The seven members of the judging panel searched for clues on the Internet last week and went to Bai Wuchang's lounge to find out about the enemy before the show started. As a result, they guessed seven times for the first time and still got them all wrong!

This made the people on the judging panel somewhat suspicious of life, and also made the audience curious about Bai Wuchang's true identity.

"Guessing judges, you still have one chance to guess." Li Hao reminded.

According to the previous agreement, they can each guess once beforehand. If they are wrong, then after others sing for money and I sing for life, they can guess again collectively.

Xu Zhenchun said: "Are you still guessing? Cheng Qinghong really doesn't have much hair left."

As a former variety show host, Xu Zhenchun is very good at controlling the atmosphere. He seemed to have a headache, but his tone was to make fun of Cheng Qinghong.

The audience laughed after hearing what Xu Zhenchun said.

Cheng Qinghong also said: "Yes," and I couldn't guess who it was. "

"That's not possible. The program process needs to be changed. You can't sit down and just eat." Li Hao said with a smile.

I guess a few people on the judging panel thought it would be better to have a script before. No matter how difficult it is to act, guessing Bai Wuchang's identity is still difficult.

Cai Wenli sighed and said, "I'll just guess Xia Jin."

Zhang Xiao said: "Xia Jin's timbre is indeed very similar to the timbre of this "High Song", but it seems that she can't sing the previous two songs."

Others were a little silent after listening to it. After listening to Bai Wuchang's songs in the previous two periods, they didn't guess Xia Jin because Xia Jin's singing style and timbre did not match the previous two songs.

Sun Yunhan said: "The current situation is that we have already guessed everything. Now whoever you want to guess, there must be one or two of these three songs that that person can't sing, or he can't sing like Sister Bai." Yes, so I think we can’t make guesses based on normal logic now. If we just guess anyone, the probability of being wrong is no higher than the one we discussed and settled on.”

"I think Yun You is right. We won't care about anything this time, just keep it in the dark!" Liu Gang said.

Guess the judges have obviously given up on themselves.

Li Hao smiled and said: "Everyone, please interrupt, this is a serious program, you can accept it, but don't say it so blatantly and confidently!"

The whole audience laughed.

The people on the guessing team also laughed, Cai Wenli said: "Everyone has no objections, I will represent it, guess Xia Jin."

The other members of the judging panel all nodded as they had no better candidates.

"I'm sure the answer is Xia Jin, right?" Li Hao confirmed again.

Guess no one on the panel objected.

"Okay, then why don't you ask others to sing and ask for money? I'll sing to death and enter the unveiling area!"

Li Hao gave an order, and eight foreigners carried Bai Wuchang to the mask-revealing area.

The screen in the unveiling area fell down.

This was the time when the show's ratings were at its highest, so Li Hao naturally had to recite a line of thanks to the sponsors. After he finished reciting, the audience counted down.

"five four three two one!!"

"Please reveal!!"

The screen in the unveiling area slowly rose, and everyone discovered that the person sitting in the sedan chair was still Bai Wuchang!

The scene was full of exclamations of admiration.

Sure enough, the judging panel still didn’t get it right!

The seven people in the judging panel seemed to be used to guessing whether they were right. Xu Zhenchun said: "Okay, we didn't guess right."

Hong Jianping said: "It doesn't matter. It's the next finals. Even if we guess wrong, we'll know who she is."

As soon as Hong Jianping said it, everyone realized that the next issue would be the last one of this season, and all the guests who could be guessed or not would be revealed.

Everyone is excited and looking forward to seeing Bai Wuchang's true face next week.

"Yes, let him be mysterious for another week." Liu Gang said.

Sun Yunhan said: "When the time comes to reveal your face, just make sure it's not someone we know, otherwise it will be too embarrassing."

Cai Wenli said: "It's okay for you. After all, you don't know too many people. At my age, although I don't have much achievements, I still know a few people in the circle. I'm really afraid that I will reveal my face when the time comes. It’s someone I know.”

Xu Zhenchun said: "I think you should relax. You two are not so accurate with your mouth. You haven't guessed who the guest is even after this so many times, right?"

Everyone felt that what Xu Zhenchun said made sense, and they were about to laugh when Bai Wuchang suddenly spoke.

"That's impossible to say."

The voice of the voice changer sounds quite suitable for the role of Bai Wuchang.

After Bai Wuchang finished speaking, the audience still laughed, but no one took it seriously. They just thought it was Bai Wuchang's teasing to liven up the atmosphere.

When the scene became quiet, Bai Wuchang continued: "Well, next time I will allow each of you to guess once, and the guess will be after I finish singing."

Although the next episode is the finals, the judges still have to guess, but after guessing, no matter whether they are right or not, the guests will be revealed.

Now Bai Wuchang once again gave the guessing team seven chances to guess, which everyone did not expect.

In total, the guessing team had a total of 17 guesses on her. This was really a fool, right?

And Bai Wuchang said that he would guess after she finished singing, which was more advantageous than guessing before she sang, because there was one more concert as a reference.

For example, this time, if the guessing team guesses after Bai Wuchang has finished singing, they will definitely remove a few people, which will be more beneficial to the guessing team.

However, Bai Wuchang said this now, obviously as if he looked down on the people who guessed the judging panel.

When the judges heard what Bai Wuchang said, they were not angry, but rather went crazy.

"No, don't!" Cai Wenli refused directly.

"Guessing once is tiring enough, but we are asked to guess seven times to torture us. It's so bad for you!" Sun Yunhan said.

Xu Zhenchun said: "Anyway, it's the next finals. No matter what, you have to reveal your face, so don't torture us."

"I suspect you have a problem with my thick hair!" Cheng Qinghong said.

There was another round of laughter.

Bai Wuchang spoke:

"You are overthinking, I just want to give you a little more chance to prove yourself."

The guessing judges were a little hesitant when they heard what Bai Wuchang said. They were embarrassed by Bai Wuchang. If they didn't guess who Bai Wuchang was in the last issue, it would be a bit unsettling. After all, Bai Wuchang is the only one in this issue. They have been given enough opportunities. If they can guess Bai Wuchang's true identity in the last issue, it will be a fig leaf.

The guessing judges also know that if they are given another chance to guess next time, the probability of guessing is still low, but if they guess seven times, they can guess right.

After all, there were nearly 20 guessing opportunities before and after, and almost all female singers were mentioned.

Guessing that the judges were hesitant, Bai Wuchang paused and continued speaking.

"Prove that you really can't guess it."

Bai Wuchang made a last-ditch stab at the last moment, and the whole audience burst into laughter.

Giving you a chance to prove yourself is not to prove that you can do it, but to prove that you really can’t do it. This is so irritating!

I guess the judges were also angry and funny.

"That's too much!" Zhang Xiao pretended to be angry.

"It's best if you are someone we don't know. If we did, you would be dead!" Xu Zhenchun said.

Liu Gang said: "Bai Wuchang, I think you are a little proud, you are drifting."

"Bai Wuchang should be floating." Bai Wuchang said matter-of-factly.

Liu Gang: "..."

The audience laughed loudly, Bai Wuchang spoke with a tricky angle.

The "Masked Singer" program ended with laughter, and everyone is looking forward to seeing Bai Wuchang's true face next week.

With the recording of "The Masked Singer" temporarily over, Lin Li had a rare two days to spend with his parents at home.

Lin Li even used his advanced cooking skills to cook a meal for his parents. They were full of praise and wished that Lin Li could cook it for them every day.

Of course, Lin Li knew that his parents were separated because of him. Although they were an old couple, a breakup was better than a new love. He was so considerate, so naturally he had to make time for his parents to be alone.

And he hasn't been out for a long time and wants to go out for a walk.

So Lin Li always goes out alone these two days. Before going out, Lin Li puts on a little makeup to look very different. Then he goes out wearing a scarf and sunglasses.

It’s been a long time since I visited the streets of Sioux City. The last time I visited the streets of Sioux City in a serious way was half a year ago when I attended a school graduation party and went shopping for clothes with my parents.

At that time, Lin Li was already very popular in Sioux City, and it was very inconvenient to go shopping. Since then, he has never been out, but it was also because he went to Kyoto not long after.

At that time, Lin Li always felt that this was the disadvantage of being famous, and that he lost a lot of freedom of ordinary people.

But now that Lin Li has mastered the art of disguise, he can put on makeup and go out without fear of being recognized by others, so he doesn't think there is anything wrong with being famous.

During the two days he was walking on the street, no one really recognized him. At most, some people looked at him twice, but it wasn't that they recognized him, they probably just looked at him twice because they thought he was handsome.

Lin Li went to school. Except for the senior high school students who were making up classes, all other grades were already on winter vacation.

They were not allowed to enter the school, and it was difficult for Lin Li to reveal his identity. He looked outside and then went elsewhere.

I went to shopping malls and large supermarkets. Even though I didn’t buy anything, I still wanted to experience a life I hadn’t experienced in a long time and get close to the daily lives of ordinary people instead of facing cameras and various staff.

Let yourself have some breath of human fireworks.

However, I came across my own songs being played in several shopping malls, and the song "Sour, Sweet and Sour is Me" was heard in the dairy section of the supermarket.

After walking around for a while, his feet were a little sore, so Lin Li went to the cinema to watch a movie. The Lunar New Year movie was coming soon, and the movies at this time were not particularly good, but Lin Liquan thought he went in to rest.

Returning to the normal life after leaving Lin Li for a long time made Lin Li feel like a normal person instead of a machine.

The new episode of "The Masked Singer" will be broadcast tonight, and the discussion about Bai Wuchang on the Internet continues.

In the past few days, the number of Weibo fans who sing to others for money while I sing to death has increased to 1.6 million, which is astonishingly fast.

There are also many faceless celebrities on the Internet. For example, Youku Video Network has a host of a parody show with a big manicure. This host has more than three million fans on Weibo.

For example, there is an Internet celebrity on Douyin who wears a V-face mask. He shoots short videos with special effects, which are very creative. He has more than 4 million Weibo fans.

Although these two people have many fans, they can only compare with Internet celebrities, and they are still inferior to real big stars.

In addition to these two people, there are also some faceless Internet celebrities, but not many can exceed one million followers.

Someone on the Internet listed the number of fans of these faceless Internet celebrities and celebrities. Others sing for money, but I sing for my life, ranking sixth.

But in terms of popularity, if others sing for money and I sing for life, I can be ranked first, which is higher than the second place Douyin with a V-shaped face.

These people don't show their faces, either because they don't like to show their faces, which later became a symbol, or they used not to show their faces from the beginning to create a sense of mystery.

Others ask for money to sing and I ask for my life to sing, which is obviously different from them. It is the need of the program.

But other people want money to sing, and I want to sing to death. It’s much harder to maintain a sense of mystery than other Internet celebrities who don’t show their faces. For other Internet celebrities, if they don’t show their faces, everyone will just wonder what they look like, but everyone knows that others sing. If you want money, I will sing to death. This is someone in the entertainment industry. The less he shows his face, the more everyone wants to know who he is.

Just like catching a spy in the team, it makes people full of fighting power and endless fun.

The former is just like when you are sitting in the classroom and a beautiful figure walks by outside the classroom. You don't see the person clearly and you are a little curious, but you won't chase him out to take a look.

The latter is like sitting in your seat and suddenly receiving a love letter. The handwriting is beautiful and elegant, and it is written with affection, but there is no signature. You are scratching your heart, but you can't guess who wrote it.

The curiosity in these two situations is naturally different.

Others sing for money and I sing for life. I am the one who makes everyone feel itchy but can’t guess who it is.

Early the next morning, Lin Li was woken up by Yu Hui's call.

"Little ancestor, are you awake?"

Lin Li was speechless: "Nonsense, who will answer your call if you're not awake?"

"Haha, did you watch the show last night?"


"'s okay. I have good news for you. Our program's ratings have increased again! It has increased to 2.8%! The highest in the country! It has also broken the record of our station's programs!"

Yu Hui's voice was very excited. If anyone had dared to say that the ratings of "The Masked Singer" could reach 2.8%, it would definitely make people laugh.

They had never dared to think about it before, because as a newly emerging local TV station, the program with the highest ratings on Litchi Channel was a dating show two years ago, with the highest ratings of only 2.6%. Now It remains at around 1.6%.

For a cultural program like "Chinese Studies Conference", a ratings of 2% can already break the record for cultural programs. Therefore, a ratings of 2.8% is already very high.

Although it cannot be compared with the ratings of the finals of "The Voice" which broke 4, "The Voice" has always been the iconic program of Mango Channel. Last year's "The Voice" had the highest ratings among all programs in the country. "The Masked Singer" naturally cannot be compared.

"The Masked Singer" has a ratings of 2.8%, naturally thanks to the appearance of Lin Li, an unpredictable guest. Bai Wuchang's secrets in the previous two episodes aroused the curiosity of countless people, and this episode will make people more curious. The ratings are soaring!

What makes Yu Hui even more excited is that after this episode is broadcast, Lin Li's identity has not been revealed, which means that more people will come here during the finals, and it is not difficult for the ratings to break 3!

Breaking 3, just thinking about Yuhui makes me laugh out loud.

In just one month, "The Masked Singer" has gone from the bottom to the top. No wonder Yu Hui is so excited on the phone right now.

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