The Strong Beauty is a Goddess in Showbiz

Chapter 23: In the future, they will be each other's rivals

Chapter 23: In the future, they will be each other’s rivals

 Being reminded by Jiang Xu Xu, Qi Wu and Tong Luo immediately raised their heads and looked in the direction of Tong Fei.

At this time, there were only three minutes left before the ten minutes given by Song Qi, but seeing Tong Fei standing aside with a cold face and indifferent appearance, it was obvious that she couldn't get along with Qiu Yan.

As for Qiu Yan, he could still serve the eldest lady at first, but later when he saw her acting like a loser and arrogantly saying that she didn't care about the so-called points, Qiu Yan became too lazy to serve her.

Tong Fei doesn’t care, she still cares.

Although she has signed a contract with the company, she has been begging to come to the show this time. How can she get any other preferential treatment?

Seeing Tong Fei stand aside and the eldest lady losing her temper, Qiu Yan couldn't help but said angrily: "Since Miss Tong Fei is so disdainful, then just go back and be your eldest lady, why bother coming to this show to suffer."

Tong Fei sneered, "Don't think I don't know that the reason you work so hard is just to get points. If you offend me, I won't even get a single point for you!"


Qiu Yan's expression immediately changed.

Qi Wu, who was not far away, watched this scene and clapped calmly.

 “They seem to get along very well.”

Tong Luo twitched the corner of his mouth and turned back with a complicated expression: "Do you think that is a sign that they are getting along well with each other?"

Qi Wu tilted his head, "Aren't they having a friendly exchange?"

Her eyes are clear and without any impurities, but the words she speaks make people laugh or cry.

 “Still good and good at talking!”

Jiang Xuxu has been able to calmly accept Qi Wu's shocking character.

Although the soft and harmless little sheep are also very cute, wouldn’t the white-cut and black little sheep be more exciting? !

Qi Wu withdrew his gaze and landed on the person standing silently behind Jiang Xuxu.

The man was wearing a black jacket and white suspenders. A thin chain hung from the high-waisted shorts, connecting the leg rings on his legs, highlighting his long legs.

She is very tall, close to 175, which makes Jiang Xuxu, who is 165, look petite in front of her.

Reminded by Qi Wu’s eyes, Jiang Xuxu finally remembered his original purpose.

“Oh yes, I brought my partner to meet you.”

 She turned sideways and let out the people behind her: "My partner and roommate, Ke Lu. She used to be a resident singer in a bar."

Ke Lu, who was called, raised her eyes slightly and said, "Hello."

Her neat short hair has a few strands of silver hidden in it, and coupled with her handsome and cold eyes, she looks like a sassy big sister.


Tong Luo nodded a little flattered. She originally wanted to introduce herself, but she saw Jiang Xuxu wave his hand: "It's okay, I told her about you a long time ago."

Then Jiang Xuxu took Ke Lu's arm and raised his chin towards Qi Wu, "This is the Qi Wu I've been telling you about before. Isn't it stunningly beautiful up close?"

  .I know her.”

Ke Lu was silent for a moment, glanced at Qi Wu and then looked away.

Qi Wu said softly: "Thank you."

 “Xu Xu, come on.”

At this time, there was only one minute left until ten minutes. Before Jiang Xuxu pulled Ke Lu away, Qi Wu said calmly.

 “Come on, you guys, too!”

Jiang Xuxu immediately turned around excitedly and gave her a cheering gesture.

 After the ten minutes ended, the judges from the program team soon came forward to arrange the groups. Even if a hundred contestants were divided into two groups, there would be fifty groups. Naturally, it was impossible to compete together.

 So the referee divided the players into five groups, with ten teams in each group.

  Qi Wu and Tong Luo happened to be in the first group.

 “It’s better to finish the first group early.”


 The two soon arrived at the starting line.

The ribbons tied to their feet were tied by Tong Luo using a special tying method, so they would not fall apart no matter how they jumped.

 After all, according to the rules of the competition, if the ribbon falls apart, you have to start over.

 Four hundred meters of distance, crossing many checkpoints, if you get stuck on the problem of ribbons falling apart, you will lose more than you gain.

As the two stood on the starting line, the other players watching behind them couldn't help but make some comments.

“Are those Tong Luo and Qi Wu? They are actually roommates.”

 “This is a strong alliance.”

“Tong Luo will definitely choose the interpretation track, but I can’t say for sure as for Qi Wu.”

 “She has a great singing voice, it would be a pity not to go to the Saraswati circuit.”

 As the onlookers discussed, the referee blew the whistle for the game.

 Many impatient teams rushed out first. Although they were fast, their pace was a bit messy.

But they probably practiced in advance, so they barely staggered.

 In comparison, Qi Wu and Tong Luo, who were moving forward at a steady pace without any hurry or slowness, were like an elderly group versus a group of young people.

 But their advantages were reflected at the first level.

 The first level is the small wooden pier that Tong Luo saw before. The wooden pier is not too high, but the range is very narrow. If you accidentally land on your feet, you have to start over.

Since the previous teams were eager to advance, they stepped over the first level without thinking much when they came to it.

 But this was on a wooden pier, not on flat ground, so soon the team became tangled together because they could not master the balance.


They screamed in surprise, and then the two of them twisted together and fell off the wooden pier.

 Fortunately, there is soft grass below.

 Seeing this scene, Tong Luo paused slightly.

She looked at Qi Wu beside her. Because their feet were tied together, they were very close at the moment, so close that Tong Luo could fully feel the reassuring aura on her body.

 “Let’s go at the pace we said before, just be stable.”


Qi Wu responded.

So while the other teams were struggling to pass the level, Qi Wu and Tong Luo passed by those people as calmly as if they were walking on flat ground.

 Soon other teams discovered that although the team of Qi Wu and Tong Luo were not the fastest, they were the most stable.

 Others may stop at a level two or three times, but they never stop, and gradually they become the group at the front.

 “Only the last fifty meters left.”

Tong Luo couldn't help but smile.

 Both of them were in good physical condition, and there were no unnecessary mistakes, so walking the 400 meters was particularly easy.

 Until they became the first team to reach the finish line, Tong Luo not only did not feel tired, but also relaxed.

 She likes the feeling of going through levels with Qi Wu.

Qi Wu took off the ribbon. The ribbon tied by Tong Luo in a special way was easily untied in her hands in just a few seconds.

 She handed the ribbon back to Tong Luo and said softly: "It's over, we are number one."

 “Well! We are number one!”

Tong Luo responded seriously, but soon her expression became stagnant.

 Because this situation will only happen today.

 After all, they will be each other's rivals in the future.

 (End of this chapter)

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