at this time.

In the ward.

Yang Zitian looked at the photo on the phone, it was the photo of Chen Yang after he saved someone, the bloody arm was particularly eye-catching, as for Li Hu who was crying while hugging Chen Yang's thigh, he had been forgotten.

He moved his fingers and sent the photo to the space.

The accompanying text is as follows:

In my mind, Brother Chen Yang, Chen, is like the return of the God of War, with hundreds of thousands of soldiers kneeling before him, the idol in my heart.

It is understandable that children are relatively secondary.

Tang Jie couldn't swallow the breath in his heart, thinking about what a hero he was in school, when did he suffer such humiliation.

Open the drawer, and there is a dagger with a story lying there.

"I'm back. I'm in trouble this time. I hope you can help me deter him." He stood in front of the drawer and looked at it for a long time, with a voice rippling in his mind.

Pick it up, you are an existence that no one dares to mess with.

In that mysterious place, the people are nice, they speak nicely, the key includes food and shelter, carefree, pick it up, listen to me, pick up the key to the mysterious place.


The mobile phone message sounded.

Tang Jie picked up his phone, turned on the screen, and a photo was reflected in his eyes.


Lost in thought.

Standing in front of the window was Chen Yang, with a smile on his face, and the old Mediterranean man kneeling in front of him, with bloody arms where bones could be seen.

A bloody photo had a great impact on Tang Jie.


The sound of throat moving.


Tang Jie closed the drawer and sealed the key to the mysterious place in the darkness forever.

"Sorry, I was wrong."

He's just a kid...

He just likes to bully his classmates, but he doesn't dare to confront such Chen Yang, he is a chilling guy.

Weird smile, clear eyes, bloody arm.

It's scary, okay?


Lin Fan stood at the entrance of the hospital, and a voice came from his mind.

【mission completed. 】

[Remarks: The creator of the practice of thousands of years of practice showed a gratified smile. Chen Yang, a descendant of the one hundred and ninety-ninth generation, finally became a man. 】

[Reward: Thousands of hammers and hundreds of exercises (success). 】

[Additional reward: Qigong practice method. 】

[Next coming: April 1st. 】

【return! 】

A mysterious force pulled Lin Fan's soul and floated towards the sky. The warm feeling was like returning to the Qingshan Mental Hospital, so comforting.


no awareness.

at this time.

Chen Yang's sleeping body consciousness woke up.

"who I am?"

"where am I?"

The smile disappeared, the clear eyes disappeared, he was the real Chen Yang, not the Chen Yang dominated by Lin Fan.

Chen Yang looked at the surrounding environment in confusion.

He remembered sleeping at home, but how could he appear in the hospital now.

Confused, he raised his hand and wanted to scratch his head.


Severe pain hit.

Chen Yang was dumbfounded when he saw the right arm in plaster, and then there was a heart-piercing scream.

"It hurts, I hurt, where are you, mom..."

Castle Peak Mental Hospital.

Ward 666.

Lin Fan woke up and sat by the bed, it was just after twelve o'clock.


"What an interesting dream, but a little short."

Lin Fan lay down, covered the quilt with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and fell asleep.

Yanhai City, Yanhai Special Department.

The location of the department is in the downtown area. To outsiders, it looks like a commercial building, but there is a universe inside, and the security level is very high. Ordinary people want to enter.

Basically impossible.

Special departments are on the top floor of the building.

At this time, the room was filled with smoke, and a few people who knew it at a glance were sitting there, flipping through the documents in their hands.

"What is placed in front of you is the fluctuation detected when Mount Tai subsides. According to the data, there is a large number of evil things attacking us in Yanhai."

"It's time to test us next."

The man with the square face who spoke was wearing a black eyepatch and had a serious expression. Facing this situation, he had to be very energetic.

There can be no mistakes.

"Leave this matter to me. People from our Maoshan faction are good at tracking evil things, and the students who recently graduated from Maoshan High School also need to hone their skills." A man dressed in muffled clothes, Said the old man wearing a square scarf, carrying a money sword, and missing a few front teeth.

He is the strong man of the Maoshan faction, Lin Daoming.

"Fart, why is it your turn to intervene in everything, the Taoist school is your ancestor, look at the yellow clothes you are wearing, it is a precept garment, only those who break the precepts will wear it, in front of the authentic, you are still a little tender. "

The one who spoke was also an old man, wearing a Hunyuan scarf and a blue Taoist robe, looking at Lin Daoming with contempt, his meaning was very clear, you are a pirate.

Lin Daoming blew his beard and stared, rolled up his sleeves, and was about to start, "You old guy is looking for a beating. We are the Maoshan Shangqing faction, and you say it is Taoist. You have a big face."

The Taoist old man chuckled, "Yes, you are from the Qing school. You can see the ranking of the high court. You are at the bottom. Everyone knows that you are a pirated version. How many people can sign up? Unlike our Taoist high court, you can sign up. There are too many people to count, and they can’t be collected.”

The man with a square face said: "Okay, stop arguing. This matter is very important to Yanhai City. Whether it is Maoshan, Taoism, or Buddhism, everyone should take this matter to heart. If Whoever lets evil things act recklessly in the city and cause irreparable losses, you all have to pack up your things and get out, and make room for those who can."

"The meeting is over."

Yanhai City is not a big city, but it is not small either, with a population of eight million.

Once the evil things are allowed to act recklessly in the city, the consequences will be very serious.

Now Yanhai City's special department is staffed by masters from several major factions. At the same time, students graduating from various factions will join it every year to replenish fresh blood, increase experience in fighting evil things, and become a strong individual in the future.

Today's key high schools are just...

Maoshan High Court, Taoist High Court, Buddhist High Court, Physician High Court.

Known as the four top high schools in the Dragon Kingdom, they have cultivated countless talents.

the next day!

Old man Zhang opened his eyes, and saw Lin Fan sitting on the bed, habitually taking out soy milk from the bedside cabinet, drinking it every day, he would not be happy if he didn't drink it.

"Drink Sprite."

He threw a bag of soybean milk to Lin Fan.


Lin Fan took it, gulped it down, put down the soy milk, and said calmly, "I had a very long dream last night. I became someone else there, did a lot of things, and met a lot of classmates, but they seemed to be the same as me. We're different, they're kind of weird."

Old man Zhang blinked, then said unhappy: "Then why don't you take me there? Didn't we agree that you will take me with you?"

"I left in a hurry, I didn't have time to call you, I will definitely take you next time." Lin Fan promised.

"It's settled, don't lie to me." Old man Zhang calmed down, and said in surprise, "Why have you become fat?"

Lin Fan looked down.


There is a lot of hard meat.

ps: Thank you, Tengu Bailang, for the 50,000 reward.

PS: Thank you Crispy and Mengmeng, Yan gaygay, V Qiudao chopping fish, Rou Rou Da, Er Jiang 1, Funing Scholar, Wan Rewards.

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