Hei Wuchang had an evil spirit and a sense of arrogance all over his body. He stood on the stage and looked down at the audience. The chaotic sounds in the audience suddenly stopped.

The scene became quiet.

The accompaniment sounded.

The retro piano accompaniment sounded, and the evil spirit in Hei Wuchang suddenly subsided and blended into the accompaniment almost instantly.

Hei Wuchang opens his voice!

"If anyone asks me, I will tell it but no one will come..."

Hei Wuchang's voice was transmitted from the microphone in his hand to the speakers around the scene. The deep magnetic baritone from the speakers reached the ears of everyone present, making everyone scream in surprise!

It turned out to be a man’s voice!

And there is no hint of feminine delicacy in it!


Is this still the charming Bai Wuchang who has a melodious singing voice that makes him want to put a mosaic on it? ?

The moment everyone saw Hei Wuchang, they still had some illusions. After all, Bai Wuchang's beautiful appearance was so deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Although there are some women's clothing masters in reality who can fake the real thing, but once they open their mouth, there are still some flaws.

And Bai Wuchang obviously has no flaws, she is simply a living beauty!

No one would think that Bai Wuchang who looked like that was actually a man!

No one can accept this fact!

They would rather believe that Hei Wuchang is Miss Bai Wuchang disguised as a man!

As for the reason, it must be that Bai Wuchang was afraid that he would be guessed this time, so he wore underwear and black makeup just to confuse everyone.

At first, everyone thought so, but when Hei Wuchang's voice came out, everyone's wishes were shattered.

Some people even have their views shattered to pieces.

The male voice is deep and magnetic, strong and soft at the same time, while the female voice is cold and ethereal, delicate and charming!

Damn it, are there really such incredible people in the world? !

Although there are all kinds of wonders in the world, you still have to be moderate!

It's obviously against the rules for someone else to sing for money and me to sing for life!

Everyone was distracted and distracted, but even so, Hei Wuchang's singing brought them back soon.


Do you think I'm exaggerating?

Exaggerating just because I'm scared

Will it be noticed if it looks like wood or stone?

In fact, I'm afraid of being forgotten, so I'll enlarge it and show it.

I’m very uneasy, how can I be elegant?

Does the world still praise silence? It’s not explosive enough

Why is there a topic that makes me praise myself as a great entertainer?


Unlike Bai Wuchang sitting in the sedan chair, Hei Wuchang has a lot of stage movements. It feels like he has been holding in the sedan chair for too long in the previous episodes and took the opportunity to release himself.

This song is also a Cantonese song. Many people at the scene did not understand the lyrics and could only listen to the music.

But they can still feel the heart-wrenching feeling of not getting what they want and the endless struggle of a little person in the song.

This song is driven by a rock rhythm and has a theremin-like tone, which makes the song sound a bit weird, but this weirdness perfectly fits and blends with the black and impermanent image and tone.

It sounds extremely comfortable.

“I can’t understand Cantonese, but this song is so nice.”

"Yes, it seems that music knows no borders or places. This is true!"

"I still can't forget my little sister Bai Wuchang!"

"I'm a woman, and I prefer Hei Wuchang!"


Many people at the scene were still nostalgic for Bai Wuchang, but not long after, the magic of Hei Wuchang's singing attracted their attention, and then they fell in love little by little with Hei Wuchang's singing!

That year, at the dance of my alma mater when I was 18, I stood like a gangster

At that time, I swore with tears that you must see me

I have been neglected too much in love and work

Self-esteem has suffered a lot. Paying attention to can cure hunger.

If you have never obtained it, you will know why I am

Many big moves make these mistakes

Do you think I'm sick?


As the song progressed, Hei Wuchang's movements on the stage became larger and larger. He held the microphone in his left hand and waved his right hand in front of him. His body sometimes curled up and sometimes stretched out. It even looked a bit exaggerated. However, for those who understand the lyrics, But they all felt that Hei Wuchang's exaggeration was just right.

The lyrics are about the sorrow and longing of a little person, hoping to be noticed and respected. Doesn't Hei Wuchang's exaggerated actions on the stage perfectly express the exaggeration and hysteria of the little person in the lyrics?


You call me grandiose

Don’t be afraid if you add a few boos

If I'm bored when I'm there

Did you watch the show? Is it hysterical enough?

Let's shower the flowers with tears. I just want to surprise you

Does it seem like I didn’t exist in my old days? More emphasis

The veins are also showing, do I know they exist now?

Stare at me, don’t just look at the ceiling anymore

If I am not your cup of tea, you can drink it as much as you want.

Don't forget that someone is speaking out for you

Hei Wuchang's completely evil singing voice, singing at the top of his lungs, coupled with the terrifying scream at the end, the baritone's real voice on the E5 shattered the venue with a sense of domineering and power, completely transporting the entire song to a different world. His exaggerated and engaging stage movements also infected everyone.

Even if some people don't understand what the lyrics are about, the powerful power contained in this song sweeps them away and completely conquers them!

Everyone at the scene was dumbfounded.

If they just heard Hei Wuchang singing this song, they might enjoy it and just admire Hei Wuchang.

But the Hei Wuchang in front of me was the person who sang "Left Finger Moon", "Drawing Heart" and "High Song" in the first three issues, which made it impossible for everyone to express their complicated feelings in words.

The accompaniment slowly ended, and everyone froze in place in silence.

Lin Li knew that silence was a statement. How different Hei Wuchang's performance was from Bai Wuchang's was how quiet the scene was.

Not only the scene, but also the staff in the director's control room seemed to be set in stone.

Only Yu Hui is the most sober. After all, he already knows what will happen on the stage today.

Yu Hui spoke into Li Hao's headset in the main control room: "Li Hao, come up."

Li Hao came back to his senses when he heard the voice from his headphones, calmed down a bit, and walked onto the stage.

"At this moment, I think everyone, like me, cannot express our inner feelings in words, but we have to admit that this is a good song, it is so amazing, we should give our guests some applause, right? ?”

Li Hao's words reminded everyone at the scene, and the scene suddenly burst into warm applause. The applause was so loud that even Li Hao, who was on the stage, felt it was a little deafening.

If the topic and popularity of Bai Wuchang could be compared to those of the first-tier kings and even the little kings and queens, then after Hei Wuchang's appearance this time, the influence of others singing for money and me singing for death has completely reached the level of kings and queens, and even Still have it.

The applause lasted for a long time before it gradually subsided. Li Hao looked at the judging panel. They also had the same complicated expressions.

"Teachers on the judging panel, I think you should have something to say at this time."

Several members of the judging panel looked at each other, and then laughed bitterly. Xu Zhenchun picked up the microphone and said, "I'm full of words, but I don't know how to say it. I have a question that I need to confirm first. This person on the stage is Have we seen Bai Wuchang in the previous three issues? Could it be that you changed people midway?"

Xu Zhenchun's thoughts were also those of countless people present. After he finished speaking, most people present began to shout in agreement.

Although Bai Wuchang was different in the first three issues, it was still within everyone's understanding, but today Bai Wuchang suddenly turned into Hei Wuchang, and his voice completely changed from a female voice to a male voice, which made everyone confused. I have to wonder if someone has been replaced.

Li Hao also had doubts. He looked at Hei Wuchang and said, "Others sing for money, but I sing for life. You heard that everyone doubts your identity. Do you want to prove it yourself first?"

Hei Wuchang thought for a while and turned around first.

Only then did everyone really see what was behind him. It was indeed Bai Wuchang's original clothes, but his white face had now turned into black hair.

But because this is "The Masked Singer", all the guests are covered and their faces cannot be seen clearly, so Hei Wuchang turned around and stood with Li Hao, which looked very much like Bai Wuchang wearing a mask and standing with Li Hao. on the stage.

Everyone was in a daze for a while.

At this time, the voice of "Bai Wuchang" sang.

"I pick you up with my left hand and put you down with my right hand,

When you put your palms together, everything is taken back into your heart. "

Even though there is no accompaniment, Bai Wuchang's voice is not affected at all. "Bai Wuchang"'s voice is cold and cold, reaching into the sky. The scene seems to have returned to the first episode where Bai Wuchang appeared in an instant.

Everyone's hearts froze when they heard this sentence.

Then "Bai Wuchang" changed his voice and sang "Painting Heart".

What I sang this time was just the humming of the prelude.

"La la la la la...

La la la la la..."

The voice was ethereal and shrill, like crying, and instantly brought everyone from the top of the snowy mountains in the 9th issue to the gloomy cemetery in the 10th issue.

Then, "Bai Wuchang" switched to a enchanting and charming voice.


I'm not here when you're not here,

Hey hey hey hey~

Who will still be there. "

"Bai Wuchang" switches so quickly, yet so flawlessly, that it makes everyone's scalp numb and goosebumps all over their bodies.

Every time "Bai Wuchang" switches the sound, screams from the scene keep coming.

Some of them were excited, some missed Bai Wuchang's voice, and most of them were shocked!

After these three voices sang, "Bai Wuchang" turned around and turned into Hei Wuchang. He picked up the microphone and sang loudly:

"You think I'm exaggerating?

Exaggerating just because I'm scared

Will it be noticed if it looks like wood or stone?

In fact, I'm afraid of being forgotten, so I'll enlarge it and show it.

I’m very uneasy, how can I be elegant?

Does the world still praise silence? It’s not explosive enough

Why is there a topic that makes me boast about being a great entertainer? "

Even if it is sung a cappella, Hei Wuchang's voice is still impeccable, and his emotions are full of contagion. Even the audience who didn't understand the song at first got the song instantly.

The seamless switching between black and white and the back and forth of the four voices shocked everyone present. Only then did they have to believe that "Black and White" was actually the same person!

Others sing for money, but I sing for life. After finishing singing, Li Hao looked at the guessing team: "Teacher Xu Zhenchun, do you have any questions?"

Xu Zhenchun smiled and patted the chair, looking crazy, and said, "Yes, is he a boy or a girl?!"

Now no one doubts that "Black and White Wuchang" has been replaced, but everyone still doesn't know which one is the real him. Should he be Hei Wuchang or Bai Wuchang, that is, whether he looks like a man or a woman.

Looking at today's show, others cost money to sing and I cost my life to sing. Naturally, it's a male singer. But looking back on the first three episodes, everyone couldn't believe that a male singer could sing three songs like that.

But on the contrary, everyone can't believe that a female singer can sing "Exaggerated" as Hei Wuchang sings today.

"I think, looking at his height, there seems to be no doubt that he is a male singer." Cai Wenli said.

Hei Wuchang is about 1.8 meters tall. He wears a long hat and is already over two meters tall. He looks taller visually. With such a height, one would not naturally think of a female singer.

"A male singer? Thinking about her performance in the first three episodes, I can't believe it was a male singer." Hong Jianping said.

"Yes, I would rather believe that today's performance was sung by a female singer than the previous three performances by male singers!" Zhang Xiao said.

Sun Yunhan thought about Bai Wuchang's appearance that he had seen up close before, and said: "I also think she should be a female singer. Thinking about the three songs before, men can't sing those voices."

Liu Gang retorted: "Open your eyes and take a look. Bai Wuchang has been hiding in the sedan chair. The reason is to hide her height. You saw it today. With this height, she must be a male singer!"

Cheng Qinghong said: "That's not necessarily true. If you take off the hat of Hei Wuchang and use the inner height increaser in your shoes, you will only be a little over 1.7 meters tall."

Liu Gang smiled and said: "How do you know he wears underwear to increase his height?"

Cheng Qinghong countered: "Then how do you know he's not wearing any underwear?"

The crowd laughed loudly.

Li Hao stood next to Hei Wuchang and said, "Everyone knows that I am 180cm tall. You can use this as a reference."

Li Hao is 1.75cm tall. Anyone who knows him well knows that when he said this, there were many boos in addition to laughter.

Li Hao smiled and said to the people who guessed the judging panel: "Teachers, I remember that when others sang for money and I sang to death, when I first came out, you still had some target figures. How come the more our guests sang, the more confused you became? , let alone the target person, you can’t even figure out the gender of our guest?”

Guess the judges started arguing again.

Liu Gang said: "I think it must be a male singer. We guessed so many female singers in the previous issues but didn't get it right. We must have guessed in the wrong direction!"

Sun Yunhan said: "I still think it's a female singer. Think about it, if he was really a male singer, it would be amazing if he could sing a girl's voice. How could he sing three times, three different voices and As for the singing method, only talented girls can do this, but he sings with a boy's voice, so he is probably a female singer!"

Cheng Qinghong said: "I also think it's a female singer. If it's a reverse, it can't be three episodes, it can only be one. She must have used this trick in the most important episode, which is today's finals." Come."

Cai Wenli said: "I think he is a male singer. Think about it, why is Bai Wuchang always sitting in the sedan? Isn't it because he is afraid of showing his height? It shows that he is really tall. His height today is real, not because he is wearing clothes. Heightened inside, no female singer has such a height of 1.8 meters!"

Hong Jianping shook his head and said, "Mr. Cai, do you have any doubt that this might be her deliberate design? Now I feel that this person who sings for money while others sing to kill me is too scheming. You guessed it right. She is sitting in a sedan chair. She is hiding her height, but there are not many female singers who are over 1.7 meters tall. She knows that we doubted her height in the last issue, so she deliberately did not sit in the sedan chair in this issue and wore underwear to increase her height, just to make us look like male singers. Think in the direction!”

Xu Zhenchun said: "Our female singer, who is over 1.7 meters tall, has almost finished guessing it. It's not right at all. It can only be a male singer!"

Guessing that the judges couldn't unanimously agree, Li Hao took over the overall situation and said: "Everyone, please stop arguing. If you think our guest is a male singer, raise your hands. If you think our guest is a female singer, don't raise your hands. Let's see how the number of supporters is." .”

The judging panel began to vote by a show of hands.

Cai Wenli, Xu Zhenchun and Liu Gang raised their hands, thinking they were male singers.

Sun Yunhan, Zhang Xiao, Cheng Qinghong and Hong Jianping did not raise their hands. The four of them felt that it was more likely to be a female singer.

The audience at the scene was a little confused about whether they were male or female when singing for money and singing for life. The guessing team's analysis became more and more confusing, which completely short-circuited everyone's brains.

Damn it, I can’t even figure out whether the guest is a boy or a girl, it’s a waste of time guessing!

PS: It’s my fault that I’ve been writing chapters of more than 4,000 words recently. I’m used to feeding everyone. Now I’m adding an update of 2,500 to 600 words, but I can’t satisfy everyone. It’s embarrassing...

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