Lin Li looked intently and saw that the person coming turned out to be Leng Ying!

Leng Ying wore sunglasses, a simple mid-length white jacket, blue nine-point jeans, and flat shoes, looking neat and tidy.

After saying this, Leng Ying took off her sunglasses. Although Yanda did not admire star chasers, how could she not be excited when a little diva suddenly appeared in the classroom?

The whole classroom was quiet for a while, and then there were many loud exclamations.

"Leng Ying!!"

"Said Leng Ying, Leng Ying is here!"

"She's really Leng Ying, she's so pretty!"

Many people took out their mobile phones and took pictures.

Leng Ying glanced at the people in the classroom and walked towards Lin Li: "Why, why don't you get up to greet your old friend?"

Lin Li was also deeply surprised. He stood up and asked in surprise: "Why are you here?"

"I'm here, what else can I do? I'm looking for you."

The students cheered and admired one after another.

"What do you want from me?"

Leng Ying smiled and said: "Can you come to my car to talk? With so many people taking photos, I'm afraid there will be scandals tomorrow."

Lin Li said in complete disbelief: "If you were afraid of spreading scandals, you wouldn't come here in person! Besides, if we talk in the car, it would be easier for scandals to spread!"

Leng Ying was stunned, a little embarrassed, and said, "I'm here to invite you in person. Isn't it very grand? I have something important to talk to you about today."

The classmates in the class started making noises again.

Lin Li saw that Leng Ying really had something to do, and it was really not suitable to talk about things in this environment, so he got up and followed Leng Ying out.

Leng Ying left the classroom, put on her sunglasses, and walked in front of Lin Li.

The students at Yan University were also very sensible and watched the two of them leave the classroom without following them all the way.

Lin Li walked behind Leng Ying, wondering what Leng Ying wanted to do with him. After much deliberation, it was most likely that she had promised to write a song for her when she was a guest at his concert before, but he hadn't written it to her yet. Came here for this.

Sure enough, halfway through, Leng Ying suddenly turned around and asked Lin Li, "Lin Li, do you owe me a song?"

Lin Li said, "Yes, I would have forgotten it if you didn't tell me."

"Hey, stop talking nonsense. I've seen your performance in "Congress of Chinese Studies" and I wouldn't believe you if you said you have a bad memory. You just want to default on your debt!"

"How is that possible! I can't! Tell me, do you want a love song, an inspirational song, or a curse song?"

Leng Ying smiled and said: "Children only choose, I want both!"

Lin Li also laughed and said, "Both of them? It's a bit difficult to write a love song that is both abusive and inspirational."

Leng Ying took off her glasses, rolled her eyes at Lin Li, and said, "I'll go back and think about it. When I prepare a new album and ask you for it, you must give me a good song."

"Don't worry, you will be satisfied."

After Leng Ying finished speaking, she continued to lead the way. Lin Li saw that she didn't seem to be talking about writing songs, but just mentioned it casually, so he continued to follow.

The two of them arrived at the school gate after a while. Leng Ying walked to a luxury business car and opened the door.

"Let's go in and talk." Leng Ying made an inviting gesture.

The car is very spacious and separated from the cab. There are four seats inside. The four seats face each other and there is a coffee table in the middle. The decoration inside the car is also very luxurious. The sunroof, lattice ceiling lights and curtains are all of high quality.

Lin Li thought to himself that she was indeed a little queen, and the car was luxurious.

Lin Li was about to go in when he suddenly found someone else in the car!

This person was about fifty years old, with short hair and deep eyes, but well maintained. She crossed her legs and looked at Lin Li with a smile.

Lin Li was slightly startled, thinking that Leng Ying was just looking for him this time, but he didn't expect that there was someone else in the car.

"Sister Hua, he's here."

Leng Ying said something very polite to the woman in the car.

Hearing this title, Lin Li suddenly remembered that Deng Yang and others had said that Leng Ying's manager, Sister Hua, was the person who brought out the Four Heavenly Kings, Zhou Lingling, and Fang Fei, all the famous names in the music industry. All the kings and queens were brought out by this ordinary-looking woman in front of them.

Although Leng Ying is now recognized as a little queen, among the singers led by Sister Hua, she is probably the worst one.

No wonder Leng Ying was so polite to Sister Hua. Even when she called Lin Li, Leng Ying had to call her while Sister Hua was sitting in the car.

Lin Li remembered that Sister Hua's name was Liu Saihua. Her name was very vulgar, but everyone who knew her name had great respect for her.

"Lin Li, this is my agent, Sister Hua. She wants to see you this time." Leng Ying touched Lin Li lightly.

Lin Liao came to his senses and said to Liu Saihua in the car, "Hello, Sister Hua."

"Come in and sit down." Sister Hua said calmly.

Lin Li and Leng Ying got into the car one after another. Leng Ying closed the door and the car suddenly became quiet.

Sister Hua looked at Lin Li for a while and seemed quite satisfied: "Not bad, it would be better if you put it back a little bit."

Lin Li immediately went on stage to perform and only chose some clothes, arranged her hair, and didn't put on any makeup. She was more casual in class. Lin Li heard Sister Hua's words and seemed to have a small opinion about her lack of attention to image, but in her case, it seemed It's not a big deal.

Leng Ying smiled and said: "Sister Hua, he doesn't even wear makeup on stage. How do you expect him to be so glamorous on weekdays?"

Sister Hua smiled and said: "It is also a way to do the opposite, but you have to pay attention to it, so as to leave everyone with a friendly feeling without being sloppy."

From what she said, Lin Li seemed to be saying that she deliberately created this look for others to see. It was probably considered an "occupational disease" for people like them.

"I usually do this to make you laugh."

"Okay, we are quite busy, so let's stop talking about the rest." Sister Hua said with a smile. She looked at Lin Li again, "Leng Ying recommended you to me a long time ago."

Lin Li couldn't help but glance at Leng Ying, and Leng Ying explained: "After you won "The Voice", I mentioned you to Sister Hua."

Sister Hua continued: "I have been paying attention to you since then, but now my inspection of you is over."

"Inspection?" Lin Li was a little confused as to what this word meant.

Leng Ying saw Lin Li's confusion and smiled: "Lin Li, Sister Hua wants to sign you! When Sister Hua signed me, it took nearly a year to decide."

Only then did Lin Li realize that they were looking for their own purpose.

"You want to sign me?"

Leng Ying smiled and said, "Are you in disbelief?"

"No, I'm just curious. I'm a company owner, you should know."

Sister Hua smiled faintly and said, "Don't worry about this. Since I have decided to sign you, we, Juxing Company, will pay the breach of contract fee!"

Lin Li thought to himself that Sister Hua was worthy of being a big shot in the circle, and she was very tough when speaking.

Leng Ying said: "Lin Li, please call me senior sister from now on."

Judging from Leng Ying's tone, she was sure that Lin Li would sign the contract.

"But... I have no plans to change my employer." Lin Lida said.

Leng Ying and Sister Hua were both slightly startled, and Sister Hua forced a smile: "You can think about it now."

"Yes, Sister Hua is willing to sign you, what else are you considering? Do you know that among the artists signed by Sister Hua, I am the worst! Although those seniors are not under Sister Hua now, as long as Sister Hua says In one sentence, they are all willing to return to Sister Hua's command."

"Leng Ying, don't belittle yourself. You are not bad either. It's just that the music scene is not as popular as before. But you are still on the rise. From now on, you will only be the queen of the music scene. The singer in my hands will never be the second best." name, unless the first one is also one of my men."

If these words were spoken by others, they would definitely be laughed at, but Sister Hua said it as a matter of course, and Lin Li did not doubt it at all.

Sister Hua has this experience and strength!

Sister Hua's words are also revealing news to Lin Li, that is, if Lin Li signs, he will be the king of superstars in the future!

Lin Li thought about Jiang Da and said, "Thank you for your kindness, but I'm fine as I am now. I'm not planning to change companies."

Leng Ying was stunned, and Sister Hua also frowned slightly, but she smiled again immediately.

"Sure enough, seeing is better than hearing. I have always thought that you, Lin Li, are a smart person, but you seem to be unfamiliar with the entertainment industry at all. In other words, you have not integrated into the entertainment industry at all. Do you really think you are good now?"

Lin Li felt that Sister Hua was right. He had indeed not integrated into the entertainment industry, but he really felt that his current life was pretty good.

"I don't think it's important whether I've integrated or not. What's important is that I feel pretty good now." Lin Li said.

Sister Hua shook her head and said, "No, you're not good. With your current ability and influence, if you were good, you wouldn't not have received even a big endorsement now. If you were good, you wouldn't just hang around now." In online variety shows and cultural programs that have nothing to do with singing, if you were good, big-name magazines wouldn’t come to you to shoot their covers by now.”

Lin Li was startled. Sister Hua had checked her out very clearly. Lin Li had never paid much attention to what she said before. Now that she mentioned it all at once, she suddenly felt embarrassed that someone had watched her.

Lin Li was still unclear about endorsements and magazine covers. He probably didn't have any good invitations, otherwise his mother would have told him. But Lin Li had talked with his mother about the show, and her mother was also very surprised. Why are they all second- and third-tier variety shows? He and online variety shows approached Lin Li, but those front-line variety shows never offered an olive branch.

Lin Li didn't think anything of it at the time, but now that Sister Hua had pointed it out, Lin Li had indeed discovered the problem.

"I Am a Creator" is a new program, and it is Lin Li who is popular. Although the show has a good number of broadcasts, it belongs to the type where Lin Li's famous scenes are popular, but the program is not popular.

"Tucao Pai" also invited Lin Li two days ago, but this program is going downhill, and compared with online variety shows and radio variety shows, it has little weight.

Lin Li's famous scene in "Chinese Studies Conference" became popular, and the program became popular, but this was a cultural program, and Lin Li seemed a bit unprofessional in it.

Traditional radio variety shows, such as "Running Man" and "Ace" on Blueberry Channel, "Happy Camp", "King of Singer", "Longing for Days" on Mango Channel, and "This is Life" on Tomato Channel Variety show, Lin Li has not received an invitation so far.

"Maybe people with big brands and big shows look down on a small person like me." Lin Li said calmly after listening to Sister Hua's series of questions.

Sister Hua smiled and said: "Look at Wen Xin, in terms of influence, I think she is still not as good as you, but she has good resources in the first year of her debut, first-tier programs, first-tier magazine covers and endorsements, and you ...It can be said that success or failure is Xiao He. The company you are currently contracting with gives you enough freedom, but it cannot give you enough resources. This Jiang Da is just for fun. He has no role in the entertainment industry at all. I have no resources to give you.”

After Sister Hua finished speaking, she looked at Lin Li meaningfully. Lin Li understood that Sister Hua meant that she could give Lin Li these things.

Leng Ying touched Lin Li with her toes and said, "Why are you still hesitating?"

Lin Li did not hesitate: "But for me, between freedom and resources, I will choose freedom."

Sister Hua's smile froze, and there was a trace of disappointment in her eyes. She didn't expect Lin Li to reject her. She thought she had investigated Lin Li clearly.

Talented, rebellious, but a smart person, Sister Hua didn't think Lin Li would reject her, but Lin Li was just like him on other occasions, always making unpredictable decisions. This time he didn't seem to I don’t intend to promise myself.

Sister Hua was a little disappointed and angry because of being rejected, but her eyes finally ignited with strong interest.

Sister Hua wanted to sign Lin Li, so she naturally felt that Lin Li was a talent that could be developed, but talent is the most precious thing and the easiest to lose its luster.

In the music world, many singers are at their peak when they debut. They are talented and the songs they write are loved by everyone. However, this kind of thing is the most unsustainable. After three to five years, they may not be able to write good songs at all.

This is also the reason why Sister Hua has never signed an original singer for so many years, because she is interested in the singer's singing skills and image.

Because if the singing skills and image reach a certain level, if nothing happens, they can be stable for more than ten years. As for talent, Sister Hua has never seen an original singer who can create good songs for more than ten years.

There are also a few original singers who have been on the front line for more than ten years, but these people just have a lot of die-hard fans. When it comes to song writing, they may have been unable to write good songs for a long time.

Sister Hua was going to make an exception this time and take a gamble, signing many contracts to promote him to the top. Unexpectedly, he was not happy now.

Sister Hua suddenly discovered that Lin Li was more self-centered than she expected. This was not because he was stupid, but because he knew exactly what he needed and what he didn't need.

This actually made Sister Hua appreciate Lin Lilai even more.

"You want freedom, and I can give it to you, because that's the kind of person you are, and tying you down will make you lose your shine. I can give you whatever Jiang Da can give you, and what Jiang Da can't give you, I can still give it to you, but you have to think clearly, I have never been rejected by anyone."

Leng Ying became a little anxious and said: "Lin Li, the resources of your current company cannot make you a superstar. Even if you take another step forward, it will be difficult. You have appeared in many second- and third-tier programs, and the audience has the impression that you are As a second- and third-tier star, once the audience's impression is established, it will be difficult for you to turn around."

Lin Li smiled and said, "I don't quite understand the pros and cons, but I understand my own heart. I will fight for what I like. I don't need others to give it to me. And I am very satisfied with the program I am on now."

Leng Ying continued to lobby: "Follow Sister Hua, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You don't know how many people are thinking about Sister Hua signing, but Sister Hua doesn't even look at it."

Lin Li felt a little grateful in his heart and said, "Thank you, Sister Hua, for your wrong love. I deserve it."

Sister Hua took a deep breath, looked at Lin Li, and asked with a little regret: "Lin Li, are you... are you rejecting me?"

Lin Li smiled apologetically and said, "Thank you Sister Hua for your kindness. I'm just used to the current situation and don't want to bother with it anymore. Besides, I have thousands of bags of snacks in Jiang Dana. I have to leave now, but... There’s no way to catch it.”

Sister Hua naturally heard that this was Lin Li's excuse. She was lost for a while and said with a smile: "Then our conversation is over, you can get out of the car!"

When Lin Li saw Sister Hua giving the order to expel guests, he smiled at Leng Ying and said, "I still have classes, so I'll go back first."

Leng Ying wanted to say something, but she looked at Sister Hua's face with concern and finally said nothing. She smiled at Lin Li and nodded.

After Lin Li left, Leng Ying closed the car door and couldn't help but said to Sister Hua: "Sister Hua, don't be angry. He is still young and probably not sensible. If I talk to him later, he will definitely agree."

Having said that, Leng Ying also knew that Lin Li was ignorant. She could not persuade him to change what this guy decided.

Sister Hua glanced at Leng Ying and said with a smile: "Forget it, everyone has their own ambitions. It's not like you to recommend him to me so actively this time."

Leng Ying was stunned for a moment, then continued: "Then he is not a talent that can be made. I just want Sister Hua to have many superstars."

"I see, you are doing it for yourself." Sister Hua looked like she had seen through everything.

Leng Ying hurriedly said: "No, he and I are just ordinary friends. I don't want you to sign him. You have many future stars, and he can take a step further. Isn't it a win-win situation?"

"Why do I think it's a win-win-win situation? I have a rising star under my command, Lin Li has the resources, and..." Sister Hua looked at Leng Ying and said with a bad smile, "Some people can get close to the water."

Leng Ying blushed and said, "Sister Hua, I won't speak anymore."

Sister Hua sighed: "It's a pity that your Lin Li doesn't agree to the win-win situation!"

Leng Ying sighed after hearing this, feeling a little irritated in her heart. She looked out the car window in the direction of Yan Da in a daze.

I don’t know how long it took, but Sister Hua couldn’t help but speak:

"Don't worry about others. From the way I have viewed people for decades, even if Lin Li doesn't sign us, his future status and influence will not be lower than yours. You should still worry about yourself."

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