Bai Jingyu came on stage, and as soon as he appeared on the stage, there were constant screams.

"Hello everyone, I am Bai Jingyu. Today is the last period. I am a little reluctant to give up. No matter what the result is today, I feel lucky to be able to compete on the same stage with these seniors and these like-minded friends. Now I will I want to leave a song that I am satisfied with on this stage, and the song I am going to sing next... I am very satisfied, and I hope everyone is satisfied."

After Bai Jingyu said this, everyone applauded and looked forward to it.

The song sung by Bai Jingyu is called "Here".

This is a quiet suburb

But there are starry sky and fireflies

This is a barren mountain wilderness

But mountain flowers bloomed all over the mountain

Here is my heart

But you can't hear the trembling beating


This song is a little different from Bai Jingyu's previous songs. It has become much quieter. There is a large section of humming in it, which is free and casual. The vocal and instrumental frequency bands are rich and full, but they are still clear and transparent. It is not so Focusing on the rhythm, but more on the emotional pouring in the song.

After Bai Jingyu sang, there was naturally a lot of screaming. He has changed today, and it did not make people feel uncomfortable, but showed another side of him.

Bai Jingyu left the stage and Zheng Luyin came on stage.

The audience also burst into warm applause.

Although there is a gap between Weibo fans Bai Jingyu and Zheng Luyin, Bai Jingyu is really not lower than Zheng Luyin in terms of popularity, and the same is true for Lin Li and Xu Hanxing.

Established singers like Xu Hanxing and Zheng Luyin must be much more famous than them, but many of them are just casual fans. The die-hard fans are also older and lack the fanaticism of young people. Jing Yu's voice was higher than Zheng Luyin's voice.

"Hello everyone, I'm Zheng Luyin. To be honest, it's quite embarrassing for singers like us to come. It's right to win, but it seems to be embarrassing to lose. And because we are older singers, we are all It has been finalized and everyone has heard it. If there is no new idea, everyone will be tired of hearing it. I really don’t have the confidence to win against a fierce newcomer like Bai Jingyu.”

The audience laughed when they heard Zheng Luyin mocking herself for getting old. Everyone felt that what Zheng Luyin said was right. Veteran singers like them have a natural advantage in participating in such a program, that is, everyone You are familiar with them, but this is also their disadvantage, because if you are too familiar and there is no new idea, it will be difficult for the audience to vote for you.

"However, after seeing Bai Jingyu's performance today, I think it wouldn't be shameful for me to lose, everyone agrees."

The audience shouted: "No!"

I don’t know if I mean I won’t lose or if I lose I won’t be embarrassed.

“The song I’m bringing today is ‘Everything I’ve Loved’.”

spring wind

summer rain

Autumn wild geese

warm sun in winter

The country road that I walked through

That bowl of hot egg noodles


Everything that ever made me sad

It’s also what I love most


Zheng Luyin's magnetic, warm, and slightly sad voice slowly narrated this song. A kind of resonance couldn't help but arise spontaneously. Time was stopped, and all the emotions or memories stayed in a certain time, place, or somewhere. some scenes.

The audience listened and were moved unconsciously.

Especially the chorus line "Everything that has ever made me sad is also everything that I have loved the most" made many live audiences red-eyed.

Zheng Luyin is really amazing. Her singing voice can leave no trace but move the audience unconsciously.

After Zheng Luyin finished singing, the audience burst into warm applause.

Then the 199 live audience voted.

This time, Lin Li was a little unsure about which one of them would win. Bai Jingyu changed some styles and did a good job, which was a bit surprising. Although Zheng Luyin didn't change much, this time she did participate in the song. This is the best song in the show. I guess she deliberately put the best song in the finals.

So it is possible for either of these two to win.

Bai Jingyu and Zheng Luyin entered the lounge, and everyone praised them again.

About twenty minutes later, Tao Yufeng came in again.

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time, and now the results of the third round are out." Tao Yufeng opened the final results of the working group statistics and took a look, "This time the votes are very close."

Tao Yufeng paused and said, "It's so close that we're only one vote away!"

There is only one vote difference, which means that one has 100 votes and the other has 99 votes.

But as for who will win, after hearing this, everyone is even more unsure.

Tao Yufeng asked Bai Jingyu: "Bai Jingyu, do you think you or Zheng Luyin will win?"

"Sister Zheng."

Zheng Luyin said: "I think it's you."

Tao Yufeng asked Lin Li again: "Lin Li, what do you think?"

"I have no idea."

Lin Li really didn't know this time.

Tao Yufeng said: "Lin Li doesn't even know. This is the first time we have met. It seems that both of you performed impeccably. I think you both showed your better selves this round. Congratulations. "

The crowd applauded.

"Okay, let me announce the results. The winner in the third round with one vote is...Bai Jingyu!"

Zheng Luyin obviously accepted this result and congratulated Bai Jingyu.

Zeng Ye was 17 votes less than Tang Sha, Sun Yunhan was 31 votes less than Sang Li, and Bai Jingyu was only one vote more than Zheng Luyin.

After three rounds, the first half of the competition had 47 fewer votes than the second half, and the last round was a duel between Xu Hanxing and Lin Li. Everyone knew that even if Lin Li could beat Xu Hanxing, it would only be around 10 votes at most, and 47 votes. The huge gap was simply not something that Lin Li could equal.

The victory in the second half of the season has been secured in advance.

But this is already the finals, and there is no championship, but a collective victory. Although everyone hopes that their own division will win, at this point, everyone has looked away.

"Okay, in the last round, Xu Hanxing will appear first." Tao Yufeng reminded.

Xu Hanxing got up, said goodbye to everyone, and went to the stage.

The showdown between Xu Hanxing and Lin Li is the biggest highlight of the "I Am a Creator" finals, and the biggest controversy. Fans who like Xu Hanxing think Xu Hanxing will win, and people who like Lin Li think Lin Li's victory over Xu Hanxing is a piece of cake.

Fans from both sides argued for a long time. Although they said so, in their hearts, there was a big question mark over the outcome of Lin Li and Xu Hanxing.

This is what makes the finals so attractive.

Fans want to see their favorites win, and then prove their foresight, while mocking the other fan's lack of self-awareness.

Xu Hanxing is a well-deserved strong player in the second half of the season. He entered the safe zone in the first period and remained undefeated until the end. This is very similar to Bai Jingyu, but Bai Jingyu was blocked by Lin Li in the first and fifth periods. In the second half of the season where Xu Hanxing was, there was no one like Lin Li, it was him who was blocking the light of others.

Xu Hanxing stepped onto the stage, and the audience burst into warm applause. Many people shouted his name. It is indeed commendable for an original singer like him who has been active for more than ten years to have such popularity today.

"Hello everyone, my name is Xu Hanxing."

The applause continued, and Xu Hanxing waited for a while before continuing: "Just now Lu Yin said that the comparison between old people and young people like us is really unflattering. Lu Yin lost just now, and the pressure on me is even greater."

The audience at the scene did not know the result. Some were happy and some were unhappy when Xu Hanxing said this.

Xu Hanxing also realized that he had said the wrong thing and smiled: "I seem to have exposed something..."

The audience laughed.

"What I want to sing next is "A Sweet Dream"."

After Xu Hanxing finished speaking, the accompaniment sounded and he started singing.

You said you wanted to accompany me to a far away place

Look at the moonlight in Mobei

But now I think about that past

Just a sweet dream


Why is this a beautiful dream?

can't share it with you


Xu Hanxing's song is deeply touching but not pretentious, and he did not deliberately change it. His ability to interpret love songs has also reached a level of proficiency, and he interprets the restrained affection in the song very well.

After Xu Hanxing finished singing the song, the audience gave him warm applause.

Xu Hanxing came off the stage, and everyone looked up at the stage.

The band members on the stage left one after another, and Wang Tuo and others began to play instruments on the stage.

This familiar picture made everyone present excited, because this scene foreshadowed...

That man is coming!

Lin Li waited for Wang Tuo and others to place their instruments on the stage before taking the stage.

There were constant screams at the scene.

Lin Li's last appearance on this program was "Anhe Bridge" when Hua Li passed away. That song made countless people cry. Later, many people watched Hua Li's funeral and Hua Li's story, and had a deep appreciation for the song. With a deeper understanding, I also better understand Lin Li's mood when singing this song.

But since then, Lin Li's performance on this stage has come to an end, and he did not appear again until today.

Everyone's thoughts, feelings and admiration for Lin Li these days were all melted into applause and sent to Lin Li.

There was a long round of applause. Lin Li looked at the audience and felt very emotional.

"Hello everyone, I'm Lin Li."

Lin Li waited for the applause to subside before he started to speak. As soon as he opened his mouth, the applause started again.

"Someone told me a few days ago that I have no front-line endorsements, no magazine covers for the New Year, and I can't go to front-line shows. If this continues, I will never be able to integrate into the entertainment industry."

In this showdown between Lin Li and Xu Hanxing, fans from both sides were naturally dissatisfied with each other and started arguing online early in the morning.

What is said most about Xu Hanxing is that he has not kept up with the times and many of his songs are not good to listen to. What is said most about Lin Li is that he has no endorsements, no magazine covers, and no first-line program resources, so he will not be able to become popular at all.

Everyone became quiet when they heard Lin Li speak so frankly in front of everyone. What the two people said online was not unreasonable at all. Although Xu Hanxing was powerful, he also had his limitations. Although Lin Li was fierce, he didn't seem to have any. It is fully accepted by the public and the entertainment industry.

Lin Li continued: "For many people, the entertainment industry is like a garden in a greenhouse. I really can't fit in..."

After Lin Li finished speaking, he laughed: "Because... I'm just a weed."

Before anyone could react, Lin Li's accompaniment started playing.

Why is the wind getting stronger?

My heart becomes more and more dissolute


As soon as Lin Li's first line came out, everyone wanted to laugh. The lyrics were indeed quite dissolute!

Fantasy like a trace of dust

Dancing freely with the wind

I want to hold my hand firmly

But the courage is gone

I will become a giant

Step on the dream with strength


In the first short section, Lin Li's voice had a simple enthusiasm, spirituality and freedom, which made everyone put away the idea that it was a middle-grade song at first.

Why is the wind getting stronger?

My heart becomes more and more dissolute

Like a trace of sand

Dancing wildly with the wind

I want to bury my heart deep in my heart and uphold it

But little courage

Keep walking in the direction of the strong wind

Blow, blow, let my pride go wild

Blow and blow will not destroy my pure garden

Let the wind blow and let it mess up

Immortality is my end prospect

Blow, blow, I'm not afraid of my bare feet

Blow, blow, no matter what, it disturbs me

Look at me smiling bravely

Look at me waving bravely


When the chorus begins, the arrangement of the music becomes more complicated. The first verse is in 2/4 beat, and when it enters the chorus it changes to 4/4 beat. Lin Li's singing tone and state also become complicated.

Lin Li's voice beautifully expresses the fear of a weed when facing a strong wind, and its bravery, persistence, and even wildness after fear.

The phrases "Blow, blow, indulge my pride" and "Look at me smiling bravely" are even more brainwashing, making people feel that it is a tenacious weed provoking the strong wind!

Is it you who will give me a heart?

Let me move forward bravely

It's you who will give me a light window

let me let me be fearless

Blow, blow, let my pride go wild

Blow and blow will not destroy my pure garden

Let the wind blow and let it mess up

Immortality is my end prospect

Blow, blow, I'm not afraid of my bare feet

Blow, blow, no matter what, it disturbs me

Look at me smiling bravely

Look at me waving bravely


Lin Li used his extremely charming voice and singing skills to perfectly express the natural wildness and freedom in this song. The song has a smooth melody, unique and free lyrics, full of positive energy, and moves forward step by step. The song embodies the aspirations of all young people. When leaving home and stepping into a wider space, the fear and bravery that are most needed to be covered up with overwhelming pride!

Why is it that the stronger the wind becomes, the more my heart wanders?

I will become a giant

Step on the dream with strength


After Lin Li finished singing this song, everyone at the scene fell silent.

Lin Li's voice is both gentle and menacing. It's almost impossible to find another person in the music world who can sing these two different feelings, but Lin Li's voice is not only there, but also full of it.

Everyone recalled what Lin Li said at the beginning and understood that he was expressing himself.

Lin Li won the championship of "The Voice", but instead of joining Tianyun, he chose an unknown entertainment company.

It can be said that everything Lin Li has today is the result of his own hard work. He does not rely on others, nor is there any praise from entertainment companies. He is like a weed abandoned by the mainstream entertainment industry in the mountains, letting the wind and rain blow, and is tenacious. And grow stubbornly.

Lin Li's song expresses that he is like a weed. It doesn't matter whether he can fit in or not in the entertainment industry. His roots have long been buried deep in the ground!

After Lin Li finished singing, the audience burst into warm applause.

Lin Li bowed out, which meant that the entire season of "I Am the Creator" had finished singing, and all that was left was to wait for the results to be announced and broadcast.

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