"There is a new mission, please pay attention."

The system prompted.

Lin Li looked at the task list and found that the two tasks just now were gone, and now there were two new tasks.

Main mission: Road to fame

[Overnight Become Famous] (Ongoing): The host needs to increase the number of people who know him 100 times within 24 hours!

Side missions:

[Hot-searched Physique 1] (ongoing): Listed in the top ten of Weibo's hot searches.

Lin Li scratched his head and exited the system.

These two tasks of the system are a bit difficult.

I’ve probably forgotten the names of all my classmates in elementary school. There are about a hundred people in middle school and high school, plus my relatives, friends, and those secret admirers I don’t know about...well...even if there are some...the total is about 200. To the top.

The task requires increasing the number of people a hundred times, that is, at least 20,000 people must know about themselves, and it is still difficult to complete within one day.

Hot searches are even more difficult. For ordinary people, Lin Li can't think of any other way besides going to the busy city to go shopping.

Fortunately, this side mission has no time limit.

However, Lin Li immediately thought of the side mission just now and said that he had appeared on TV. So, this [overnight fame] mission might not be difficult to complete.

Although the ratings of "The Voice" are not as high as those of previous seasons, there are still many loyal fans.

Just as Lin Li was thinking about it, the system prompt sounded again.

Congratulations to the host, the mission of [Becoming Famous Overnight] is completed!

Lin Li was stunned and blinked.

"Is this done?"

Just now I was thinking about how to complete it, how come it was completed?

Calling out the system page, it shows [overnight fame] (completed): the host needs to increase the number of people who know him 100 times within 24 hours! 【Receive Award】

Lin Li was about to receive the award when suddenly the phone rang, it was Wu Ruobing's call.

In order not to disturb Lin Li's studies these days, Wu Ruobing had not contacted him. When he called, Lin Li roughly guessed what was going on.

Lin Li picked up the phone.

"Lin Li! Watch TV!"

Wu Ruobing shouted excitedly. People who didn't know it thought there was going to be an earthquake.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Since he was promoted to the third year of high school, his family has not let Lin Li watch TV. However, he is also quite tired of the romance and anti-war dramas that are full of TV now, so it is okay if he doesn't watch it.

"Watch TV! Mango Channel!" Wu Ruobing screamed: "Ah... you are on TV!"

Lin Li has watched the program "The Voice" before. There are tens of thousands of people auditioning for each competition area. In less than an hour and a half, only thirty or forty contestants will appear in one episode.

And only half of them are really good singers, and the other half are mostly weirdos who are used to attract attention and create topics, such as some people who dress in strange clothes, and some people who sing terribly and off-key and go to Siberia.

It is extremely unlikely that it will be broadcast on television.

Lin Li never thought that he could be selected from tens of thousands of people. He walked to the living room, turned on the TV, and turned to Mango Channel.

As a result, all Lin Li saw was his own figure leaving after singing.

After a while, the TV screen cut to the next player.

"Did you see it?" Wu Ruobing asked curiously on the other end of the phone.

"Um...it seems to be over."

"Oh..." Wu Ruobing said with regret, "Eh? What's wrong with your voice? Why does it sound a little weird?"

"Why is it weird? Does it sound good?"

Lin Li knew that the voice point blessing he had just received had changed his voice. He didn't feel anything about it, but people who were very familiar with him might be able to hear some changes.

Wu Ruobing snorted and didn't deny it.

"Is this song you sang your own?" Wu Ruobing asked, obviously immersed in the TV scene just now.

Lin Li actually checked online in the past two days. The song the system gave him really didn't exist in this world.

"Yes." Lin Li could only say this.

"When did you become so talented? I always thought you used to use a broken guitar to chase girls."


"Hahaha, don't tell me, you are so cool on TV! It made my heart flutter when I saw you."

"Hey, hey, my parents are right next to you."

"Ah! No way...Auntie, I just said nonsense..."

Wu Ruobing said awkwardly, obviously a little embarrassed. As neighbors, Lin Li's parents had watched Wu Ruobing grow up. If they heard her and saw her tomorrow, they would definitely talk about asking her to be their daughter-in-law.

Lin Li's mother had mentioned this matter since childhood.

"I lied to you! Idiot." Lin Li couldn't help laughing.

"Humph, you brat, I'm ignoring you!"

Wu Ruobing hung up the phone.

The TV Shanghai election is still going on, and Pan Ke’s comments are still venomous and full of interesting things to watch.

But Lin Li was no longer interested. Ever since Pan Ke treated Wu Ruobing like that, he got angry when he saw Pan Ke.

Of course, since it was his first time on TV, he still wanted to watch Lin Li's part.

You can only watch the show when it is released online tomorrow.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Li's phone was rang by several classmates.

They all called me after watching the show "The Voice".

"Lin Li, when did you go to participate in "The Voice"?"

"Damn it, why didn't you call me when you were competing?"

"I didn't realize it, but you can also create original songs? But they're pretty good!"

"Lin Li, please record this song and send it to me to listen to. I like it very much."

Lin Li's grades in the class were barely average and he had no special skills. Apart from a few very good playmates, his relationship with other classmates was average.

But just tonight, all the students called me enthusiastically and proactively.

The class group also suddenly exploded.

"Our class is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. When will Lin Li learn to write songs?"

“I used to laugh at him when I saw him holding a guitar, but now it’s a slap in the face!”

"Why can't I understand what you are talking about?"

"Yeah, what's wrong with Lin Li?"

"Did Lin Li post a song on WeChat Moments?"

"No, Lin Li participated in "The Voice" and even appeared on TV!"

"Real or fake, I'll go and see it."

"It's over now. Let's watch the program online tomorrow, about half an hour into the program."

"Lin Li is very strong. I always thought he had a good temper, but in the end he directly attacked Pan Ke."

"That Pan is so hateful, I stand up to him."

There was a lively discussion in the class group, and everyone looked happy for Lin Li and proud of him.

Suddenly, a discordant sentence appeared.

"I think it was put on TV as a weird show. As everyone knows, this show is weird. Look, it will make you happy."

The person who spoke was named Zhang Cheng. He was a study committee member in the class. His grades were good, but his emotional intelligence was very low. He was very arrogant and looked down on others. He was very unpopular in the class.

A straight-tempered person like Lin Li naturally had to fight with him, and the two bickered frequently.

Half a month ago, while Zhang Cheng was squatting in the toilet, he was chatting with another person next door.

"Zhang Cheng, I heard that you did very well in the exam this time, more than ten points higher than the second place in your class?"

"It's normal for the idiots in our class to score more than ten points higher."

"Haha, Chen Kaijie from your class didn't do well in the exam this time either."

"He, don't you know, got into a relationship with that ugly guy in our class, and now his grades are in shambles."

"Ah, who is it?"

"It's Liu Meixin."

"Isn't Liu Meixin the beauty of your class? She's not ugly."

"Let me go, how come you have as much taste as Chen Kaijie, but Liu Meixin is not ugly?"

"Wow, you have high standards. Liu Meixin is ugly, so what do the other girls in your class mean?"

"Forget it, our class is a bunch of ugly ducklings, but Jin Min in your class is the prettier."

"Hey, you like her?"

"It's not that I like it, it just looks pretty naughty."

They didn't expect that Lin Li was nearby. After hearing this, Lin Li gave up and immediately walked over, snatched the paper from Zhang Cheng and the man's hands, spit at Zhang Cheng, and then ran out. .

You guys have a bad mouth, so I’ll leave you with no paper to wipe your butts!

Zhang Cheng was anxious and hurriedly tried to lift up his pants to chase Lin Li, but he failed to lift his pants properly, lost his footing, and suddenly stepped into a manure pit.

This scene was seen by many classmates who were using the toilet, and it spread throughout the school. Zhang Cheng became a joke in the whole school.

Zhang Cheng became angry and ran to fight with Lin Li. As a result, Lin Li disliked the smell of shit on his body and kept avoiding him, but Zhang Cheng was not merciful at all and kept chasing Lin Li and yelling to beat him.

Finally, a group of classmates from the class who had a good time with Lin Li came out to start a fight and forced Zhang Cheng to the ground.

The matter finally got to the head teacher.

Zhang Cheng resorted to crying, making trouble, and hanging himself. He was the heart of Tang Jun, the head teacher, and he was the one who had a chance to win the district champion. Tang Jun also counted on Zhang Cheng to add a strong reputation to his education work resume. How could Lin Li disturb Zhang Cheng's review at this juncture of the college entrance examination?

Therefore, Tang Jun severely criticized Lin Li and asked him to go home to reflect on his mistakes and review at home. He was not allowed to appear in school before the college entrance examination.

In fact, everyone knew that Tang Jun was telling Lin Li not to show up and disturb Zhang Cheng.

This forced Lin Li to stay at home for more than a month during the final sprint for the college entrance examination.

This is the grudge between Zhang Cheng and Lin Li.

Therefore, Zhang Cheng naturally sarcastic when he saw the news that Lin Li was on TV.

"Zhang Cheng, don't talk nonsense. Lin Li performed very well. I think it's cool!"

"I also think, Zhang Cheng, you'll know just by taking a look. Don't make a conclusion without looking."

The classmates couldn't stand it anymore. Zhang Cheng happened to be unpopular, so everyone suddenly started to support Lin Li.

Zhang Cheng said: "I don't want to watch it. The college entrance examination is coming soon. This kind of rubbish program is a waste of my time. Some people still have the heart to audition. I really want to see what you look like when you receive the college entrance examination scores. Look at you." Are you still so proud?"

Lin Li is a master who must repay kindness and revenge.

He immediately typed and said: "Zhang Cheng, just worry about yourself. You don't have to worry about my score. It must be higher than yours."

"Hahaha, okay, I'll wait and see."

Zhang Cheng replied confidently. As the study committee member of the class, his grades never fell out of the top three in the school, while Lin Li's best ever was only fifteen in the class.

Lin Li dared to challenge himself on his grades. He was really desperate!

Lin Lina immediately received private messages from some classmates.

"Lin Li, don't be like him. I think you are great this time!"

"Lin Li, come on!"

Lin Li looked very warm and responded with "Thank you".

"Lin Li, how about my brother graduates and find someone to teach this kid a lesson?"

The person who sent this message was Wang Lei, the best buddy in Lin Li's class, whom he also called just now.

Lin Li hurriedly replied: "No, there's no need to hit people, just slap them in the face, I'll do it!"

"Haha, you are so confident, I like it!"

"Get out of here, my orientation is normal!"

Lin Li put away his cell phone. His parents didn't react now. Apparently they didn't know that he was on TV.

After all, the audience of "The Voice" is still young people, especially students, and the elders hardly watch it.

Lin Li was a little worried about how they would criticize him if they knew that he was participating in the audition without telling them.

Lin Li couldn't read anymore at night, so he simply went to bed early.

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