The straight man in the entertainment circle

Chapter 305 Talking nonsense seriously

The cheers from the audience reminded Lin Li of the audience. He glanced at the audience and continued talking.

"By the way, you wouldn't have thought of it if you didn't call me. The show "Tucao Pai" has such a bad reputation this season. The audience is also responsible. In order to cooperate with the show team to create an atmosphere, you also laughed and applauded some bad jokes. I said You come to participate in the show, please have some opinions, okay? If the on-site director tells you to laugh, you can laugh, and if he tells you to call, you can scream. You are not here to sell..."

There was a burst of laughter at the scene. Lin Li was talking about the audience of the previous episodes. Although they were not all present, many people were really impressed by Lin Li's words.

The on-site director of "Tucao Pai" directed the audience to mobilize everyone's emotions. Many people who participated in the recording saw the on-site director making crazy gestures, and many people followed his instructions to laugh and scream, making the atmosphere on the scene look better.

There were indeed many times in the previous episodes where they couldn't laugh, but this time Lin Li was so angry that they were convinced.

But this is the way this show is. The more stinky, shameless, and direct the show is, the more everyone likes it.

That kind of hidden, vague explanation is like scratching an itch, but it makes the audience feel uncomfortable!

Sometimes, people are so mean!

Therefore, a very strange phenomenon occurred at the scene. Lin Li was quarreling with the audience, and the audience was happy with it, laughing and applauding.

"Bi Xuan, I think you insulted the word director. You are just a film maker... No, to be precise, you are a liar!"

"You make that movie, I'll find a dog and hang a camera around its neck. When it comes back at night, the content on the camera will be better than your movie!"

The audience burst into laughter. Lin Li's complaint was really amazing. It didn't contain any curse words, but it was more uncomfortable than the curse words. It was the first time that the audience felt so relieved!

"Also, it's hard for me to understand why Bi Xuan is so entangled with my name. Lin Li is just Lin Li. I have to study how the word "Li" came about. Then how did your word "Xuan" come about? I think it's a car stem when you take it apart. Could it be that you are Is this how it came to be?”

Lin Li's words were earth-shattering and shocked the jaws of everyone present.

Although Lin Li has always had the image of someone who dares to speak and curse, I have never heard Lin Li say such connotative words. This time he used Bi Xuan's name to complain, making people unable to look directly at Bi Xuan, and even the name will be used in the future. People with the character Xuan cannot look directly at them.

It’s so graphic!

After the whole audience was stunned for a second, huge laughter and applause broke out.

Bi Xuan's face was red. So many people were afraid of him as a bad movie director, but Lin Li's words made him ashamed.

This Lin Li is really too poisonous!

"Based on your name, I think if you go to an island country to shoot something with island country characteristics, no one will say you are a bad film director. When everyone sees you at that time, they will say... the original poster is a good person!"

The audience at the scene really laughed. Not to mention that Lin Li's bad idea was actually feasible. The majority of male compatriots and a small number of female audiences were looking forward to Bi Xuan's movie for the first time!

This is really amazing!

"The host, Teacher Zhang Shaokun, is dressed like a doorman..."

Zhang Shaokun was wearing a blue suit and tie. His temperament really looked like that of a doorman. After hearing this, Zhang Shaokun was so angry that he took off his tie.

"Teacher Zhang Shaokun said that I claim to be a superstar, but he also claims to be a cultural person. I remember he wrote a poem on Weibo a few days ago, right?"

Zhang Shaokun nodded. He did like to write articles and poems. Although he couldn't compare with Lin Li, it was just a hobby after all, and he was not afraid of what Lin Li would say.

Everyone knew that Lin Li was very accomplished in poetry. When they heard that he was about to write a poem to criticize Zhang Shaokun, they all pricked up their ears to listen.

"When you write poetry, just write poetry. You have to learn other people's cultural literature, which is embarrassing!"

"It wasn't until I read Teacher Zhang's poems that I changed my mind about Teacher Zhang. Teacher Zhang is a very honest person. Why do you say that? Because what Teacher Zhang said about showing off one's embarrassment is not to imitate the humility of other educated people, but to be sincere. It’s all about showing one’s ugliness, it’s all about showing one’s ugliness, there’s absolutely nothing beautiful about it, there’s no ambiguity at all. If I had seen your poem a few months earlier, I wouldn’t have seen anything like Lou Junjie’s thing.”

At first, everyone really thought that Lin Li was exaggerating that Shaokun's poems were good, but the reversal came too quickly, and the whole audience overturned and started laughing.

Lin Li's mind is really beyond the reach of ordinary people!

Was this really said on the spot?

The audience was shocked!

Li Shuai and Chi Zi were also shocked!

They knew that Lin Li was bold and capable on the spot, but they had nothing to do with complaining. They didn't expect that Lin Li could be so sharp when he complained on the spot!

This is simply much better than their carefully polished lines!

What a talk show genius!

That's the only way to understand it.

Lin Li looked around at the guest seats. The seven guests and the host were all panicking about being called on by the teacher at school, fearing that Lin Li would make fun of him again.

"I'm done complaining..." Lin Li said.

Forget it about Li Shuai and Chi Zi. Lin Li already brought them up when he complained about the show, so there is no need to continue to complain about them.

The audience was obviously still unsatisfied and shouted: "Continue!"


"I didn't hear enough!"

Lin Li calmed down and said, "There's no one left, so let me finally complain about myself. It's not just about complaining, it's just about telling everyone something I haven't said to anyone else before, um..."

When everyone saw that Lin Li suddenly became serious, they all felt that the matter was not that simple and that he must be holding back something bad.

But this made everyone at the scene nervous.

"How should I put it..." Lin Li thought for a while, "Actually... I am different from you... yes... I have a system in my brain..."

The audience laughed out loud. This guy Lin Li was really good at talking nonsense seriously.

"Really, the songs, poems, and things I suddenly learned were all taught to me by the system. You have to believe me. I really held it in for too long..."

The laughter became even louder.

Is there a system in the brain?

So fresh!

But... I believe you as a ghost!

If I believe you, I almost have shit in my head!

While everyone thought Lin Li was ridiculous, they also thought it was very funny. The more ridiculous the words in this kind of show, the more likely they are to make others laugh.

"This is the first time I've seen this joke. Lin Li has a great imagination!"

"Yes, only a genius like Lin Li can come up with such a big idea. He is indeed different from us!"

"Haha, Lin Li, you're not going to say that your complaints today were all given by the system, right?"

"Lin Li is so eloquent!"

"To tell you the truth, I actually have a system in my head."


Several people in the guest seats also gave Lin Li a thumbs up, expressing their approval of Lin Li's meme.

Li Shuai: "I really don't think I can continue with the complaint group, because after seeing Lin Li's complaints, I am sure that I will be embarrassed to write those bad jokes in the future. How can I continue to do this?"

Chi Zi: "That's too brave to say! I'm convinced!"

Bi Xuan: "Hurry up and end it. If Lin Li continues to complain, I'm going to vomit blood!"

Zhang Shaokun: "Lin Li, do you want to say that you are the chosen one?"

Wu Ruobing: "This kid, I'm going to beat him to death when I get back!"


Lin Li looked around and fell into silence: "..."

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