It was only when Ye Tian patted Su Wei's shoulder that he reacted, and the two walked side by side towards the interior of the dynasty.

At this time, the imperial city was completely silent, and even the birds around were aware of it, and the chilling atmosphere inside did not dare to make a sound at all.

The two walked towards the castle where Su Qing lived according to their previous memories.

Along the way, I also met a lot of soldiers, but they no longer had the energetic look they used to be. Instead, they all looked lazy and gave up the task of patrolling. Maybe they also knew that compared with These troops outside, they are really insignificant.

Not long after, Ye Tian and Su Wei arrived at the edge of the castle.

Just as the two entered the door, a stern voice came from inside.


"It's the two of us, aunt, what happened?"

"Come in and talk."

As if aware of the helplessness in Su Qing's words, Ye Tian and Su Wei couldn't help but turn a little darker.

The two followed the sound into the bedroom, and as soon as they looked up, they saw Su Qing sitting on the chair.

All I know is that there is no more trips, the stern look in the past, and the complexion is very pale. There is no anger in the eyes of the elf, and the beauty of the beauty is even more delicate in the shadow of the candle.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian also realized the seriousness of the matter and quickly said.

"What's the matter? You speak quickly, and only if you say it can there be a solution!"

"Solution!? Now there are 2,000 soldiers around the city, and the internal defenders are only at a ratio of 1:10, coupled with low morale, how do you tell me to fight!

The troops outside are finally anxious, without me, there is no strength, and there is no movement at all! Now we are trapped beasts! Trapped beasts, do you understand!"

After hearing Ye Tian's anxious words, Su Qing suddenly burst out.

Seeing that the other party kept pacing and looking like a madman, Ye Tian didn't speak, just looked at her quietly.

Maybe let her all vent out, and she will feel better.

After Su Qing finished venting, she sat on the chair again as if she was tired, but at this time Ye Tian could clearly feel that the other party's face was no longer pale, and after finding the pressure, the whole person seemed to relax.

Taking this opportunity, Ye Tian said quickly.

"Su Qing, as long as I can find a way to get the news out, can you guarantee that you can lead the enemy troops outside to the location I want to designate!"

"Don't be joking, I was worried about Weier's life and I planned to fight with them in the end, but now it doesn't seem necessary.

After a while, until tomorrow morning, I will draw up a decree agreeing to the Union's actions.

When the time comes, the two of you will have the opportunity to go out like this, and when you return to the mainland, you will want to find a quiet place to live well, and never come back here again."

After saying all this, Su Qing seemed to have exhausted all her strength, and waved her hand to signal one or two people to retreat.

"Are the people of the Su family so cowardly!? Oh, no wonder they came here like a lost dog..."_

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