The straight man in the entertainment circle

Chapter 437 The Patriarch is rewarded with food (700 monthly tickets plus more updates)

It turned out that Zhang Chaolun was quite satisfied with his performance today, and the high praise he received from the celebrity observation group made him even more happy.

But Lin Li's words were like a basin of cold water, chilling his heart.

In any case, Lin Li is a junior in front of Zhang Chaolun, not to mention he is still a layman. He dared to talk about Zhang Chaolun's acting problems, which really surprised everyone present.

Seeing everyone staring at him, Lin Li continued: "I think there is nothing wrong with Teacher Zhang's performance, but I think the last sentence in his performance needs to be discussed."

"I think the words 'Mom, I miss you' don't quite fit the character in the situation you just performed. From my point of view, when the character you played called his mother, he was actually a little worried about what would happen to his next task. It’s dangerous, I’m afraid I won’t be able to come back.”

"The character you played has never told his family that he is going on a mission. He must be afraid that his family will worry, right. The character you played has been chatting with his family. He is very relaxed and very good. I think it is a normal interaction with his family. The emotion of the call.”

"But the last sentence 'Mom, I miss you' really kind of destroyed the atmosphere and the character created earlier, because it's very simple, think about it, your son is in a profession that often performs dangerous tasks, and suddenly there is One day when he was on the phone with you, he said such a sensational thing that he never said often. As a parent, would you be happy or worried?"

After Lin Li asked back, the actors all thought thoughtfully. If something unusual happens, there must be a monster. If their relatives and friends suddenly say something very unusual to them, they will indeed be more worried.

"As for Teacher Zhang Chaolun, the character you play is most afraid of his parents worrying about him, so I don't think such a character would say such a sentence when hanging up the phone to make his family worried. You have to really Say, it is better to put this sentence at the top and say it at the beginning, so that it will appear that the task is not dangerous, instead of saying such a covert sentence in the end just to sensationalize and make parents worry, which will destroy This is my little opinion."

After Lin Li put down the microphone, many actors applauded Lin Li.

Lin Li really dared to say that they admired him.

Lin Li said it so well. As actors, they felt ashamed of this unique insight.

At least before Lin Li said this, they didn't think there was anything wrong with Zhang Chaolun's last sentence.

Because many movies and TV shows are like this.

But when Lin Li said this, everyone felt that this sentence was a bit abrupt. At least if he was about to carry out a dangerous mission, he would not call like this.

Yi Zhuo saw that Lin Li pointed out Zhang Chaolun's problem and the atmosphere was a little awkward. He hurriedly asked: "Four directors, do you have anything to say?"

Guo Xiaoshan looked at several directors, then picked up the microphone and said, "Let me say it first. The question Lin Li said is indeed correct from his starting point, but I think Teacher Zhang Chaolun's handling of it is also okay, because the emotions have reached Everyone has different aesthetics and life experiences, and the way they deal with problems is also different. What Lin Li said may be more reasonable, but I think Zhang Chaolun's handling is more touching and both are very good."

Guo Xiaoshan's words did not offend either of them, but he sounded more inclined to Zhang Chaolun.

The actors began to hesitate to applaud because they knew that Lin Li and Guo Xiaoshan were notoriously difficult to mess with, and they did not want to be thought to be taking sides.

Shi Wei picked up the phone and said, "I have a child, who is ten years old this year. He doesn't usually say he loves me, but one day he suddenly came over and hugged me and said he loved me. My first reaction was not to be touched. I'm just curious, do I think he wants to buy something? So I agree with Lin Li. Sometimes it's better to say "I miss you" suddenly and solemnly than to say lightly, "Mom, I'll go back in a while. I want to eat." It’s more powerful if you cook braised pork for me.”

Guo Xiaoshan immediately said: "Yes, that's good too."

Shi Wei also added: "Zhang Chaolun, your performance is accurate, I think it is very good."

"Thank you." Zhang Chaolun said sincerely.

Li Chunhua said: "I think it's pretty good too. It would be better if Zhang Chaolun's stance looked more like a professional special police officer who has undergone long-term training. But you must be this person, not just a policeman, but a doctor, a lawyer or even a beggar. Every move you make must be in character."

Li Chunhua's words brought out higher requirements, and the actors on the scene trembled after hearing this.

This requirement is really too high. How to make yourself look like someone from a specific profession is a big issue for actors and a very difficult thing, because most actors cannot have this. professional experience.

To do this, you can only rely on extremely detailed observation and super high imitation ability. Some people can grasp the key points, but cannot show themselves, and some people can show it, but cannot grasp the essence. It requires both. To perform well at a very high level requires great talent.

It can be said that anyone who can do what Li Chunhua said is already a successful actor.

Everyone thinks that a great director is a great director, and this requirement is too high.

After listening to Li Chunhua's words, everyone is even more looking forward to Zhang Dasong's comments. Li Chunhua has such strict requirements, but Zhang Dasong, a director who is well-known in the industry for his attention to detail, has no idea what strict requirements he has.

"I think Director Li Chunhua's requirements for Zhang Chaolun and all the actors on the scene are a bit too high. Actors must remember to aim high. If you can achieve the realm proposed by Director Lin Chunhua, I think you don't need to sit here, but it doesn't matter, we are still here. If there is time, I hope that at the end of this show, the last remaining few of you will be able to cross this threshold, and we will take you forward together."

What everyone didn't expect was that the strict Zhang Dasong said such warm words despite the vicissitudes of life. All the actors on the scene were very moved. They also somewhat understood why Zhang Dasong was recognized as a trainer for newcomers. Master, Li Chunhua's request will only make many actors nervous and frustrated that they cannot reach that level, but Zhang Dasong's words make people full of strength and fighting spirit.

Zhang Dasong continued: "When it comes to Zhang Chaolun's performance, I personally think Lin Li's opinion is good. I have always been very involved in watching Zhang Chaolun's performance. Until you said that sentence at the end, it suddenly made me laugh. This To put it in one sentence, the character is a bit unsteady. Although it is not too bad, there are actually better ways to deal with it, including the method just mentioned by director Shi Wei, I think they are all good."

Zhang Chaolun nodded repeatedly, and Zhang Dasong's words could almost be regarded as the final word.

"A little digression, Lin Li's understanding of the characters surprised me." Zhang Dashong turned his head slightly and looked at Lin Li, "After Zhang Chaolun said the last sentence, I looked at the expressions of the other actors on the big screen. Everyone None of them felt there was anything wrong, they all seemed touched. As a singer, you are more sensitive to the role than a professional actor. I find it incredible."

Only then did everyone realize that Zhang Dasong was really good. After discovering problems, he would also look at other actors to see if they were sensitive to the problems in the performance. Unfortunately, they didn't seem to realize it.

After listening to Zhang Dasong's words, Lin Li understood in his heart that this was because his [perception] bonus allowed him to be more immersed in the character of Zhang Chaolun's performance than ordinary people, and he was also better able to sense the use of such a character. Regardless of the way of speaking or expressing emotions, when there is behavior or language that does not fit the character, he will naturally be able to perceive the problem better than ordinary people.

Of course, it was impossible to tell the reason. Lin Li could only smile and said: "Probably because I am more talented. Grandmaster, please give me a meal!"

Acting is actually a career that relies heavily on talent!

When faced with praise from a great director like Zhang Dashong, no matter how happy they are, a normal person would be modest on the surface. Unexpectedly, Lin Li would brazenly say that he had talent.

Everyone laughed after hearing this, and the tense atmosphere of the comment suddenly became cheerful.

Zhang Dasong continued to ask Lin Li: "If it were you, how would you suggest Zhang Chaolun change the last sentence?"

Lin Li didn't expect that Zhang Dashong would become interested in him. This was obviously a test of himself.

Everyone looked at Lin Li with curiosity and envy. Zhang Dasong asked the question personally and conveyed some interest. This is a good thing for any actor.

Lin Li thought for a while and said, "I think Director Shi Wei said that it would be good to make an agreement with mother about what to eat when we go back. It would be sad but not sad. However, this is actually not the point. The point of this scene is to hang on. How can I accurately express the complex emotions in my heart after getting off the phone?"

Zhang Dasong smiled with satisfaction and said to Lin Li: "Now I think it's a pity that you only sing. Try acting." After speaking, Zhang Dasong sat upright and said, "I'm done."

Many actors at the scene were a little surprised. Lin Li just said something wrong with Zhang Chaolun's last sentence. They didn't realize it before Lin Li said it.

But when Lin Li said it, they felt that it could indeed be better.

Lin Li also said that the focus of Zhang Chaolun's scene was on his emotional expression after hanging up the phone, not on the phone. They had not realized this problem before.

But after Lin Li said it, they took a closer look and felt that it was indeed the case. What best reflected his acting skills in this scene was that after hanging up the phone, he expressed his reluctance and gratitude to his family and his dedication to performing the task. Emotions such as determination, hope for life, fearlessness for death, etc.

After Lin Li said it, they suddenly realized it, like an enlightenment.

These emotions are expressed after hanging up the phone, which is much more advanced and real than when they are on the phone.

Although this is too demanding for actors, this is how acting is taught!

It doesn’t matter if you don’t reach the level, you have to be aware!

The actors originally came here for the four directors, but they never thought that at the beginning, Lin Li would even steal the spotlight from Zhang Dasong!

Just now, I thought Lin Li was a layman, but now I have some doubts about life.

This layman not only pointed out the problems to the insiders, but now also taught the insiders a lesson? !

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