The straight man in the entertainment circle

Chapter 415 Never disappoints people! (Fourth update, additional update after official recommendatio

it's over.

Hei Wuchang's singing is over.

But for the audience who came to the scene tonight, this is just the beginning, and the highlight is next!

Everyone loves and hates this mysterious guest. They love his performance, but hate that he is always so torturous and misty.

And soon, he will reveal his face, and he will no longer be able to torture others. When he reveals his face, everyone will only have love for him.

Many people took out their mobile phones, preparing to follow him on Weibo or leave messages as soon as possible after his face was unveiled.

Many people also posted on Weibo, praising the performance just now.

Fang Tiantian took out her phone and looked at the Weibo post she had posted before. There were already many comments on it.

Dawn DAWN: "I didn't expect that Fang Tiantian and we are in the same camp, so we are fans!"

Piggy Governor: "We are discussing this mysterious person tonight. I hope it is not a woman when he is revealed, otherwise you will be embarrassed, haha."

Old Orange: "Maybe I just like women."

The Rain God added: "What a coincidence, I am also watching the Lychee Terrace Spring Festival Gala. I am so envious that Tiantian can be there. I don't know who this mysterious person is. I have no place to express my love. Let me express my love here, hehe!"

When Fang Tiantian saw these comments, she took another photo facing the stage and posted a new Weibo post.

Fang Tiantian: This scene is great! Don't any of you try to rob me!

At this moment, in the backstage monitoring room of the Spring Festival Gala, Zhang Yuanzhi and a group of people recovered from the live performance and looked at the monitor. They saw that since the mysterious man appeared, the curve of the number of viewers has skyrocketed. It is now far away. Get rid of the previous graph.

These people backstage were a little excited. Although the entire Spring Festival Gala lasted for four hours, the average ratings that the mysterious man's twenty-minute appearance could save were limited, but the number of viewers now is too high. There is still great hope for competing for the top three in the Spring Festival Gala's ratings this year. of.

Li Hao and other six hosts stepped onto the stage one after another. There were still more than ten minutes before midnight. Their mission was to delay for a while before this mysterious man was revealed, so that the high ratings of this section would boost the entire Spring Festival Gala. average viewership.

Six hosts surrounded Hei Wuchang on the stage.

"This song is so shocking!" Li Hao said.

Chen Min also said: "Oh my god, the whole place exploded!"

Jiang Chang said: "It's incredible. How many voices were used in total? Five or six, right?"

"Five of them, this is the first time I hear someone singing like this!" Chen Cong exclaimed.

Mo Fei laughed at Hei Wuchang and said, "After you reveal your face, come with me to the "Chinese Blind Date Conference". Although your singing is very charming, your blind date must be even more charming."

Countless people screamed no more at the scene.

"Daladaladalalala!" Zhang Xiao hummed the tune, but couldn't hum a single word. "The names of the people in this song are not normal people. Anyway, when I listened to this song from beginning to end, I heard one Your name is Wang Haoran?"

Li Hao smiled and said: "Wow, this name is difficult to pronounce, but you actually pronounced it right away. It's really amazing."

Everyone thought of the last paragraph in the song "Hei Wuchang". This guy could pronounce so many messy names very smoothly, but he even said that the name Wang Haoran that everyone remembered was so difficult to pronounce. It was really annoying.

After Li Hao finished speaking, everyone in the audience smiled heartily.

Six hosts surrounded Hei Wuchang, who stood calmly on the stage without saying a word.

"Okay, our mysterious guest, don't say anything for now. Our six hosts will act as judges tonight. The six of us will comment on his performance just now, okay?"

The other hosts all said yes, and this was naturally a delay that they had prepared long ago. However, they did not know in advance what the mysterious guest would sing, so the comments were all improvised.

"Let's go first, Zhang Xiao. After all, you were also a member of the guessing team in "The Masked Singer."" Mo Fei said.

Other presenters agreed.

Zhang Xiao said: "Okay, let me tell you first. After listening to this song, I probably knew it was a fairy tale. It sang about a young man who defeated the evil dragon to save the princess. I liked listening to this kind of fairy tale when I was a child. It’s a story, but today I discovered that the singing is really better than the speaking!”

Everyone laughed on and off the stage.

Chen Min smiled and said, "No, no, no, what you say is better than what you sing."

This is obviously a joke about her poor singing ability.

There was another burst of laughter. Originally, the audience was not very satisfied with the behavior of several hosts delaying the unveiling of the mysterious guests, but now they were relieved amid laughter.

It’s good to have enough foreplay, otherwise it would be over in one go and everyone would still be unsatisfied.

After hearing what Chen Min said, Zhang Xiao counterattacked: "The same goes for you, Sister Chen Min."

Chen Min smiled and said: "Well, although I am not good at singing, you may not know that I have also studied vocal music. Let me analyze it for you. This song, if I heard it correctly, has the lowest body part. The note is C3, the highest note is D # 5. The second chorus begins to switch seamlessly between American singing and pop singing. The highest note of the coloratura part is C6, with more than a dozen C6 skips. Those who can do this are really amazing. .”

Lin Li listened and nodded. Based on his current music theory knowledge, this content was nothing, but as a host who could say this, it seemed that he had indeed learned vocal music, and he seemed to have learned it well.

Others did not know anything about music theory, but when they saw the mysterious guest nodding, they realized that Chen Min was right, and they also greatly appreciated Chen Min.

"You are also very powerful, Sister Chen Min!" Chen Cong praised.

"I didn't know Chen Min had this ability." Jiang Chang said.

Zhang Xiao said: "Sister Chen Min, what you said is better than what I said."

After hearing this, Chen Min felt a little embarrassed and said, "Don't praise me, everyone. He is our protagonist. Let's continue to comment."

Jiang Chang said: "Then let me tell you something. Our mysterious guest used to show off one voice in one issue, but today he showed off five in this song. It's terrible."

Mo Fei said: "The most important thing is that he switches between the five voices so frequently, which doesn't give us the audience a chance to breathe."

Li Haodao: "Not only does he not give us the audience a chance to breathe, he doesn't even give himself time to breathe. When I listened to this song, I didn't even hear him take a breath. I was really afraid that he wouldn't take a breath. .”

Li Hao said that the whole audience laughed in sympathy.

Chen Cong said: "Our mysterious guest sang the voices of a little girl, a boy, a king, a dragon and a narrator all by himself. The male and female voices were high and low and the bel canto coloratura seamlessly switched without any pressure. He sang a musical all by himself. I have a sense of déjà vu, and I just want to know, we in China have such a treasure, how come we don’t know about it!”

The audience at the scene couldn't agree more with this statement. They all stared longingly at Hei Wuchang who said nothing on the stage.

After the hosts made false comments and praised the show, they finally started to focus on tonight’s protagonist.

Zhang Xiao asked: "I want to ask, others cost money to sing, but singing costs me life. What is the name of the song you just sang?"

Lin Li replied in Zhou Shen's voice: ""Dalabengba"."

This is the first time Hei Wuchang has officially spoken on stage. In the past, when watching TV, all the guests' speeches were processed, but not tonight. Everyone agreed that he used his own voice.

So when Lin Li on the stage spoke in Zhou Shen's voice, the scene was in an uproar again.

"Is this voice male or female?"

"Like a man."

"I feel like a woman."

"Does this sound sound like Yang Qi?"

Because of Hei Wuchang's words, the people in the audience began to speculate wildly again.

"Why is it called "Dala Benba"?" Jiang Chang asked.

Lin Li continued to speak in Zhou Shen's voice: "Because the boy's name is...Dala Ben Ba De Be Di Bu Do Lin Li Weng."

The name behind this sentence was sung by Lin Li. When the word "Lin Li" was sung, because of the tune of the song, Lin Li sounded like Ning Li, so people who didn't listen carefully couldn't tell that it was "Lin Li". .

Not to mention the word Lin Li, after hearing this long list of names, no one knew what words were in it.

Chen Min smiled and said: "According to what the song says, I think we have to say now, do it again!"

There are several times in the lyrics where the character in the song asks him to "do it again" after announcing his name. Chen Min has learned and put it into practice.

Several other hosts also said to Hei Wuchang: "Do it again!"

Hei Wuchang continued to sing: "Dala Ben Ba De Be Di Bu Dorin Li Weng."

Everyone in the audience followed suit, but usually they could only sing two or three words, and the next few words were all sung blindly.

Zhang Xiao was still not convinced and said: "Do it again!"

Could it be that he was afraid that the audience would be annoyed if he kept repeating this, so he stopped him and said, "Forget it, don't embarrass yourself and us."

The audience burst into laughter.

Li Hao also changed the subject and said to Chen Min: "Honey, come here, take a good look. Do you think he is a boy or a girl?"

It was the first time for Chen Min to see this mysterious man live. She and several other hosts who were seeing the mysterious man for the first time began to get closer to the mysterious man and began to observe carefully.

"I still can't tell from the voice, but looking at the figure, it seems to be a man." Chen Min hesitated.

Several other hosts also looked at it for a while and said, "It really doesn't look like a girl."

There were screams from the audience, because this was the first time that the host on the stage had a unified understanding of the gender of the mysterious guest.

From this point of view, there is a high possibility that Hei Wuchang is a boy.

Mo Fei said: "Tonight our mysterious guest is revealed. Let's reveal the gender first, shall we?"

The audience was in chaos. Many people couldn't tell and couldn't wait to see Hei Wuchang reveal his identity.

But at this moment when the Spring Festival Gala is at its peak in terms of popularity and ratings, it is impossible for these old hosts on the stage to reveal the mysterious guests so easily.

You must make good use of this advantage and wait until the last midnight to reveal your face.

Normally, at the end of the Spring Festival Gala, the host is left with two or three minutes for summary and outlook. They asked this mysterious guest to come up twenty minutes early in order to continue to use him after he finished singing.

This is an established link. Even though there were many objections in the audience, Jiang Chang still said forcefully: "It seems that everyone is willing, so let's start by revealing the gender of the mysterious guest!"

Anyway, there are still fifteen minutes left, and the hosts are not afraid of being late.

The audience at the scene and in front of the TV were filled with hatred when they heard that the hosts were going to expose themselves and be played like this, but they were reluctant to change the channel.

In the past, they couldn't guess because the mysterious guest always confused everyone. Now that the mysterious guest can reveal his true gender and voice, everyone feels that they can guess him before he tells his name.

"Okay, let's first invite our others to sing for money, while I will sing for my life, and choose the gender... Uh, why am I saying this so weird..." Mo Fei even laughed as he said it.

"Come on, if you are a boy, please stand with us. If you are a girl, please stand with the female host." Li Hao said the next words for Mo Fei.

After giving the order, everyone stared at Hei Wuchang to see what he would choose.

Hei Wuchang looked both ways, then suddenly raised his feet and walked over to the female host...

The screams at the scene went straight into the sky, and everyone's eyes widened. Could this mysterious person be a girl?

Has everyone been fooled?

If it were anyone else, most people might still not believe it at this time, but because this mysterious man has surprised people so many times, even though the hosts on the stage thought he was more like a boy, everyone also felt that he was actually a boy. It is also very possible that she is a girl.

This mysterious guest has never disappointed anyone!

However, everyone discovered that after Hei Wuchang walked towards the female hosts, he shook hands with them and apologized to them all.

"Sorry, I lied to you."

After saying that, Hei Wuchang walked back to the male host's side and stood still.

When the female hosts saw Hei Wuchang walking toward them, they all thought for a moment that their wavering just now was wrong. However, within a few seconds, they realized that they had been tricked by this mysterious guest.

Not only the hostesses felt that they had been fooled, but the male hosts and all the viewers felt that they had been fooled again by this mysterious guest.

Everyone couldn't laugh or cry. Just now, they thought Hei Wuchang had tricked everyone again, and when she was actually a woman, in the end... they found out that they had indeed been tricked, because Hei Wuchang was not a woman at all!

Maybe Hei Wuchang really just went to apologize to the female host, but the audience really felt that Hei Wuchang had been teased again.

If it is other TV stations or other guests who make the audience feel that they are being fooled, then it is definitely an act of seeking death, and the ratings will drop immediately, but this is because others are singing for money and I am singing for my life, and it is the whole person who has been fooled this month. Netizen's mysterious guest, he played tricks on people and only made everyone more excited.

Seeing Hei Wuchang siding with the male host, the audience screamed.

Someone at the scene brought Hei Wuchang's clothes, and they put them on on the spot, holding up Hei Wuchang's support sign and shouting excitedly.

Especially those viewers who thought Hei Wuchang was a boy early on.

They have never had such a magical experience. It is really ridiculous that they can feel complacent because they guessed the gender of others correctly!

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