Generally speaking, when it comes to candidates who are proficient in the domineering tricolor and are good teachers, then the first is Hades Rayleigh.

As the right and left hand of One Piece, the famous legendary sea pirate Rayleigh is definitely one of the professor’s domineering first choices.

However, does this mean that Lin Tian wants to choose Reilly?

Of course NO!

In addition to Rayleigh, Lin Tian also knew a person who was proficient in tricolor domineering.

That is the future Nanabukai, Pirate Lady Dyboya Hancock!

Since there are already beautiful and moving female emperors to choose, then for Lei Li, a big man with his feet, Lin Tian of course refuses.

“Why do you choose a man if there are beautiful women?”

Lin Tian muttered, his tone extremely natural.

At this moment, the hot long knife in Lin Tian’s hand also slowly dissipated.

“It seems that the time for the flow of the blade is up, and the matter of learning domineering now must be put on the agenda.”

Lin Tian shook his head, and Deidara had already asked, “Lord Heavenly Emperor, what is that domineering?” Do I have to learn it? ”

Lin Tian glanced at Deidara, and replied, “What do you think of that admiral named Qingjian just now?” ”

Deidara said seriously: “Very strong! Although I am not afraid of him, I feel that it will be very difficult to fight, because his body is very strange, and it seems that he can reorganize and recover indefinitely. ”

“Observe it quite carefully.”

Lin Tian nodded and said, “That’s right, in this world, there is a kind of person who is a Devil Fruit ability of the natural system, and the green pheasant is one of the representatives. ”

“But all those who are natural Devil Fruit abilities have a move called elementalization, that is, a simple physical attack, almost unable to hurt them, even if it is broken and broken, it can be easily recovered!”

“More perverted than I thought?!” Deidara’s face was shocked, “How did Lord Emperor beat him to ashes and escape that day?” ”

“There is a direct way to injure the elemental body, which is to use the same elemental attack. As long as the restraint is strong enough or fierce enough, then it can affect the elemental body with the element, and naturally it can also injure the pheasant. ”

Lin Tian explained that in fact, in the battle just now, Lin Tian had been suppressing the green pheasant with a high-temperature flame like a flowing blade.

Because the restraint of fire against ice is too strong, and the flowing blade is the strongest flame slashing knife, so Lin Tian didn’t even use the swastika solution, so he beat the green pheasant so that he didn’t even recognize his mother.

Deidara realized, “Is that another method, that is, using domineering attacks?” ”

“That’s right, learn smart, Deidara.”

Lin Tian laughed, and Deidara still looked embarrassed.

“Hehe, Lord Heavenly Emperor is really a prize.”

“Shut up, I’m not praising you.”

Lin Tian’s expression was blank, and he was speechless to Deidara.

After half a ring, Lin Tiancai continued: “In this world, there is also a power called armed color domineering. Once the armed color domineering is attached, then no matter what attack can directly hit the elemental body! ”

In this sea, there are many people who are capable of fruiting in nature.

With the momentum of the organization, the natural enemies encountered in the future will only increase.

If it is not domineering, then it is bound to be extremely difficult.

Deidara and Beast Dao both realized, and the group headed towards Nine Snake Island.

With the powerful speed of the Dawn, in just a few days, Lin Tian approached Nine Snake Island.

The legendary Nine Snake Island, also known as Daughter Island, is full of women and men are not allowed to enter.

This mysterious island, nestled in the windless zone on the edge of the Great Shipping Route, is a treacherous place where countless sea kings lurk as nightmares at sea.

Ordinary people who want to pass through the windless zone will not only be unable to walk because there is no wind, but also may become a plate meal at any time because of the ravages of the sea king!

In the past, only the Amazon, Lily, the country where Nine Snakes Island is located, had the technology to pull boats through the windless belt.

But now, the Navy has also developed the technology of relying on sea lou stones to pass through the windless belt, which makes Amazon Lily directly lose the natural danger and become precarious!

And just today, Amazon Lily welcomed another uninvited guest.

“Lord Heavenly Emperor, there is no wind at all in this area, and there is no way to drive the Dawn.”

The animal road tried to adjust the angle of the sail a few times, but without exception it was to no avail.

No matter how fast the Dawn is, at least it needs to be propelled by the wind.

“Isn’t this simple, if there is no wind, just create the wind yourself.”

This was not a difficult point for Lin Tian at all, and he directly snapped his fingers.

“Deidara, up!”

“Yes!” Deidara jumped up and raised his hand to send out several flying clay bombs.


The clay bomb flew not far away, and it exploded together, and the violent aftermath formed a strong wind, directly pushing the dawn forward!

“Also… And this method? ”

Beast Dao was stunned, and only felt that Lord Heavenly Emperor was really too resourceful.

“Who arbitrarily detonated bombs in the territory of the concubine?!”

At this moment, an extremely angry voice came from not far away.

“Huh? This voice is…”

Lin Tian turned over and got up from the sun lounger, and saw that a pirate ship appeared not far away, and there were several huge sea beasts pulling boats in front, which was undoubtedly the Nine Snakes Pirate Group of Amazon Lily!

Since it is the Nine Snakes Pirate Group, then the owner of this nice voice has no one else.

It is the target that Lin Tian is looking for in this trip – the Pirate Emperor, Boya Hancock!

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