Although the game is over, the recording is not yet.

The top ten contestants were invited by the program team to a small room for some brief interviews.

I asked some questions such as "What do you think of XX?" and "Who do you think is the biggest threat to you among the top ten players?"

Lin Li sat on a chair. The staff of the program team held a small book and asked: "Lin Li, which player among the top ten do you think impressed you the most?"

"Wu Ruobing." Lin Li said.


Everyone pursed their lips, you two are childhood sweethearts, how can you not be impressed?

Can't we talk about other players?

"Are there any other contestants?"


The people on the program team had no choice but to ask questions one by one.

"Then what do you think of Li Mengfei?"

"No impression."

"What about Lu Xiang, who is in the same division as you?"

"No impression."


Several staff members on the program team were helpless by Lin Li's concise answer and could not get any useful information out of them. If they had not known Lin Li's character, they would have really felt that Lin Li was deliberately uncooperative.

At this time, Tao Yufeng walked in, and everyone in the program team stood up.

Generally speaking, the director will not come to the players' post-game interviews. Since he appears at this time, it means that he has something to do.

"You all go out, Lin Li and I will have a chat." Tao Yufeng said.

The people in the program group put down what they were holding and walked out.

Tao Yufeng smiled and said to Lin Li, "Lin Li, you performed very well today."

Lin Li nodded. He knew that something must have happened if Tao Yufeng came to say polite words.

"This song "Sing If You Want" is really good, and it is suitable for our program..." Tao Yufeng stopped with a smile and looked at Lin Li.

"so what?"

Tao Yufeng knew that there was no need to beat around the bush when dealing with players like Lin Li.

"Then let me put it bluntly, it's like this. The ratings of our show are now on the rise. We are just like making a promotional song for the show. We have been inviting people to write songs recently, but we are not very satisfied."

Tao Yufeng couldn't help laughing after speaking.

"It's really hard to find anywhere. It takes no effort to get it. The song you sang today is very suitable to be used as a promotional song for our competition."

Lin Li understood: "You want me to sell the song to your program team and use it as a promotional song?"

Tao Yufeng nodded repeatedly and said: "You have just created it, so there is no problem with the copyright. As for the price, we can give you the normal industry standard, which is 100,000 for one song."

Lin Li frowned. To be honest, he didn't know much about prices in the industry.

"My "Sour and Sweet Is Me" sold a million copies!"

Tao Yufeng was stunned and said, "One million?"

"I don't need to lie to you."

Tao Yufeng was a little surprised. He naturally believed that Lin Li would not make such a fuss about him, but one million for a song is basically the price of a song written by a superstar. For normal people, 100,000 for a song is already considered good.

Lin Li is indeed talented, but he is a newcomer after all. Without the background and fame bonus, it is impossible to sell it so expensively.

"It must be because Yiren Yogurt has a lot of money. Our program team has limited funds, but I can confirm that this price is indeed a normal price in the industry. You can go and find out." Tao Yufeng said very sincerely.

Lin Li was a little curious when he saw Tao Yufeng like this. Logically speaking, the song "Sing If You Want" and "Sour and Sweet Is Me" are at least on the same level. There is no reason why there is such a huge difference in price.

"I'll think about it and give you an answer tomorrow."

In the evening, Lin Li returned to the hotel and started searching online.

As a result, I found that many singer-songwriters on the Internet can write a song for only 100,000 yuan, and only a king-level singer can pay a price of 1 million for a song.

Lin Li searched for celebrity endorsements again and found that Wu Ruobing was the endorser. The price of Yiren yogurt seemed to be fair. Although it was not low, it was not deliberately overpriced.

Lin Li was confused. He had nothing to do with Yiren Yogurt. A big company like theirs couldn't understand the market. Why would they give him so much money?

Lin Li contacted Wu Ruobing and contacted Hu Feng from Yiren Yogurt Company to ask about the matter.

Hu Feng replied: "We are just following the instructions above. As for the market price, we don't know."

Lin Li understood that this was what the owner of Yiren Yogurt Company meant.

Lin Li checked and found that there are several owners of Yiren Yogurt. The biggest one is Jiang Haobo, one of the top wealthy businessmen in North China.

The yogurt company is just a small part of his group.

Lin Li had never been to North China, let alone know such a rich man.

After much thought, Lin Li couldn't figure it out, so he didn't bother to think about it and went to bed.

The next day, the top ten contestants did not go back directly as usual, but were arranged by the program team to shoot a day of location footage.

They first went to a school and took some pictures of the campus and classrooms.

The audience of the show is mainly students, so the program team deliberately found some scenes that are familiar to the audience to resonate.

These images will be post-produced and played when the contestants appear on the next episode of the program.

The shooting task is very simple. After all, it is not a plot. It only requires a few poses and a few actions.

However, it was also their first time shooting. Many times they couldn’t find the right camera position and their movements weren’t quite right, so they had to shoot many times.

At noon, I can only eat boxed lunches.

I ordered it from a small restaurant next to the school. The food tasted very average.

Among the top ten players, many of whom come from well-off families, could not finish even two bites.

Lin Li and Wu Ruobing were the only two people sitting by and enjoying their meal. They even shared dishes with each other, making others envious.

Li Mengfei looked at Lin Li and Wu Ruobing, feeling a little envious. She had never established such a deep relationship with another person in her entire life.

The rice in the bowl suddenly lost its flavor. Li Mengfei couldn't eat it after two bites, so she quietly took it to the trash can and threw it away.

After eating and resting for a while, at one o'clock in the afternoon, everyone arrived at a large underground parking lot.

This time, what they wanted to shoot was a promotional poster in a motorcycle outfit.

It was midsummer at this time, and the underground parking garage was not transparent. Coupled with the heat from the surrounding lights and the thick motorcycle clothes on their bodies, the players were extremely hot.

"Director, it's too hot...let me shoot first." Wang Zirui couldn't bear it anymore.

"Wait a minute, you will be here soon. Players behind, get ready."

"How long does it take for me to come? Can I take off my clothes first? It's too hot." Lu Xiang begged, sweating profusely.

"Stop complaining, it doesn't matter. If you want to be famous, you have to endure it. If you are really famous, this kind of thing will be inevitable in the future."

Tao Yufeng shouted with a loudspeaker. There was an electric fan blowing beside him.

According to the director's request, the contestants went to the corresponding sports cars and put on the poses required by the director. After filming one by one, Tao Yufeng shouted: "All contestants, gather in the center to shoot a set of team, turn on the lights!"

There were dazzling lights all around and a rolling heat wave hit. The players thought that this was the last group, so they gritted their teeth, wiped the sweat off their heads, and rushed to the center.

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