The straight man in the entertainment circle

Chapter 360 Zha Lang can still fight!

Not even a month has passed this year, but Lin Li actually said that the most impressive thing about him was a Weibo post from this year. Everyone couldn't help but recall in their minds which hot Weibo posts this year were unforgettable.

Amid everyone's expectations, Lin Li slowly revealed his most impressive Weibo post.

“The Weibo post that impressed me the most was that a fighter against counterfeiters is a fighter against counterfeiters.”

Everyone knows that Lin Li is different from others. He probably won't be able to say some lofty words on Weibo, nor will he be able to say some nice words in a scene.

But Lin Li followed up Leng Ying with another Weibo post related to himself, which was still a bit surprising.

Fan Zhou, the anti-counterfeiting fighter, was exposed by Lin Li as a fake fighter. When Lin Li said this, he was obviously bragging.

"I thought you would say it was the Weibo post where you won the championship. Why this one?" Ning Yuchao asked.

As the host, Ning Yuchao, of course, has to ask the audience their doubts. Obviously, everyone is now curious about why Lin Li said this Weibo left the deepest impression.

Lin Li knew that this question would be asked and replied: "Because even the anti-counterfeiting fighter may be fake, so how could it not be fake? As if I can stand here to receive the award, everyone thinks that we were elected by vote." , the votes are all true, but they may actually be false..."

Everyone present changed their faces, and Zhalang CEO Kang Zheng, who was sitting in the middle of the venue, looked even more displeased.

Fan Zhou's fraud has been confirmed, and legal sanctions are waiting for him. Lin Li linked Weibo awards to Fan Zhou, doesn't that mean Weibo voting fraud?

Leng Ying had spoken to Lin Li before, and she understood why he spoke like this. It seemed that he was complaining about Satan and those who voted!

Not only the people who voted for Satan and Lin Li complained, but Lin Li also complained about all the Weibo netizens who voted!

Leng Ying and Qiu Tian next to her had stiff smiles. They pulled Lin Li's arms and clothes, hoping that he would stop talking.

However, Lin Li was unmoved and continued: "You think these celebrities tonight look like fairies. You think it is true, but in fact it may be false..."

As soon as Lin Li said these words, the whole place was in an uproar. Anyone with any sense could tell that Lin Li was talking about plastic surgery and fake faces!

Although everyone, whether in the industry or among the public, is well aware of plastic surgery in the entertainment industry, not many people criticize it in public.

"Also, you think the singers' voices tonight are beautiful. You think it's true, but it might be false..."

Lin Li talked about lip-syncing again, and the stars present were a little embarrassed, and many female stars even frowned.

Instead, the Royal Guards screamed wildly. Everyone thought that Lin Li, a person who was often on trending searches, must have had a private relationship with Zha Lang, and the two families must have a friendly relationship. Unexpectedly, Lin Li even started to quarrel on Weibo!

The Royal Guards in Ayu's live broadcast room were no worse than the live Royal Guards, and the barrage instantly filled the screen.

[Haha, the boss is going to cause trouble again tonight! 】

[I always thought that Weibo was one of my own, but it seems that the boss is so cruel that he even attacks his own people! 】

[I’m such a shit, Lin Li won’t join the same gang! 】

[Zha Lang should have been angry, some things are so bad! 】

[The boss is the first person in the entertainment industry to fight against scumbags! 】

[There are so many hot searches for Lin Li, which has indeed increased his popularity a lot. It will be difficult for him to be criticized like this in the future. 】

[If Weibo removes all of Lin Li’s hot searches, Lin Li’s popularity will probably plummet! 】

[Talented, but afraid of hairy! Just enjoy yourself! 】

[Vote fraud, lip-syncing, and plastic surgery, Lin Li was so happy to be criticized in one breath! 】


Ning Yuchao also regretted that he asked Lin Li to say these words just now, as if he had asked him to say it.

Fortunately, he is a CCTV host with first-class professional skills. He immediately took over Lin Li's words and said, "I think Lin Li is right. We should remain skeptical and not follow blindly, just like I used to do with production programs. This is what our young generation should look like!”

Ning Yuchao beautifully resolved the embarrassment on stage and even sublimated it.

Everyone applauded, and the stars gave Ning Yuchao a thank you for stopping Lin Li from continuing. This guy must never let him speak again!

The applause from those in the fan area was given to Lin Li. They were all cheering for this young man who dared to speak!

Even fans from other camps and other stars started whispering after hearing what Lin Li said.

"Who is Lin Li mocking?"

"Who are you sarcastic about? What he said was speaking to a whole group of people, and he scolded many people in the entertainment industry!"

"Haha, there must be no idol of mine anyway."

"Don't tell me, compared to today's scene, Lin Li is really a high-quality idol, with an invincible temperament."

"I suddenly want to be a fan of Lin Li!"

"Haha, me too, aren't we traitors?"

"Of course not, we are just philanthropic!"

"Xiao Miao, I'm sorry, I want to have an affair for a while..."

"Yan Qianyi, come on, I can't resist Lin Li's temptation anymore!"

"Sun Cheng, I'm sorry..."


When Ning Yuchao interrupted Lin Li, Qiu Tian took away Lin Li's microphone at the right time, not giving Lin Li a chance to continue. Lin Li glanced at Qiu Tian, ​​who smiled sheepishly, as if Say don't blame her.

Lin Li also glanced at Qiu Tian and saw that she couldn't help but cough on the stage and her breathing was heavier than before. Lin Li felt a little distressed, so he stopped talking.

Soon, Ning Yuchao was like chasing away the god of plague, and asked Lin Li and the others to get off the stage.

Lin Li returned to his seat and found that ten people from the SG girl group were sitting in a row behind him. They looked at him with very unfriendly eyes.

There was no way, Lin Li talked about plastic surgery on the stage, which touched their sore spot.

Not long after Lin Li sat down, he heard the girls behind him whispering.

"I'm afraid Lin Li is out of his mind. He talks about everything on stage. It's really a waste of his good face."

"This guy has always been like this. He has a way of doing things. Learn from him."

"I think he did it deliberately to smear us. He wanted to take revenge on us for taking up his time on the red carpet."

"He offended Zha Lang, he will be defeated sooner or later, just wait and see!"

"I think we look pretty good, but he's jealous."

"What kind of taste can people with online anchors have? The aesthetics are very bad."

"He is called a straight man on Weibo, what kind of aesthetics can he have?"


This group of people whispered behind Lin Li, thinking that Lin Li couldn't hear them. They were almost two meters apart. Normal people really couldn't hear whispers, but they didn't know that Lin Li had extraordinary hearing and picked up all their words.

Lin Li sneered after hearing this. This group of people had been stabbed in a sore spot by him on the stage. They were not ashamed but proud of it. It seemed that it was useless.

Lin Li thought for a while and suddenly smiled mischievously. Since it was useless, let's just sing.

I just have a song that suits them.

The big screen began to announce the votes for Weibo Night King and Weibo Night Queen again.

Compared with the previous two increases, the increase in votes this time is not as dramatic as the previous two. After all, everyone with votes should vote, and the cost of brushing votes is too high, so there will not be many subsequent votes.

But that's also true. The ranking displayed at this moment is very unlikely to change in the future.

The ranking of queen on Weibo Night has not changed much. The first place is still Meng Weier, with 2.61 million votes. The second place is still Liu Yixian, which is a bit different from Meng Weier, with only 2.05 million votes. Leng Ying is still ranked Third, the number of votes was 1.98 million, and the subsequent rankings also changed a bit, but they were all below 1.7 million and would not affect the battle situation.

The ranking of King on Weibo night changed drastically.

The first was Xiao Miao with 2.02 million votes, the second was Wang Chuke with 1.96 million votes, the third was Lin Li with 1.92 million votes, the fourth was Sun Cheng with 1.9 million votes, and the fourth and fifth was Yan Qianyi with 1.89 million votes.

Although the top five are still these five people, they have completely changed from the previous ranking.

Moreover, the votes of these five people are quite close. From first to fifth, the difference is only 130,000.

The fighting is fierce!

Now, everyone's eyes are on who will win the Weibo Night King tonight.

Lin Li's ranking has been rising steadily, from fifth at the beginning to fourth, and now to third.

However, the party is already halfway through. Although these people have many Weibo fans, there are far fewer Weibo annual members who are eligible to vote, and they can only vote once. If they want to vote after voting, they have to open a small account and have to log in. Annual Membership.

Therefore, everyone's votes at this time are also at the end of the battle. According to the experience of previous years, the number of votes at this time is about 70% of the final number of votes.

There is not much room for improvement in the number of votes for everyone. Based on 2 million, there is only an increase of about 600,000 votes.

In previous years, the number of votes for king and queen on Weibo night was basically around 2.5 million. However, with the development of Weibo users, there will be some increase every year, but not too much.

Ayu was live broadcasting and saw Lin Li's ranking and kept calling on everyone to vote for Lin Li.

Ayu also interrupted the live broadcast for a while to recharge the Weibo annual membership for her account, and then voted for Lin Li.

[Ayu is true love, this is seven trumpets. 】

[Haha, seven is too many, I can only have one. 】

[On this Weibo night this year, the final ownership of this king is the most interesting thing. 】

[I don’t have an annual membership, so I recharged this time just for a ticket! 】

[Lin Li, rush for me! 】

[There is still a chance, everyone, please continue to vote! 】

[I also signed up for the annual membership and will vote immediately! 】


The party continued, and some celebrities began to leave, but the contestants for Weibo Night King and Weibo Night Queen were still there.

The key word for the next party is hope.

The award presented was the New Music Artist of the Year on Weibo Night.

The winner was Bai Jingyu.

Bai Jingyu didn't seem to know that this award should be for Lin Li, and he seemed very happy.

Bai Jingyu sang after receiving the award.

The fans in the audience kept screaming. This is Bai Jingyu's first year since his debut. With his current popularity, he is naturally the envy of many people.

But what is even more enviable is that Bai Jingyu has been favored by Sister Hua, which is something that makes all the celebrities present except Lin Li and Leng Ying jealous.

With Sister Hua's help, everyone knows that Bai Jingyu will become a frequent visitor to Weibo nights like Leng Ying in the future.

After Bai Jingyu stepped down, the two hosts read out the names of the sponsors and continued.

Lin Li found that Qiu Tian's voice sounded a little weak, and her body began to shake involuntarily.

The others didn't have Lin Li's sharp eyesight. Only Ning Yuchao on the stage noticed that Qiu Tian was not normal and quietly supported Qiu Tian from behind several times.

Leng Ying came on stage to sing.

The two hosts, Qiu Tian and Ning Yuchao, came off the stage. Qiu Tian sat on a chair. Her assistant brought her a coat to wrap her up and handed her hot water. However, Qiu Tian didn't respond and just drooped feebly. head.

Lin Li and Qiu Tian got to know each other. After the "Chinese Studies Conference", Qiu Tian actually joined the Royal Forest Army. Lin Li saw Qiu Tian like this from a distance and couldn't help but come over.

"Are you okay?" Lin Li asked.

Qiu Tian didn't expect Lin Li to find that she was uncomfortable. She was a little shy about his attention to her, and at the same time she was touched by the concern of a straight man like him.

"I'm fine." Qiu Tian smiled at Lin Li.

It's just that Qiu Tian's smile is not as full of energy as before, and it is obvious that she is strong and strong.

The assistant brought an electronic thermometer and measured Qiu Tian's forehead.

38 degrees 5!

"Sister Qiu Tian, ​​your temperature has risen again. You can no longer host. You must go to the hospital immediately." The assistant said worriedly.

"There's still half an hour, just hold on." Qiu Tian said.

The assistant was anxious: "We have to go back to Fulan tomorrow to record the program. If your high fever does not go away, the subsequent programs will be delayed, and your body will not be able to bear it."

Ning Yuchao also said: "If it doesn't work, just rest and leave it to me. I'll be fine by myself."

Qiu Tian's breathing became heavier. After listening to Ning Yuchao's words, she thought for a moment and said hesitantly: "Well...I...I will break the contract if I don't host it..."

Qiu Tian must have signed a contract to host Weibo Night. If she does not come on stage to host without the consent of Weibo officials, it will be considered a breach of contract, and she may be held accountable at that time.

The assistant was also a little embarrassed and said, "I'll go talk to them."

"Their boss is right here. Talk to their boss directly," Lin Li said.

On Weibo night, several of Zhalang's top leaders naturally showed up. The biggest CEO, Kang Zheng, sat in the middle of the audience.

The assistant glanced at the middle of the venue. The group of people were all watching Leng Ying's performance on the stage.

"This is considered an over-level request for instructions. It's better to talk to the person responsible for arranging this matter." said the assistant.

Qiu Tian stood up reluctantly, panted heavily, and said, "Don't bother...I...I'm okay."

Lin Li pressed Qiu Tian and said to her assistant: "Call."

The assistant called and explained the matter, but was rejected.

The other party gave the reason: "It's time to announce the Weibo Night King and Weibo Night Queen, and the host cannot leave at this time."

Qiu Tian was beginning to collapse at this moment, and it was difficult to stand up.

Ning Yuchao couldn't help but also said something to Qiu Tian: "Hey, I'm Ning Yuchao. You can leave it to me alone later. Qiu Tian really can't continue to host in this situation."

"No, I can't explain such an important matter to the superiors. If she doesn't come on stage, it will be considered a breach of contract and she will pay liquidated damages!" The other party obviously had no room for intercession.

Assistant Qiu Tian obviously didn't know what to do and looked at Lin Li.

Lin Li glanced at Zhalang CEO Kang Zheng in the middle of the first row of the venue and walked over.

Kang Zheng is the leader of Zhalang. Even though all the people here tonight are top and near top in the entertainment industry, he still has to sit in the middle C seat.

"Hello, Mr. Kang." Lin Li walked over, "I have something to trouble you with."

Kang Zheng was stunned, looked up and saw Lin Li, and said in a cold voice: "Hey, Lin Li, what's the matter?"

Kang Zheng didn't have a bad impression of Lin Li at first, but Lin Li said something about those fake tickets on stage tonight, which made Kang Zheng very unhappy with him.

"Qiu Tian has a high fever and must go to the hospital immediately. Your subordinates won't agree, so I hope you, Panasonic, will not let her get in trouble with the host behind."

Lin Li's tone was rare and sincere.

Kang Zheng looked in Qiu Tian's direction and said, "Why are you talking about this?"

"She can't walk anymore, and her assistant is taking care of her."

Kang Zheng's tone was still cold, and he said: "Oh... you should tell the person you are dealing with this matter, nothing I can say will help."

As the president of Zhalang, Kang Zheng, not to mention such trivial matters as temporarily missing a host, even if he ordered the Weibo Night event to be canceled immediately, the organizer would also have to cooperate.

Obviously, this was just an excuse.

As the president of Zhalang, he was not willing to lose a host at this time. If someone with good connections or a powerful company came to intercede, he would naturally not refute the person's face.

But the person who came to intercede was Lin Li, the person who almost caused trouble on the stage just now. Naturally, Cao Kangzheng was unwilling to give this face.

In his mind, it is natural to use money to do things, just like Zha Lang takes money from the agency to help celebrities become popular.

As for Qiu Tian’s fever?

He doesn't care!

She has herself to blame!

Lin Li understood from Kang Zheng's tone that he didn't agree because he was unhappy with himself.

When Lin Li heard Kang Zheng's refusal, his tone didn't care about the seriousness of the host's situation. He was very angry, but he didn't say anything else.

Lin Li couldn't learn how to beg for help in a low voice, because he understood that even if he bent his knees, it would only make people look down upon him more, and he would not be able to protect the person he wanted to protect.

Since it’s easy to say no, then I’ll use my many methods to solve the problem!

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