The straight man in the entertainment circle

Chapter 334 It’s New Year, it’s time for your worth to rise!

After a day of classes, Lin Li came home in the evening and Song Wenjie was staring at the computer and talking on the phone.

"Okay,'s settled."

Song Wenjie had been on the phone constantly these past two days. Although her tone of answering the phone was still very calm, Lin Li had long seen that she was a little irritable. Only this time, Lin Li seemed very happy to see Song Wenjie, so he asked curiously: "Mom, what's the phone number?" So happy?"

"Of course you are happy that your value has increased. Mom will cook whatever you want to eat tonight!"

When Lin Li won the title of "The Voice", the appearance fee was set at 500,000. Later, it was increased once to 600,000. It has not been increased to this day, and the appearance fee is still 600,000.

But yesterday, Lin Li was the opening guest and the finale guest on Mango Channel. He had the Mango Channel New Year's Eve party to himself for an hour and a half, and could be regarded as saving the lives of 32 heroes. This made Lin Li's reputation skyrocket. , it is natural for the value to rise in the new year.

"700,000?" Lin Li asked.

"800,000!" Song Wenjie made an eight sign with one hand and smiled.

The appearance fee suddenly increased by 200,000, which is not a huge increase, but it is still a lot. Many third-tier stars do not have such a high appearance fee.

The appearance fee of 800,000 is already the same as Wen Xin's appearance fee.

The difference is that Lin Li only spent half a year, while Wen Xin spent one and a half years with the help of the company!

In the entertainment industry, there are many standards for first-line singers, such as popularity, works, die-hard fans, influence, etc. These are all factors to consider, but because these factors are relatively vague and difficult to judge intuitively, appearance fees have become the most important among them. representative measurement factors.

The appearance fees of A-list singers are generally no less than 1 million, and those at the level of kings and queens are basically more than 1.5 million, with the highest being more than 2 million.

Therefore, Lin Li's current appearance fee of 800,000 can only be regarded as a quasi-first-line singer.

To reach this point within half a year of his debut, Lin Li has surpassed many seniors, and his future is naturally limitless.

After Song Wenjie finished speaking, she continued: "Son, do you know how much your song "Prayer" sold on three platforms?"

Lin Li's songs are all priced at one yuan each. In fact, Song Wenjie means the same thing when she talks about how many copies she has sold, but Song Wenjie is obviously more interested in money.


Lin Li usually releases a song and sells the most on the first day, but the combined sales of the three platforms are only about 500,000 to 600,000, and the most it doesn't seem to be over 1 million on the first day.

Lin Li knew that this song "Prayer" had hit a lot of people, so he deliberately talked about it in a higher tone.

"Too little, son, be more confident!" Song Wenjie encouraged.

"Then...10 million?" Lin Li asked.

Song Wenjie: "..."

"Son, I'm telling you to be more confident, not to be arrogant!"

"I was wondering if there was news about Leng Ying before, saying that her single sold tens of millions on the first day."

Song Wenjie said: "She is Leng Ying. She can sell better music than her. I can count them on one hand. Besides, her single price is 8 yuan, and yours only costs 1 yuan. Can you compare?" "

Lin Li said: "Oh... don't be so pretentious, just tell me."

"The total single sales on the three platforms have exceeded 2 million."

Based on the sales of the song on the first day, this song "Prayer" is the one with the most sales among all Lin Li's songs. On average, the sales on one platform are higher than the previous revenue of the three platforms combined for one song.

"Don't tell me, based on the number of purchases, you have exceeded 2 million purchases this day, which is better than Leng Ying. There are not many people in the music industry who can have 2 million purchases on the first day." Song Wenjie looked proud.

"Mom, if we set the price of the single at eight yuan, I'm afraid we won't even get 200,000 purchases. If Leng Ying sets the price of the single at the same price, we might get 5 million purchases, so our unit price is less than hers. With so many people buying more than her, it doesn't mean anything." Lin Li analyzed.

Song Wenjie nodded, that was indeed the truth.

Most people in the music industry release songs for free, and only some first-line singers and a small number of extremely niche original singers release paid songs.

Most of the singers who release paid songs only charge a symbolic dollar and do not set prices too high.

Because market research found that once a single exceeds 3 yuan, even if the song is good, many people will feel that it is not worth it. Only the die-hard fans of the singer will buy it, and they will lose the support of a group of casual fans.

Even for digital albums, the prices set by these singers will basically not exceed 10 yuan, and most of them are only about 5 yuan.

There are only a few people in the music industry who dare to charge more than 5 yuan for a single.

"We don't compare with them, we compare with ourselves. This song also sold the best on the first day among all your songs." Song Wenjie said with satisfaction.

"Mom, I want to donate the income from this song, give part to the 32 firefighters, and use the other part to buy fire protection equipment and give it to the fire department."

Lin Li came up with this idea when he saw the tragic situation of the firefighters at the New Year's Eve party. For the song "Prayer", Lin Li could only get one million at present, and not much was distributed to the firefighters, but fortunately, this Songs have subsequent benefits.

Although the data on the first day of a new song will be better, the subsequent revenue can still be easily achieved three or four times that of the first day.

Song Wenjie agreed with Lin Li's idea and said, "Okay, I'm just waiting for the money for this song to arrive, and your official website will be open for a month. I'll put the money into Lin Li's charity fund and donate it to them together."

After being reminded by his mother, Lin Li remembered that the company had set up an official website and charity fund for him on his birthday, which would be a month away.

"Official much is the charity fund?" Lin Li asked.

"It seems that after excluding all website operation expenses, it has accumulated more than 700,000 yuan now."

"So much? How many things did you sell me!"

Lin Li remembers that the official website's revenue comes from two aspects. One is that the official website sells some of Lin Li's peripheral products, such as Lin Li's albums, snack gift packages for birthday parties, etc., and the other is the auction of Lin Li's personal belongings.

The surrounding items are basically affordable, so he shouldn't be able to earn much money. It's just enough to maintain the cost of the website. Anyone who can earn more than one million must have auctioned off Lin Li's personal belongings.

However, the money was not given to Lin Li, but given to Lin Li for charity.

Song Wenjie smiled and said: "Only one was auctioned on your birthday night..."

"How much?" Lin Li asked.

Song Wenjie smiled sheepishly, and Lin Li was a little panicked. He quickly opened his official website on the computer, clicked on it, and looked at the auction records.

Lin Li was dumbfounded...

The item auctioned last month turned out to be the skirt Lin Li wore when he was one year old! !

Or a floral skirt...

Song Wenjie wanted to have a daughter when she was pregnant. Although she was born with a baby, Song Wenjie was determined to have a daughter, and she dressed up Lin Li before he was one year old as a girl.

"Mom, do you do all these things! And why do you still keep this dress!" Lin Li was angry and funny.

Song Wenjie smiled and said: "It's great to keep it. Now it has increased more than a thousand times. If I had known that you had things from childhood, I would have kept everything."

Lin took a look at the ranked price and saw that this dress sold for more than 80,000 yuan, which was indeed an increase of more than a thousand times. Even if inflation is taken into account, this dress still increased by hundreds of times.

What gives this skirt its appreciation value is just because Lin Li wore it when he was a child!

This increase surprised Lin Li, but he was a little surprised that he only earned 80,000 yuan from the auction, which meant that other parts of the official website made a lot of profits.

Lin Li took a look and found that there were a lot of birthday party gift bags sold in the official website mall.

In less than a month, 130,000 were sold.

Because all the snacks in this gift pack are of high quality, and there are 18 servings in total, the cost is high. Based on the cost, the price of this gift pack is not cheap, with a price of 88 yuan.

But even though the price is not cheap, the sales are surprisingly good.

Song Wenjie saw Lin Li looking at the snack gift bag and said with a smile: "Some people in our snack gift bag have imitated us and sold such a gift bag. They are still cheap, the price is basically 80 to 85, but their sales are very small, even our fraction. No."

There are so many people buying this snack gift pack. In fact, most of them are not really here for the snacks inside, but for the memories of Lin Li and even their upbringing that come with it.

What's more, everyone knows that Lin Li's profits will be used as charitable donations.

While eating snacks, you can also do charity at the same time, why not do it!

Because of this, even if a certain product is sold cheaper, people are still willing to buy it on Linli’s official website.

Lin Li listened to what Song Wenjie said, nodded and said, "Mom, I'll leave this to you. When the money for the song "Prayer" arrives, you can find a channel or institution to send the money to the firefighters and the fire department. go."

"Okay, I will definitely handle this for you!"

When it comes to Lin Li's reputation, Song Wenjie will naturally take it seriously.

Thinking of the sales of the song "Prayer", Lin Li suddenly became curious and asked, "Mom, how were the sales of my previous songs?"

"Then it depends on who you compare with. You can't compare with the kings and queens like Leng Ying and Zhang Jing, but compared with this group of singers from the new generation..." Song Wenjie smiled proudly and continued, "That's so powerful. too much."

Song Wenjie turned on her computer and said, "I happen to have a statistical table of your song sales last year. The company sent it today. Come and take a look."

Song Wenjie turned on her computer and clicked on a table, which showed the total sales of all Lin Li's songs on all major platforms.

The company conducts an inventory every year, and this form is just one of them.

Lin Li looked at the sales list. The first one was "Anheqiao", with total sales of more than 5.3 million in more than two months.

It's no wonder that because of Hua Li's death, the song "Anhe Bridge" became a representative song of tragedy.

The second song is "Sailor", with total sales of more than 4.5 million in three months.

The song "Sailor" is very inspirational and has touched many people in adversity.

The third song is "I Will Not Turn", with total sales of more than 4.1 million in more than four months.

This song is Lin Li's "The Voice" winning song. There is an uncompromising atmosphere in the song, so this ranking is normal.

The fourth song is "I Care About You", with total sales of more than 3.8 million in five months.

The fifth song is "Uncommon Words", which sold a total of 3.5 million in one and a half months.

The fifth song is "The Wind Rises", which sold 3 million copies in three weeks.


Lin Li has a total of 28 songs at this time, and the least one has sold nearly one million, and most of them are around 2 million, which means that every song he gets is worth one million!

"Mom, how much have I earned in the past six months?"

Lin Li suddenly thought of this question. Ever since he signed the contract, Lin Li had not taken care of the money. This time he became curious after seeing the sales of his single.

"I haven't really calculated this, but I have 25 million in my bank card now, which is basically the money for songs and albums. I estimate there will be a few million more last month, which will be paid around the 10th. These are all It’s the money shared with the company after tax is deducted.”

Song Wenjie said with emotion: "I never thought that one day we would become multi-millionaires!"

Lin Li was also very emotional and asked with a smile: "Mom, how do you plan to spend so much money?"

"What are you spending on? I'll save up to get you a wife!"

Lin Li: “…………”

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