The Strong Who Came Out of the Mental Hospital

Chapter 32 I will not be paralyzed

The one-eyed man made a phone call, and not long after, a man in a black suit appeared in the ward with a box of silver needles.

He was puzzled.

But don't ask if you shouldn't ask, and leave in a hurry after delivering the things, without staying for a while.

"Here is the silver needle, you can come now."

The one-eyed man is ready, he will feel his situation very seriously.

How could a dozen or so ordinary silver needles have the power to make him lose consciousness.

"What a beautiful needle." Old man Zhang said.

Lin Fan said: "Well, it is indeed very beautiful, slender and shiny, this time we must take it seriously, don't focus on two things, give him serious treatment, I believe you can make his eyes grow back."


Old man Zhang carefully looked at the one-eyed man's head, while Lin Fan looked seriously at the side, pointing at Tian Linggai and said, "The bulge here is not good-looking."


One stitch down.

"If it doesn't look good, stab him."

Old man Zhang's fingers are very nimble. When a needle is dropped, he is fast, precise and ruthless.

Others can't learn it.

Otherwise, wouldn't all the hard work over the years be in vain?

The one-eyed man felt the changes in his body, but what he didn't expect was that he didn't feel anything. Once the needle was inserted into such an important place, no matter what, he would feel a slight feeling.

Old man Zhang looked very carefully, looking for places that were not pleasing to the eye, even if he looked pleasing to the eye before, but in the blink of an eye, he found that it had changed.

Second stitch!

The third stitch!

Lin Fan pointed to a part, "There is something wrong here."

"Well, I found out too." Old man Zhang said seriously.

Fourth stitch!


The twelfth stitch!

The one-eyed man's heartbeat slowly accelerated. It wasn't that he was pierced, but he didn't feel any discomfort. This seemed terrifying to him.

How did the other party do it.

Suddenly, he thought that it was when the thirteenth needle was inserted before that he would lose consciousness, and it will be the thirteenth needle later, and the reason for it can only be known at that time.

The thirteenth needle fell!

The one-eyed man concentrated on feeling it, and suddenly, his eyes went dark, and with a bang, he fell headfirst to the ground.

Holding the silver needle, old man Zhang stood there in a daze, staring at Lin Fan, bewildered.

"What's wrong with him..."

Lin Fan pondered for a moment and said, "Should be fast asleep."

A nurse stood by the door. She witnessed the whole process, and when she saw the one-eyed man fall to the ground, she immediately screamed heart-piercingly.

"Doctor, help..."

The cry alarmed everyone on this floor.

So what happened.

It made a nurse so terrified.

There was no sound of pressure, the doctor and the nurse ran in, put the one-eyed man on the emergency stretcher and sent him to the emergency room.

When Vice President Li learned about this, he almost fainted.

Is it still alive for people?

On the other hand, Lin Fan and old man Zhang were lying on the bed, lost in thought.

Where is the problem?


There was the sound of an emergency stretcher.

The elder brother who was willing to change wards with Li Ang came in with a stretcher. He stopped at the door and looked at Lin Fan and old man Zhang. These two were the mental patients that the doctors said.

He knew about mental patients.

They are all very dangerous people.

Even he couldn't figure out at all why the mentally ill should be allowed to run around, hurt others or kill others without being punished.

If a mentally ill person kills a person when he is ill, he does not need to bear criminal responsibility, but his family members are only required to bear civil liability for compensation.

What an unfair act.

He looked at his daughter lying on the emergency stretcher, gritted his teeth, and pushed the stretcher into the ward.

His daughter has leukemia and has spent all his savings.

The daily hospitalization expenses were too much for him to bear, and when he learned that there were free wards, he thought of coming here.

Lin Fan and old man Zhang looked at the middle-aged man and then at the little girl lying there.

They looked at each other, full of questions.

What's wrong with her, why is she bald, it's really strange.

"It's too late to regret it now."

The accompanying doctor leaned over and whispered in the man's ear.

"No, it's here." The man shook his head and said firmly.

Zhang Hongmin carried his seven-year-old daughter to the hospital bed, and then moved a chair to sit between the two beds. He wanted to protect his daughter. If the mental patient had any abnormalities, he would definitely fight with her as soon as possible.

"Daddy..." the little girl lying on the hospital bed called softly.

Zhang Hongmin turned his head and touched his daughter's forehead, "Hey, be obedient. When you get better, you can become a lively little princess again. Get a good sleep. Dad will always be here to protect you."

"En." The little girl nodded obediently.

Lin Fan and old man Zhang looked at the little girl curiously, and then at the middle-aged man curiously.

"She's not very well."

"I know acupuncture and moxibustion, so I can help you take a look."

Zhang Hongmin didn't want to pay attention to the two mental patients, but when he heard these words, he looked at the two mental patients vigilantly with a tense face.


Lin Fan just looked at the man calmly, with a smile on his face, without any fluctuation in his eyes.

When ordinary people look at each other with this kind of eyes, they will absolutely shudder and make people terrified.

Zhang Hongmin's throat moved, and he was cold and uncomfortable being looked at by this look, but he must always pay attention to his mental illness, so as not to be attacked by the other party when he is unprepared.

Watch and watch.

He lowered his head unconsciously, not daring to look at each other, but when he thought of his daughter sleeping peacefully behind him, he raised his head and looked at Lin Fan, even if there was sweat on his forehead, he was not afraid at all.

Fatherly love is great.

But the body of a mortal is comparable to a god.

After a long time!

The little girl woke up, she looked at Lin Fan curiously, Lin Fan also looked at the little girl curiously, the two just looked at each other quietly.

The little girl found that the big brother's smile was so gentle.

His eyes are so clear.

She likes this big brother.

Lin Fan pulled his eyelids, stuck out his tongue, and made a grimace.

The little girl let out a ringing laugh, very happy.

It was just the pain that made her frown.

It really hurts.

But she has to be strong and not let Dad worry.

Seeing Lin Fan harassing his daughter, Zhang Hongmin used his not-so-large body to block her, and glared at Lin Fan, as if saying, if you dare to bully my daughter again, I will fight you hard.

Lin Fan tilted his head to watch, and the little girl also stretched her head to watch.

The two looked at each other again.



Lin Fan's smile looked like the sun to the little girl, it gave her a very warm feeling.

It's just that in Zhang Hongmin's view, that smile makes people shudder.



Another emergency stretcher.

The one-eyed man lay there expressionlessly.

The doctor's words kept echoing in my mind.

"Your situation is a bit complicated, that is, your right leg is temporarily paralyzed and you need to rest for a while."

When the doctor said this, he had a weird expression, as if he was saying, you are so awesome, you agree with the mental patient stabbing you, look, it’s better now, temporarily paralyzed.

The one-eyed man was confused.

It wasn't the temporary paralysis of his right leg that frightened him.

It's that he can't believe it.

A mental patient actually paralyzed such a strong man.

How could this be possible.

This is not reality.

He can't accept it.

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