The juvenile facial features in the mirror are exquisite, the dark eyes are bright like obsidian, it should be a very beautiful picture, but at this time, the face is mournful. Ridiculous, Huo Si Ni saw such a son as soon as she entered the door, quite a bit unaccustomed.

In the past, Su Shi used conservation as a meal, and he always maintained the perfect side whenever and wherever. It was impeccable, no matter how predecessors were, but it also lost the vitality and vitality of young people, at least Huo Si Ni I have never seen a son who has acted inappropriately.

She remembered that there was a media who commented on Su Shi, saying that although he looked perfect, he was only perfect and somewhat unreal. Just like a well-built machine, no one could see the real one.

Hosney had to admit that even if she raised her own son, she could not accurately understand Su Shi’s temperament and preferences, because he knew how to behave like a teenager.

But now, looking at the son who is making a face in the mirror, she couldn’t help but smile. The accident was a blessing in disguise. There were many gratifying changes in the child, especially since he no longer rejected his grandfather. Let Hosni be especially pleased.

She reached out and knocked on the door, and Susie turned around and sweetly called: "Mother, good morning."

"Good morning, my baby." Hosney walked up to him and took care of the messy hair for him. He asked, "Is it a good night last night?"

Su Shi nodded again and again, he was used to sleeping in the arms of his lover. He never slept once after returning home. He was not able to see Xi Yi last night, and he also confirmed that he was the person he was looking for. He naturally slept. Very sweet.

He said: "I slept the best last night."

Horsini accurately grasped the key words in his words and asked: "What happened to you last night? After you left the reception, I asked the driver to pick you up, but I didn't find you. When I got home, I found that you were lying in bed. How did you get back?"

This problem is really difficult for Su Shi. He only remembers that he is also a slap in the face, and he puts down all the defenses because of the familiar peace of mind of the man. After a while, he completely loses consciousness. How come he came back? do not know either.

But this kind of **** is unfolding and it is a shameful thing. He can never tell his mother.

He made a recollection gesture and said slowly: "Last night... I seem to be drunk, there is a kind-hearted fan who sees me being uncomfortable on the side of the road, just drop me back, sleep well, drink about For the sake of wine, it seems that I should have a drink before going to bed to help sleep."

Huo Si Ni did not doubt, said: "I don't think it's a way to go, so far away, it must be specially sent back to you, you have to thank everyone."

Thanks ah... Su Shi’s mind quickly showed some unharmonious pictures, and with the spring dream of last night, his cheeks were not consciously stained with blush, he swallowed, not naturally: "Well, I will Thank you very much."

Horsini frowned and put on his forehead and asked, "Is it still uncomfortable, how is it so hot?"

Su Shi: "...I seem to be sick." Acacia.

It’s hard to take the mother away. He took some water on the hot cheek and said: “Get up and cheer, you will meet tomorrow.”


At the time of Su Shi’s lovesickness, the high-level conference hall of the military was shrouded in a low pressure, and everyone was sitting in danger and the atmosphere was not dare.

The four federal marshals sitting in the top are all looking very unrecognizable. One of them looks particularly young. At about 30 years old, he picks up his narrow eyes and repeats faintly: "So many people, but no Can people answer my questions?"

The annual high-level meeting is a routine practice of the military. It discusses the gains and losses of the past year and makes practical plans for the plan for the coming year. It is only a special year this year. In the past years, I have not asked any office, but also at the meeting. Suddenly it was awkward at the end.

Xi also said coldly: "Since it is a plan, it should be detailed, not a grand vision blueprint. What I want is what you will do to achieve this plan. I don’t want to hear this kind of talk on paper. Let's meet."


The people in the conference hall were scattered one after another. Three high-ranking elderly people were still sitting in the same place. One of them took out a heart-saving pill from the pocket and said: "I didn’t say that the treatment was good last time, I How do you feel different?"

"It’s all Yin Xiaozi said," another white-bearded man said: "People are not there. Call him and ask if you know."

Another person did not make a statement from beginning to end, but he silently turned a blind eye to the guards on the side.

Yin Heng, who was preparing for the soles of his feet, was forcibly brought over. In the face of the highest level of the commander of the federation, he saluted with a smile and said: "You are good!"

"Don't be serious. Tell us about it. What is this?"

Yin Heng scratched his head and smiled without heart. "He is in a bad mood."

The three men looked at each other. After a while, the flower beard asked: "Why is his mood bad?"

Yin Heng couldn't help but roll his eyes and muttered: "I am not a locust in his stomach, how can I know why?"

"You are not a locust in his stomach, but you are his attending physician. Now your patient's condition is abnormal. How can you say that you don't know why."

"There is no abnormality and no abnormality," Yin Heng explained quickly: "The emotional indicators of Marshal Xi also have returned to normal. The extreme emotions that have appeared frequently in the past have hardly been observed. Others dare not say that I can still guarantee this. His current emotional changes are within the scope of normal people, and you should not be too arrogant."

After receiving his assurance, several old men just let go of their heart, but added: "The follow-up observations need to continue. The things related to the seats must not be negligent. You must know that his bloodlines are..."

Yin Heng was cold and cold, but he still smiled: "I know, you can rest assured."

Back in the command room, the man who was so upset was leaning against the back of the chair and faintly said: "They are looking for you."

Yin Heng evokes the lips: "You are too abnormal today. No wonder they will feel strange. I haven't asked yet. Who is causing the Marshal to be unhappy? It's a good skill."

Xi also coveted the game, and for a long time said: "It is a very strange child."

Yin Heng raised his eyebrows. "Oh, really."

Ignore his ridicule, Xi Yi said: "He said that I am his dream lover, is literally meaning the person who likes in the dream."

"Oh, Su Shisu big star."

Xi also frowned: "Why do you know."

"Oh... because the big star’s live video hits have exceeded 10 billion in the night, no one in the whole galaxy doesn’t know about it, oh yes, you are the exception, and the hot news can’t enter your ears. in."

Xi also coldly glanced at him, Yin Heng quickly closed his mouth, indicating that you continue.

"I met him that night. He said that he was looking for a seat. Maybe I had the same name as the person in his dream, so he would treat me as that person."

Yin Heng’s mouth twitched and said: “Is this the reason why you are in a bad mood?”

The meeting was also silent. He only lowered his head and played with the game. Yin Heng had already guessed that he was not far from the ten. He went to the table and sat down oppositely. He said, "You only met last night. Is this the heart?"

Xi also shook his head and fell down. "Not at all, I just don't understand why I feel very practical in front of him, and... I can't refuse any of his requests."

"..." Yin Heng looked at him like a fool, and he felt that he was pragmatic and only kind to him. This is not what the heart is.

It’s just that he is happy to watch this man’s good show, only hooked his lips: “Oh~ it’s like this~”

Xi also gave him a faint look, then pointed to a file on the table, "Give it to you."

"Hey... just kidding..."

Xi also patted his shoulder and turned into the training room. The heavy metal door completely isolated the voice of someone's mourning.

He stood in front of the white light display and clicked the play button. Soon the boy’s tender but clear voice came out and echoed in the closed training room. It was Su Shi’s personal single when he was sixteen, and the rhythm and soothing music was matched with the boy. A clean, pure voice is like a scorpio.

Some people say that this is the closest voice of an angel in this century.

The smiling teenager on the screen, the corner of his mouth is just right, and I don’t know why. I think this is not right. The smile of this child should not be like this.

The boy's smile should be more naughty. He shouldn't be sensible. He should be like a proud prince, as if the whole world should follow his heart, just to let his smile stay longer.

He closed the picture and listened to the boy's voice intently. Perhaps he didn't even discover it. After the encounter that night, the boy named Su Shi entered his life and couldn't walk anymore. Everywhere he lives.


Early the next morning, Su Shi had already arrived at the Huo family. Huo’s father had not yet started. He took a look at the precious flowers purchased by his grandfather in the greenhouse, which is said to have been collected from the parent star. The price is enough to buy a luxury villa.

In front of the obviously stunted flower, Su Shi said, "It turned out to be a rose."

The gardener on the side was amazed: "You know the rose, this little flower, we have never heard of it, let alone personally take care of it. This is not, it will be embarrassing to see it."

"There is something difficult," Su said. "I teach you how to raise."

He picked up the brush and wrote a whole page to pay attention to the care of the rose, and returned the pen to the gardener, saying: "You follow this, nothing is wrong..."

He inadvertently raised his eyes, but he saw a man in a military uniform standing outside the transparent flower house. He was dressed in a uniform, full of smothering, and the cold sight of the man swept over here. Su Shi’s heartbeat accelerated, and his hand extended uncontrollably to the dysplastic wild rose.

At the time of his heart, he has already torn off this wonderful flower and flowers, and the gardener next to him has to come out. He just came to him and asked, "How are you here?"

"Because I, I want to see you..." Su Shi blocked the residual flower in his hand and shyly said: "Do you like roses?"

The seats were also slightly stunned, and they reached out and looked at them. They said, "This flower has never been seen."

Su Shi licked his lips and whispered: "It's the flower language I love you, the legend is in the distant mother star, people take it to court, and accepting flowers means accepting love, you can't repent."

Xi also: "..."

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