Just as she finished speaking, Song Wenjie's phone rang again, and she heard that there was another business cooperation call.


"Editor Hou, hello, hello."

"What? Do you want Lin Li to be on the cover of your magazine again?"

Song Wenjie looked at Lin Li.

As soon as Lin Li heard that his surname was Hou and his mother had said it again, he knew that the caller was Hou Haisen, the editor-in-chief of "Teenage Idol".

Lin Li was also a little surprised. His New Year's issue cover had already appeared on the cover of their magazine. It had only been two months, and it was indeed a bit too soon for them to invite me again.

Many celebrities appear in several magazines a year, but not the same one, because the same celebrity always appears on the cover of a magazine, which can easily make readers tired.

As a senior magazine editor, how could Hou Haisen not know this?

But he still sent an invitation to Lin Li, which shows that their magazine has discussed it. With Lin Li's current popularity, there is no problem at all for Lin Li to be on the cover of their magazine again.

Lin Li was once ridiculed by industry insiders and anti-fans because he was not invited to shoot the cover of the annual magazine by a top magazine. Although "Teen Idol" was not a top magazine, it extended an olive branch to Lin Li at that time.

Lin Li's idea at the time was that instead of giving a smile to a first-tier magazine, it would be better to grow up with a second-tier or third-tier magazine like "Teen Idol".

Now that I have such a big topic, and it happens to be the beginning of the month, it will definitely bring a lot of traffic.

This kind of benefit naturally goes to the magazine that I decided to grow up with.

Song Wenjie saw Lin Li nodded and said back to Hou Haisen: "Editor Hou, that's not impossible, but..."

Hou Haisen, who was on the other end of the phone, naturally understood what it meant, and said quickly: "We will calculate the expenses of the first-line celebrities and give them to you, don't worry about that."

As for Hou Haisen, the sales of the annual magazine have doubled because of Lin Li's cover photo and influence. The magazine's advertising fees have also doubled in the past two months. This time, he will use Lin Li's momentum to increase the sales of his magazine. It is completely acceptable to hold it steady, even push it up a little, and pay Lin Li a little more.

Moreover, according to the rules of the industry, only those first-tier magazines hardly need to pay artists, and some artists will even pay to be included. If second-tier and third-tier magazines like myself hire second-tier and third-tier celebrities, they only need to pay for them. It's okay if you mean it, but if you want to invite an A-list celebrity, you need to pay a certain fee.

Therefore, it is appropriate to pay some fees to Lin Li.

Song Wenjie said: "Okay, we have no problem here. Do you think they are here to take photos, or should we take them and send them to you?"

"Oh...that's okay...I'll tell him."

After hanging up the phone, Song Wenjie said to Lin Li: "Editor-in-chief Hou said that you took the photo yourself last time, which was very good. I hope you will take it yourself this time. What they want is the appearance of black and white."

Lin Li smiled. Hou Haisen really had a keen sense of smell and knew how to grasp the hot spots of black and white.

"Okay, I just happened to have brought back the black and white impermanence suit. I'll find a photo studio to take pictures in the afternoon."

Wu Ruobing said: "Farewell, on the second day of the Lunar New Year, there are not many shops open on the street, and there are not many photo studios open."

Lin Li thought it was right and said, "Then we will shoot at home."

Song Wenjie said: "Give me the clothes after the auction, and I will put them up for auction on your official website."

Lin Li and Wu Ruobing were happy after hearing this.

"Why are you laughing? The money from the sale of this thing is all injected into your charity fund. It's not my pocket. It's a good thing, right?"

Lin Li and Wu Ruobing stopped smiling and nodded repeatedly.

Song Wenjie finally had free time and had a quick lunch, while Wu Ruobing returned home and went to her grandmother's house for dinner.

Lin Li had nothing to do in the afternoon, just in time to take magazine cover photos.

Lin Changmin has always had a hobby of photography. Lin Li bought him a professional camera worth more than 100,000 yuan during the New Year. Unexpectedly, Lin Changmin hadn't used it yet, but it came in handy for Lin Li.

Since his [Photography Skill] was upgraded to the special level, Lin Li now has a strong sense of composition when taking photos. Lin Li looked around his home and finally placed the photo spot in his room.

This time he decided to go with a minimalist approach, using just black and white.

Bai Wu usually uses a black background, and Hei Wu usually uses a white background. Then the cover uses half of Hei Wuchang's face and half of Bai Wuchang's face to form one. It feels good.

The background is easy to make. A white background is a white wall. If you put a black cloth on the wall for a black background, it will be fine. But lighting is a bit troublesome.

Fortunately, it was afternoon and the sunshine was pretty good, so I used two desk lamps at home to fill in the light.

Lin Li finally finished the background wall of the room with the help of his father. Lin Li spent a long time putting on makeup. After putting on makeup, he took a few photos and they all felt good.

I finally finished the cover photo in one afternoon.

Lin Li and his family were quite satisfied, so after Song Wenjie signed the contract with "Young Idol" magazine, she sent the photos to Hou Haisen.

The name of the photo is: black and white.

When Hou Haisen saw the photo, he was stunned. The contrast and harmony of the cover photo were just right. The black background was black and the white background was black, forming a strong contrast, but the black and white face blended together perfectly. .

Hei Wuchang's eyes were sharp and domineering, even a little fierce, but Bai Wuchang's eyes were so charming and charming, as if he was the purest person in the world.

These two faces blend together perfectly, like yin and yang polar opposites, contradicting each other. They look a little frightened but also feel inexplicably beautiful.

Extremely simple, simple colors and compositions, when put together, give it a sense of familiarity like a blockbuster poster.

Hou Haisen didn't expect that the photos Lin Li took so quickly were so awesome. He was immediately impressed and at the same time he was full of confidence in the new month's magazine that he was about to publish!

After taking pictures, Lin Li and his family rushed to grandma's house for dinner.

Lin Li's grandmother's home is in Kuncheng, about an hour's drive from Sioux City. As one of the top 100 counties in the country, Kuncheng is well-known and looks no different from the center of Sioux City.

Tonight, Lin Li's uncle, aunt, and family all came over and booked a big table in the hotel. Fortunately, Lin Li had gone to each of them years ago, so this time we met was much better than the last time. We didn't have to take pictures and sign autographs all the time. Yes, it's more like eating as a family.

After everyone finished eating, Song Wenjie booked a private room at the most luxurious KTV in the area, and Lin Li mingled among the family. He was wearing a mask and a hat, and passers-by didn't recognize him at all. He entered the private room and sang New Year's Eve to everyone. Happy songs, and sang a few of my own songs to the elders, and the atmosphere was cheerful.

However, because grandpa and grandma were old and had to go to bed early, everyone went home after singing for an hour. As in previous years, Lin Li's family will stay at grandpa's house for one night this year.

Lin Li didn't have the habit of going to bed that early, and he was bored at home. He was afraid of disturbing his grandparents by watching TV, so after washing up at his grandpa's house, Lin Li finally decided to go out for a walk.

Although the people in Kuncheng are not as obsessed with Lin Li as in Suzhou, they are so close to Suzhou anyway, and there are also a lot of Imperial Guards in Kuncheng. If you want to go out without being recognized, you will inevitably have to put on makeup. .

Lin Li was not very familiar with Kuncheng, but he was familiar with the area near his grandfather's house.

There is a large supermarket outside the community, and there is a food street opposite the supermarket. There are several bars in the deep alleys of the food street.

The food court was Lin Li's favorite place when he was a child. There was a lot to eat, but Lin Li was full now. Naturally, he had nothing in particular to eat when he walked onto the food court. Before he knew it, Lin Li reached the end of the food court.

At the end, Lin Li saw the bar he was familiar with: Encounter Bar.

Lin Li felt a little emotional that after so many years, this bar is still there, its vitality is really long-lasting, and the decoration outside the bar has long been changed, becoming more artistic and fresh.

Lin Li remembered that when he was a child, he looked at the bustling lights outside the bar and wanted to go in to play, but was beaten by his parents.

Lin Li is now an adult and has never been to a bar. In addition, he was beaten because of this bar when he was a child. Lin Li is unwilling to accept it. He thinks that if he doesn't go into this bar, he will never be able to bear the beating.

Lin Li took a deep breath, stepped forward and walked in...

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