Just when Lin Li was thinking about his future, the phone at home rang.

Lin Li answered the phone.

"Hello, are you Lin Li's family?" The voice was somewhat familiar.

"Who are you?"

"Oh, I'm Guo Quan, the director of Kyoto TV's "The Voice of Chinese Dream". I called him before." Guo Quan on the other side of the phone said very politely.

Lin Li had some impression that after the video of him angrily criticizing Pan Ke went viral on the Internet, the director called and invited him to participate in "The Voice of Chinese Dream" and implicitly revealed that he could enter the semi-finals.

However, Tao Yufeng personally came to invite Lin Li, so Lin Li rejected him.

Lin Li didn't expect that this Guo Quan was so infatuated that he was still thinking about him.

"Hello, I'm Lin Li, what can I do for you?"

"Hello Lin Li, it's like this. We saw that you were eliminated from the "The Voice" program. We feel very sorry for you. We feel that your talent should not be buried. Our program currently lacks you. Talents, if you are willing to come, we can add a gym kicking session, and you can appear on stage as a gym kicking player."

Lin Li was a little surprised. He was given a separate gymnasium kicking session. No one else had this kind of treatment.

Lin Li thought about it seriously and said, "Thank you for your kindness, but I want to take a rest for the time being, so I won't consider it for the time being."

Guo Quan still did not give up and said: "You may think about it again. In addition to reimbursing all expenses, we can also give you an appearance fee of 10,000 yuan per period. This is something other players do not have."

Now Lin Li has been on the hot search again and again. All program directors who pay attention to him know how valuable he is and try their best to get him on the program.

Lin Li was a little surprised that he would actually be asked to pay appearance fees by the program team.

But he still didn't plan to go, he really needed some time to recuperate.

"I won't sign with a brokerage company, so forget it," Lin Li said.

Guo Quan was stunned, and then he understood why such an outstanding actor as Lin Li from "The Voice" was cruelly eliminated.

Domestic and foreign drafts actually follow this model. They cooperate with brokerage companies, so that the selected players can sign contracts directly, and the brokerage company can harvest a wave of leeks. It is a win-win situation for both the radio station and the brokerage company.

For most players, signing a contract with a management company is also a guarantee, and they will basically not refuse it, such as people like Lu Xiang.

Because of this, the model of the talent show has been fixed. No one will destroy it, and no one can destroy it.

And Lin Li is obviously different from those players. He doesn't sign a contract or compromise!

Guo Quan naturally knew what kind of temper Lin Li was, so he gave up after hearing what he said.

"That's it...then...then let's work together again next time we have a chance. It's such a shame."

"Okay, next time."

Lin Li also knew that if he refused to sign the contract, it would be a problem that a program director could not solve.

Under the dual pressure of the agency and the stage, the director had no say at all.

Guo Quan is like this, and so is Tao Yufeng.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Li's cell phone rang not long after.

It turned out to be a call from Jiang Da.

"Lin Li, I watched this show. The show crew went too far. How about I help you vent your anger?"

Lin Li was speechless after hearing this.

"You don't want to go to the fried mango station too, do you?"

"Haha, that's too stupid to do. Brother, what I do are all high-end operations."

Lin Li smiled: "You also want to find hackers for high-end operations?"

"Why, are these all tricks your fans thought of?"

"Then what's your plan?"

"Haha, I have no tricks to win, but just wait and see, I will make them pay the price!"

Lin Li felt a little uneasy when he heard what Jiang Da said.

"What are you going to do?"

"Don't worry, I understand the game in the entertainment industry. I won't do anything illegal or disciplinary. Just wait and see."

Jiang Da hung up the phone, and Lin Li was a little confused, but Jiang Da seemed to be very measured, so he didn't continue to ask questions.

In the afternoon, many program teams called again, asking Lin Li to appear on the show, but Lin Li also refused. Some directors refused to give up. After Lin Li told them that he would not sign a contract with the agency, they gave up. .

Lin Li kept staring at the Mango Terrace that night, fearing that something would happen, but luckily, everything went smoothly the whole night, and it was around midnight that Lin Li fell asleep peacefully.

After sleeping until noon, Lin Li got up, washed up, ate breakfast or lunch, and then watched some TV series.

It’s been a long time since I felt so relaxed and comfortable.

In the evening, Jiang Da sent a message.

"Please check the results."

Lin Li didn't understand and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Look at the hot searches, there are surprises." Jiang Da replied.

Lin Li put down his phone and checked Weibo on his computer.

Hot Search Article 10: Lin Li and Wu Ruobing’s elimination caused controversy!

Lin Li was stunned. It has been two days since the show. According to the rules of the entertainment industry, within 48 hours of a hot event happening, controlling the situation without breaking out means that the dangerous period has passed.

On the second day after the show was broadcast, this hot search showed signs of being in the top ten of the hot search list, but it disappeared soon after. It was obvious that Tianyun had controlled the development of the situation.

Logically speaking, if he and Wu Ruobing were eliminated from the hot search, after the statute of limitations has passed after the hot search was removed, it would be impossible for him to climb back onto the hot search.

Unless...it's man-made!

"Did you do it?" Lin Li asked Jiang Da.

"Yes, I just used a little money and connections."

Lin Li couldn't help but become curious about Jiang Da's identity and purpose.

Taking advantage of Tianyun's relaxation of vigilance, Jiang Da once again put the incident of himself and Wu Ruobing being eliminated on the hot search. Why is this?

It costs a lot of money to buy hot searches. Why should he spend this money on two people he and Wu Ruobing don't know well?

"Don't thank me, the fun will come later. I'm just returning what belongs to you." Jiang Da seemed to have seen through Lin Li's curiosity.

"What are you trying to do?" Lin Li asked.

"Haha, it's the person who wants you." Jiang Da replied.

Lin Li felt goosebumps all over his body, threw away his phone and ignored Jiang Da.

"You straight man from labor and management, what are you thinking about!"

Putting down his phone, Lin Li continued to read hot searches.

Lin Li and Wu Ruobing have been eliminated a long time ago. If this hot search had been posted two days earlier, there would have been a lot of discussion. Unfortunately, what everyone should discuss now has been vented on Tieba Weibo and even in their own Moments. Now this hot search is discussed The degree is obviously much lower than other hot searches.

"Why did this hot search come up now?"

"Haha, every village is connected to the Internet."

"It's a pity, Lin Li is quite talented."

"Wu Ruobing is also very good."

"I still want to know the name of the song Lin Li sang in the last episode?"

"Yeah, it's really hard not to hear it all!"

"That song is so domineering, I want to kneel down after listening to it!"

"I still remember that sentence: I don't quite accept it. Don't fight back when you are wronged. I am not quite able to follow the so-called trend. It's so exciting!"

"The program team is really desperate. Originally, this year's program was not good. After a lot of effort, two good talents appeared, but they were eliminated in the top ten. I won't watch it anyway."

"I don't want to read it either, it's not interesting."

Lin Li glanced at it casually for a few times and then closed the hot search. At this moment, he was full of curiosity about Jiang Da's identity. This guy was quite capable.

Hot searches cannot be dropped by money, nor can they be bought by money. There are many connections involved in them.

What is Jiang Da's identity?

Lin Li couldn't guess Jiang Da's purpose and identity, and he didn't bother to guess. He was on the hot search list, and the person he should be afraid of now was Tian Yun. Thinking of this, Lin Li felt much better.

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