The straight man in the entertainment circle

Chapter 440 The legendary god is here!

Everyone heard that Lin Li insisted that Chen Qingqing was not suitable for the entertainment industry without saying the reason. They all thought that Lin Li was being petty. He must have said this because he felt that Chen Qingqing was imitating him and disrespected him.

But Zhang Dasong, who obviously has the most prestige and status, hasn't spoken yet, so why is Lin Li so anxious?

This is too difficult to get along with!

Many people's favorable impression of Lin Li suddenly dropped sharply.

Chen Qingqing smiled nonchalantly and said to Lin Li, "Thank you, Senior Brother Lin. I will take care of myself."

At this time, Chen Qingqing seemed to have understood why Lin Li wanted to quit the entertainment industry, so she was still quite touched in her tone, but her expression still looked a little disapproving.

This shout of Senior Brother Lin was so intimate that Lin Li didn't know what to say.

For others, Chen Qingqing's response to Lin Li asking her to leave the entertainment industry was neither humble nor arrogant, and her answer was very appropriate.

Guo Xiaoshan took the lead in applauding Chen Qingqing, and the matter of Chen Qingqing misinterpreting his words was instantly forgotten.

"I feel a bit incomprehensible. Chen Qingqing is obviously a promising talent. Why does Lin Li ask people to get out of the entertainment industry?"

Guo Xiaoshan looked a little angry, but he used the word "go", and the nature suddenly changed.

Shi Wei immediately said: "Director Xiaoshan, Lin Li just said it was inappropriate and didn't say get out."

"Oh, yes, but no matter what, I think Lin Li is very irresponsible for saying such things to Chen Qingqing. To put it bluntly, Chen Qingqing is the least qualified newcomer among the sixty actors today. She has such a performance, I think It was wonderful, she was the most amazing person to me out of everyone today.”

After Guo Xiaoshan counterattacked Lin Li, he said to Chen Qingqing: "Chen Qingqing, don't care what others say, just stick to your own path. Think about me. The first novel I wrote was a hit, and how many people were jealous of me. They said that what I wrote was not literature, but I did not give up. I later became the best-selling author in the country. When I was filming, many people scolded me and said that the films I made were rubbish, but I was not defeated either. The movie is the most popular movie series in China, and we fight back with facts."

Guo Xiaoshan was very touched when he said it. He actually saw what he had experienced in Chen Qingqing, so he was so emotional.

Lin Li couldn't help but picked up the microphone: "Director Guo Xiaoshan, if you speak for Chen Qingqing, I can bear it, but if you want to use this matter to express your grievances, I think it is unnecessary. Just your book The quality of the movie can have this kind of market feedback, you should laugh and wake up, where is the grievance coming from?"

After Lin Li finished speaking, everyone in the audience was stunned.

The legendary god of war is finally here!

The actors didn't dare to show off their excitement, the directors also looked at each other in confusion, and Yi Zhuo, as the host, didn't know what to do at this moment.

Guo Xiaoshan had long been unhappy because Lin Li had opposed him over Ge Erdan's name change. This time around Chen Qingqing, he felt that Lin Li had done something wrong, so he stepped forward.

But he didn't expect that Lin Li would really dare to say it!

No matter how you put it, he was the most successful best-selling author and the most successful young commercial director, but he was no small fish or shrimp. Lin Li actually dared to criticize him!

However, Guo Xiaoshan is not afraid of Lin Li. He is also a person who has experienced strong winds and waves. After hearing Lin Li's sarcasm, Guo Xiaoshan still said to Chen Qingqing: "Chen Qingqing, remember, some people are born with prejudice against you. Don't let them defeat."

Chen Qingqing was not moved by Guo Xiaoshan's chicken-blooded inspiration, but Feng Danyun smiled softly and said: "Maybe it's just a misunderstanding."

After hearing this, Lin Li couldn't help but think: "Did I really misunderstand Chen Qingqing?"

But then I thought about it, if I really misunderstood Chen Qingqing and she didn't have any dark history, then it wouldn't make sense for me to have a strong foreboding about her entering the entertainment industry.

Lin Li finally chose to believe his hunch.

When Yi Zhuo saw the opportunity to speak, he hurriedly said: "Then please ask Director Zhang Dasong to say a few words."

Zhang Dashong had a high status in the industry. When he spoke, it was difficult for others to interrupt, so Lin Li and Guo Xiaoshan would not be able to quarrel.

Zhang Dashong smiled, glanced at Lin Li meaningfully, and then said: "I think Lin Li and Director Guo Xiaoshan are both right, but they are also wrong. Before Chen Qingqing came on the stage, I actually felt sorry for all the actors today. I was not as impressed as I was with Lin Li. I think he, a singer with no acting experience at all, was very accurate in commenting on the performances of the actors and had his own opinions, which surprised me."

"However, I am the same as Director Guo Xiaoshan. I don't know why he thinks Chen Qingqing is not good as an actor, but I agree with him on one point. That is, those of us directors who can still attract investment are actually very lucky. , I have seen many directors sell their houses and cars, just to make a movie they want to make, and the film turned out to be pretty good, but in the end there was no box office, and in the end, their wives and children separated, and they were working around to pay off their mortgages, so we really have no right to say unfair."

Zhang Dashong felt that what Lin Li said about Chen Qingqing was a bit excessive, but he also felt that Lin Li's words against Guo Xiaoshan were quite correct. Generally speaking, he still appreciated Lin Li's courage to speak out.

But speaking is also an art. Zhang Dashong's words were gentle and tactful, leaving Lin Li and Guo Xiaoshan speechless.

After Zhang Dasong finished speaking, he looked at Chen Qingqing and said, "You imitated very well and captured the characteristics of the characters. You were able to perform the scene in the morning so completely. You also have a good memory. You are a very talented actor."

Chen Qingqing smiled at Zhang Dasong and said, "Thank you, Director Zhang, for the compliment."

After Zhang Dashong finished speaking, Li Chunhua said: "It's really good. When Chen Qingqing was performing, many actors on the scene gave out praises. I think this is the greatest affirmation."

After Li Chunhua finished speaking, the actors at the scene applauded again.

Chen Qingqing did indeed perform well, and she was rejected by Lin Li just now, which made many people feel aggrieved, and many people even thought of herself. Therefore, Chen Qingqing's popularity among actors also soared for a while.

The last director, Shi Wei, waited for the applause to subside and said, "I have nothing more to say. I welcome you here."

Guo Xiaoshan said: "Sister Wei is going to grab it right now, right?"

"Of course, we want everyone to know that good actors are in high demand."

After Shi Wei finished speaking, without waiting for Yi Zhuo to announce, she directly played the record card and expressed her intention to choose Chen Qingqing.

Guo Xiaoshan also said nothing and slapped the wall.

Li Chunhua and Zhang Dasong also stretched out their hands and played a note card.

Select all four directors!

Chen Qingqing became the third actor who was favored by all four directors, which made the actors next to her envious and cheered.

Yi Zhuo was also a little excited and said: "This is really a perfect ending. All four directors chose Chen Qingqing. So Chen Qingqing, you can reverse your choice now. After the three-second countdown, please tell me the answer."




Everyone felt that Chen Qingqing would most likely choose Guo Xiaoshan. After all, Guo Xiaoshan had stood up for her just now and almost got into a fight with Lin Li.

However, after the countdown ended, Chen Qingqing said: "I choose director Zhang Dasong."

Many people were a little surprised that Zhang Dasong only provided two supporting roles, which was not very attractive to a heroine like Chen Qingqing, but she still chose director Zhang Dasong.

When Zhang Dasong saw that Chen Qingqing had chosen him, he smiled happily and smiled at the other three directors: "I'm sorry, directors, this person is mine."

Guo Xiaoshan was very sorry and glanced at Chen Qingqing resentfully.

Shi Wei was fine and congratulated Chen Qingqing: "You are good at choosing. You can learn a lot from Director Zhang."

Li Chunhua said: "This little girl is so courageous. Director Zhang's team is all strong."

Chen Qingqing smiled and said: "I am a powerful person and an idol person!"

Li Chunhua suddenly liked Chen Qingqing even more and said with a smile, "You are quite confident."

"I like actors who are confident, but don't be arrogant." Zhang Dasong said.

Chen Qingqing responded cheerfully: "Okay."

There was a burst of laughter at the scene. Chen Qingqing’s temperament is really lovable.

After all the actors have finished their performances, there are still more than ten actors waiting to reserve seats, and four directors have to be chosen again.

It was getting late at this time, and the four directors didn't communicate for too long, so they each selected a few to join the group based on the remaining spots in their own group.

Zhang Chaolun was selected by director Zhang Dasong and joined Zhang Dasong's director team.

At this point, all sixty actors have joined the group. After selecting the actors, it’s time for dinner.

It was already dark at this time, and the inside and outside of the palace were illuminated by dysprosium lamps, making it look like daylight.

After dinner, the program team divided into seven or eight groups and began to conduct post-game interviews with actors, directors, celebrity observers and others.

Lin Li entered the interview room. After the staff asked him a few questions, Lin Li finished today's recording.

Lin Li walked out of the interview room, and someone from the actor group on the other side also walked out.

"Senior Brother Lin."

Chen Qingqing saw Lin Li and walked over.

Lin Li looked at Chen Qingqing and said, "Why do you call me senior brother? I have read your information and you are not a student of Yan University."

Chen Qingqing smiled and said, "Why does Senior Brother Lin pay so much attention to me?"

Lin Li was slightly stunned. He really paid special attention to Chen Qingqing's actor information. It said that she was a student of the Computer Department of Huaxia University of Science and Technology.

When Chen Qingqing saw that Lin Li was silent, she smiled and said, "Brother Lin, we have met before, and I folded a quilt for you. Don't say you don't remember?"

Lin Li was startled. If Chen Qingqing's words were heard by others, he didn't know what they would think.

"Of course I will... remember it," Lin Li said.

When Chen Qingqing saw Lin Li looking around worriedly, she laughed and said, "Let me just say, Senior Brother Lin has such a good memory, how could he forget me? We were both studying in the same institute that time." However, since we have the same friendship, it wouldn’t be surprising if I call you senior brother.”

When Lin Li heard what she said, he no longer struggled with the title issue. Instead, he hesitated for a while and said, "How come you, a computer science student, are here? Listen to me, I don't think the entertainment industry is suits you."

The premonition in Lin Li's mind was still very strong, and he had to say it again.

Chen Qingqing's smile was as bright as a flower: "Brother Lin, are you afraid that I will be unwritten?"

Seeing her like this, Lin Li knew that he couldn't persuade her anymore, so he sighed and left.

Chen Qingqing smiled mysteriously at his back, and then went to find her agent.

Lin Li's flight was from Hangzhou to Kyoto at ten o'clock in the evening. After Lin Li completed the check-in procedures and got on the plane, Lin Li suddenly found that the people sitting next to him were Chen Qingqing and her agent.

"Hi, Senior Brother Lin, what a coincidence."

Lin Li's first reaction was that the coincidence was a bit weird, but after thinking about it, Chen Qingqing's school was in Kyoto, and she was also admitted to the Kyoto Detention Center, so it was normal for her to return to Kyoto.

This flight is the last flight from Hangzhou to Kyoto. If Chen Qingqing wants to return to Kyoto today, she has to take this flight.

Looking at it this way, it wasn't very strange that he met her on the plane.

"Qiao." Lin Li greeted and sat down.

Chen Qingqing's agent is a smart woman in her forties with short hair and a brand-name suit. She sat on the inside without saying a word or even turning her head.

Lin Li felt a little strange when he saw it. Generally, when a newbie's manager sees an A-list star like Lin Li, who is also a celebrity observer on his own artist's show, and a judge who has a certain influence on his artist's future future, he will definitely come to seek connections. But she didn't move. This agent was not simple at first glance.

Chen Qingqing is a pure newcomer. The company arranges such an agent and flies in business class. It is obviously very important to her.

Song Wenjie had never met Chen Qingqing. When she saw her greeting Lin Li, she asked, "Do you know her?"

"An actor who was recording the show today." Lin Lida said, without mentioning what he had seen in the detention center before.

Song Wenjie looked at Chen Qingqing again, and Chen Qingqing looked at Song Wenjie, smiling and showing her white teeth: "Hello, aunt, I am your son's... son's... friend, my name is Chen Qingqing, you are so beautiful, your skin is better than mine all good."

Women can't stand compliments. When Song Wenjie was praised, she laughed from ear to ear and said, "No, your skin is amazing. I can't envy you. My son said you participated in "The Big Show", right?" .”

Chen Qingqing nodded, and then said aggrievedly: "Well, it's a pity that I didn't perform well... Senior Brother Lin said that I am not suitable for the entertainment industry."

Song Wenjie was stunned, looking at Chen Qingqing's pitiful look, she patted Lin Li's arm and complained, "Are you swearing again?"

Lin Li couldn't argue, saying, "I didn't scold her, I just think she's not suitable for the entertainment industry."

When Song Wenjie heard this, she thought that these words were quite unpleasant. No wonder the little girl Chen Qingqing couldn't bear it.

"Why isn't she suitable? She looks so graceful, so I think she's very good!" Song Wenjie said.

Seeing Lin Li being scolded by his mother, Chen Qingqing's eyes flashed with pride and said, "Auntie, don't scold Senior Brother Lin. It's because I didn't act well. I will try my best."

Lin Li looked at Chen Qingqing and thought that Chen Qingqing looked so innocent and pitiful, so well acted!

What a natural actor!

When Song Wenjie heard this, she pulled Lin Li to change positions, next to Chen Qingqing, and said, "My son has a venomous mouth, so please don't pay attention. He has no bad intentions."

"I know that because my aunt is so kind, she can teach such an outstanding son."

Song Wenjie was praised for liking Chen Qingqing even more. This little girl was really considerate and considerate of others even though she had been wronged.

"It's okay. With your appearance, people like you wherever you go." Song Wenjie stretched out her hand and took Chen Qingqing's hand to comfort her.

Chen Qingqing raised her big black eyes: "Does Auntie like me too?"

"I like it, of course I do."

Chen Qingqing laughed: "I also like auntie very much. I always feel that we have met the same person somewhere."

"Yes, I feel the same way!" Song Wenjie said with some excitement.

The two of them were like sisters who hadn't seen each other for many years. The more they chatted, the more they became more and more interested in each other.

Throughout the journey, the two of them never closed their conversation.

Lin Li listened on the sidelines and was speechless towards the two of them.

Women are truly amazing.

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