The Strong Who Came Out of the Mental Hospital

Chapter 81 Xiao Ding, you are so good

The evil crow is very tired, it is an evil, and following humans is to let the other party see his majesty.

And now.

Human beings' excessive behavior completely enraged it, revealing its true body. In its current situation, as long as human beings are not blind, with their fearful hearts, they will definitely stand up in panic and scream in panic.

The evil crow travels in Yanhai City, sees the essence of human beings clearly, and deeply understands what human beings think in their hearts.

It's just that it's a bit incomprehensible in the current situation.

Lin Fan straightened the crow's figure, and looked at it with its eyes open. What Professor Feiqin said should be right, and he wanted to practice the professor's theory to the end.

The evil crow didn't have the heart to continue playing with Lin Fan. Suddenly, it flapped its wings, lifted its claws off the ground, and grabbed Lin Fan's face with its sharp claws.

"Don't make trouble."

Lin Fan slapped the evil crow's claws on the bed with a bit of force, and there was a clicking sound, it broke, really broke.

It was as if someone had brutally hammered its claws with a hammer.


The evil crow looked at Lin Fan in horror.


The other party is definitely not an ordinary human being.

Who is it, how can it be so powerful, has it been playing with it from the beginning to now?

Thinking of such a humble human being playing with it from the very beginning, its mentality has already exploded a bit.

If the evil crow could talk.

It absolutely will.

I was wrong, I was really wrong, the humble human made it down to be touched by him back then, if it knew the current situation, it would definitely fly to the top of Lin Fan's head, take a shit, and then leave in despair.


You want to eat shit.

It was gradually getting brighter.

Old man Zhang opened his eyes with a huff, and said in a daze, "Lin Fan, you woke up so early."

He took out two bags of soybean milk from the cabinet and threw one bag to Lin Fan.

The soy milk hit Lin Fan.


"What's wrong with you?" Old Zhang asked.

I usually receive it easily, so why is there no response this time.


He saw a pool of blood on the wall, and there was a dead body lying quietly in the corner. If he guessed correctly, it was a pet eagle.

"What's wrong with it?" Lao Zhang hurriedly came to Lin Fan's side and asked.

"Dead." Lin Fan said.

"How did you die?"

"I don't know, it's like this..."

For you to remember.

In the early hours of the morning, it was almost dawn.

The evil crow can't stand this kind of inhuman torture. It wants to kill humble humans, but it will always be the one who gets hurt. It wants to escape from here, but it has nowhere to escape like a cage.

When it wanted to sleep, the other party opened its eyelids.

Its eyes were clouded, and even flaming, a sign of going blind.

It had nowhere to escape, but Lin Fan's gaze broke through the last line of defense in its heart.

Roaring in my heart.

Today, although I die!

But I'm still an evil crow!

Then it slammed into the wall, with a bang, a black wing fluttered, and as the crow fell, it slowly landed on the ground.

Nothing happened.

Lin Fan was stunned, and wanted to call Lao Zhang to get up and save the eagle, but Lao Zhang slept too soundly, thinking that Lao Zhang had lost weight recently, he couldn't bear it, so he quietly looked at the dead pet eagle.

"I'll save it."

Lao Zhang took out the big treasure, and faced the cold corpse with a dignified expression, he operated it for a while, the silver needle fell, fast and ruthless, wherever he felt uncomfortable, the eagle felt uncomfortable everywhere, so there were a lot of places to pierce.

After a while.

Lao Zhang regretted: "I have tried my best, but I can't save him."

Lin Fan patted Lao Zhang on the shoulder and comforted him, "It's not your fault.


"I know it's not my fault, it died too early."

"Well, if he dies slowly, he will definitely be saved."

"Have a drink."


The two drank Coke and Sprite while looking at the crow's body.

There is a touch of happiness.

With a touch of sadness.

It's just that for the mentally ill, happiness is much more than sadness.

Sun Neng took over Li Ang's morning shift, passing by the situation in Ward 666, his eyes were wide open, and he covered his mouth, not daring to let himself make a sound.


It was the carcass of a crow.

The crow represents the unknown, even the unknown bird died in this ward, how terrifying it is.

Dean Hao had ordered them to keep an eye on the crow in Ward 666, and to report in time if there was anything wrong.

Sun Neng's hand holding the phone was shaking.

Dial the number.

"Dean, something happened."

"It's not that something happened to them, but something happened to the crow you brought my attention to. It died in ward 666."

"Well, I didn't go in, I was a little nervous."

After hanging up the phone.

Sun Neng stood outside the ward and looked inside quietly, feeling very nervous. The dean told him not to go in yet, so it goes without saying that when he saw this scene, he never thought about going in.

No matter how high the salary is, he won't go in, unless he can venture in and have a look if the salary is three or four times higher.

But it's just an adventure.

In the office.

Dean Hao rubbed his chin and fell into deep thought. The crow is an evil thing. It is indeed unexpected that the evil thing died in Ward 666, but it is reasonable, and there is not much conflict between the two.

He just didn't want to understand.

How the fuck did it happen.

Dean Hao stroked his white hair and was very tired. He had long seen that the crow was a first-level evil, and even the second-level evil, the mourning dog, was eaten by two patients in ward 666. Worry.

Could it be that they can really practice?

It just doesn't look like it.

Dean Hao has always thought of himself as a dedicated and dedicated dean, and he is worried about the mental hospital.

Retirement in ten years.

Enjoy retirement.

There shouldn't be any problems.

Ward 666.

Lin Fan and Lao Zhang squatted there watching for a long time.


The sound of hunger.

"A little hungry." Lin Fan said.

"Let's eat." Old Zhang said.

Lin Fan carried the crow and walked outside. Sun Neng, who was standing outside, hurriedly avoided it, pretending not to see it, and pretending to be patrolling there.

Two psychopaths pass by him.

He pretended not to see it.

Lin Fan and Lao Zhang smiled at Sun Neng.

Sun Neng was facing the wall and couldn't see anything, and I couldn't see your smiles either. When the two walked away, he sneaked after them again.

The crow is a bit big, it seems to be twice as big as the one I saw yesterday.

Could it be...

A picture popped up in my mind.

The two mental patients brutally stuffed things into the crow's mouth, and then swelled up like this, the more they thought about it, the more they felt shuddering.



Ding Ye looked gently at every mentally ill patient who was eating. She is a caring nurse. When she saw Lin Fan and Lao Zhang coming, she said with a smile on her face:

"Are you hungry?"

Lin Fan handed the eagle to Ding Ye, "This is the eagle I picked up, it died, I want to stew it, can you help me?"


Ding Ye looked left and right, but he couldn't tell that it was an eagle. If he had to say it, wasn't it just a big crow?

Can such a big crow eat?


Ding Ye smiled, and did not refuse. It is not a very wise thing to refuse the mentally ill. They need care, and they should wrap their lonely hearts with their own love.

Hope to heal them with love.

see the light.

Lin Fan and Lao Zhang sat there and waited quietly.

Ding Ye carried the crow to the back kitchen.

"Auntie, please stew a chicken."

Although they don't know where they got the crows, it's better not to eat crows, so they plan to steal the dragon and replace the crows with chickens. If the dean knows, he will also praise him.

Xiao Ding, you are so smart.

Very good.

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