Chapter 670 of the strong man who came out of the mental hospital, Mom...Yanhai City.

A group of people came.

Neither Polk nor Archimonde were willing to go back. They only wanted to take a look at the place where Lin Fan lived. At first they thought that the place where Lin Fan lived must be as strong as a cloud, but after they came here, they realized that they had thought too much. .

There are many weak people.

There are even a lot of people with no cultivation level, and they all think a little differently from what they think.

But the building is very new.

It's something they've never seen before.

at this time.

A figure came.

It was said before that there is no strong man, but now when the breath of the strong man came, Archimonde and others showed doubts, not knowing who was coming.

Ming helped Lin Fan sit here and protect the safety of Yanhai City. He found Lin Fan back immediately and rushed over to meet Lin Fan without even thinking about it.

"I'm back." Ming asked expectantly.

There was a reason for him guarding this place, and it had been discussed beforehand. He had been looking forward to Lin Fan going to the forbidden space of the starry sky to bring back things for him for a long time.

Lin Fan smiled and said, "Yes, I have really troubled you during this time."

It doesn't matter if it's not troublesome.

The key is the stuff...

Ming asked: "Then this thing..."

The meaning is clear.

What else do you want, just give me the things, I don't get involved in any of your affairs, and I don't even really want to stay here, I just want to go back and wait.

Lin Fan thought of it, and slapped his forehead, "Oh, I forgot, I'm really sorry, I was so happy to find my daughter, I even forgot what you entrusted to me, but it's okay, I'll do it next time I'll find it for you sometime."

Few people can understand the distress in Ming's heart.

What can I do if I meet someone like Lin Fan.

The other party broke the appointment,

Did not bring what was promised earlier.

Can't bear to beat each other up violently?

Don't do it.

With Lin Fan's strength, he fights with his life, so what if he takes him with him or not, even if Lin Fan told him bluntly, I don't want to take it for you, his mouth was twisted in anger, but the result was still the same .

The most is to leave complaining.

Run away angrily.

Just when Ming was about to say some polite words, Lin Fan patted him on the shoulder, "I still have some things to do now, so I won't talk to you any more. After I finish my work, I will go find you. Goodbye. "

Before Ming could say anything.

Lin Fan led them away directly, leaving Ming staring at Lin Fan's back in astonishment.

Polk noticed that the surrounding eyes had been staring at them, and whispered: "Ake, your image seems a bit scary, and the creatures here are frightened by you."

Archimonde glanced at Polk and said nothing.

People who have been dead for hundreds of thousands of years emit a rancid smell all over their bodies, and they don't want to pay attention to them.

He knew who Pok wrote those disgusting words for when he died, didn't he just hope that Lin Fan would come back, and wanted him to see these nasty things, and then feel reluctant to save him? Come back.


From top to bottom, I have already seen through you.

"Ke Lan, are you nervous?" Lin Fan found that Ke Lan looked very nervous. It has been like this since before, and it is understandable when you think about it. When you meet for the first time, you must be very nervous.

Ke Lan said, "Dad, will mother dislike me?"

Lin Fan touched Ke Lan's head and said, "Don't worry, I won't dislike you, our Ke Lan is so cute."

"En." With Lin Fan's encouragement, Ke Lan breathed a sigh of relief, but she could still see a trace of nervousness on her face.


Mu Qing has already resettled a house in Yanhai City, so staying in a hotel all the time is definitely not enough. Fortunately, she has a lot of money, and buying a house is a trivial matter.

Jingle Bell!

The doorbell rang.

"I'm coming……"

Ke Lan, who was standing outside the door, heard the crisp sound coming from inside, as well as the sound of approaching footsteps. She just adjusted her mood and began to get nervous again.

open the door.

When Mu Qing saw the people outside, his expression was a little surprised, especially when he saw Archimonde's face, he was even more surprised, as if he was frightened.

"Are you back?" Mu Qing smiled, "Come in first."

No matter who appeared in front of her, as long as she came back with Lin Fan, she was used to it, but what made her quite curious was who was the girl standing beside Lin Fan, holding Lin Fan's arm all the time.

Could it be a woman outside?

Think here.

Mu Qing was a bit apprehensive, although her face was expressionless, her mood gradually became less friendly, a big liar, a really big liar.

Pok and Archimonde already knew that the woman in front of them was Lin Fan's most important woman and would also be Ke Lan's mother. She had a high status, so she had to keep a low profile and learn to speak well.

living room.

Lin Fan smiled and said, "Let me introduce you, this is Pope Pork, Abyss Lord Archimonde, Dragon God."

Poke and Archimonde faced Mu Qing, showing what they thought were the brightest smiles in their lives.

I can't wait to shout together with Ke Lan...Mom.

If Lin Fan and Mu Qing didn't dislike them, they wouldn't have a big problem.

"This is Xiao Huang, my pet, raised before." Lin Fan introduced Xiao Huang.

Xiao Huang's strength is extraordinary, but the essence of dog licking is nature, lying at Mu Qing's feet, wagging his tail, he looks very cute.

Mu Qing responded with a smile, but there was already a turmoil in her heart. It seemed that her thinking was correct. The most important person should always be introduced last?

Those women introduced before.

They say they like you.

And you also said that you have no feelings for them.

The one I bring now wants to tell me that I like her, and she likes me too, I can't refuse, can you accept it?

If so.

Mu Qing didn't know what to say.

Lin Fan didn't know what Mu Qing was thinking, so he introduced: "This is Ke Lan, our daughter, she misses you very much, and she brought you to see you as soon as she came back, Ke Lan, call someone..."

"Mother." Ke Lan was very nervous and called sweetly.

Mu Qing was dumbfounded by this behavior, and she was a little dazed.


Called mother directly.

She had heard Lin Fan tell her about having a daughter, but it had always been treated as a joke, and now this...

Mu Qing's thoughts are very confused, I am still very young, I have not done that kind of thing, I just became a mother, and the child is still so old, this...

Lin Fan said: "Honey, Ke Lan is very bitter, waiting for us for hundreds of thousands of years."

Mu Qing was shocked again.


Open your mouth.

Hundreds of thousands of years?

She had the feeling that Lin Fan was ill, but looking at the situation in front of her, it didn't seem like that.

"Can I slow down?" Mu Qing got up and walked towards the toilet.


Ke Lan looked at Lin Fan, "Dad, does mother not like me?"

Lin Fan said: "Stupid child, how is that possible? Your mother is just too happy and wants to take a break from being so happy. Don't have any psychological pressure."

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