The straight man in the entertainment circle

Chapter 392: Male or female, human or ghost? (Additional update for ten funny guys running around)

Lin Li put on Yu Hui's coat and put the cosmetics on the table into the pocket on the waist of the coat. After the pocket was full, he put it into his trousers pocket. After the trousers pocket was full, he put it into the inner pocket of his coat, putting everything Pockets are full.

"Leave these things here and I'll keep them for you." Yu Hui couldn't help but say.

Lin Li smiled and said, "I'm still useful."

After saying that, Lin Li zipped up his coat, covered part of his face, and walked out of the lounge dressed as Yu Hui.

Everyone thought it was Yu Hui who came out, and no one paid attention to him. They were all waiting for the protagonist in the lounge to come out.

After Lin Li came out, he went to the bathroom, hid in the toilet partition door, then took out his cosmetics and started changing his makeup in the bathroom.

There are no mirrors here, but Lin Li's [Disguise] is now at the master level and he no longer needs the help of mirrors.

After changing his makeup, Lin Li took off Yuhui's coat, stuffed all the cosmetic bottles and jars into his coat pocket, then walked out of the barrier door openly, looked at the big mirror in the bathroom, and sure enough, he almost changed again. Secondary appearance.

Even if Yuhui came in at this time, he wouldn't be able to recognize him.

Lin Li was looking in the mirror and combing his hair. In a smoking area not far from the bathroom, seven or eight people with Lychee Taiwan work badges on their chests were whispering, including a security guard.

"Hey, is there any movement inside?"

"No, the director of the program team went into the lounge and came out soon. There is no movement inside until now."

"You're not planning on sneaking out at night, are you?"

"Don't tell me, it's really possible. I heard that they hid in the lounge at dawn today."

"Brother Li, who is on duty at night in your security team? If you see anything, you must tell us."

"Yes, you must tell us which celebrity you see coming out at night."

"You bunch of bastards, I don't see you fawning over us on weekdays, but now it's better, you're all here to fawn over us!"

"Brother Li, what are you talking about? You don't know, I'm not here for my girlfriend. She is bragging in front of her family, saying how good I am on the TV station. Then their family wants to know who the mysterious guest is in advance. Well, my girlfriend assured me that I would know in advance, so I didn’t have to wait for it to be aired. I thought it would be revealed today, so it wouldn’t be difficult to find out, so I agreed. Who knew it would be like this?”

"Hey, I'm about the same as you. My aunt works for a newspaper. Their newspaper wants first-hand information and wants my help."

"This mysterious guest is really mysterious. I have been coming to our TV station for more than ten years. This is the first time that everyone in the station is secretly inquiring about a guest."

"Didn't you see that there are more than a dozen media reporters outside ambushing us."

"Tsk, tsk, if you want me to live the same life as this mysterious guest, I would be willing to live ten years less!"

While they were talking, another person came and said hurriedly: "You guys, give up on this idea, the mysterious guest is no longer in the lounge!"

Someone dropped a cigarette butt on the ground.

"Are you out? Did you see who it was?"

I stepped on the cigarette butt and twisted it twice on the ground, and then the lighter sound came again.

"What the heck, I heard from my brother that their chief director went to the lounge, and soon someone came out of the lounge. Everyone thought it was their chief director, but it turned out that their real director just came out, that is, He said that the person who came out for the first time was not their director, but the mysterious guest, who has gone to who knows where now, and must have left the TV station a long time ago."

"Dig a groove, this is the golden cicada escaping its shell!"

"No one even noticed?"

"It is said that they are very similar and no one noticed it."


"I'm so interested in this mysterious guest!"


Their voices were not loud, but Lin Li had good hearing and heard them all clearly. He looked in the mirror and scratched his hair, and then walked out of the bathroom. The group of people were still chatting without noticing.

Many people in the "Masked Singer" program group are the eyes of the outside media at the moment. The news that others are asking for money to sing and that I am singing for my life has mysteriously disappeared backstage in the program group was quickly spread to the outside world.

Countless entertainment reporters outside Lychee Terrace received the news and started fighting, staring closely at everyone who came out.

However, the 500 spectators at the "Masked Singer" finals recording scene had just walked out of the Lychee Stage, and the entertainment reporters were beginning to be dazzled and overwhelmed.

However, they thought that others would get paid for singing and I would get paid for singing. Since I am a star, I shouldn’t mix in the crowd. That would be too easy to expose.

Thinking of this, the entertainment reporters felt a little relieved and prepared to wait until the audience had left before paying attention to people coming in and out.

They couldn't believe that the person they were looking for was among the crowd at this moment.

Lin Li followed the crowd out of the Lychee Terrace Building and looked at the more than a dozen media tracking vehicles parked around him. The entertainment reporters in the vehicles were searching the sea of ​​people with telephoto lenses in their hands, their eyes anxious and helpless.

Lin Li suddenly wanted to laugh. These people would never believe that he was right in front of them.

The crowd who came out were still discussing the "Masked Singer" just now.

"Hey, why haven't you revealed your face today? I'm almost going crazy!"

"Haha, me too, but I thought there might be surprises in the Spring Festival Gala, so that's a balance."

"I didn't expect that when we participated in the recording of a TV show for the first time, we would encounter such a big event."

"Who says it's not the case? I didn't expect Bai Wuchang to become black Wuchang today."

"Bai Wuchang is so beautiful. I never imagined that she would be a bit scary after turning into Hei Wuchang."

"I still feel that she is a female singer. I don't believe that Bai Wuchang can be a stinky man."

"No, the "Exaggerated" he sang today was so manly!"

Lin Li listened to their discussion and couldn't help but interjected: "Yes, he is really a man!"

The people chatting were obviously acquaintances, but suddenly someone interrupted. They glanced at Lin Li strangely, and then walked to the side, not recognizing Lin Li at all, not even having any suspicion.

The look in his eyes was more like seeing a strange worm.

Lin Li burst into laughter, walked to the street, took a taxi, and returned to the hotel.

That night, rumors began to spread on the Internet, saying that the person participating in the "Masked Singer" finals was Hei Wuchang, who sang a song "Exaggerated", and that Bai Wuchang might be a male singer.

After the news came out, netizens talked a lot. Most netizens didn't believe it. How could Bai Wuchang be a male singer?

What a big joke!

Now the rumors on the Internet are really getting more and more outrageous!

During the recording of the "Masked Singer" finals, mobile phones and any shooting equipment were not allowed, so no photos or videos have been leaked so far.

Without real evidence, some truths on the Internet will be ignored or even treated as jokes. This is why so many media entertainment reporters want to find real evidence, but facts have proven that they have all failed.

Although they tried their best and laid a dragnet, the mysterious guest "The Masked Singer" still disappeared without a trace.

This person who sings for money while others cost his life is really just like the impermanence of black and white. He disappeared backstage of the "Masked Singer" program and disappeared without a trace.

According to internal legends at Lychee Terrace, the last time someone saw the mysterious guest who looked like Yu Hui was in the corridor on the third floor. He went to the bathroom. Since then, no one has seen him again.

Later, someone discovered that one of Yuhui's coats was left in the bathroom and was filled with cosmetics.

It is said that many people gathered outside the restroom to smoke at that time, and they had not seen anyone who looked like Yu Hui come out, as if the mysterious guest had evaporated in the restroom.

The news spread, and it became more and more sinister. This other people sing for money and I sing for death, adding another layer of mystery.

If we talk about the finals, the judging panel and the audience are still doubting whether he is a boy or a girl.

His mysterious disappearance after the finals made everyone begin to doubt whether he was a human or a ghost.

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