The college entrance examination is over, the students are relaxed and happy, but the teachers who correct the papers are working hard.

Liu Meizhi, as a Chinese teaching assistant among the younger generation of Jinling University, was also transferred to the college entrance examination marking team this time, and she worked with hundreds of teachers transferred from various universities in the province to mark the papers for half a month. Work.

The correction of Chinese language is the most complicated of all subjects. Because of the existence of composition, there is no way to give scores by checking the answers and crossing them like other subjects.

For reading comprehension and composition, each teacher’s scoring standards are different.

Especially for composition, the total score is 60 points. Some teachers can give more than 50 points, while others can give it thirty or forty points.

In order to ensure the fairness of scores, there are one more teachers who grade Chinese compositions than other teachers, that is, three.

Liu Meizhi is one of the essay raters.

Three teachers will read an essay. After reading it, they will give their own scores. As long as the highest score and the lowest score given by these three people do not exceed 5 points, then the middle value will be taken. If the highest score and the lowest score are If the score exceeds 5 points, the test paper will be scored by an expert panel and the final score will be given.

Being a college entrance examination corrector is considered a qualification, so everyone takes it seriously.

They have to read thousands of college entrance examination essays every day, which is much more tiring than attending class.

"Hey, this article is all vernacular. I'll give it a pitiful score of 36."

"This year's college entrance examination essay question is really difficult to write. This... I'll give it 40 points."

"Yes, integrity is too easy for them to fall into the trap of shouting slogans. This article is not bad. Let's give it a 46."

"After reading it for so many days, there are so few good ones. This year's question is really difficult to write. Why is the writing so ugly? What is it about? The maximum number is 20..."

"Maybe there are good ones in other groups. Anyway, I didn't see any good compositions in our group, so I only gave 55 to the highest one."

Several teachers in the distance laughed and said: "You still have 55 points, but our highest score is 53."

"Are we too strict?" Liu Meizhi even doubted that she would come.

"No, we revise the papers every year, and they all follow this standard. In terms of composition this year, there is no amazing composition yet."

Someone laughed and said: "There weren't many that were amazing in the past years."

"There are still a few who get perfect scores."

"Hopefully there will be one this year."

"I hope it's in our group."

"I think it will be in our group."

Correcting papers is really boring, so as long as it doesn't affect work, everyone still chats.

Suddenly, the title of an essay titled "The Death of Red Rabbit" caught Liu Meizhi's eyes.

"This word... is so beautiful..."

As a Chinese teaching assistant, I also have basic requirements for candidates’ handwriting. Candidates’ beautiful handwriting will naturally gain a lot of points.

A corrector next to him stared at his computer and said casually: "How beautiful is it?"

Among paper correctors, the default score of 5 points is for the paper, and the paper score, to put it bluntly, depends on the font and the neatness of the paper.

In other words, no matter how good your content is, if your handwriting is not good, you will only be given 55 essay points at most. However, the average test taker's handwriting is not too bad, and teachers will usually give you a paper score of 3 to 4 points.

"10...10 points."

Liu Meizhi was shocked by the composition paper. She thought that the handwriting written in her textbook preparation was already very good, but in comparison, she was not as good as this student.

This word doesn't look like it was written by a middle school student.

After seeing too much of the messy fonts of other candidates, Liu Meizhi felt as if her eyes had been washed away by the handwriting, and her whole body felt much refreshed.

Hearing Liu Meizhi say 10 points, the marking teacher next to him couldn't help but glance at it and was also amazed.

"It's really good calligraphy, it's worth 10 points. This kid must be learning calligraphy."

The people sitting here are all Chinese teaching assistants at the university, and they have practiced their handwriting to some extent. Each of them has very good handwriting. Being able to praise a candidate's handwriting like this makes other marking teachers a little curious.

However, they were all grading papers alone and on a computer. It was not the break time and it was not easy for them to lose their discipline, so they endured it.

The handwriting is beautiful, but if the content is poorly written, it will be a waste of good handwriting. Liu Meizhi read it with a hint of expectation.

""The Death of Red Rabbit"? What a special essay topic..."

Liu Meizhi suddenly looked forward to it when she saw this title. As a Chinese teaching assistant, Liu Meizhi always believed that a candidate who knows how to write essay questions usually has good composition content.

In the twenty-sixth year of Jian'an (AD 221), Guan Yu went to Maicheng, was defeated and captured, refused to surrender, and was killed by Sun Quan. His mount, a red rabbit horse, was given to Ma Zhong by Sun Quan.

Seeing this beginning, Liu Meizhi's eyes lit up.

It is a novel, and it is written in ancient vernacular. The beginning is concise and concise, leading to the following without a word of nonsense.

Really good writing skills...

Liu Meizhi was a little excited. She had a hunch that this was a rare and good composition.

Keep reading, the essay quotes classics and allusions from history, the wording is precise, the imagination is amazing, the writing style is gorgeous and profound, it perfectly captures the theme of integrity, and unfolds a moving essay that will make people laugh after reading it. The meaning is still not finished.

After reading, Liu Meizhi was so excited that she couldn't contain her excitement and exclaimed: "It's here! This year's perfect essay has appeared, and I want to give it full marks!"

Liu Meizhi's voice was loud. When everyone heard the perfect composition, they couldn't sit still anymore and stood up one after another to watch.

"Wow, this calligraphy is really nice, it doesn't look like a middle school student's calligraphy..."

"This topic is also special."

"Well... wow, this is a novel."

"Anyone who dares to write an essay in the form of a novel in the examination room is quite brave."

In the college entrance examination composition test, the most common thing is narrative or argumentative essays. Narratives have the candidates' personal experience and are generally not too bad when written.

As for argumentative essays, as long as you use arguments and arguments to demonstrate, draw results, add some famous quotes, and tell facts to make sense, generally such argumentative essays will not be too bad.

For candidates, these two genres are the ones they are most confident about as middle school students, so they appear the most. The genre of novels requires strong imagination, masters several major elements of novels, and must be closely integrated with the test questions. The difficulty level The coefficient is very large and few candidates attempt it.

Just like diving, it is a difficult movement. The upper limit for good performance is very high, but the lower limit for mistakes is also very low.

But regardless of the final score, it at least shows that this person is very confident.

It can be seen that this candidate is quite confident if he dares to write a novel.

Several teachers who were marking the papers started reading the discussion, but after reading the first paragraph, they were all silent.

Each of them opened their eyes wide and couldn't believe that what they saw was an on-the-spot essay written by a high school student!

Most of them are relatively young, and they were the best in Chinese in school back then. However, they ask themselves that they may not be able to write on-the-spot compositions at such a level now, let alone back then.

If they are not good enough, let alone others.

As a composition for the on-the-spot examination, this article "The Death of the Red Rabbit" can be said to have no flaws at all!

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