The straight man in the entertainment circle

Chapter 384: Four ounces of strength, Bai Wuchang faces off against the Zhou Tianwang

Lychee Terrace, director's office.

Wei Yong, the director of Lychee Terrace, sat at his desk and looked at Yu Hui, Zhang Yuanzhi and Li Hao who were sitting upright not far away.

"Don't be so formal. This isn't a denunciation meeting. I came to you to discuss this year's Spring Festival Gala."

Yu Hui looked at Zhang Yuanzhi and Li Hao beside him and said, "Director, hasn't Director Zhang been assigned the responsibility for this Spring Festival Gala..."

Preparations for the Spring Festival Gala on Lychee Channel started more than a month ago. Li Hao is the first host in the station. He leads the hosting team to host the Spring Festival Gala. Zhang Yuanzhi is the host of "Chinese Dating Conference", the most watched program on Lychee Channel in the past two years. The director is also the chief director of the Lychee Terrace Spring Festival Gala.

It was said that they were discussing the Spring Festival Gala, so Zhang Yuanzhi and Li Hao were very understanding here, but there was no place for Yu Hui in the Spring Festival Gala preparation team. He was a little confused as to why he was called in today.

"Well... Yuan Zhi, as the chief director, recommends you to be the assistant director to assist him." Wei Yong said, "I agreed."

Yu Hui was stunned for a moment and looked at Zhang Yuanzhi next to him. He was not familiar with Zhang Yuanzhi. Zhang Yuanzhi's program was the most watched program on Lychee Channel in the past two years. He had an outstanding position in the station. Yu Hui had not had the opportunity to interact with him before.

"Your program is very good, and it has broken the ratings record of our station. I recommend you because of the Spring Festival Gala. I hope you can help me. Of course, we all respect your wishes." Zhang Yuanzhi said sincerely .

Being able to be in charge of the Spring Festival Gala in Taili is also a great qualification in Taili, and Yuhui is naturally willing to do so.

But Yu Hui also knew that if he really thought he was capable, they would have been looking for him a long time ago. Zhang Yuanzhi invited him to help now, presumably because he saw the huge success of "The Masked Singer" and started to curry favor with them.

Although Zhang Yuanzhi is the oldest program director in Taiwan, no one can guarantee that his program will always be popular, let alone that he can always produce good programs. The most seniority is that he is allowed to fail one or two more times than others. That’s all, you still have to watch the show in the end.

And since "The Masked Singer" is so successful, Zhang Yuanzhi is naturally willing to sell a favor, which will also deepen their relationship and help each other on stage in the future.

Of course Yuhui also knows the truth behind it, but this is also a good thing for him.

"The director agreed, and I'm naturally willing to contribute. It just so happens that my show is about to end, so I can free up some time," Yu Hui said.

Speaking of the program, the eyes of Wei Yong and Zhang Yuanzhi obviously changed. The two exchanged glances, and then Zhang Yuanzhi spoke.

"It's no problem that the ratings of the finals of Director Yu's program will break through 3. Congratulations."

Yu Hui smiled. With the current popularity of dialogue about Wu Chang on the Internet, he had great expectations for the ratings of the "Masked Singer" finals. He set a goal in his mind to break the 3.1 rating.

Of course, even though I think so in my heart, I still have to be more modest in my words.

"I'll be satisfied if it's almost the same as the last issue." Yu Hui said.

"That's right..."The Masked Singer" is coming to its last are you preparing?" Wei Yong asked with great concern.

Nowadays, "The Masked Singer" is the most important program in the station, and it is the finals. As the station director, Wei Yong is naturally very concerned about it.

"No problem." Sunset said confidently.

Wei Yong smiled and said, "How did you make your program so popular all of a sudden? Tell me, I don't think it has the qualifications for promotion. Let other programs on the station learn from it."

Yu Hui showed a hint of amusement on his face and said: "I'm afraid I can't learn this, because our show suddenly became popular all because of one guest..."

"Oh, yes, I know that. Other people's singing costs me money, but my singing costs my life, right? There's a lot of discussion on the Internet now," Wei Yong said.

"Yes, that's him. How can I put it... This also has something to do with the format of our program. If it weren't for the mask, this guest would have gone to other programs on our station. Although it might be good, I think there would definitely not be the level of discussion that we have now. , so it has no promotional significance, so we can’t let other programs also use masks." Yu Hui said with a smile.

After Yu Hui finished speaking, the other three people present all nodded. If it weren't for the mystery brought by the mask, the songs Bai Wuchang sang would only shock people and attract countless fans, but there would definitely not be any So many people are engaging in discussion and speculation these days.

Because Bai Wuchang's identity has never been guessed in the show, this shocked countless netizens and made them curious and competitive.

Only topics with a sense of participation will be extremely popular. This is where other programs cannot compare to "The Masked Singer".

"What you said makes sense..." Wei Yong looked at Yu Hui and praised, "You did a good job. The entire program team, with so many people, still did such a good job of keeping things secret, without revealing Bai Wuchang's identity. "

It’s easy to keep a show secret when no one cares about it, but it’s very difficult to keep it secret after creating such a big topic and influence. As a leader who rose from the grassroots level, Wei Yong is very concerned about this. clear.

Li Hao said: "Actually... no one in our entire program team knows the identity of this guest. Only Director Yu knows. Even I don't know."

Wei Yong and Zhang Yuanzhi were both stunned. They knew Bai Wuchang was mysterious, but they didn't expect Chang to be so mysterious.

"Oh... then, it's important to keep the mystery of this show on your show where others sing for money and I sing for life, right?"

"Well, yes, it can be said to be the lifeblood." Yuhui nodded.

Wei Yong suddenly asked: "Your program is recorded on Wednesday and broadcast on Saturday night, right?"

Yu Hui was stunned for a moment, thinking to himself, weren't they talking about the Spring Festival Gala? Why were they all asking about his own program? Is it really because the ratings have gone up that the station manager has become so concerned?

"Yes, it is."

"I remember that the location where you recorded was in Studio No. 3, which can accommodate an audience of 500 people?" Zhang Yuanzhi asked.


After Zhang Zhiyuan waited for Yu Hui to answer, he said nothing more and looked at Wei Yong.

Wei Yong looked very worried: "That won't work. You finished recording on Wednesday and revealed your face. There are so many viewers at the scene. The news will definitely be revealed when you go back. Your program has not been broadcast yet, and the biggest highlight is gone. The ratings will definitely be affected."

Zhang Yuanzhi also echoed: "Yes, Director Wei is right, Director Yu, you should pay attention."

Li Hao also frowned and started thinking.

After hearing Wei Yong's words, Yu Hui smiled and said: "I have thought about this a long time ago. When others sing for money and I sing for life and enter the mask-unveiling area, we will start to clear the place. Even our on-site staff have cleared everything. No one working in other positions will know the true identity of this guest in advance."

Wei Yong nodded and said calmly: "This is also a way."

Yuhui had already felt that something was wrong. Why was he still talking about his own show instead of the Spring Festival Gala?

"Director, if you have any instructions, just tell me."

Wei Yong smiled and said, "There are no instructions, that's right..." Wei Yong looked at Zhang Yuanzhi, "We are considering the finale program of this year's Spring Festival Gala..."

Zhang Yuanzhi continued: "Every Spring Festival Gala we have has a thankless feeling. We organize the program carefully, but the ratings are mediocre in the end. On the contrary, Mango Channel's approach of not paying attention to the program but focusing on the guests is more attractive to the audience, especially the finale program. , they invited Zhou Siyuan for the finale this year, his popularity is unmatched by anyone in the current music industry."

Yu Hui immediately realized that the reason he was talking so much about his program was for Lychee Channel’s Spring Festival Gala this year.

"So, Director and Director Zhang, do you mean to ask someone else to sing for money and me to sing for life as the finale of our show?"

Wei Yong smiled happily and said, "That's exactly it."

Yu Hui hesitated for a while and said, "I don't know if he has any plans for the Spring Festival Gala."

Yu Hui knew that with Lin Li's current popularity, it stands to reason that there must be many TV stations vying to invite him, especially Mango Channel.

Even Yu Hui didn't know if Lin Li had been invited to the Lychee Station. After all, Lin Li was from Jiangnan Province. His popularity here was higher than that of the first-tier people, and the appearance fee was currently close to the first-tier ones. It could be said that the price-performance ratio was very high.

"You can ask, there is no best. If there is an arrangement, see if we can rush to the venue. If it is too late to rush to the venue, you can ask her to calculate the liquidated damages. Within 2 million, we can pay it for her!" Wei Yong said .

Yu Hui was dumbfounded. The liquidated damages of 2 million, plus the appearance fee of 1 million, were at least 3 million.

Moreover, if the other party is willing to breach the contract, then the appearance fee must be much larger. In other words, after all, I am afraid that 3.5 million will be spent on this guest!

With this money, the kings and queens would hire two of them!

It is Zhou Siyuan, "the last king of Chinese music", whose appearance fee is only 2 million!

Even the more established kings and queens will not pay more than this amount for appearance.

There are many normal invitations, and the price-performance ratio is indeed high, but if you have to pay liquidated damages, this is too high and obviously not cost-effective.

"If he is not invited by the TV station or can make it to the show, I think he can invite him. If he has to pay liquidated damages, forget it. This... is too much. And although his influence is okay, it is far less than Zhou Siyuan. I hope It’s unrealistic for him to steal the ratings from Mango Channel in the finale,” Yu Hui said.

Li Hao said: "Director Yu, there are only a few of us here, why don't you tell me who this person is who sings for money while others sing for her life, so that we can judge her appearance value."

Yu Hui was stunned. He could trust the station directors Wei Yong and Li Hao, but Zhang Yuanzhi couldn't say that. After all, his "Chinese Dating Contest" was originally the number one in ratings, but now it has been replaced by his own "The Masked Singer" 》Going ahead, it is inevitable that he does not feel a little bit sad.

After getting used to intrigues, Yuhui has become much more cautious.

"This... I promised him that I would not tell his identity before he reveals it, but I believe his identity will definitely surprise you!"

Yuhui knew that so far, they all thought Bai Wuchang was a female singer.

"It doesn't matter if you don't tell me your identity."

Wei Yong knew that each program group was a barrier between TV stations. No one would believe those outside the barrier, and even within the barrier, they would not fully believe it.

"Xiao Yu, you just said that it's not cost-effective to ask her to lose money, and that it's unrealistic to expect her to steal ratings from Mango Channel. Do you think we haven't considered this issue?" Wei Yong said.

Yu Hui was stunned for a moment, thinking that this kind of problem was so simple, they would definitely come to him without even thinking about this kind of problem.

"Then I wonder what the station director and Director Zhang mean?"

Zhang Yuanzhi said: "Zhou Siyuan is in the spotlight now. No matter who your guest's true identity is, she will definitely not be Zhou Siyuan's opponent. Mango Channel has also done a good job in publicity. To use her to compete with Zhou Siyuan is indeed a bit of a nuisance."

Yu Hui was confused. He knew this well, so why would he tell him this? Then Wei Yong took Zhang Yuanzhi's words.

"Just because this guest is not good enough, it doesn't mean that Bai Wuchang can't do it."

The words woke up the dreamer, and Yu Hui understood what the station director and Zhang Yuanzhi had planned.

"What do you mean... let him cover up?"

"Yes!" Wei Yong nodded with a smile, "Nowadays, the popularity of Bai Wuchang's topic can be compared with that of Zhou Siyuan, or even surpass him."

Zhang Yuanzhi also said: "And she has such a high level of attention. We only need to say it on the show and we will save a lot of publicity expenses!"

Yu Hui naturally understood that this was Taili's way of making a difference, and it was indeed a good one.

"However, our program will be in the finals soon, and this guest will be revealed. After the reveal, everyone will know his identity. If he participates in our Spring Festival Gala again, although there is still some popularity, I am afraid he still won't be able to compete with Zhou Siyuan and Mango Channel Let’s compare, but it should be a little better than other friendly channels.”

Wei Yong smiled and said, "It seems you still don't understand what we mean. What we mean... She doesn't have to reveal her face. That means she will retain Bai Wuchang's mysterious identity and reveal her face at the finale of the Spring Festival Gala!"

Yuhui was shocked, now he finally understood.

Having said so much, they just hope that Bai Wuchang will not be revealed during the finals of their program, and that Bai Wuchang's mystery will be preserved until the Spring Festival Gala.

Now who is Bai Wuchang's true identity? The whole network is paying attention. If he is not revealed in the finals, the ratings will naturally not have any impact, because everyone thinks that Bai Wuchang will be revealed in this episode, so I want to know, They will definitely watch it.

But if Bai Wuchang hadn't revealed his face in the "Masked Singer" finals, he would have been scolded after it was broadcast.

This is why the station director Wei Yong wants to talk to him.

This requires Yuhui to make some sacrifices and give benefits to Taili.

Anyway, the ratings are fine, it's just being scolded, and it's not worth mentioning to the station.

On the contrary, after being scolded, the popularity has increased again. By then, the Spring Festival Gala will attract more attention, and even the publicity expenses will be saved. Thinking about other friendly channels desperately promoting it, this is simply a hugely profitable deal.

As for Bai Wuchang's appearance fees or even liquidated damages, there is no need to worry. As long as it is announced that she will be unveiled at the Lychee Terrace Spring Festival Gala, the Spring Festival Gala will naturally have more sponsors, just like the sponsor contracts for these episodes of "The Masked Singer". There are as many as snowflakes.

It's indeed a good idea, Yu Hui secretly praised it.

"This plan was proposed by me," Zhang Zhiyuan said. "I think this is the only card that is rare for our station to compete with Mango Station."

After Zhang Zhiyuan finished speaking, he looked to Li Hao for support: "Li Hao, what do you think?"

Li Hao looked at Wei Yong, then at Yu Hui, and said: "It is indeed a good idea. I agree. Our Spring Festival Gala is a live broadcast. In this case, there will be no problem of the results of the recording being leaked."

According to Yu Hui, clearing the venue can also ensure that Bai Wuchang's identity will not be leaked to the greatest extent, but after all, there must be some staff on site. Although the remaining staff are much more reliable than the audience, there is still a risk of leakage after all.

Yuhui also knew this.

Wei Yong looked at Yu Hui and asked, "Xiao Yu, please show your attitude."

Yu Hui naturally knew that the Spring Festival Gala in the station was much more important than his own program. Yu Hui had to play Lin Li's card no matter what this season. He would need the support of the station in the next season and beyond. This was regarded as an order. Okay, deal or not, this time he had no choice but to agree.

"That's okay with me, but I have to communicate with the guests and report back after the communication."

Wei Yong and Zhang Yuanzhi knew that Yu Hui would definitely agree. They asked for Yu Hui's opinion just out of respect for him. After all, he is now the director of the most watched program on the station, so this respect must be given.

Of course, in addition to respect, they also need Yuhui to communicate.

Now that Yuhui agreed, it was more than half successful.

"Well, we are waiting for your news."

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