The straight man in the entertainment circle

Chapter 314 Why do you act like a bitch!

Magazine covers have always been a place where celebrities compete for beauty. They all dress themselves up very delicately, wearing all kinds of clothes that they think are elegant and beautiful. No one has ever taken a magazine cover without showing their face and taking a picture of their back.

If you just want to take a picture of the back, what do you want the celebrity to do? Isn’t it just for the celebrity’s face?

Only then did Song Wenjie understand why Lin Li said last night that the weight of clothes was not important, and even the person was not important.

The stylist also understood why Lin Li didn't want to do the front hair, but cared about the back hair style. It turned out that this guy wanted to shoot the back!

Sure enough, he is Lin Li, a star that cannot be judged by common sense.

Hou Haisen said: "Isn't this... bad!"

Niu Zheng took a camera and glanced at Lin Li's back. This was a normal centered composition, nothing special, but Lin Li's back suddenly became extremely special under the camera. Lin Li's leather jacket reflected the white light, making the picture The colors inside suddenly became fantastic.

It seems that there is white in the black, there is black in a hundred miles, black and white are black and white, and it is impossible to distinguish between true and false.

There is no sense of dead silence at all.

The most eye-catching thing was the red headband on Lin Li's head. The tailband left behind the headband stretched from Lin Li's black hair to his neck, as if there was a blood streak flowing from his head!

When the lights were turned on, Lin Li's face suddenly looked like a brave warrior with a bloody head but still standing proudly!

This photo was so special that Niu Zheng couldn't help but press the shutter.


Niu Zheng took the photo, looked at Hou Haisen, and said, "How about we take a look at the picture first?"

Hou Haisen just wanted Lin Li to give up the idea of ​​styling and taking back photos, but when he heard that Niu Zheng had already taken the photo, he couldn't help but follow Niu Zheng and look at the photos.

Niu Zheng connected the camera to the computer and put the photos he just took on the computer to look at them.

The photos are very three-dimensional, the colors are simple but not monotonous, and everything in the picture seems to be echoing each other.

In the picture, Lin Li's back looks a little aloof and lonely. The red headband is very dazzling, like a blood stain, making Lin Li's back look a little tragic.

Niu Zheng took a deep breath and couldn't help but praise: "Okay!"

Niu Zheng just praised it from the perspective of a photographer.

But Song Wenjie and Hou Haisen are different.

Song Wenjie also thinks it's good, but being a celebrity on the cover of a magazine means exposure, so if you don't show your face, isn't it the same as not showing up!

It’s not that others haven’t thought about doing back cover photos, but no celebrities are willing to cooperate. Showing their faces is the most basic request for celebrities to appear on magazine covers.

"This one is good, but wouldn't it be better to take a full-face photo?" Song Wenjie said, hoping that Lin Li could try taking a full-face photo. If the effect is good, Song Wenjie would naturally hope to use the front-face photo for the cover.

Lin Li looked at the photo and said, "No, I'll just use this one. No need to worry about it anymore."

After hearing what Lin Li said, Niu Zheng looked at Hou Haisen, wanting to see Hou Haisen's attitude.

Hou Haisen also liked this photo, but he had never seen a magazine cover without showing his face, and he felt a little unsure.

Hou Haisen was hesitant on his face, don't agree, he said before that the cover was decided by Lin Li, and he had no reason to object, not to mention that the photo was really good.

But I agree, Hou Haisen also thinks it’s a bit ridiculous to use a back photo as the cover. This is the cover of the New Year’s issue!

Lin Li seemed to see Hou Haisen's struggle, and said, "Editor Hou, I know what you are afraid of. You are just afraid that if this cover is released, the bad reviews from the outside world will affect the sales of your magazine, right?"

Hou Haisen smiled bitterly and acquiesced.

First-tier magazines rely on sponsorship from big brands and do not rely on sales. While second-tier and third-tier magazines like "Teen Idol" also account for the majority of advertising, they are still different from first-tier magazines.

After the reputation of first-tier magazines is established, it is important to maintain the high-end image of the magazine and highlight the strength and taste of the magazine when selecting magazine covers. Although second-tier and third-tier magazines also need to take these into consideration, these are not the most fundamental. For second- and third-tier magazines, the most fundamental thing is sales.

First-tier magazines have brand sponsorships only when they have word-of-mouth, while second-tier and third-tier magazines only have advertising when they have sales. This is still different.

Second- and third-tier magazines all focus on sales, because only with sales will advertising fees increase. Only when the magazine has money can it become a first-tier magazine.

The cover of the New Year's issue features a faceless celebrity. Hou Haisen has never heard of this in all his years in the industry.

Seeing Hou Haisen's acquiescence, Lin Li said: "Editor Hou, isn't your slogan this time to define a new idol? I think a new idol is not a person, but a spirit, a spirit of courage. When you look at the photo, It has the meaning of breaking through the southern wall, doesn’t it fit in with your slogan?”

After hearing this, Hou Haisen looked at the photo silently. It was indeed the image that Lin Li said.

"This...back photo is used as the one has done this before..." Hou Haisen was still hesitant.

"It's just because no one has done it before that your magazine has set a precedent that can arouse the topic. Don't you also use practical actions to prove that you are also defining a new magazine? And this cover does not highlight me Lin Li, but it can highlight your magazine. No There will be a feeling of being overshadowed.”

After hearing Lin Li's words, Hou Haisen felt that it made sense. The cover was so unusual, and perhaps it was an opportunity for the magazine to go further.

"Haha, only you, Lin Li, can come up with such an idea." Hou Haisen smiled.

"Editor Hou, if you are worried about poor sales, I think there is no need to do so."

Regarding the sales of "Teen Idol", Song Wenjie has investigated it before, and it is about 150,000. This sales volume is also the normal sales volume of second- and third-tier magazines.

The cover will affect the sales of the magazine, but it is also related to the content.

Lin Li smiled at Hou Haisen and continued: "You use this photo as the cover. You get the credit, and I take the blame!"

Hou Haisen was startled after hearing this, and suddenly felt that Lin Li was really like what he showed in the photo, courageous and courageous to take on responsibilities, but on the contrary, he was timid, obviously feeling very good, but did not dare to take the responsibilities!

"We have all signed the contract. It is up to you. If you say you want to use this one, then use this one. We are one with honor and disgrace. There is no need to talk about who gets the credit and who takes the blame."

Everyone heard that Hou Haisen agreed to use this as the cover.

"Is it settled then?" Niu Zheng confirmed at the side.

"Yes." Lin Li and Hou Haisen nodded at the same time.

After Niu Zheng confirmed, he laughed and said: "I have been shooting magazine covers for almost ten years, and this is the fastest cover photo I've ever taken. No makeup, no change of clothes, just one shot and I didn't even touch the equipment." , Lin Li did it all by himself, I clicked the shutter, and the work was completed. Editor Hou, if you have such a job next time, be sure to come to me, I will definitely take it at the lowest price."

After listening to Niu Zheng's words, everyone laughed.

Hou Haisen smiled and said: "Hey, I have served many celebrities and it's so tiring. I really hope that Lin Li can be on the cover every month."

Lin Li's magazine cover shoot was really fast and sloppy, but the result turned out to be satisfactory to everyone.

The few of them chatted for a while. Niu Zheng still had some photos that needed to be processed later. Hou Haisen was waiting, and Lin Li and his son left first.

After finishing shooting the magazine cover, Lin Li looked at his system tasks and found that they had not been completed. It seemed that he had to wait for the magazine to be released and a reader to buy it for the first time.

"Teen Idol" magazine is released on the 5th of every month, so it seems we have to wait half a month.

When Lin Li was riding home, he passed by a record store. Lin Li suddenly remembered that Sun Yunhan released an album on her birthday. It had been a week now, and he had not yet bought the album he promised her to buy.


Lin Li stopped the car and said to Song Wenjie: "Mom, go to the record store and buy an album by Sun Yunhan. I promised her before."

Song Wenjie got out of the car and went to the record store. After a few minutes, she came out smiling with Sun Yunhan's album.

"Mom, why should I be so happy about buying an album?"

Song Wenjie smiled and said: "I went to buy the album and asked the boss. The boss said that your album has been the best-selling album in the past six months. He also said that his son also likes to listen to your songs."

"They know you?" Lin Li asked in shock.

"That's not true. I asked him. Sun Yunhan's album is not bad. It is said that it has sold 50,000 copies now."

Lin Li nodded. Naturally, this result could not be compared with Lin Li's, but it was quite good compared with what Sun Yunhan had hoped for.

Lin Li took the album and looked at the songs on the album. Several of them were sung by Sun Yunhan in "I Am the Creator". Lin Li had never heard of the others. They should be new songs written by Sun Yunhan.

When he got home, Lin Li turned on the CD player and started playing.

After listening to Sun Yunhan's album, I have to say that the few songs she sang on "I Am the Creator" are better, and the others are not so good.

The songs that got the program were naturally those that Sun Yunhan thought was good, and the rest of the songs were naturally not so ear-catching.

Lin Li took a photo of himself holding the album and sent it to Sun Yunhan, saying that he had fulfilled his promise.

Sun Yunhan replied shortly: "Thank you for remembering!"

He also sent a cute emoticon.

Lin Li didn't know what to say, so he just said: "Come on!"

"Thank you. By the way, which radio station are you going to for the New Year's Eve party?"

The end of the year is coming soon, and various TV stations are starting to prepare for New Year’s Eve parties.

Lin Li received an invitation from Mango Channel very early. In the past few days, invitations from Lychee Channel, Blueberry Channel, Tomato Channel and even Kyoto TV Station have come.

Song Wenjie made a comprehensive comparison and finally chose Mango Channel, not for any other reason than because Mango Channel's New Year's Eve party has always had the highest ratings. Although Kyoto is a bit far from Fulan, fortunately it doesn't take long to fly. .

Lin Li replied to Sun Yunhan: "Mango Terrace, how about you?"

"I haven't decided yet, but if you go to the Mango Terrace, I will also go to the Mango Terrace!"

Although the New Year on January 1st cannot be compared with the Spring Festival in China, most powerful TV stations will hold a New Year's Eve party.

Moreover, the party usually lasts for more than four hours, and there will be a lot of guests. At this time, singers are more popular than actors. That's why there are so many radio stations competing for singers at New Year's Eve parties, including the unknown Sun Yunhan. The right to choose a radio station. This opportunity only comes once in a year.

"That's good." Lin Li said.

"I asked the director team to book the same flight for the two of us and we will go together."

Lin Li: "Okay."

Sun Yunhan replied: "You answered so concisely, don't you have anything else to say to me?"

Before Lin Li replied, Sun Yunhan replied again: "Don't say drink more hot water!"

Lin Li silently deleted the words "drink more heat" from the phone's dialog box and replied: "That's gone!"

Sun Yunhan: "Haha, okay, I'll be very happy if you remember to buy my album. Thank you. Let's see you then!"


After chatting with Sun Yunhan, Lin Li suddenly remembered that Mango Channel had not invited Wu Ruobing. Logically speaking, Mango Channel should have invited Wu Ruobing.

Lin Li checked the time. Wu Ruobing probably didn't have any classes at this time, so he called her.

"Ah, you know how to call me." Wu Ruobing picked up the phone and joked.

Lin Li was too lazy to talk nonsense and asked directly: "Have you been invited to the Mango Channel for the New Year's Day party?"

"Oh...I was invited, but I didn't agree to go." Wu Ruobing said.

"Huh? Why?" Lin Li was a little confused.

Wu Rubing said naturally: "Because I don't want to see you!"

Wu Ruobing had said this so many times from childhood to adulthood. Lin Li naturally had no reaction and asked, "So you went to another station?"

"No... Hey, wait a minute, I said I didn't want to see you, didn't you say anything to express it?"

"Meaning? What does it mean?" Lin Li was puzzled.

"For example, you were so panicked that you didn't know where you offended me, so you knelt down and called my aunt, begging me to forgive you!"

When Wu Ruobing said this, she seemed very panicked.

"Why are you acting like a bitch now!" Lin Li complained.

"You're, I'm...just a pussy!"

Across the screen, Lin Li could imagine that Wu Ruobing must have straightened up at this time.

Lin Li said: "Okay, don't say goodbye, goodbye!"

Wu Ruobing said "hello" and Lin Li hung up the phone. Anyway, Lin Li just wanted to ask Wu Rubing if she would go to the New Year's Eve party at Mango Terrace. Since she had already said no, there was nothing more to ask.

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