The straight man in the entertainment circle

Chapter 331 Although there are thousands of people, I will go! (Added more because P is lazy)

The entire audience erupted in support of Lin Li.

They all saw it!

There is a pair of fire-resistant gloves in the picture!

Even if they didn't see it, even if it was made out of nothing, even if they were referring to a deer as a horse, these people who spoke out believed what Lin Li said!

Liang Sheng and Xu Zhe looked at each other. They had worked together for many years and they both understood each other.

People will seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

Giving the wrong signal to the rescue team is such a serious matter that they will instinctively drive themselves to protect themselves wisely.

But Lin Li still stood up!

How could he be so sure if he wasn't completely sure?

If Lin Li still dares to say and do this without being completely sure, then he must be prepared to have his future ruined if he fails.

How could Liang Sheng and Xu Zhe remain indifferent to this kind of awareness and spirit? !

It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, but in the face of righteousness, there are still people like Lin Li who are willing to risk everything just to exchange for the hero's blood being shed in vain.

Although there are thousands of people, I will go!

Liang Sheng looked at the big screen and said, "Old Xu, look at that, it looks like a fire-proof glove!"

Xu Zhe nodded and said, "That's right!"

Qiu Tian also said with certainty: "I think so!"

The other hosts all followed these two pillars for a living, so they hurriedly agreed: "They are fire-proof gloves!"

"It really is!"

"Indeed it is!"


monitoring room.

The staff member who reminded the countdown before looked at the time and couldn't help but remind him again: "Director Hong... there is only one minute left..."

"Let the host prepare the countdown..."

"It will be too late if you don't say anything..."

The staff in the control room couldn't sit still when they saw that it was almost midnight and the stage was still in a mess.

Hong Bo was furious and cursed: "Sit down, everyone! Why are you so anxious? I will be responsible for anything that happens!"

The whole place was silent...

Hong Bo was also struggling in his heart. There was a chance that the party would not end tonight!

When Lin Li was the only one who said that there was a pair of fire-proof gloves in the picture, everyone would take a second look because of Lin Li's words. But after looking at the picture again and finding nothing, everyone began to suspect that Lin Li was dazzled.

Moreover, people with a little bit of intelligence would understand that there was clearly a mountain fire where Lin Li was pointing. Even if he had fire-proof gloves, it would be burned to ashes. How could he see it?

However, things changed when Sun Yunhan, Wang Tuo and more and more people said that there were really fire-proof gloves there.

This is no longer the nonsense of Lin Li alone, but a group of people speaking out for the missing firefighters and seeking help for them. The party program is being broadcast live, and people across the country are watching.

At this time, if the TV station forcibly cuts off and announces the zero o'clock time, it will be sprayed to death. After all, no matter how important the countdown is, it is not more important than human life!

Not to mention more than thirty lives!

Hong Bo gritted his teeth and thought, "Just die!"

"Cut the stage screen, keep the scene that Lin Li said, and switch to the live broadcast of the Moth Mountain fire!"

The staff in the monitoring room were dumbfounded when they heard Hong Bo's order...

Don’t want the zero o’clock countdown?

Sponsors don’t care anymore?

This... this is going crazy!

"What are you doing standing still! Do you want me to do it!?"

Hong Bo became even more annoyed when he saw this group of people standing still.

The group of talents in the monitoring room took a deep breath and started operating according to Hong Bo's instructions!


That family in Tancheng.

"Mom, Mom, many people on TV said they saw gloves. Why didn't I see them? Look where they are?"

The little girl pulled her mother to the TV.

The girl's mother had just looked at it and didn't notice it, but now she heard many people say they had seen it, which made her very confused.

Could it be that the scene is relatively large and can be seen clearly?

So many people have said they saw it, so I guess it’s not fake.

The girl's mother thought for a moment and picked up the phone.

I made the first call, but no one answered.

The girl's mother changed her number and called.

After a long time, the call came through.

"Xiao Hu, ask your captain to answer the phone. I can't get through to him."

"Very important thing!"

"Okay, okay, I won't disturb him. I'm telling you. You can convey it to me."

"Tell him to look at the mango platform, now, right away!"

"I'm not kidding!"

"Aren't you looking for someone? Look at the Mango Channel, you may be able to find the answer there!"


Mango station.

The big screen on the stage suddenly switched to two screens. One was the scene frozen on the big screen just now, and the other was the live broadcast of the Moth Mountain fire.

At this time, the live broadcast switched back to the perspective of the foot of the mountain. The fire in Moth Mountain seemed to be smaller, and the helicopter was still hovering on the top of the mountain.

The continuous mountains looked very distant in the firelight and lights.

When Xu Zhe and Liang Sheng saw this scene, they also understood Hong Bo's choice.

The arrow is on the string!

"I'm going to contact the station director and ask him to help find someone to explain this matter." Xu Zhe said.

The director of Mango Channel is a department-level cadre and knows many people in provincial and municipal government agencies.

Liang Sheng said: "I will contact the next friend, he should be able to contact the people from the Moth Mountain Rescue Team."

Qiu Tian looked at the time and said to the camera: "Dear viewers, let us temporarily forget the New Year's bell and listen to the cries for help of the 32 missing fire-fighting heroes on Moth Mountain!"

At this time, it is already midnight!

Other hosts have also reported this, especially Xie Jie. She is the first sister of Mango Channel. Although her professional ability has always been questioned, she has co-hosted "Happy Camp" with Xu Zhe for many years. Naturally, her position as the first sister is not allowed to others. .

Xie Jie didn't expect that Xu Zhe and Liang Sheng would contact others at this hour, but Qiu Tian said such a golden sentence.

Not to be outdone, Xie Jie said: "Dear viewers at the scene and in front of the TV, if you know anyone who is in the Moth Mountain Fire Brigade or in search and rescue, please tell them this news!"

"One phone call from you may be able to reunite the 32 missing firefighters with us earlier!"


Several other hosts were still struggling to control the scene.

At this time, even netizens who watched the live broadcast of the Moth Mountain fire knew about it.

[Everyone, watch the Mango Channel! 】

[Lin Li pointed out the location of the missing fire-fighting hero? 】

【real or fake? 】

【what's the situation? Mango station? Linli? What does it have to do with the Moth Mountain fire? 】

[Mango Tai Niu is so big that the New Year countdown is not even started yet! 】

[Looks like it’s really at that location. Does anyone have the rescue team’s phone number? Call quickly! 】

[The rescue team is in Moth Mountain. They must not have time to watch TV. They don’t know yet! 】

[Oh my God, I’m so worried. Who can I contact? 】

[Why are you so anxious? I think what Lin Li said is pure nonsense. He sees nothing! 】


Countless forest guards on Weibo left messages on the official Weibo posts of Tancheng and Fulan Firefighters to support Lin Li and testify for Lin Li.

"There really is a pair of fire-resistant gloves there that Lin Li said!"

"I saw it too, the missing firefighter must be nearby!"

"Lin Li wouldn't say that for no reason, it must be true!"

"Go find someone quickly!"

"Are you still here? You won't be sleeping!"

"There is no need to reply to our message, we can wait, but please contact the people from Moth Mountain Search and Rescue, and they must be the first to search and rescue at the location mentioned by Lin Li!"


In the circle of friends on Weibo, the topic of Lin Li discovering the location of the missing fire-fighting hero was quickly forwarded like crazy, and was accompanied by the live broadcast freeze frame specified by Lin Li at 23:24:43.

Everyone is using this method to hope that more people will see it and pass the news to the search and rescue teams ahead.

Even on other satellite TV’s official accounts and live broadcasts, countless netizens are shouting: “Go and watch Mango Channel!”

However, netizens who were attracted by the popularity of the show and switched to Mango Channel were completely confused by the style of Mango Channel.

Mango Channel's New Year's Eve party stage is the most gorgeous among local channels, but everyone turned around and found that the stage was in a mess, and the two hosts were actually talking on the phone? ?

Several other hosts looked like they were trying to save the situation!

Lin Li was holding the camera behind his back and staring at the big screen on the stage?

The big screen on the stage even more stunned the group of people who had just entered.

Part freeze frame, part live broadcast of the Moth Mountain fire?

Where did this come from?

Go crazy!

After being a little stunned, the new group of people seemed to understand. No wonder everyone was watching [Watch Mango Channel].

This scene is rare to see in a hundred years!


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