The straight man in the entertainment circle

Chapter 52 The competition between two Lin Li

After browsing Weibo for a while, Lin Li found that he was on the hot search list again!

Article 10 on the hot search list: Lin Li wrote a song on the spot and stunned the judges!

If you click on it, there are many people discussing it.

"This Lin Li is crazy, he is in the hot search every week."

"Yes, it's so annoying. He appears every week, but every time this guy's trending search looks interesting, I just can't help but click in to take a look."

"Writing songs live? Are you kidding!"

"For the effect of the program, just read it as a story."

"Even if it was arranged before the show, it's amazing to be able to write this song."

"I am a casual fan of Lu Xiang. I dislike Lin Li very much, but I have to say that he is talented."

"I am a fan of Pan Ke. There is talk in the fan group that this incident may not have been arranged. I think we did not do a good job in causing trouble."

"It's not arranged? It's impossible. I believe in singing on the spot, but this song is too mature and it doesn't look like it was made on the spur of the moment."

"Yes, he is all original. His creative power is so strong, he has one song every week!"

"Forget it, one song every week. What's annoying is that this guy always sounds good!"

"I think it's good to have such a person to inject vitality into the music industry."

What Lin Li didn't expect was that there were many people who claimed to be Pan Ke fans to speak for him.

For some reason, Lin Li always felt that these people were disguised as the Royal Forest Army arranged by Tao Yaoyao, deliberately showing that they were Pan Ke's fans, and then speaking for him, so that no one would doubt that his live creation was arranged by the program team.

Regardless of whether they are real Pan Ke fans or Yu Linjun pretending to be one, in short, this time, Pan Ke fans did something wrong and were not as jumpy as before. The Internet was almost overwhelmingly supportive of Lin Li.

Lin Li couldn't help but look at his reputation.

In order to treat Li Mengfei two days ago, Lin Li spent 1 million reputations to force a match. At that time, he only had more than 1 million left. In just two days, Lin Li's reputations had reached more than 2.6 million.

Now that the new program is airing, it has brought much more prestige than the previous program.

This is also normal. After all, Lin Li has more and more fans, and these people can basically provide him with reputation on a regular basis.

If my fan base were bigger, I might be able to earn the reputation of one episode of the show just by posting on Weibo.

Lin Li checked Weibo and found that not long after, someone mentioned "The Death of Red Rabbit" on his Weibo.

"What happened recently? An on-the-spot composition became popular all over the Internet. Now Lin Li's on-the-spot song writing is going to be popular too."

"Are all young people so talented nowadays? Have you read the essay about getting a perfect score in the college entrance examination?"

"Look, it's well written. He should be in the same class as Lin Li. I thought Lin Li was talented enough, but I didn't expect that the candidate in the college entrance examination room was even more talented."

"What does it mean to be more talented? Our boss is obviously more talented!"

"Lin Li is talented, and that is also his talent for writing songs. His talent for writing articles is probably not one percent as good as others."

"Yes, I am the only author in the province who has perfect composition scores."

"I read that article and I had to accept it."

"You have to listen to the boss's songs and you have to be convinced. What's the point of those frivolous articles?"

"Stop arguing. The two of them are not of the same type of talent. Why should we compete?"

Lin Li took the college entrance examination this year. He was in the same class as the "author" who got a perfect score in the essay. Lin Li has been labeled as a gifted scholar. The "author" of "The Death of the Red Rabbit" was also labeled as a gifted scholar by netizens, and "two "People" this time were all works written on the spot. It is not surprising that netizens compare "the two of them" together.

Lin Li read it and found that "The Death of the Red Rabbit" had been included in the national collection of perfect score essays, and had been reprinted by many media and websites.

Nowadays, everyone is extremely curious about the author of this article, and even after asking around, they couldn’t find out.

On the contrary, there are now many people on the Internet pretending to be the author of essays, and there are countless followers, leaving the media even more clueless.

Lin Li thought about it, but still didn't tell the truth. It was quite interesting to see them arguing on his Weibo like this.

And if you don't say it yourself, the more they will discuss it, the more reputation you will gain.

The college entrance examination scores won't be available for a while, and by then I probably won't be able to hide them even if I want to.

Now it's better to cherish the people who don't know the truth and increase your reputation.

The next day, the comparison between Lin Li and the author of "The Death of Red Rabbit" became a hot search topic.

Hot search words: Which one is more difficult, live songwriting or live composition?

In the topic, Lin Li's live composition "Sing If You Want" was put together with "The Death of Red Rabbit" to let netizens express their opinions and let them say which of these two works is more difficult to create. .

"I don't care how well written "The Death of Red Rabbit" is, anyway, I think "Sing As You Want" is more difficult."

"I think it's quite difficult. Creating on-site is really not something that ordinary people can do. Their works are so good, it's hard to distinguish between them."

"Obviously "Death of the Red Rabbit" is more difficult, as anyone who has written a composition knows."

"Haha, have you ever written a song? Writing songs is more difficult than writing essays, right?"

"There are only seven note combinations to write a song, and tens of thousands of Chinese character combinations to write a composition. Of course, "The Death of the Red Rabbit" is even more difficult."

"I'll choose "The Death of the Red Rabbit". After all, it's the only essay in the province with a perfect score."

"There are more than 100,000 contestants in "The Voice". In terms of live creation, which one can compete with "Sing If You Want"? Isn't it number one?"

"The Death of the Red Rabbit is even more difficult. The difficulty lies in the fact that there are restrictions on the subject of the composition. It must be related to integrity, otherwise it will go off topic, and no matter how well it is written, it will not score!"

""Sing If You Want" was not written randomly. This song was the most powerful response to those who made trouble on the spot. Isn't it also a echo of the theme!"

"Yeah, you can't say that the written theme is the theme, but the actual situation encountered in reality is not the theme, right? "Sing If You Want to Sing" wouldn't have been possible if it hadn't dealt with the chaos of the time so perfectly. It’s getting so much attention.”

"There are so many fans. Is this a comparison of the number of fans? What else is the comparison? No one knows the author of the composition!"

Lin Li was embarrassed to see everyone arguing so much.

I really don’t know how these people would feel if they knew that this article was also written by them.

After a whole day of quarreling and debating, none of these people could convince anyone.

But Lin Li was extremely happy, because in just one day, his reputation increased by more than one million yuan.

Now he has a reputation of more than 3.8 million.

After what happened to Li Mengfei last time, Lin Li felt that it was necessary to have one or two million more reputations on him. Otherwise, if there was an emergency, he would be forced to match the system without the reputation.

Therefore, of the 3.8 million reputation, he can only spend 1.8 million.

There is also a lottery opportunity given out by completing the previous task, and now Lin Li can draw 19 times.

Lin Li thought secretly.

The system sound rang.

In the lottery...

Unfortunately, no items were drawn this time!

In the lottery...


After 19 draws, Lin Li obtained [Height] 1, [Hearing] 1, and [Charming Voice] 1.

Three of them were drawn, which was pretty good. Lin Li could understand the other two.

But this height is a bit unclear.

Is this plus one centimeter?

Lin Li's current height of 175cm is neither tall nor short. If the attribute of 1cm is added to himself, he would not be able to notice it himself, let alone anyone else.

After all, the height difference between everyone in the morning and evening is more than one centimeter.

Therefore, I can only draw a few more heights and see if my height has changed.

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