Zhang Xue.

After Lin Li finished reading, Huang Mengting thought for a long time, shook her head helplessly, and couldn't continue. Zhang Xue shook her head directly, saying that she couldn't do it anymore, and neither of them had any relevant poetry reserves.

Anyway, Lin Li won in the end. The outcome was no longer that important, and their expressions did not show much disappointment or regret.

At the end of this round, Liang Sheng asked the three judges to comment.

Yu Jie said: "You haven't heard of the last verse Lin Li said, right, but the verses he mentioned are indeed there. I think everyone should be convinced of the defeat now."

Ye Zhiyong asked: "Lin Li, I really want to know, how much more can you say?"

Lin Li thought for a while and said all the poems Fang Yurong said that day, including seven more.

The scene erupted into deafening applause.

"Okay, needless to say, you are the well-deserved champion today."

Lin Li smiled and said, "If you ask me to tell you, I can't even tell you."

Everyone laughed, obviously not believing what Lin Li said. Instead, they said, "You are too humble!"

These words made Lin Li dumbfounded. Did these guys think too much of themselves?

I really don’t know!

After everyone finished laughing, Liang Sheng said loudly: "Okay, the contestant competition is over. I announce that the winner today is..."

The whole audience shouted in unison: "Lin Li!"

"That's right, it's Lin Li!"

Liang Sheng and Qiu Tian simultaneously stretched out their palms to face Lin Li, like stars holding the moon.

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