The Strong Who Came Out of the Mental Hospital

Chapter 57 Ah! what's with this light

Li Ang hurriedly ran behind Li Laifu for help, it was terrible.

Fortunately, I was brave enough to retrieve my bank card, otherwise I would suffer a lot.

"Vice President Li, save me quickly, this monster is too terrifying, she almost devoured me." Li Ang was greatly frightened, leaving a great shadow in his heart.

Li Laifu frowned and said: "I saw it just now, she seems to be your girlfriend, you are very affectionate."

Li Ang almost cried, "Vice President Li, you can't spit blood on people."

Li Laifu gripped the golf club tightly, feeling very nervous inside. Even when facing an octopus, he had never been so nervous before. The main reason was that the evil thing in front of him was too ugly, which made him flustered.

"Get out of the way, leave this to us."

When he said these words, Li Laifu felt that his heart had been sublimated. Now he is not only the vice president, but also the head of a big family, bravely facing the cruel enemy with the weapon in his hand.

His palms were covered with sweat. Fortunately, the driver stood beside him, imperceptibly infusing him with some indescribable power. He swore in his heart, after this incident, if I don't promote you immediately, I will Li Laifu tasted Xiangxiang in public.

What a good man, what a loyal subordinate.

If you are always by your side in case of danger, how can you chill the hearts of those who support you.

"Are you afraid?" Li Laifu asked.

The driver said firmly: "Following the footsteps of the vice president, I will not be afraid even if there are mountains of swords and flames in front of me."

Hugging the vice president's thigh is the greatest luck in his life. He is not afraid of any danger. Even if he sacrifices, the vice president will never treat his family badly. A mature man who takes care of his family will not be himself for the rest of his life It is the family, the wife and children, and the wife and children can give everything for the family.

"Okay." Li Laifu said a good word, which included praise to the driver, and then asked, "What's your name?"

It was his fault, the driver went through fire and water for him, but he didn't even know his name, which was too much.

"The yellow crown, the champion's crown."

The driver knew that he had succeeded, and when the deputy dean asked for his name, it meant that he was already a member of the deputy dean.

Always will be, will not change.

Li Laifu nodded and remembered the name in his heart.

at this time.

The mutated woman stood up ferociously, and growled sharply, "Why did you hit me, I want to eat you..."

Then they rushed towards Li Laifu and Huang Guan.

"Look at the trick." Li Laifu had no choice but to bite the bullet and wave the golf club in his hand towards the evil thing.

Huang Guan let out a roar, squinted his eyes, and waved the steel pipe. He was not afraid of danger. If he wanted to win a future for his family, he had no strength and no backing, so he could only do his best.



Two different voices came.

The two of them stared at the scene in front of them. At some point, a bald man appeared. The man was so strong that the evil thing was holding onto the arm of the evil thing with both hands.

A golf club hit him on the head.

The steel pipe hit his back.

"I said you two, you are a bit too much, do you think you are knocking on wooden fish?"

"Look, evil things are not something you can deal with."


The bald man let out a roar, stomped his footsteps, and threw the evil object over his shoulder. With a bang, the evil object was slammed to the ground by him, and then he kicked it away. With a bang, the evil object was hit hard and slid on the ground. After gliding ten meters away, it slowly stopped.

Suddenly, a man with a mahogany sword appeared.

Holding a yellow talisman in his hand, with a flick of his wrist, the yellow talisman lighted up, and with a bang, a ball of flames fell, covering the evil thing, and within a moment, the evil thing was burned to ashes.

"That's not right, this evil thing is only at the second level at most, but the energy detection shows that,

There should be a third-level evil. "The man with the mahogany sword on his back frowned.

Li Laifu and Huang Guan exchanged glances.

The meaning in the eyes of the two is very clear. When encountering this kind of thing, it is still reliable for a professional. You are very good at letting him hold a scalpel, but if you want to fight against evil things, you are looking for a dead end.

In the ward.

Lin Fan and old man Zhang looked a little disappointed, they didn't speak, old man Zhang slowly took off the silver needle from Lao Wang's body, thinking about what happened now, he couldn't help but shed tears.

The old king is dead.

The dead cannot die again.

During the first twelve stitches, Lao Wang was alive and struggling, but at the thirteenth stitch, something unexpected happened, Lao Wang twitched all over, and there was a crackling sound coming from his body, just like firecrackers.

Then we stopped cooking.

"I killed him."

"We killed him."

"No, this has nothing to do with you, I did it."

"We bear it together."

Lin Fan and Old Zhang looked at each other, and then Lin Fan held Old Zhang's shoulders. The two stood by the bed and looked at Old Wang lying on the bed. Incorrect.

It's a bit of a problem with the length.

Lin Fan thought for a while and said, "Old Zhang, let's bear it together, why don't we run away."

"Okay." Old man Zhang said.

Immediately afterwards.

The two looked at Zhang Hongmin who was huddled in the corner.

Zhang Hongmin swallowed in fear. He wasn't afraid that they would kill the monster, but what they did to the monster. The two of them surrounded the monster and talked to themselves, saying things he couldn't understand.

for example:

He is dying.

I know the electric current will save him, I'm going to put his finger in the socket.

? ? ?

It was a very psychedelic operation, and then I saw the monster shaking its body in horror, and finally lay there motionless.

He wanted to tell his benefactor very much.

That's a monster, he's not human.

"I didn't see anything."

Zhang Hongmin waved his hands, hugged his daughter and bowed his head. What he was most afraid of was that the two mentally ill patients were in the onset period, and the situation would be dangerous.


When the four masters knew that there was another evil thing, their expressions became serious. Under the leadership of Li Laifu, they searched for the trace of the evil thing and took out the detectors, but there was no indication at all.

There are only two possibilities not shown.

One is that evil things are hidden.

The other is that evil things are killed by people.

Of course, it is impossible to be beheaded by others. It's not that they are bragging. Even if the small universe in the body of ordinary people explodes, it is useless, so they already think that evil things are hidden.

This is very troublesome.

Just now they checked the situation of this evil creature, it is a completely metamorphic insect, it is very complicated, fortunately it was discovered in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

This kind of evil has the ability to parasitize.


It seems that the hospital is to be sealed off, and the surrounding situation must be searched carefully. No matter if it is a catastrophe or something, the evil thing must be found no matter what.

"Be careful in this ward, because inside..."

Li Laifu introduced that he hoped that the four masters should pay attention to what they say. When you talk to us, you can be a little bit hot-tempered or a little bit bad, but there are special existences for the two of them.

Also please be a little more honest.

open the door.

A ray of light appeared in the room, which made them unable to open their eyes.


What's with this light.

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